Get Inspired, Be Empowered Forums Gender Justice When a man cooks food it is called as an Art but when a woman cooks food it is called as her Duty. Why?

12 replies, 12 voices Last updated by Shumaila Siddiqui 3 years, 7 months ago
  • Woospire
    anshika agarwal
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    The most common thing that everybody has listened atleast once in their life is ” the way to man’s heart is through his stomach”. If the way to his heart goes through his stomach then why he didn’t learnt how to cook? Why nobody talks about way of women’s heart?
    Cooking is regardless of gender. So, it can be done by any gender. It’s not always a women’s job to cook food for her husband and then after doing a lot of stuff she is said that she is not up to the mark. Seriously, if you have so many issues with her cooking then why you don’t do this by yourself? Women are not made just for cooking according to her in-laws taste. How long women’s mother is blamed for mot teaching her daughter how to cook?Cooking is one of the so-called predominant feminine qualities. When some men try to cook and help their wives then society takes their cooking as an art. Why? Because according to society it’s women’s duty. We cannot deny to the fact that most of the best chefs in the world are men. This clearly states that men are also capable of cooking and they can also consider it as their duty like women. Cooking is an art which can be done by both men and women and it should be same for both either an art or a duty. Women still not blaming anyone or denying to cook food but when it is said that it is their duty they broke down.
    Therefore cooking is an art and it doesn’t have any gender. Both men and women wants to eat food but when it comes to cooking it nobody wants and that should be fine for both and if they cook then both must take it as an art nor as their duty.

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    People do not cook food to fill others’ stomachs or to fill their stomach, they do it because they like it, they like to feed others with their own hands. Cooking food is considered as a birth right of a woman, its duty a woman which women should perform and should know very well and if she cooks well, it doesn’t be that grateful think since it is considered as a most important part of her life. According to the society cooking is a basic skill which women should know. Then it doesn’t matter whether she is cooking food willingly or not.
    But if a man cook’s food what is considered as a great achievement for that man. Society considered that if men should do the occupational work the job and earn money for the home. Cooking is not a part of his duty but a man chooses his career in this field. Who willingly initiate and choose cooking as his career is considered a man has learn very great art and doing a very good job, a very great work?
    This is this so-called mentality of the society. Divided the work according to the gender as a man has to earn money and women has to cook and stay at home . Differentiate in work according to the gender and opposite gender, especially when a men do something against his gender work it is considered as an art. When a man and a woman both cook and their food turns out to be delicious, then people praise most of them and say that if a woman always does this work, then she has a habit of this , but we isn’t expected such a delicious food from your side .
    A man who is willing decide to cook food is always stop to take that step , where is a woman who really do not want to cook food and want to study is forced to work and home and cook . This practice and mentality it is raining the career and life of both men and women . Both of them can not be loyal towards their job. And cannot give their 100% towards their job and work .

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    Yes, this is another type of stereotype we’re facing here. As we know history says us from ancient times it’s the men who hunts and women who stays in cave and looks after the children and family. And of course we never asked a proof to claim that. Even just before some days it’s discovered that actually women are the hunter one. So, whatever it’s, we just preserve the fact that women are for cooking and household chores while men need to go outside and earn.
    Actually, it’s those stigma of patriarchy which never changed. Yes, maybe they changed their all over appearance but never get to be changed in inner way.
    At 17th and 18th century, it’s also seen that women stay behind the curtains. Whether at time of kings or nawab, women got the same position.They seems no problem with it, and if someone tried to raise a voice against them, it was stopped deliberately.
    So, basically it’s that custom going through the generation by generation that women are here to please other. Whether it’s by cooking, or serving their families. We never felt need to make things flexible for them. It’s the harsh truth that we are still living in those ancient stereotypes. Thus we never let cooking be a skill for a better life, rather we impreached it as a duty, which has to be served. Still now, mother get mocked if she doesn’t teach her daughter cooking and household chores, daughters are always expected to stay by mom’s side and help her, not a son. And even its shameful for a girl who doesn’t know how to cook, but absolutely ok for a boy.
    And while the patriarchy is growing and engulfed in the heads of our society, sometimes they declare that it’s shameful for a boy to do cooking and household chores.
    And the absolute part is women themselves accept it unconsciously, thus a man, knowing how to cook, make a huge difference for them. They accept it that cooking is some extra tallent for a boy while for a girls it’s just another duty.
    These gender stereotypes are going on and on.
    Cooking has to be declared a part of skills to make our lives better, not some kinda tallent hunt winning skill among men. And parents should also make it clear, that there’s no gender discriminated duty among their children. If he needs to be alive, he has to learn this skill and don’t expect anyone else to do it for them

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    Cooking is the thing which is considered as a basic requirement for any woman or girl and each female should learn to cook and have to take up cooking as a responsibility once she is married or when she has grown up. It is often said and taunted by many when a girl doesn’t know how to cook but when a man cooks, it is said that being a man doesn’t suit your personality and gender.
    Gender discrimination is the root cause of any differences made between humans be it work, home, career, etc. Any small thing or issue starts from a family or within surrounding only. Whether it’s a great initiative to support or sarcasm given.
    Women should cook well and it’s her duty to cook and so this very old myth is a reality also, they are taught how to cook and how to serve and manage family but men are not taught these same things because men are related to earning. If men are interested in cooking and want to pursue that field they should be supported and allowed to do so.
    If a man cooks food it is art, and when women do it is considered a duty, that’s bias and partial towards one, If it’s art for men then the same should apply to women too. Because anyone who does cooking or any kind of work requires effort and hard work. And by comparing art and duty, women and men are invalid or can say that’s discrimination, which should not be supported.

    simran arora
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    Women have been restricted in their households for centuries. The only reason was to perform their duties to feed and nurture their families. Perhaps, it is obvious for society to interpret that a woman must cook food. Even in the modern world, no matter what position a woman holds, one expects her to cook and feed her family. Sometimes, it is intriguing to note that the women’s education ends on cooking food and nurturing her family. Instead of an obligation, it should be a choice. Also, one should not judge a woman for making such a choice.

    Contrarily, things are opposite for a man doing the same job. Even today, if a man knows how to cook, somehow one considers this as an achievement. The most inequality part is that though women have spent centuries in the kitchen, yet they are not a preferable choice in the professional space. It is only the men who perform the so-called art of food in the kitchen. The patriarchal notions in society govern the gender bias far beyond than one may imagine.

    But the thing is, food has no gender, and it never had any. It is wrong to mention that the way to reach a man’s heart is through his stomach. It is absolutely a sexist statement to mention. If a man loves eating, he can cook for himself. He does not need a woman to do that.

    Thereby, society writes the rules of gender specifications. But in the modern world, the community must make amendments. Only, it would take time to reach this dream.

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    When a child turns five, he starts learning gender roles taught and accepted by society, conforming to them, and receiving reward. This usually conditions children to not deviate from the norms as they arrange themselves in society with conformance with these gender roles. They include things like boys playing with trucks and girls playing with dolls. This is just a minor example, but it slowly grows and matures into broader statements like boys become engineers and girls become either teachers or housewives. Such repeated conditioning of these misogynistic roles and norms ultimately leads to a strong conditioning in accordance with the norms.

    Cooking is seen as a woman’s job because if she cannot be the breadwinner of the family, then she has to contribute by cooking and cleaning and taking care of children. For years, when women did not even have the right to vote or work, this was the general make of families. But now the world is changing, and women can be seen working in almost every field as efficiently as men. Today’s woman can establish her self- identity any way she wishes, can make her own choices even regarding marriage and motherhood. But society is still conditioned in a way to conform to the gender roles set centuries ago.

    Seen as feminine work, cooking is thought to be a woman’s duty. But when a man does it, it needs to be justified in some way to be accepted. Hence, if men are cooking, that means he is highly educated and learned in the field and much more capable than a regular woman who cooks at home every day. This deeply rooted misogyny arises due to the patriarchal nature of society, less and less value being given to the work women do. This thought should be changed by recognizing women’s efforts and accepting their credibility without questioning and doubting their qualifications purely due to their gender.

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    It is all because of society thinking their mentality is men should do job and women should be as housewife so when this gets opposite like men is cooking then it appreciated. But when women is cooking nobody will appreciated her for food she made with love. Why? If men are appreciated and it becomes big thing when men cooks rather than they should be treated equally because women cook food everyday atleast 3 times a day and their is nobody to help her than also she don’t get appreciation or thanking for her at ones. In Family also everything women has to do for household chores to cooking everything and in that women’s don’t get their own time. From the old times it is saying that women duty is to taking care of home and do all the household chores and they don’t support women to be educate follow their goals and be independent. In villages women are tend to be housewife and taught girls from childhood their duty is to do household chores not to study or educate. And boys are taught to be big man and be independent and motivate them for career rather than they should taught equality they should also taught household chores like women. Their should be equality maintain with both of them they should be appreciated equally for everything. In marriage also men and women should equally take responsibility it is not only women duty to handle everything of household work and taking caring of family. Their should equality between men and women rather it can be in marriages, family, brothers and sisters if women can learn cooking than men should also learn. Every time not only women are responsible for cooking or household work men should be equally responsible for it. And if women are comfortable in cooking then family members should appreciate her rather than pointing her on flaws.

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    Our society has divided men and women into different groups, deciding different roles for them. Men and women are born with their duties and tasks already defined by the society they live in, where men are expected to do work outside the house and earn money, women on the other hand are expected to work for their home all along and take care of the family. Out of all the tasks been decided by the society for women, one of their duty is to “cook”, women are expected to cook a delicious meal, approximately 3 times a day considering it as her duty. On the other hand, when a man lends a hand in cooking food, it is considered as a noble, great man, it is considered as an art, because the society do not expect men to step into a kitchen to cook food, that’s what a woman is supposed to do. In many families, women are not even appreciated for the part they hold in making up a house, but when a man, lends a hand it is suddenly considered as a noble man, great man.
    Society today needs to know that cooking is a basic skill that should be learnt by every gender, be it man or woman. Its not a woman’s duty to cook and serve but a man serves equal part in everything, including cooking.
    Let’s create a better society by spreading equality, every one should be appreciated for whatever they do, a woman cooking food needs to be equally appreciated as a man cooking. Let’s stop making these basic life skills as a big deal for men.

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    Cooking is a basic skill which everybody should know or have the basic idea about it, but our society has this mindset that cooking is part of women duty if women cook something it is looked like a normal thing for her but if men once in blue moon cook something it is considered as art or their inner talent should be awarded for that, but if women do something which is men’s duty than it would be not something she will not praise for, I agree that cooking is art but it is art for both male and female. If women cook delicious food it is called her habit, she also deserves the same appraisal from the family. When a woman cooks because it’s a requirement for family, but when men cook when he is free and has time for it. It would be a lot better when men know cooking, he should help her women daily in cooking. we should break this patriarchy; we always talk about equality then it should be in cooking also. We eat to satisfy our hunger it does not matter who cooks. For men who do not know cooking, they will never know what is that effort that goes into it. I know there are many best male chefs we can’t deny that food is very delicious cooked by them. Also, the women who love cooking do not get a chance to learn more about cooking because some class members think that women can only cook at home. If she goes cooking outside of her own house then she is not recognized as a chef but a maid, it also her art. Not all women enjoy cooking but it is mandatory to cook that’s why they cook, if a woman does not want to cook it’s her choice and everybody needs to accept her choice, People should change and look at cooking as art for everyone.

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