Get Inspired, Be Empowered Forums Gender-based Violence Whether self defence training be become compulsory for girls?

8 replies, 8 voices Last updated by Aditi Sahu 2 years, 11 months ago
  • Woospire
    anshika agarwal
    Not Helpful

    Yes, self defense training should be become compulsory for women. In India women are not safe at all. India is the fourth unsafe country for women. Delhi, India’s capital is the most unsafe city. That’s why they need learning of self defense. Self defense is a very important training in the kind of world we are living today.
    In india we most commonly listen the cases of rape, murder, molestation, kidnapping, acid attacks etc. Women usually considered as the weaker gender by the criminals and that’s why they target women. Its time that we make each and every women realise that she is strong enough to fight for her battle. Its just that they need a right platform to awaken and highlight their inner power and utilize it whenever it is required. Self Defense should be the compulsory subject in all schools and colleges of urban and rural areas. It should be dtarted from 1st class till college levels. Those who cannot afford these trainings like in rural areas they should be given by the government. The government should start it as soon as possible. Young girls should be given training of self defense techniques including the training of judo, karate or Marshall arts. It will help them in boosting their confidence and upgrading their personal growth. If a woman is trained then she can even walk late at night without having any fear in her mind. Instead of saving her from being victimized, let her learnt how to fight. So let’s each and everyone of us help in making our women the Warriors and save themselves from being a victim. It’s High Time now. We need to give them a teaching of how to fight back and how to stand up for themselves. How to differentiate between good or bad touch. Even if a single member of the family had learnt this she can pass it on to others. It will be good step in making our nation safer.

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    Yes, Self-defense training should be compulsory for girls so that they can defend herself in every situation. Because of increasing cases of rape, sexual harassment, child abuse, domestic violence, molestation, acid attack to fight back with such situation women need to have self-defense training. By learning self-defense it not only help them to fight back with every situation it will also help them to be fit and healthy for their daily work life. Girls can also learn different types of self-defense like boxing, karate, judo, wrestling, etc. This all are just types of self-defense girls can learn for herself to be confident and freely it is not compulsory to learn types of self-defense but girls should know atleast basics of self-defense. In schools also like sports they should make compulsory session of self-defense training for every girls to take initiative to learn self-defense. And from school onwards girls will atleast have basics of self-defense which may lead in decrease of child abuse. By fighting back with such situation will create some amount of fear in criminals mind. Girls who don’t get permission from parents to go outside at night because parents feel scared if their child lead with any kind of situation like Physical harassment but if girls will know about self-defense techniques than parents can atleast think to give permission to her daughter to go outside at night. This is what self-defense makes important in every girls life to feel free to go anywhere without getting scared. Girls who can’t attend any training of self-defense session they can also watch videos online because Now-a-days technology has become very fast that we can get many videos on youtube of self-defense by seeing that videos girls should must learn basics atleast. Government should arrange campaign and organisation for self-defense training in village for girls it will definitely help girls to learn self-defense.

    Not Helpful

    Yes,self defense training must be complusory for women and girls, but for everyone. Self defense training helps in protecting ourselves from any violence happening on us. But very few women and girls take this self defense training, school and college need to adopt self defense training providing to all students and also for faculty members. Because we all have idea that how much is violence is happening there is no age Barrier.the main problem comes when girl or women tries do not able themselves from any harrasment happening they feel helpless when no one is around ,if she have known self defense them she could have defend herself. Even company can keep training for Women employees. self defense training should be of free of cost especially for women because most of the violence happens with women as compare men. People have never taken this training seriously because our organisation and government not tried to promote this. In rural areas don’t Even know what this means there is need create awareness and provide training to women. Self defense basic are not difficult it teach special techniques if somebody colser so how to block them. Some schools keeps this training but they kept it as option not complusory so lot of students never give that much importance to this. Women want to learn this but they not get coach easily to train them. So if provide training more no.of training there is chances women can have interest aso she can learn more and can be trainer for it. Self defense training helps thewomen to gain the self-confidence they don’t fear to go anywhere alone. Self defense can also learn from online sources there lot of videos are available . Women and girls needs to prioritize this self defense training it will be helpful to them in many ways.Yes,self defense training must be complusory for women and girls, but for everyone. Self defense training helps in protecting ourselves from any violence happening on us. But very few women and girls take this self defense training, school and college need to complusorily adopt self defense training providing to all students and also for faculty members. Because we all have idea that how much is violence is happening there is no age Barrier.the main problem comes when girl or women tries do not able themselves from any harrasment happening they feel helpless when no one is around ,if she have known self defense them she could have defend herself. Even company can keep training for Women employees. self defense training should be of free of cost especially for women because most of the violence happens with women as compare men. People have never taken this training seriously because our organisation and government not tried to promote this. In rural areas don’t Even know what this means there is need create awareness and provide training to the women. Self defense basic are not difficult it teach special techniques if somebody try to be close so how to block them. Some schools keeps this training but they kept it as option not complusory so lot of students never give that much importance to this. Women want to learn this but they not get coach easily to train them. So if provide training more no.of training there is chances women can have interest aso she can learn more and can be trainer for it. Self defense training helps thewomen to gain the self-confidence they don’t fear to go anywhere alone. Self defense can also learn from online sources there lot of videos are available . Women and girls needs to prioritize this self defense training it will be helpful to them in many ways.Yes,self defense training must be complusory for women and girls, but for everyone. Self defense training helps in protecting ourselves from any violence happening on us. But very few women and girls take this self defense training, school and college need to complusorily adopt self defense training providing to all students and also for faculty members. Because we all have idea that how much is violence is happening there is no age Barrier.the main problem comes when girl or women tries do not able themselves from any harrasment happening they feel helpless when no one is around ,if she have known self defense them she could have defend herself. Even company can keep training for Women employees. The self defense training should be of free of cost especially for women because most of the violence happens with women as compare men. People have never taken this training seriously because our organisation and government not tried to promote this. In rural areas don’t Even know what this means there is need create awareness and provide training to the women. Self defense basic are not difficult it teach special techniques if somebody try to come close so how to block them. Some schools keeps this training but they kept it as option not complusory so lot of students never give that much importance to this. Women want to learn this but they not get coach easily to train them. So if provide training more no.of training there is chances women can have interest aso she can learn more and can be trainer for it. Self defense training helps thewomen to gain the self-confidence they don’t fear to go anywhere alone. Self defense can also learn from online sources there lot of videos are available . Women and girls needs to prioritize this self defense training it will be helpful to them in many ways.

    Yash Tiwari
    Not Helpful

    Girls need to be empowered more for their self-defense. There is a rise in many rape cases every year in India that’s why they need to learn self-defense. In India, one case is published almost every 20 minutes. So they must learn self-defense to protect themselves from the uninvited attention of men. Women are harassed every day in the streets of India. No one has tried to find a solution for this. Some women got injured in rape, they have lost their life too many times. Women are unsafe from men even in public transport such as railroads and buses. The ministry of women and child development is planning to implement self-defense training into the girl’s education syllabus so that they learn self-defense at school itself.

    A girl’s parents, teachers, and friends should encourage them to learn kickboxing and any other self-defense skills. They are going to be moms and daughters someday. They should be aware of the threats that all women face today. It is never the wrong thing to train yourself for self-defense. In the long run, this training is going to save your life. It could help you by the fight against any attacker who tries to rape or attack you. Women have been to date treated as vulnerable and weak humans. It is time for society to change and be much more tolerant towards women. They are equal and deserve the same treatment as men.

    It is a sad fact that women are the weaker sex when compared to men. They are usually considered as the weaker gender by the criminals and that’s why they target women. Women need to be given equal rights and freedom for a healthy social life, opportunities for growth and development. I am not justifying the crimes but want to bring into notice the fact that women should have the right platform to awaken and highlight their inner power and utilize it whenever it is required. If we compare the male and female bodies, then there is no major difference between these two genders. Both may fall prey to deviant elements or sexual harassment. Thus all men and women deserve equal protection from society. Therefore self-defense for girls should be made compulsory so that they can protect themselves from any evil elements at any time.

    Imagine an innocent girl in a public bus being molested by a man. She is surrounded by others and sitting in a corner. There is no one to help her. Everyone becomes mute spectators assuming it’s her fault to be in a lonely spot with the guy. This can be prevented if she is taught how to defend herself. The government should make self-defense training compulsory for girls in schools. It will help them to avoid eve-teasing and other harassment by bad elements. In foreign countries, they even have a separate coaching center for women, where they teach how to protect themselves from strangers. The girls in our country should also be given this type of training at least by the age of 16 or 18 so that they can protect themselves and their family members from any harm.

    Manpreet Singh
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    In society, atrocities against women are not fresh phenomena. Women were generally seen since time immemorial as victims of masculine chauvinism and hostility. But in the last two centuries women have been stepping up to protest against their male colleagues’ attitudes and brutality as a result of the development of women’s education and some reforms in Bengal. Again, this offers the opportunity for women in and out of their homes to face new menaces. The National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) reports in India in 2016 that there are about 39 crimes committed against women every hour in India. Unfortunately, we have no unreported data. The NFHS-4 reports show that every third female in India since she was 15 years old has been subjected to some type of domestic violence that reveals the terrible truth. In terms of women’s security, India was also ranked the world’s most unsafe country. Women account for nearly 48% of India’s 1.2 billion population, but for decades they face the risk of sexual assault. In 2016, around 58,000 violations in India were recorded.
    Many campaigners think things have become more difficult in recent years because women too often are encouraged to remain invisible, both culturally and socially. Girls are advised to speak not before men in many towns and the majority of rural India, they have to apply for permission prior to their departure, and married women cannot leave their houses without their husbands. The Government is taking steps towards self-defense training of girls in schools to safeguard their safety, since crime against women is increasing across the nation. Training should be conducted in all corners of the world from the outset. The training should be offered to government schools, colleges, girls’ hostels, hostels recognized by the Department of Social Welfare, BPL-listed women, slum dwellers, orphanage students, etc. The Nirbhaya Fund empowerment committee, under the Ministry of Women and Child Development, approved this suggestion in principle to include the self-defense training in the Curriculum.

    038 deepika Singh
    Not Helpful

    With an increase in the number of crimes against children like kidnapping, molestation, sexual assault, the need to include self- defence in the school curriculum has become a necessity rather than just an option. I believe that self defence should be a core subject in our schools just like English and maths.
    Why is self-defence an important requirement in today’s time?
    Learning self-defence at an early age helps a child to ensure his personal safety and defence. Children are more prone to crimes than adults as they are often considered easy targets and defenceless. Teaching your child self- defence means allowing hum to learn how to tackle an impending danger without falling in trap. Learning self- defence allows a child to be more aware of his/her environment, they are not only trained physically but also mentally. They are taught to deal with the unexpected, hence they are ready for anything. Not only this, but defence also a student to boost his self esteem allowing him to explore his full potential. A child with such abilities can not only rescue himself but also help others at times of distress. Self- defence also helps in empowering of a girl child. A physically and mentally strong girl can protect herself from the crimes that are associated to women.
    Self defence not only raises self-assurance and confidence in children and help them under uncanny situations but also serves as a pathway to a healthy and fit lifestyle. It has become of the basic necessities these days, considering the increasing rates of crimes against children especially girls. Schools should not merely focus on educational excellence of a child but should also prepare them for the worst. Self- defence is today’s need and it a must in our school-curriculum.

    Afshan Iqbal
    Not Helpful

    More than 370,000 cases of crimes against women were reported in 2020, as per the Government of India. In 2021, there was a 30 percent rise in complaints of crimes against women. These are not just statistics, this is an eye-opener for all of us that should alarm us about the crimes that women are facing against them which increase every day. There are many instances of crime that go unreported in India. So just imagine the rate of crime against women in India.
    Women are assaulted, raped, kidnapped eve teased, etc. Crime against women isn’t limited to roads and strangers, women are not safe even at their homes and in between the people they know. Women are facing domestic violence, they are molested by their own family members, they have to face assault for dowry, workplace harassment is at an all-time high in our country, and what not!
    Looking at the number of crimes happening every day, especially against girls, is alarming enough to include Self-defense training in schools/colleges across the country and make it compulsory for girls of all age groups. If self-defense training is included in the school/college it will help girls to be shielded from abuse and violence. Crimes like trafficking, abuse, rape, acid attacks, and molestation with girls are rapidly increasing thus it will be a big step to curb these crimes.
    A girl who can protect herself from dangerous situations can also protect other girls. Empowering girls with these self-defense techniques along with education will raise the possibility of a safer world for girls. Self-defense classes will boost the confidence of the girls. This will help girls to protect themselves from unseen dangers. The government should focus on self-defense and make it a compulsory part of institutions across the country. It will build a strong personality in girls and it will always be a part of their lives.

    Aditi Sahu
    Not Helpful

    Self defence is something that everyone should be equipped with. We are living in a society which is developing rapidly in terms of everything except when it comes to measures for women’s safety. We still rely on women to train themselves against the possible molesters or rapists instead of developing something that can stop the perpetrators from doing such disgusting activities.

    Well, the reality can’t be changed and hence till the government comes up with a solution that can stop the perpetrators from doing such things, we have only one option and that is self defence. And yes, self defence training needs to become compulsory and accessible for girls because only then they will be able to protect themselves.

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