Get Inspired, Be Empowered Forums Access to Healthcare Reproductive Health & Rights What can women do to avoid pregnancy?

11 replies, 10 voices Last updated by PALAK KASHIV 3 years, 7 months ago
  • Woospire
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    In the typical society of ours, a woman is always advised to constraint her sexuality to be respected. If she has sex before her marriage, then our society doesn’t take a second to declare her a slut from a goddess. I wonder, how women’s honour lies in between their virginity.
    However, society accept it or not, there’s many negative side effects too of not exposing or experiencing or forcefully condemning your sexuality in our health and mind too.
    But at the same time marriage and having child, specially according to Indian social norm, is a big duty to fulfill.
    I such case there’s availability of various methods for women to avoid pregnancy. Some require a prescription while many are available without one.
    First and one of the most affective measure is using a barrier method like using male or female condoms, diaphragm, cervical cap, spermicide etc. Most of them have approx 80-90% security and suitable for any kind of body as they just prevent sperm to go inside uterus, there’s no hormonal issue with your body.
    Next we come to hormonal prevention method. And of course the most popular is contraceptive pills. There’s mainly two types of them, one which we have to take daily or according to schedule, next we have to take before or after having intercourse.
    Another hormonal procedures are using patches, injection and vaginal ring. They have to be applied during mentioned time duration like patches can be used to attach to your back, arm, stomach, buttocks and have to last for 3 weeks.
    While for injection, you have to contact doctors and apply it before and after prescribed duration to continue it’s course. In case of vaginal ring, it should be inserted in your vagina and leave for three weeks.
    Implants are also useful hormonal prevention method where your doctor or nurse implant a match sized rod in your arm.
    This methods controls your hormonal procedures by releasing mainly progestin which prevent pregnancy. Using hormonal changing gives them 95-99% accuracy of birth control.
    Next there comes intrauterine device or IUD s. They’re mainly inserted into vagina, though they work by thickening cervical muscle. Some of the IUD do it by changing hormonal nature, while others like copper-T have the copper base which block the path of egg cell to come out and sperm to go in. IUD is mainly a long lasting prevention method and claimed to have 99% security.
    Now before of using them, we should know all the precautions. Hormonal prevention methods give the best accuracy, though using them can cause you minor irritation or skin disease. Using copper based can also be proved allergic to some people.
    Excessive amounts of hormonal pills can lead to vital negative effects too .
    Before using any of them, we should consult with a doctor and measure which method will be fit for your body. As many women have a send it body, partners are advised to take the necessary measures. We should be more open minded and consult with a doctor before taking any measures.

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    Women deserve the right to do what they want with their bodies. Whatever they do, they deserve the basic right of deciding what is right for them. It is their body and they own it, not society.
    Women deserve the right to decide whether or not they want to have children or get pregnant. Motherhood is a choice and not an obligation, so they deserve the basic right of choosing, whether they’re married or not.
    Women can avoid pregnancy by many methods. Some of them including condoms, diaphragm, and cervical cap prevent sperm from reaching the egg. They are 70-90% effective against pregnancy based on the type of method.
    Women can also use hormonal methods which include birth control pills, injections, or vaginal rings. These types of methods work by stopping ovulation. They are 90% effective.
    They can also use long-term contraceptive methods like IUDs (Intrauterine Devices). IUDs work by putting a small device in the uterus. They prevent the sperm from entering the uterus and can last 5-10 years depending on the type of IUD.
    If they want a permanent solution, they can undergo sterilization. It works by blocking the fallopian tubes. It is extremely effective and is the go-to method women choose when they do not want to have children.
    All these methods are effective but they do not protect against STIs (Sexually Transmitted Infections) aside from condoms. If anyone wants to try these methods, they have to proceed with caution.

    Semantee Chattopadhyay
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    Contraception is a method to prevent pregnancy. A contraceptive is an object using which a pregnancy can be prevented. Indian statistics show the onus of preventing a pregnancy largely lies with the women. So women are more aware of contraceptives while men are ignorant about them. This is not because the access or availability of resources and knowledge is less for men, but just because they feel that contraception is a female responsibility.

    There are devices that a woman can use for preventing pregnancy. Female diaphragms or cervical cups: These are devices that need to be inserted into the vagina. They are cup-shaped, a little shallow or deep. They are supposed to be filled with spermicidal gel, a gel that inactivates the sperms. It has to be inserted into the vagina before sexual intercourse. This is non-hormonal. It just prevents or just acts as a barrier and prevents sperm from getting into the woman’s womb. The typical failure rate is about 17%.
    Female condoms: This has to be inserted into the vagina about eight hours before the sexual intercourse. It should be discarded immediately after the act. The typical failure rate is about 14%. This only can prevent sexually transmitted infections.
    Female contraceptive sponge: It is a soft, disc-shaped sponge with a spermicidal gel and it has to be inserted deep inside the vagina before the act of intercourse. It needs to be there for at least six hours after the last act of intercourse. The typical failure rate is about 14-27%.
    These all are temporary methods of contraception or reversible methods of contraception. The effect of these contraceptions lies as long as it is being used. As soon as one discontinues the method, the fertility comes back to normal. The ability to get pregnant comes back to what it was before.

    Semantee Chattopadhyay
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    Contraception is an attitude. It is an attitude towards being responsible and towards being safe. There are also longer methods of contraception or contraceptive devices that can be used for longer periods.
    Copper T: This is a small device that has to be inserted inside the womb by a doctor. This contains copper and the copper has an anti-fertility effect. The process might sound painful, but there’s only a little bit of discomfort in the beginning. Copper T can stay in the womb for about three years or five years or ten years depending on how long you want it to be kept. The typical failure rate is only about 0.8%.
    LNG-IUS: This is a small T shaped device but instead of Copper it has hormone in it. It has to be inserted into the womb by a doctor. It can stay in the womb for three or five years depending on what shape it is. It can be a small one or a big one. This is very effective contraception. The failure rate is about 0.1-0.4%. It also helps in reducing menstrual cramps and heavy bleeding.
    Implant: This is a thin rod, like a matchstick which contains a hormone that gets released into the body. It is inserted in the upper arm and it just feels like something’s there inside but cannot be seen from outside. It is one of the most effective contraception. The failure rate typically is about 0.1%. This can also help reduce menstrual cramps and heavy bleeding. However, it can cause some amount of irregular cycles. It typically stays in the body for about three years.
    Injections or shots: These are injections that are given into the muscle once in every three months. These injections are one of the most effective methods of contraception. It also causes a few irregular cycles and gains in weight. This is the only contraception in which the fertility returns eight to nine months after the injection is discontinued.
    Contraceptive patch: These are small skin patches that can be worn over the lower abdomen or the buttocks or the upper body, except the breasts. These releases a small amount of estrogen and progesterone. Each patch can be worn for about a week. The typical failure rate is about 7%. However, these patches are not available in India.
    Hormonal contraceptive ring: it has to be inserted into the vagina. It’s a silicon rubber band that can easily be flexed and put inside the vagina. This can stay in the vagina for about three weeks. The typical failure rate is about 7%.

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    It is the dream of most of the woman to become pregnant. Pregnancy is dream for everyone but if you cases a woman try to avoid pregnancy . And it will be good since after being pregnant and aborting the unborn child is like a sin and a crime. None should not commit this crime so, avoiding pregnancy is the best way to be away from it .
    There are many cases in which if women try to avoid pregnancy.
    1- After marriage many couples want to concentrate on their career and firstly want to be financially stable and then plan about baby so they try to avoid pregnancy.
    2- Health issues can be considered as one of the foremost reason to avoid pregnancy .
    The measures a woman can take to avoid pregnancy are :-
    1- Condom :- Through the use of condom a couple can avoid pregnancy. It is most demanded product and can be easily carried with you . This is the only from of contraception , that protect you from sexually transmitted diseases and pregnancy also . This is available for male and female.
    2- The Contraceptive Injection:- This is considered as a synthetic version of the hormone progestogen. This is given to women in the upper arm or buttock . Over last 12 week the hormone is slowly released into blood stream. This last for 3 months . N doesn’t interpret the sex.
    3- Intrauterine Device :- it is also known as coil and is very small in size. This is T- shaped device used for birth control . It is inserted in the uterus of women to avoid pregnancy. And depending on its type it can stay there for 3 year to 10 year.
    4- The Oral Contraceptive Pill :- this is mostly used by the American women . This pill is taken once a day. There are different type of pill one can choose according to there preference. These combined pill contain oestrogen and progestin and the mini pill only contain progestin. But it can be given after medical professional give the prescription .
    5- Diaphragm :-This is place inside the vagina of women to stop sperm from entering the uterus. It is a small soft silicon dome and create a barrier between male and female sperm. I can be last up to 2 year if you properly take care of that.
    So ,these are the few method with the help of which a woman can avoid pregnancy. And these methods are safe to use and implement .

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    Pregnancy is a life giving process only a woman is entitled to. Pregnancy is a choice not a duty a woman has to abide by.
    Contraception is one way to avoid pregnancy, using diaphragm while having sex by women and condoms by men is considered one of the best methods of avoiding pregnancy.
    Nowadays, oral contraceptive pills are also available in the market which help in preventing pregnancy. These oral contraceptive pills work by stopping the sperm to join with an egg for fertilization, which leads to pregnancy. Oral contraceptives are famous in the countries like australia. The pill basically stops the formation of an egg in a woman’s body.
    Intrauterine devices are the devices used by women to prevent pregnancy, it is considered to be a very effective method of preventing pregnancy. It is generally a T-shaped device inserted into the uterus to prevent pregnancy.
    Even after getting pregnant a woman has a complete right to abort the baby if she doesn’t want to have one. Having a baby or getting pregnant is a tough task and should not be a hasty decision, getting pregnant and having a baby should be pre-decided and should be decided with a consent of both mother and the father.

    Gayatri Somvanshi
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    Well there are of course many methods listed and we all have been studying them since our adolescence. These contraceptive methods are not only for avoiding unwanted pregnancies but also for avoiding sexually transmitted disease.
    There are two types of methods – spacing and terminal methods.
    The spacing method includes spacing the time It includes many methods like
    Physical method
    Chemical method
    Hormonal method
    Post conceptional method
    Physical methods include barrier methods, withdrawal ,safe period and abstinence.
    Physical method includes using a barrier so the sperms don’t enter in vagina so condoms, diaphragms , vaginal sponge etc.
    Withdrawal method is to withdraw penis before ejaculation.
    Then there is a safe period based on the pattern of menstrual cycles.
    After that is abstinence which means having no sex at all.
    Chemical method is inducing hormones through injections and pills.
    Pills are small doses of estrogen and progesterone and take weekly or monthly.
    But these can cause some side effects like nausea and some hormonal changes.
    IUDs are sort of loops ,coils, and spirals which are inserted by a doctor which destroys sperm but it can cause ruptures in the uterus.
    Then depot contraception which includes infection ,subdermal implants and vaginal rings. Now injections are progesterone injections. Subdermal implants are norplants are rubber nubes with progesterone in it and vagina rings are also having progesterone and are for 3 weeks of menstrual cycle.
    Terminal methods are surgical methods of vasectomy for males and tubectomy for women. Vasectomy part of vas deferens is cut and in tubectomy fallopian tubes. Thus these are the things for avoiding pregnancy.

    Manpreet Singh
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    There are numerous strategies for contraception you can look over to stay away from pregnancy. Condoms are the lone strategy that secures against both pregnancy and physically communicated contaminations (STIs). It’s hard to know precisely when ovulation occurs. So in case you’re attempting to stay away from pregnancy, there is definitely not a “protected” time to have unprotected sex. For a lady with a more limited feminine cycle (for instance, 23 days), having unprotected sex during her period could put her in danger of pregnancy. Here are the common ways through which, a woman can avoid pregnancy-

    1.In the event that you’ve had unprotected sex or your contraception has fizzled, crisis contraception can help forestall an unwanted pregnancy. There are two sorts: the emergency pill and the IUD. There are two sorts of crisis preventative pill, otherwise called a “next day contraceptive”. Levonelle must be taken 72 hours (three days) of sex, and ellaOne must be taken within 120 hours (five days) of sex. In any case, recollect that the sooner you take crisis contraception after sex, the more successful it will be. Both work by forestalling or deferring ovulation.

    2. The IUD is a little, T-molded preventative gadget produced using plastic and copper. It’s embedded into the uterus by a prepared wellbeing expert. It’s anything but an egg embedding in your belly or being treated. The IUD can be embedded as long as five days after unprotected sex, or as long as five days after the soonest time you might have ovulated. On the off chance that you have any inquiries, you can address a drug specialist or GP, or visit sexual wellbeing or family arranging facility. Discover more about crisis contraception, including where to get it.

    3. Your shot at getting pregnant increments with every day you’re not on contraception. Here are a few hints you need to know to ensure your conception prevention is viable. Take the pill simultaneously consistently. In the event that you take the pill too soon or past the point of no return, it can upset your hormonal equilibrium. This can make the pill less compelling. Stay away from missed portions. At the point when you miss a day, your conception prevention turns out to be less powerful. Take a missed pill immediately. On the off chance that you miss one day, take the pill when you recollect. On the off chance that you miss two days, you can either take the two pills without a moment’s delay or on various occasions during the day. On the off chance that you missed a fake treatment day, discard the nonhormonal pill and resume your everyday use. Replace the ring or skin fix on schedule. In the event that you neglect to change to another ring or skin fix, you’re not secured against pregnancy.

    Yash Tiwari
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    It is a common practice for women to avoid pregnancy when they want to live their lives without children. They need to have the right not to get pregnant so as not to create a new life that may end up suffering. I feel that women should have the right to choose whether or not they get pregnant and it is not society’s responsibility or business to control their bodies. However, not all women agree with this. Some are adamantly opposed to it and do not think women should have the choice to do what they want with their bodies. Why would someone disagree? Why is a woman’s right to choose pregnancy or not so great a controversy?

    There is an argument that men should also have this right to choose whether or not they want to have offspring. However, the alternative for them is not unimportantly going through a painful pregnancy and labor. It’s no big deal; it’s just a bit of pain and discomfort for a few weeks. And it is easy to avoid all that pain by using birth control methods or getting a vasectomy. Men can choose whether or not to bear children without the same level of physical discomfort. Without female birth control, women can’t have their sexual freedom. They are dependent on the contraceptive practice of men or the law. Women who can’t afford birth control face two forms of degradation. Not only do they have to bear children, but they have to abort them for there is no other choice. An absence of choice (in a woman’s right to contraception), makes all women inferior human beings and less than men. Without contraceptives, women are dependent on their husbands.

    What can women do to avoid pregnancy? There are two options – abstain from sex or make yourself infertile. Both of them will prevent pregnancy and they both have consequences associated with them. Abstinence will prevent you from having sex, but it will prevent you from having fun too. As soon as abstinence does not seem like an option for you, I would recommend the second option; permanent sterilization.

    These methods of preventing pregnancy may not be 100% perfect. The failure rate of these methods includes out-of-date prescription, method failure, or skipping the pill for some reason. There is approximately a 15% chance of becoming pregnant in a year when not using any form of birth control. All women should at least consider the use of a hormonal method to lessen the chance of pregnancy. Hormonal methods have no preventable side effects. Women need to know that they can have children later in life and that having a baby too soon may hurt their chances of ever conceiving naturally.

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