Get Inspired, Be Empowered Forums Water & Sanitation Clean Drinking Water & Hygienic Sanitation Facilities Continues to be a Distant Dream

15 replies, 15 voices Last updated by Afshan Iqbal 2 years, 10 months ago
  • Woospire

    When clean drinking water and hygienic sanitation facilities are in short supply, women and girls suffer most. Case in point: Girls whose schools lack proper bathrooms will often skip school during their menstrual periods for fear of embarrassment or stigma. It’s also true that women in developing countries are frequently tasked with fetching water, which can be a time-consuming process. It is important the girls go to school for education and have enough time to focus on self-development.

    Darshini Suresh
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    Women and girls are disproportionately affected by the lack of access to basic water, sanitation and hygiene facilities, due to their needs during periods of increased vulnerability to infection around menstruation and reproduction. Today in so many rural remote areas, there are still no proper bathrooms with proper water supplies available and this situation has a large complications on women and girl than on men.
    Having basic water supply is a need from cooking in households to basic sanitation of ones self for a woman. During menstrual days imaginane having to walk miles for changing a cloth or a pad but even for that there is no proper amount of water available. This could lead alot of health issues for woman like Urintatiry tract infections (UTI) arising due to not keeping up health and cleanliness during menstruation unwillingly. These infections tend to impact even more while a woman is trying to get pregnant or is pregnant.The more a girl or woman drinks water , the more less pain and uncomfortablity will she have during her menstrual days.
    Due to improper suppy of water in schools girls find it very difficult to change pads in the time periods of 6-7 hours of school, so they often tend skipping their school on such days. This affects their education.Every school and public toilet built for women should have good supply of water. There should be a shift in attitudes and behaviour towards better hygiene is also much needed for which we work on social norms and patriarchal systems for women and for their hygiene.

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    Everyone understands the importance of water, sanitation, and hygiene to people and health. The right to safe water and sanitation is a fundamental human right that, sadly, many people do not have. There are approximately 2.1 billion people worldwide who do not have access to safe drinking water and sanitation.

    Females in rural areas are frequently harmed by a lack of safe water and basic sanitation due to their needs during menstruation or pregnancy, putting them at risk of infection. Due to a lack of sanitation resources, they struggle to keep themselves clean. Due to a lack of privacy in villages, females would either wait until it was dark to relieve themselves or refuse to drink water, dehydrating themselves. All of this could be harmful to the woman’s health. Women’s physical health would suffer as a result of being tasked with fetching water over long distances, and girls would be forced to miss classes.

    Females feel unsafe going to latrine facilities because of the distance and the gender-based attacks they face, as well as the shame and insecurity they feel for being a woman with special needs. Girls would skip school during menstruation as their schools would lack female sanitation resources

    It was also estimated that 8% of maternal deaths were linked to unhygienic conditions. Safe water and hygiene for women can reduce the risk of infections and death of infants and mothers.

    Women face more problems than men due to a lack of access to safe drinking water, sanitation, and hygiene. They are the fundamental requirements for empowering women everywhere on an equal footing. Improved sanitation is essential for raising women’s status, well-being, and opportunities.

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    Water and sanitation
    Water and sanitation facilities are the basic requirements for women but still, there is a lot of problem of water and no sanitation facilities seen measuredly in rural areas. Women have to live in unhygienic conditions which cause the threat of infection. Every house should have one toilet in the house. Some girls don’t go to school during periods because of a lack of water and sanitation facilities. Also, there should be awareness programs in schools and other institutions. Also, I have seen in local trains and normal trains women’s are breastfeeding their child and they feel very uncomfortable while doing it there should be a small room for breastfeeding bright side is that some colleges and offices have started keeping sanitary pad bank in this girls has to just drop 5 rupees coins and get the pad urgently. More than 1 billion people around the world lack access to clean water and over 2 billion people lack adequate sanitation and as 6000 children are dying each day.
    In villages women have to very long to fetch the water and wash the clothes because of the scarcity of water and inadequate facilities government should look into this and take some action .water scarcity is also rising day by day. early teenage girls are not aware of pads and even why they are bleeding, this has to change they need to have knowledge about their personal sanitation. Still, they have to skip their schools. They feel unsafe while using public washrooms due to the everyday harassment they face
    Even in cities working women those work on fields still doesn’t have washrooms in it, the big difficulty to find a place for toilet .many pregnant women’s have to face a lot of problem during their pregnancy they require clean washrooms hospitals but unfortunately, it is not there. We immediately require good water and sanitation for female’s health and hygiene.

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    Water and sanitation is very important now a days . Water is made up of hydrogen and oxygen ( H2O ) .Sanitation means keeping place and water clean , dirt free . Poor sanitation effects social life and its very harmful.Without water life is incomplete.Earlier people didn’t know the importance of sanitation but now covid taught us to do . Water plays a important role in day to day life without it we are nothing . Earlier people use to drink tap water but now a days 80% of people use water filters like RO,Kent etc to drink sanitise water . Still now many of them dont know the importance of water . Imagine earth without water no agriculture,no sea the earth would have harden and collapsed . Many village struggle to get water , they travel miles to get water . Water keeps our body hydrate . It also plays a crucial role in digestion of food and helps to create saliva . Poor sanitation leads to transmission diarrhoea,cholera,hepatitis etc . Their are many other diseases which get easily transmitted in community that have low level of sanitation . So please take care of yourself sanitise your surrounding . Keep yourself clean , Sanitize whatever comes from outside . Drink maximum water or atleast 2 liter per day .

    Yash Tiwari
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    Water and Sanitation

    Given how vital water is for human life, it’s not surprising that the World Health Organization estimates that more than 1.5 billion people today lack access to clean drinking water—and 2.6 billion live without hygienic sanitation. Of these, 300 million are children under five and women. Lack of access to adequate sanitation and drinking water threatens the health, safety, and security of women and children. Women and girls often bear the brunt of the burden when it comes to accessing sanitation facilities. The challenge of caring for children with diarrhoea is complicated by a lack of sanitation, clean water, soap, and towels.

    In India, for example, it takes an average rural woman 16 hours a week to find water and collect fuel to light the home. For women in Guatemala, it takes 28 hours a week, and for women in Kenya, 26 hours. In Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania, the U.S. State Department reports that as many as 40 percent of girls may skip school during their menstrual periods because they lack basic sanitation facilities and safe places to store and dispose of sanitary pads.

    Providing women and girls with safe wash is key to empowering all of humanity to live long and healthy lives. Yet those who receive limited or no water, sanitation, and hygiene services disproportionately include women, girls, children, and communities in poverty. Safe water, sanitation and hygiene for urban women could prevent an estimated 21-41% of diseases in women and children in the world’s poorest countries.” Water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) are one of the most cost-effective investments development agencies and governments can support. Studies have shown that each dollar spent on safe water and sanitation (approximately $3 million per year in global funding) has the potential to save lives, cure diseases, prevent accidents, and raise productivity.

    Efforts are being made to improve these conditions by installing water and sanitation systems in schools, but how do you determine if the infrastructure is reaching the people it’s intended for? One way is through a biometric toilet, a relatively innovation that has the potential to be a game-changer for schools. Providing sanitation for girls and women doesn’t just mean building toilets. It means helping them receive education, stay healthy, keep their dignity, and break the cycle of poverty.

    Manpreet Singh
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    Water and sanitization are basic requirements for any well-developed society, it has even been declared as a part of the right to live under article 21a of our constitution, husband not to forget the directive principle of state policies are so many dates government to provide basic sanitation facilities. What is 5 more than 70 years of independence country still lacks in this department very badly. the situation in rural areas is much worse. lack of proper sanitization facilities in schools and colleges in the major stumbling block between a girl and her education. even if they want to pursue an education they are forced to quit their education due to this very reason. it is very sad to see that a lot of talent and caliber is being wasted just because they are not able to get proper facilities.
    And how can we forget about the crime that is think rated among women due to this very reason, women have to choose open defecation system unwillingly and it is not uncommon that they become a victim of crime in open.
    A number of health issues are also being faced by women because lack of proper sanitation facilities leads to menstrual problems and UTI infections. The problems are uncountable but thankfully the solution for this problem can be defined very easily. It is political leaders who have to show some willpower in order to follow the basic Directive Principles contained in our constitution. water and sanitization must be the chief agenda of any government and they must work rigorously in this regard. families on the other hand should also invest in proper water and sanitization facilities if they have enough money for that, they must shed their historical thinking and stepped into the modern world.

    Apoorva Pathak
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    Water and sanitation play an important role in women’s life. Water is not essential for drinking but also for washing, preparing food, hygiene, and many more. According to the world, bank women play an important and close role in water and sanitation projects.
    WASH (Water, sanitation, and hygiene) is an initiative that promotes public health for international development. For developing this initiative of hygiene one should have adequate knowledge. Accessibility to safe water is very important 18% of the population lack safe water access. For having proper and safe water one should have proper management and sustainable usage.
    To keep water safe and hygienic one to have proper sanitation some time lack of sanitation and poor hygiene leads to water-borne diseases. WHO and UNICEF are regularly working on water, sanitation, and hygiene it has developed joint ventures such as the millennium development goal and sustainable development goal. Even the government of India is developing schemes for water and sanitation such as abolishing open defection and building toilets in the rural area and Swaach Bharat Abhiyan which is working on a large scale for the eradication of unhygienic activities of water contamination and providing a better and healthy environment to live. This not only encourages women’s sanitation but for all. Many diseases are caused due to contaminated water during the menstrual time.
    Promoting hand wash is one of the initiatives by developing countries that have reduced morbidity. Women are given education and ideas through where NGOs, advertisements, and ASHA workers about how we can save water about various safe conservation technologies, and how one can be safe and remain healthy during the menstrual cycle. In earlier times women and girls use to travel a long distance to collect water and also face many problems of eve-teasing and harassment now the government has made wells and tubes near or in the center of the village so that women don’t have to face threats.

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    Water is a basic need for any living being to survive, humans need water for each daily work is it drinking, cleaning, washing, or any related thing. Many rural areas still face the problem of water supply and due to lack of water, many things are affected like health, sanitation standard of living, etc.
    When it comes to sanitation, women have many difficulties during their normal days but much more during her menstruation time because during those times a woman needs proper facility but its unfortunate that still due to lack of water and sanitation, women’s health is ignored and it affects later at some ages.
    Many schools and colleges are still lagging behind in providing proper infrastructure which also mainly includes water, toilets, proper arrangement of spaces. Due to these a large number of girls skip school for those days and then eventually leave studying because parents also pressurise them. It’s uncomforting to use toilets where there is no water and lack of facilities.
    Before travelling anywhere, women first need to checkout on washrooms and sanitation because unhygienic areas and washroom make no sense to use even if it’s a normal day or during her periods.
    There are also some institutes that have come up with a great initiative to provide pads during an emergency. So it is an initiative and effort that can bring change around us, for us, and obviously by us.

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    Hygiene and clean drinking water are basic needs of each and every human being living upon this planet. Everyone deserves basic clean drinking water delivered to them at their doorstep. These facilities are crucial to human health. Water, sanitation and health are not only prerequisites to health but also contributes to livelihoods, school attendence specially for girls and healthy environment.
    Unhygienic environment and dirty water not only promotes various diseases but also effects the livelihood of people, specially girls. It is noted that most of the schools in our country do not provide hygienic toilets and clean water to their students which mostly effects girls specially on their period days. Most girls prevent going to schools because of the unhygienic system of toilets and water in the toilets.
    Most women got vaginal infections due to the unhygienic system of toilets in their streets. Moreover in small towns there is no system of water supply inside the house, so they have to go out carrying loads of buckets of water to their houses from outside taps which consumes a lot of time that includes the time to study. Sanitary napkins and period products are today in this country considered to be a luxury to a woman because of it’s high cost and non-affordability to most people.
    There needs to be a system of hygiene and clean water facilities to be provided to everyone around the world. It is a basic need to everyone which should be provided to everyone.

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