Get Inspired, Be Empowered Forums Feminism What is Choice Feminism?

6 replies, 6 voices Last updated by Afshan Iqbal 2 years, 11 months ago
  • Woospire
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    Choice feminism is a type of feminism it is modern feminism, choice feminism is basically that women maker her own choices and judgements, these choices are inherently feminists, this concept is very modern like women can make their own judgements, for example, women who are a homemaker and a woman who is working women so in this case, they are expressing their freedom by making their own choices. It’s like sometimes women always want to bring each other down like their freedom in their own choices. Like some women always love to do their makeup but some women don’t want to wear makeup and shave legs so its their choices. Choice feminism is all about this only woman making own individual independent choices and expect that they should not be judged by society for making such choices. It’s their individual freedom but this choice feminism is not seen in our only benefits the white women mostly and some women need to change their values and behavior to adopt choice feminism. Women always want to express their choices and liberty. Women want to show their boldness everything to society. So feminism should need to be adopted by the people and then choose feminism they can understand.

    Semantee Chattopadhyay
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    As much as feminism is a movement that opens women to choices that are taken away from them by the patriarchy. We often see a misunderstanding between choices and fear of politics. Giving women their reproductive choices is a part of feminism. Practising feminism that isn’t intersectional is a fear of politics. Choice feminism offers a worldview that does not challenge the status quo, that promises to include all women regardless of their choices and that abstains from judgement altogether. Choice feminism seeks to include women. Feminism comes under politics so it has a set of beliefs that do not change whether we like it or not. There was a conversation with someone who shared how everyone can be a feminist as long as they acknowledge that they are feminists. This is a bit problematic. Submission comes from playing the other, playing an unequal part in the relationship because someone else has the power. We cannot say that we are feminists and we are submitting because then we are asking for equality within our relationships. We cannot ask for equality within our relationship and still be submissive. There are criticisms of choice feminism. It is said that feminism is too radical, too exclusionary and too judgemental. Feminism sets on certain points- we won’t compromise, we want to dismantle the patriarchy, etcetera. Feminism is too judgemental. Feminism also has three important features- it says freedom as a capacity to make individual choices, oppression as the inability to choose. As per Feminism in India, “Choice feminism allows any action taken by a woman as an expression of her agency, and that she should be free from any form of judgement since, in making a choice, she is inherently feminist.”
    The act of selecting one or more possibilities can be defined as “choice”. Ware is agency can be defined as the degree to which a woman has an influence over making her own choices.

    Manpreet Singh
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    Just as beautiful, printed on rose pillows or placed on posters on a Women’s March, these statements are truly aesthetically important and don’t give anything beyond that. As long as we want to “stomp out our patriarchy’s heels” or “our restful bitch faces will frighten sexists,” it just won’t happen. All these generic clothing sentences come under a single general term: feminism of choice. Many do not know the phrase, as this is a pretty new phenomenon, which emerged from media culture and post-feminism philosophy. Feminism of choice is the concept that a woman’s decision is feminist.
    Feminism is equally feminist according to choice because both have been able to choose and hence have demonstrated their independence to themselves. a mother who stays in their homes and a businesswoman. Even if you choose to wear maquillage, to shave your legs, or to opt-out, your decisions remain feminist as long as you make them. This looks at first glance as a pleasant form of feminism, which appeals to the largest possible group. After all, the feminist movement is very much affected by the horrific reality of women. The patriarchal society has brainwashed women into believing in male validation as their source of strength.
    On the other side, choicemanism, by connecting women to the pretension of choice, appears to foster antithesis to battling within the feminist group. Ironically, not all women are affected by the beneficial effects of feminist choices. Choosing feminism is only actually advantageous to a small number of highly vocal women, especially white feminists. The decision between a wealthy white woman and a woman with modest money is radically different. If a wealthy white lady chooses not to buy fancy clothes or makeup, her non-compliance is often commended. A lady of color with little income can’t do the same.
    Women who endure extra injustices because of their color, class, sexuality or ability have little time to wonder if they buy into the patriarchy or not. If a black woman with poor income opts to forego the socially anticipated choice of makeup and clothing, she may be mocked since she is unrepresentable and lacks social status.

    038 deepika Singh
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    Choice feminism is the believe that the individual choices of women are inherently feminist.

    Right to choose is a human right and every individual should have it. Then why are women exempted from it? Choice feminism questions this. According to choice feminism a housewife and women working outside are equally feminist. Many women across different parts of the world does not have the choice of pursuing their career. They do not have to choice to marry a person of their liking. They are stripped away from education and entitled to some other man once they reach a certain age. Men are put with unlimited power in their hands to choose what they think is best for their wives, daughters, mothers or sisters. Women do not have the right to choose even if it is the matter of their own body. They are not allowed to dress up the way they like. They are forced to abort. They are forced not to abort. Why can’t they chose this for themselves? Why can’t a woman choose if and when she wants to have a child?

    In each and every aspect of life, all a woman does is sacrifice and compromise. Sacrifice their education, dreams, jobs and body. And somehow all this have been so normalized that we do not even pay much heed to it. We raise the issue of gender equality, gender stereotypes, sexism, feminism, patriarchy, but we fail to acknowledge the root cause behind all such matters. The right to choose. A woman has the right to choose the best for herself and her body and I believe that no one should intervene in it.

    Shreya Shukla
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    Choice feminism is a popular form of contemporary feminism, encouraging women to embrace the opportunities they have in life and to see the choices they make as justified and always politically acceptable.

    Choice feminism allows any action taken by a woman as an expression of her agency, and that she should be free from any form of judgement since, in making a choice. Mostly her choice is restricted. These restrictions come from a complex web of external factors that are beyond her control, such as the class or caste she is born into, how conservative or liberal her upbringing has been, and just to what degree she is privileged, to what degree marginalised. This approach to feminism implies that every woman has the privilege of dictating exactly how she’d like to live her life.

    Afshan Iqbal
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    Choice Feminism is as equally important as Feminism. A person has the power of choice. So, choice feminism tells us that all individual choices made by women are inherently feminist. Choice feminism argues, for instance, that a woman’s decision to stay at home is equally as feminist as another woman’s decision to work because they are both exercising their right to choose.
    Women have the right to choose whatever they think is best for them. It is a woman’s right to choose whatever she wants. Being able to make her own decisions about her health, body and sexual life is the right of every woman. Nobody should tell a woman to do what they think is best for her. Whether it’s about what college she will pursue her studies or it’s about the profession she chooses for herself. It’s her choice. It’s her choice if she wants to marry and it’s her choice if she doesn’t. It’s her choice if she wants to do a job and it’s her choice if she wants to be a homemaker. It’s a woman’s choice to either cover her head or whole body and it’s also her choice to wear whatever length of cloth she wants. It’s a woman’s choice to have whatever body type and it’s a choice to have any beauty standard for herself. It’s a woman’s choice if she wants to have a sexual relationship with her husband/boyfriend and it’s also her choice if she doesn’t. No one can make reproductive choices on matters affecting her body. It’s a woman’s choice whether or when to have a child or not. But if a woman’s choices come through predominantly patriarchial norms then it’s a problem because feminism is about equality and choice feminism can divert the main concept of feminism.

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