Get Inspired, Be Empowered Forums Gender Justice The reservation of seats and jobs for women indicate that they are fragile?

9 replies, 9 voices Last updated by Aditi Sahu 2 years, 10 months ago
  • Woospire
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    Although it can be partially agreed that yes, reservation, whether in politics or jobs, is pointing that our women are fragile or inferior. As by considering women reservations indicates that they’re not efficient to struggle and achieve. Somehow these reservation has being seen as aan obstacle for who actually deserves.
    But, in today’s world, it feels like women are not fragile, if there’s anything inferiority, then it’s the condition of surrounding and society which need to be improved deliberately. And for this, we need reservation.
    As everyone of us know,in India women representation in 2019 loksabha is at 14%, while much below average of the world women representation was recorded as 24%.
    Lack of women representative, in Parliament ir in jobs leads to lack of discussion about women issues. They get subsided by the other social problems as not much understand this fact that if you are living in a society, each and every problem are connected directly or indirectly. Women from regular economic and social conditions, need to be heard. So in this case, reservation is absolute necessary.
    Then why we don’t have it until now?
    The cause lies in the same situation, why we need the reservation most. It has been 25 years from when women reservation bill, due to 108th amendment,was first introduced in 1996 ,1998,1999,2008 but got neglected and torn out over and over and is a still pending bill. Why?
    Because, on the first hand, our Parliament lack women representative and support.
    And the second is, whomever we have,most are formally from privileged family or society and are hesitant to ask for reservation. While some of them, eg. Mrs. Renuka Ray, argued against it as she believed, ‘insult to our intelligence and capacity’ and women should be judged according to their ability, citing the example of ms. Vijaylaxmi Pandit and Sarojini Naidu, not realising that they were exceptional to current social norms.
    So, though women reservation is carrying a virtue of sexism and gender discrimination, in this condition of society, where women still need to forcefully uplifted, reservation is a necessity.

    Shubhangini Shaktawat
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    The reservation of seats and jobs for women indicates that they are fragile?
    Reservation in any field or area indicates that someone or some group in particular is socially backward or not at par as compared to the rest of the people. Hence, I would definitely not agree that reservation of seats and jobs for women indicates that they are fragile, because they are not. There are a few seats that have been reserved for the SC, ST and OBC in the Parliament. Does that mean they are fragile? No, they just lack representation. They are not at par with the rest of the Indians as they are slightly backward, which is exactly why they require reservation to help their upliftment take place. Reservation of seats and jobs for women also exists for the same reason, i.e. to provide them representation and support in a pro-men society that does not see their worth. Women in our society are considered socially backward and not at par with the rest of the population as the society has always looked down upon them and the law supports them for the law is well aware of the same.
    In various jobs, the criteria of employment is in the favor of men, which is why reservation for women is definitely required to empower them and uplift them till they reach at par with the rest of the human population one day. Also, women are a minority as compared to the number of men in our society which is why it is just and fair to provide them reservation like any other minority group or socially backward class or tribe. If women and men had been at a comfortably equal ratio with each other, this would never have been a problem. Also, not like reservation of women goes upto the extent of 50% opportunity snatched from men. The seats and jobs that are reserved for women are limited in number and the sole motive and objective behind is to help women and empower them so that they can come at par with others, and one day reach a point where they will no longer require reservation of any kind in this society. Also, in a society like ours, where women are constantly poked and pushed and reminded that they are not expected by the society to stand on their own feet and be independent, it is a must to provide employment to women even by reservation, in order to empower them and remind them that there is still hope. They are not fragile, rather the society where they need reservation is.
    A woman myself,
    Shubhangini Shaktawat

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    Yes, I agree with this statement that reservation in job or in seed for women indicate that they are fragile, they are weak . It shows how weak women are they don’t know how to fight for themselves they don’t know how to raise their voice for themselves. But now it is not like this at all, now she can raise her voice for herself, fight for herself .
    Now a woman is not behind in any business, whether it is job or political area or at home or in any other occupation.Many times it is heard by the male society that what is for the women, everything is prepared for them in advance, reservations are made for them everywhere, nor do they have to fight for anything, everything is there for them. They do not have to struggle for anything, we men have to fight for ourselves everywhere, everywhere we have to achieve everything, buy fighting for our own right. Even though the reservation was made under the thought that women should get justice , they get quality , but this reservation process has created a different image for women in the mind of the male society. It seems that women are week , then they should be given a chance in the first place, that is why the whole man society has started considering itself more superior.
    Due to reservation, many times the deserving candidate doesn’t get the chance . One of my colleagues Shubhangi said , reservation is giving opportunity and equality to women as most of the job in favour of men. But due this woman’s are been proven week and this create a mentality in mind of man society, that woman cannot stand for themselves, they always need it support a push up for themselves . Yes, many times the jobs are in favour of women but at this point of time, government should provide safety and should ensure that women will get it quality and justice by giving reservation to them they are proving women’s week. RESERVATION is very wrong practice followed by the government and the society.

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    We are all aware of reservations and how a person who is given that reservation is sometimes neglected and sometimes considered partial. Reservations for many categories and in almost all fields are observed, be it politics, studies, also in public transport like buses and trains, but that doesn’t mean that reservation makes them inferior or less than any other individual.
    Women were and are still considered as less than men in many a thing and so society thinks and follows reservations, like for e.g., in politics some % of seats are reserved for women and so they can get the opportunity in that field, so the thought behind this according to many is like, women can’t do that and they are not capable and so through reservations they can get into that field.
    It’s not like that only for women but there also reservations for SC, ST, OBC, etc. but it doesn’t mean that all for whom these reservations are maintained are inferior or less capable. But as it is said that a coin has two sides and so this situation also has, like these reservations are available to them then few consider as a plus point for them to enter any field without any such knowledge required. It has also been observed that some jobs in government are only provided to them and many who have succeeded in that field end up with no opportunity.
    There’s a partiality too and then who don’t have reservation chance feel unequal and inferior. So if these reservations bring the comparison between humans then it needs to stop or provide equality to all.

    Manpreet Singh
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    It is not a hidden fact that violence against women has been on the rise ever since they have started stepping out of their traditional roles as homemakers. Challenging the patriarchal setup comes with its own sets of problems and fallouts. The more women enter into public spaces, the more violence they are likely to face. Violence against women is a manifestation of prejudices against them that want to confine them to to the domestic sphere. These prejudices still dominate our thinking. India’s female labor force participation rate has been dramatically falling to a low of 23.3% as per the NSSO.
    In the latest Lok Sabha, it was lauded the fact that India had its highest number of women MPs in the Lok Sabha. But it is still a shame as it represents only 14% This is much below the global average of 24%. Moreover, in 1950 itself women formed 5% of Parliament. A mere 9% increase in the last 69 years is a shame.
    22 years have passed since the Women’s Reservation Bill was first introduced in Parliament in 1996. All four times the Bill lapsed upon the dissolution of the house. Bill face fierce opposition and it was torn apart in the Rajya Sabha by an RJD MP. We also heard regrettable statements, such as “Do you think these women with short hair can speak for women, for our women.” Women are far from being in a position to equal men out. Despite women proving their capabilities in every field, they continue to remain underrepresented. Money power has played an integral role in securing electoral victories. Women fare poorly on shaky ground. Only 14% of women in the agricultural sector own the farms. The majority of the property in India is still in the hands of men. Women find it harder to acquire muscle power to win elections. They have traditionally been associated with domestic roles and not with positions of political leadership. It is a difficult task to break out of the mold. The criminalization of politics further acts as a deterrent for women. They are often at the receiving end of many of these crimes. Political parties to give more tickets to women candidates.
    It is high time women our leaders recognize that some glass ceilings are harder to break than others, and reservations will go a long way in facilitating women to shatter the one that’s been keeping guard at Parliament for 69 long years. No doubt women reservation is a complex topic but it needs to be resolved and it is definitely needed.

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    Women do not need reservations or quotas to make them stand in the society, they’re capable of making their ways out of it. All a woman needs is a non-restrictive society that allows her to stand upon her feet and let her stand up even after she falls.
    Reservations and quotas do not provide equality to women, but an they’re an indication that they’re weak.
    This society has not respected anyone other than men, but now is the time where a woman needs to be respected as equally as men, reservations won’t provide them the equality they deserve but the urge to treat them equally would. Providing reservations to women is unfair to other parts of the society. They need to be appreciated based upon their hardwork and efficiency. Though, women from backward families could be provided with quotas and reservations because of the burden of the responsibilities that they already hold but women are capable enough for standing up for themselves. Reservations, if exist should not be the one considering women fragile. They belong to the women as a reward for their extraordinary hardwork and skills.

    Afshan Iqbal
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    Giving someone an opportunity just because of their gender is equal to denying someone an opportunity for the same. I strongly agree that the reservation of seats and jobs for women indicate that they are fragile. In India, there is a persisting notion about women’s fragility, which gave birth to reservations for women in the political, job, and educational fields. Women are considered “vulnerable” and thus they are given special privileges, but do women really need them? No! The whole concept behind reservations is to make everyone aware of the fact that women are weak and that’s why they need to be treated in that way.
    The real truth is that women are resilient and can make it on their own. These reservations are only a hurdle in the way of women fighting for their equality. Reservations for women in any field only give rise to social stigmas associated with women and also encourage misogyny and anti-feminism in the community. I believe women can achieve great things without being pitied. If we are concerned about gender equality then this is also an important part of gender equality. We need a society where men and women fight their own battles without any assistance to either of the genders and thus reservations for women are unfair not only to the other genders but to women themselves. Let’s just end this concept of reservations for one and all!!

    Samriti Sharma
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    Yes, The reservation of seats and jobs for women do partially indicate that they are fragile. The very concept of reservation was introduced to ensure the representation of various communities in education, employment and politics. It is the constitution of India that has recognised the same to protect the interests of those who weren’t given adequate representation by the dominating classes.
    Women have been marginalized for centuries now, the inferior status of a women in our Indian society became a reason for such a reservation. It won’t be adequate here to say that women were weak as it is the result of continuous struggle led by ambitious women’s that we collectively are enjoying many rights and privileges at par with men today.
    But yes it also becomes necessary to acknowledge that the scenario was not always like this, in a patriarchal society women have suffered many injustices in silence. Constant domination and male opression is another reason for reservation.
    Reservation of seats for women in job and other platforms was granted with the objective to empower them and give them recognition in the society. This reservation for women has helped in building a sense of equality in our patriarchal society which should be encouraged as it’s a fact that various problems and issues related to women can be understood and raised by women leaders more actively and efficiently as they are more likely to associate with the injustice that has been prevailing.
    Women empowerment is the need of the hour as has been started by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar ” The only way of measuring the development and progress of a community in a country would be the progress and growth of women in that community which is the real progress of the country”.

    Aditi Sahu
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    Uplifting someone so that they can be in the same position as the majority is not an indication of fragility in any way. Reservation is the government’s way of uplifting people who have been discriminated against in the past, reservation has nothing to do with a person’s physical or mental strength or their tolerance.

    Women, who have faced discrimination in numerous sectors in the past, now get reservation of seats in some places. So to answer the asked question, no reservation of seats and jobs for women does not indicate they are fragile in any way. Reservation just intends to bring everyone on the plain surface to compete equally and give everyone equal opportunities.

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