Get Inspired, Be Empowered Forums Access to Healthcare Reproductive Health & Rights Taking Care of Yourself on Your Period – Menstrual Hygiene

12 replies, 12 voices Last updated by Yash Tiwari 3 years, 6 months ago
  • Woospire
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    During mensuration a lot of changes and that from the body comes outside. We can consider menstruation as a cleaning process for the women’s body.
    There are many safety measures and hack Which a woman can add up to get relief of period pain. They are like:-
    Use a heating pad on your lower abdomen or lower back
    Take a warm bath
    Place a hot water bottle on lower abdomen or lower back
    Massage your abdomen
    Ask your doctor about using an over-the-counter pain reliever or anti-inflammatory drug
    Do an easy exercise like yoga, walking, or swimming to help increase blood flow
    During periods time, a woman is required to change the pad in up to 3 to 4 hours every time they keep the pubic area clean and maintain hygiene. Vaginal odor smelling slightly tangy or even sweet is completely normal and a part of your body’s routine. Vaginas are their own self-cleaning systems and work hard to keep a delicate, slightly acidic balance throughout your period, The balance is aided by small bacteria called lactobacilli and even light vaginal odors resembling bread or beer can be normal as they too contain this helpful bacterium.
    There are many other points which a woman should remember. Those are: –
    1- Make water your good friend :- It might seem odd that you need to drink more water when you’re feeling the most bloated, puffy and full, but the more water you drink, the better. There’s no specific recommendation of how much water each unique person should drink but a common guideline is to drink eight to ten 8-ounce glasses of water throughout the day. If you’re on-the-go, be sure to carry a water bottle with you and try to fill it up several times throughout the day.
    2:-Eat Healthy Foods: If you’re looking for what kind of food to eat on your period, then try reaching for healthier snacks like fruits and veggies or other low sodium foods that won’t make you balloon. Avoid eating processed foods and too much salt, your belly will thank you later. Processed foods can contain high amounts of salt and contribute to increased bloating, no thank you! Other safe bets for healthy eating are proteins like fish and chicken and healthy fats, like nuts and avocados. If you want (need) a little something sweet, consider dark chocolate – it’s a good source of magnesium, which can help regulate serotonin and elevate your mood.
    3-Get in some exercise: Yes, this is probably the last thing you want to do. We get it. But, light exercise during your period can help increase your blood flow which can help alleviate period symptoms like bloating.
    These hygienic habit and precaution a woman should take care during her period time.

    Apoorva Pathak
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    Period! Period! Period! It is not a disease. and knowing menstrual hygiene is necessary there are many myths related to mensuration. These occur when girls are illiterate they are not knowing about health and sanitation.
    There many precautions we should take when we are dealing with menstruation. As in this period, we become weak and not able to fight diseases. We should always take bath with Dettol so that it disinfects the body and make it a pH of the normal body. One should always keep in mind about pads of periods we have to change it on regular basis every 6 hours as this will and allow bacteria to generate and keep the area clean and dry.
    Taking a good meal and stay stress-free is also the solution as taking irregular and stress also creates the condition of PCOD ( polycystic ovary disorder) and this leads to irregular periods as well as a hormonal imbalance which causes further harm to the body.
    Toilets sits should be disinfected and wash on regular basis. One should not keep undergarment unclean as this will create the growth of bacteria and will infect the person. These infections often lead to uterus infection, cancer, urinary tract infection and many more sickness. We often see that women use cloth in the rural area as pads are not available to them this often leads to various diseases. In the movie PADMAN has created the sense of menstrual hygiene on a local basis this was a real-life story. There many short films on periods so that illiterate people should also know about the menstrual cycle.
    Many of the women are not aware of mensuration they create mental taboos about it and this is one of the leading cause of death of women. They are kept hidden even if she has some problems this is not the solution we should expose women about menstrual hygiene.

    anshika agarwal
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    Taking care of yourself on your period- menstrual hygiene
    Menstrual hygiene is quite most important thing for women. During menstruation the body of women feels quite uncomfortable due to cramps and mood swings. Women should know their menstrual cycle properly. To minimize the discomfort there are alot of things that women should take care of. The first and the foremost thing is diet. Women eat a lot of carbs and sugary foods during their menstruation but they should avoid that and focus on more protein rich and healthy foods. Women should drink a lot of water to keep themselves hydrated all the time. To avoid iron deficiency they should take care of iron rich foods too. Women should properly rested. Trying to sleep more than your normal days is good as it will help in reducing cramps and make them energized when they wake up. Taking rest doesn’t means forgetting exercise. Women should do light yoga or exercise to boost themselves. Taking warm bath is also very effective in reducing cramps as well as in feeling good. Women can also use heat pads to reduce their pain. With that women should keep in mind of having a clean vagina. Using alot of scented products in their vagina can results in infections. They should make sure that they wash their vagina properly and protect it from getting any fungus bacteria. Women should use good quality sanitary products. This can help them in getting away from harmful bacterias. Women should use environment friendly sanitary products to save our environment. These basic self-care habuts should be adopted by every women and they should follow this and save them from having any kind of disease. Women should be made aware about these things.

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    In the modern world, when men and women are growing up equally and competing against each other, period stigmatization should be severed. It’s very sad to declare that even in the most modern areas of our society have it, saying loud about period is still a bad thing. And these stigmatization lead women where they are unknown to their body functions.
    So, first of all let me clear, period is not a disease or not something to feel ashamed for just because it’s source is your vagina. We have to break the long hold stigmatization on it.
    Some places still don’t allow women to come inside house in their period. To their families, it’s a request to please understand their situation, it’s the time when she needs to be nursed and leaving her alone isn’t good as periods somehow affect our mind too due to excessive hormonal change.
    To the women, who are using old clothes during periods, science has developed and come with many of such product who can ensure you a proper hygiene and without any leakage like menstrual caps. If not it, you can opt for pads. Whatever you are using make sure to not make it last more than 8 hours. And if you are not comfortable with any of these, always go for clean clothes.
    Never forget a proper hygiene is absolutely necessary and a improper hygiene can lead to fatal disease like vaginal cancer.
    Make sure to clean your vagina every day.
    Take a shower and stay fresh.
    Eating healthy foods during this period is necessary too as it takes a lot of blood, our body become weaker.
    Drink water even if you are not thirsty as water make the blood flow better.
    For period pain, you can use a hot bag or a bag full of hot water on your lower abdomen as it prevent any blood clots.
    Try not to consume anything which can be caused of vast hormonal change as your body is already suffering from it.
    Try to intake more food rich with iron to prevent anemia and have a good menstrual health.
    Even if it’s the last thing you will want during periods, but stay active. Go for a mild yoga and exercise or a walk. Active body keep it’s blood flow easily.
    Take rest, no need to make yourself do harsh activities. And to the family, try to support her in her pain.

    Not Helpful

    Periods. They’re a regular part of life for women. They face it once a month for seven days in a week. Here are some ways you can take care of yourself while on your period!

    This is one of the most important steps. Always be clean and remember to stay healthy. Remember to change your pad every 4-8 hours. If you want, you can use menstrual cups or tampons as it is convenient and more comfortable than pads.

    During your period, you will feel tired. Do not stress yourself. Relax, take care of yourself and rest. It is essential for you to get rest because you will be more energetic later.

    Eat food which is rich in micro-nutrients. Of course, you might indulge in food like ice-cream or fast food but it’s recommended that you do not. By eating food rich in micro-nutrients, your cramps lessen and you become much more active.

    Of course, you need not do intense exercise. Yoga is a good exercise and it does help with the symptoms you are experiencing, making it easier for you and reducing cramps.

    One can follow these steps if they experience painful periods. It will help you in the future and your symptoms will be less.

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    Menstruation is one very common life process almost every woman goes through. Menstruation, or period, is normal vaginal bleeding that occurs as part of a woman’s monthly cycle. Every month, your body prepares for pregnancy. If no pregnancy occurs, the uterus, or womb, sheds its lining. The menstrual blood is partly blood and partly tissue from inside the uterus. Menstrual hygiene management (MHM) is an essential aspect of hygiene for women and adolescent girls between menarche and menopause. Menstrual hygiene is one very important thing to follow during the menstrual period. Some of the tips to follow to maintain menstrual hygiene are:
    1. Do not use pads or tampons for long. Many women make the mistake of using a sanitary pad or tampon for a very long time. This is a potentially harmful practice. Once the menstrual blood leaves the body, it begins to decompose gradually. Keeping the used pad close to the vaginal area and skin for long periods of time exposes the area to bacterial infection and itching. Tampons, especially, should not be left inside the body for more than four hours to prevent toxic shock syndrome. Clean out the area as instructed in the point above before changing the pad or tampon.
    2. Keep the pubic area clean. Menstrual periods can be messy. It does not help if you have pubic hair that traps some of the blood as it flows out of the body. Besides, it can cause infections with inadequate daily cleaning. Before your period begins, clip your pubic hair as close to the skin as possible.
    3. Dispose used pads safely. Your used pads and tampons cannot be tossed into the trash at once. They must be wrapped in paper and put inside a plastic packet before being thrown away. Used pads and tampons carry germs and bacteria, and if left open to the atmosphere, can emit a foul odour and attract insects. If you use a menstrual cup, wash it once a day in warm water and antiseptic liquid to remove all germs.
    4. Stay away from vaginal cleansers and douches. While most women balk at having sexual intercourse during their period, there are some who don’t mind it. However, the male partner must use a condom so as to prevent infections to both partners. However using vaginal washes and douches during your period is a strict ‘No’. Not only is there a question mark over the efficacy of vaginal washing liquids, the use of douches during this time can cause injury to the private parts, and spread infection.
    5. Rest and catch up on sleep. You might get drowsy and feel dull during your period. Relax – this is just your body’s way of telling you to rest as your period goes on. You can nap, read in bed, indulge your love for sweets and chocolate, and generally doing all the things that you don’t have the time for otherwise.

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    Every girl has to go through a period every month it is painful for some girls it is very important that girl should take good care of themselves during the period of the menstruation cycle, they need to maintain menstrual hygiene keep changing pads after a specific interval, doctors suggest that girls, when are on period, should eat light food and drink eight glasses of water minimum, the girl who faces a problem and if there pain unbearable they should concern the doctor instead of checking on google or consulting other women. Girls need to take rest during the start days of the period. Make sure they do not exert themselves. Many girls and women cannot afford to buy products of the period because they are also government needs to remove the tax from this product are necessary products and need to sell them at cheaper prices. Many girls feel uncomfortable talking about their period concern with their family member or with a friend because society has created a taboo when girls are on the period they are treated as untouchable, unclean and are not allowed to go on any holy function this leads to ignorance on their health and girls also feel low, they curse themselves that why it only female have to experience this pain. Doing exercises yoga and stretching helps during this period. Practicing meditation and binge-watching favorite shows really help during the period. Girls should maintain and hygiene and normalize opening about their menstruation, it’s a natural thing and every other woman goes through this.

    Gayatri Somvanshi
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    PERIOD! Whenever this word is mentioned , one thing women always remember is pain and irritation and discomfort. We blood sisters who are sometimes so done with this aunt flow who even bring along pimples, cold, stomach cramps and mood swings and craving along with her. But let’s talk about alternatives.
    Now fortunately I am a lucky girl as I don’t have period cramps 😆
    But still my aunts and friends and sisters are going through a lot of pain and literally to the extent that they are not even sane and let’s not forget the pain of girl’s who have PCOD and PCOS.
    The first thing we need to do is take a rest.I know that all of us are busy and it’s not possible as we all have work and we don’t have the luxury of period leaves but still we should not go hard on ourselves. We need to not always endure it . If we are at home, drink warm water and heat your abdomen or whatever part is painful.
    Then you can take fennel water which is very simple to make. We just need to boil fennel seeds in water.
    Try to do light exercises meant to ease pain or simply some positions meant for pain reduction.
    If still it’s not working and you just can’t take it anymore just go for a doctor prescribed painkiller.
    If you’re having ample of mood swings just sleep or have your favourite food and fav drama. You can have chocolates in your bag or hot tea or any beverage.
    Next thing is hygiene . Keep your pubic clean and dry. And keep toilet clean and dry. Clean panties are mandatory now we even have panties specially customised for periods. Also change your pads , tampons after every 6 hours. If you are using menstrual cup make sure your are sterilising it and if you are our make sure you empty it and wash it with clean water. If you are using pad try to go for biodegradable pads which are particularly rash free and always have period kit with yoir incase of emergency. Do record your period dates and if u feel down pull on your blankets and sleep.

    Semantee Chattopadhyay
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    Menstruation, or period, is normal vaginal bleeding that occurs as part of a woman’s monthly cycle. Some girls, in addition to feeling more intense emotions than they usually do, notice physical changes along with their periods — some feel bloated or puffy because of water retention, others notice swollen and sore breasts, and some get headaches.
    There are a few ways by which women can make themselves feel better during menstruation:
    1. Meditation: Meditation is a practice where an individual uses a technique – such as mindfulness or focusing the mind on a particular object, thought, or activity – to train attention and awareness, and achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm and stable state. Meditation can dramatically boost one’s mood and emotional wellness.
    2. Exercises: One should work out regularly or frequently to have a healthy body and a regular cycle. Yoga is a great exercise. Yoga can help to relieve menstrual cramps. Breathing exercises can also relieve cramps and back pains by assisting the bowel movements and stimulating the flow of any static fluid.
    3. Diet: Protein-rich diet is recommended as they keep the blood sugar levels in check. Citrus fruits such as lemon, orange or sweet lime contain vitamin C which is beneficial. Intake of a good amount of water is recommended. Herbal teas are also good as they can relax and soothe you. It is advisable to avoid caffeine-containing foods and beverages such as chocolate, coffee, tea and soft drinks. These can worsen symptoms such as anxiety, depression and breast tenderness.
    4. Other activities: One should optimise sleep. One should use heating pads for relief from menstrual pain. Listening to good music, watching movies or reading books can also help shift the concentration and hence can provide comfort.
    “Self-care is not self-indulgence, it’s self-preservation”- Audre Lorde

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