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1 reply, 2 voices Last updated by Yushu 1 year, 7 months ago
  • Afshan Iqbal

    Women at work. A new reality? Definitely YES! What do you think is the future of women at work?

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    From the old times conservative people used to say that what will a woman do at working area? She should be in kitchen and at home, handling family. Due to enormous struggles,thankfully, that mindset is changing now. As to women’s future at work, With the way world is going, we’ll see more women in government jobs as well as in corporate sector, even today, we’re seeing women in position of power. People want to hire them for even at their worst time, women are able to give their 100%. And who said, women at work is a new reality. If we go by history, we’ve women as juries, as rulers- remember laxmibai and rajiya sultan? From starting times, we have seen, the way even after being oppressed, women fought for their rights and now we are here in 21st century, where when a woman says that she wants to work, people doesn’t ask why, they ask when. We are seeing women in politics, taking up the lead. We are seeing women as CEOs of giant companies. Women can be seen working as, democrats, government officials. Women are now flying fighter gets and well we all know of Indira gandhi and Sarojani Naidu and Kiran Bedi. We have powerful figures to motivate us. What is needed is that we learn from them we earn what is our right and do it right way. In upcoming future, not only world will see rise of women in every sector. It will give them their due respect and salaries. The fight that started in West with waves of feminism is still going on and will continue to do so till we have reached a certain respectful position.

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