Get Inspired, Be Empowered Forums Sexism & Patriarchy The sexism of swear words. ( A large portion of swear words are misogynistic)

14 replies, 13 voices Last updated by 038 deepika Singh 2 years, 1 month ago
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    Swear Words means using rude and bad words for the people, in the arrogance or to upset people and sexism of swear words are mostly affects women. It is true that large portion of swear words are misogynistic because we all know that most of the bad words are insulting towards women which is absolutely wrong. People who use swear words they don’t think of women’s because of having hatred towards women. Due to such kind of people who use swear words they are influencing other people to make an offensive towards women. In today’s generation, we can see that some of the people thinks that using swear words is kind of funny for them which is not acceptable. Young generation needs to understand that using rude and bad words are misogynistic and they are affecting their own mother and sister by knowing this it necessary that people need to show respect and stop using such kind of swear words. And also people who listen swear words they should stop them and give them lesson to have some respect towards women. Society has the thinking that women are made to do household chores and men are made to do office work which leads to large offence of swear words towards women due to unfair treatment of gender inequality. People who being misogynistic they should stop showing hatred towards women because it is not that they are only insulting other women but they are also insulting their own family members. Society following norms from the old times which creates gender inequality, gender discrimination, gender stereotypes mostly towards women like access of education due to which people are been more misogynistic. People need to stop using swear words and make it serious topic to end sexism of swear words towards women and giving equally treatment and respectfully is the way that will may help in ending such kind of swear words.

    Manpreet Singh
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    Swear words have become a vital part of our everyday speech to eradicate or use our rage and fury. For example, I often swear throughout the journey or stubbing my toe. A portion of the regularly used swear words are sexist and insulting. Enlisting the profanity of men and women from contemporary culture is essential – it is okay to curse and spew frustration. By comparing them with the superiority of men or targeting women who do not adhere to the accepted behavior of society, swear words can be sexist. He illustrates the conception of the cleansing and holiness of women over sexual behaviors outside marriage, including his stereotypes. This notion can also be seen in other frequent swear terms, such as “a bitch’s son.” The word bitch means a female dog and is a swear word itself. The additional term is not a male dog’s insult, but rather a female dog’s son. The weight of the word swear remains on the female throughout this process.
    Likewise, “whore” and “slut” are insults that have been a part of a long history of shameful women. ‘Slut’ and ‘whore’ began in the 15th and 16th centuries to assume negative sexual overtones. Men can also be referred to as a ‘manslut’ or ‘manslut.’ The man is still humiliated in terms of degrading the sexuality of women. The use of swear words that implicitly put women down constitutes a reversal in the feminist movement. Why should the promiscuity proposal be regarded as an insult? These words marked just a few of a large number of misogyny words in our nomenclature. It’s not a matter of sweating away – I find it necessary to use words that represent my rage or feeling in a precise manner. In this process, though, our words should not be based on disrespect. When I look at the words ‘see your language,’ I’m considering it now from this point of view. How do we have a growing dictionary each year with more terms? We need to focus on adding more vulgarity in this context that is not aimed rudely at any group of individuals. Our words must not reflect permanent harm anymore.

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    Swear words are very rude and offensive, it used to express outrage on someone but now use swear is normal people considered it cool, which is not right, but we can observe people use swear words which only involves female in it son of bitch, slut, whore, MF nobody same in any other language the bad thing is you are disrespecting yours and someone others, mother. This is not cool if one thinks it is and I don’t understand females also use this you degrading your gender only instead of stopping them. these words are used in web series and movies. even now school children and high school students, and they are a lot of other ways to release your anger. People should use words that are gender-neutral not sexist, how we speak express each emotion talks about our image a lot so we need to be very conscious about language. And what we say people younger than us, try to copy us in the same way. Now insulting is also gender bias if you truly respect a person, you will never use these swear words, I can understand that sometimes out of anger you speak but you can take control also you insure you someone smaller around they do not get used to bad words because when they grow up. even in school teachers need to tell students expressing their anger using swear words is very bad behavior. Some people laugh when they use swear words which are not right you should stop them tell them to keep calm.

    Aditi Sahu
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    There’s no denying the fact that a large portion of swear words is centred on women, and hence are deeply misogynistic in nature. There are some people who, in trying to hide their inherent misogyny, claim that swear words centre on women because in a man’s life women are the most important things. How on earth can they try to defend an already misogynistic thing with another misogynistic belief? First of all, women are not priced possessions that are an important “thing” in a man’s life, and neither are they just an object that exist to dignify a man.

    This sexism of swear words is simply disgusting. It is not degrading towards women, but they also play a part in increasing crimes against women. The society has always portrayed women as something that dignifies a household, and hence whenever someone has any grudge against a family, women become the victims to disgusting things. We need to fight agains these issues right from the start. And this fight should start with a pledge to not use any swear words that inherently misogynistic.

    038 deepika Singh
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    It is no mystery that sexism these days have become a norm for many of us. For years, we have heard people throwing common ‘sexist jokes’ in the name of humour but with the evolution of memes and the ever increasing numbers of social media users, the memes have got an elevated platform to grow, in turn making a misogyny and gender issue a mere joke. We as normal human beings without the intention of hurting or targeting any particular gender or community laugh at it ignoring the dark humour behind it. We become naive when it comes to these dark memes and out of fun share it with others. Such memes tends to label feminists fake or even smash the entire existence of feminism and portrays them as hypocrites.

    Sexist words are hard to spot since they are so commonly spoken among everyone. But it is important to a keep a check on what you speak and hear and also question people using such misogynistic swear words because remaining silent about sexism and misogyny words means allowing it to foster. Degrading women for the sake of humour is wrong and needs to be spotted and stopped.

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