Get Inspired, Be Empowered Forums Sexism & Patriarchy Still house chores are women’s duty. Why?

13 replies, 14 voices Last updated by Afshan Iqbal 2 years, 11 months ago
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    Still house chores are women’s duty. Why?

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    Women are made to do the house chores it does not matter is a housewife or working women her day start right from cleaning to making food, doing laundry to washing utensils, making breakfast for the family, it’s her daily work, she has to do all these work on daily, after completing this work she can go to work. If she does not do this work, she will have to listen to taunts, criticism for not doing it, family will make women feel like she is selfish and does care about anyone in typical Indian family women had to go through this a lot. If a woman does not know how to cook her future is in difficulty that’s what our Indian society believes, girls are expected to start doing household chores to learn everything properly, some mother forcefully asks their daughter to do the work. Some people think women are maids who have to be 24×7 on their service.

    It will be a lot better if boys at their early age taught how to do basic household work, we all believe in equality so why only women have to do the work why can’t expected to do, just because they are men. We have to change this mindset and its women fault who do not teach their child to do any work, it becomes a habit for them before marriage men mother will after marriage his wife will do no difficulty,
    Men and women both need to divide their household chores, if women are doing cooking then men will wash utensils, by doing this there will be no burden on the women and they both can be happy to manage. But this effort should be taken by men. We have to change to see the change.

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    People always say that from old time that house chores are only women’s duty. They believe that men are not meant to do house chores. As we know that at old time parents used to teach all house chores at very small age. They make sure there girl child do all the house work. In villages people used to do child marriages because of that girl child has to do all the work alone for the family. This is absolutely wrong always people think women should do all the house chores. There is no equality between men and women if they taught women house chores duty then they should make sure that men also should know all they house chores duty. It is not necessary that women should do all the house chores it only there duty. They also has right to do job been independent all the work should be done equally rather it brother or sisters, husband or wife, etc. There should no comparison between men and women house chores duty is responsibility of the family members not only women’s. They should always help women in house work . They will never ask for help but say it one time and do there help everyday you see the happiness in there face for helping and caring for them. There should be understand between both of them men and women in their family to divide the house chores it will be easy for both. It is not easy for women to work 24/7 alone. They should get help from there family members and not only this people should change there mindset that women’s are made to do house chores they should taught there children from very small age that men and women are equal to do house chores duty. They should also taught boys house chores duty. People should maintain the equality between men and women.

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    We believe women should be in positions of power but then when it comes to house chores and management of children, the narrative changes and we start quoting nature and nurture as all indicating that women are the best placed to take care of children. From ancient times till medieval till now, its mentality of people that household chores like cooking, washing clothes, utensils and cleaning houses are all women’s duties, but it’s not valid or equality treating women to do all hose work and men’s only earning.
    It was found that around 81% of women do cooking and housework every day for at least one hour per day compared to only 37% of men. It is assumed by many that its women’s who has to look after the house and household chores and men only working in offices and earning. The mindset of people needs to be changed and so we can see all gender-equal. House chores are done by women very greatly but if men can do a bit of contribution, then others can be inspired and it also changes the thinking of everyone who thinks it’s only women who can do household chores.
    Even after progressing as much as we have, we still see working, independent, strong women coming back home from their tiring jobs and then doing all the household chores. And this is a completely normal scene for us. In India, it is seen very less % of men’s contributing to housework. We are all humans with the same opportunities and it’s everyone’s right to be treated equally, we cannot progress as individuals if we fail to recognize toxicity every day which affects our minds.

    Semantee Chattopadhyay
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    It’s 2021 and still, women are expected to do all the household chores. It doesn’t matter if she is working outside or not she has to be the leader of doing all the household chores. Indian arts show that almost all women are busy cooking, cleaning, washing clothes and doing the dishes and they are happy doing it. It portrays that women are noble, selfless and their only motive is to complete all the household work. Recent ads which are shown as progressive or empowering either show that she is a superwoman or glorifies her husband and sons for sharing the load. From her teenage years, she is expected to know all the household chores so she can fit into a good family. Household chores are still considered to be just a “woman’s work” and she should run the household without considering it to be a burden. It doesn’t recognise the fact that domestic work is hard work. On average an Indian woman spends almost 352 minutes per day in housework while an average Indian man spends only 52 minutes per day. Only recognising or acknowledging this hard work is not enough everyone should equally contribute to the household chores. Taking care of the house for doing household chores is nothing less and shouldn’t be looked down upon. Every woman at least once in her life says “what have I received for all the work I do?” If couples outline their expectations it almost won’t matter how the work gets divided. Everything should not be looked at in terms of the economy. Generally, it is expected that a homemaker should do all the housework as her husband goes to the office. It is not wrong until and unless both of them are on the same platform. They should be equally respected and help each other to divide the load. The sexism out there in the world permeates the relationships. So women need to be respected, understood and housework needs to be planned.

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    ” Want a 5.8 ft, slim, fare, educated, good-looking girl , accustomed with all types of household chores. If you are interested, please contact at-……… ”

    What? Every one of us have read this kind of advertisement at least once in our life, a perfect marriage proposal, published on a daily newspaper. Right?
    It’s not that only type of course, there are types of finding advertisement for the perfect wife one could possibly have. But have you ever noticed that girl must be fair, good looking and most importantly fit for all type of household chores. As if, it seems an advertisement for a caretaker or servant who will be around 24×7, doing all work and serve the family.
    However stable wife has become, according to our society, household chores come first. You can die after completing it, nobody cares.
    But in this century, where women are already going side by side of men, it’s equally impossible for a woman just as a man. But we expect to preserve their houses bare handly and men should get rest. As rushing out, making money is a man’s job and woman’s choice. And she should suffer for it.
    Have you ever realize, how much ill conditioned is this!
    Just because that’s how our society worked for ages, it doesn’t mean that it’ll be at today too. Every house make their women do clothing, cleaning,cooking but for boys, they don’t need to.why?because they are gonna have their mother and then their wife to do this ? Please update your mentality.Dont let your son be a load of baggage who gets dependent .Changes are happening in our society. In our professions and with these, we should change our mentality too.
    Doing household chores, cooking, cleaning is some living necessities that should be taught to both men and women. And in a husband-wife relationship, if husband us working to earn, then their wife has also circumstances like him and he should understand that. I guess, if we just devide those work, they can become light, happier and less frustrating for both of them too.

    anshika agarwal
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    Still house chores are women’s duty. Why?
    Yes! Still house chores are women’s duty.When it comes to household work women has most responsibilities. Men are also becoming feminist and helping women in women empowerment but household chores are still done by women.
    Many women still believe that household chores is the duty of women. Household chores should be done by both without having a gender issue. Women work for hours in house without getting paid and the unpaid work is unappreciated and mostly preferred by men. It’s not only men’s fault women don’t want men to do household works. How many women are actually willing to give their kitchen duties to their husbands and have trust on them? Women thinks that they can do a better job than their partners when it comes to house chores because it requires a lot of patience and time to let your husband know where everything is placed in the kitchen. How are men going to learn cooking? Men can start from giving their small efforts in household chores by putting their dirty clothes in the washing machine.
    For the change in the society and for the people to stop assuming that a daughter in law always comes learnt with all household skills Women needs to speak up. Make your position and your will clear before getting into any relationship. Every women deserves that man who will eat whatever she make without criticizing her.

    Gayatri Somvanshi
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    It’s because we have always thought that girls are meant to cook and look after children. Now we have all witnessed women are always expected to do chores . Especially when it comes to working women, they are expected to manage both sides of work. If by chance they are unable to handle it they are often told to choose home rather than working at home. There have even been cases where wan is not allowed because of work as they think that they will not look after family well.
    The point is why is it only women’s responsibility to do home chores? Why can’t a man lend a helping hand to her?
    A marriage is amalgamation of two individuals .They are other halves of each other so why not equal distribution of chores ?
    So the main reason for this is upbringing .
    There are many households who teach boys everything from cleaning to cooking. In Fact in many households boys help their mother in everything including cooking.
    But there are houses where a girl is expected to do everything. It is often thought to boys that they are only meant to work and chores are for girls. So often in these kinds of households girls are not educated.
    But if we change the way of teaching our children then sure gender equality will exist in all the things and why not just start with this basic thing and from our home itself.
    The second thing is to let them realise that manual work is not degrading and it’s an important part of life and every work is great and not shameful.
    Teach them that it’s our own responsibility to keep our house clean.
    Cooking is a basic skill that everyone should know so it should be taught.
    So there should be no shame in doing these chores .
    If this is taught in each and every household, girls won’t need to be burdened with handling both the situation and it would be easy. There is nothing wrong in sharing the burden and this is a sign of being a man.

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    It’s a well known fact that women still do majority of her household works. In this rapidly growing world, still some people tend to stay in their backward mentality supporting the male chauvinism. Speaking about male chauvinism, I do not address only the men category. Even some women are included who still think and grow a girl child saying it’s her duty to take care of the house and house chores. Ofcourse, a woman should look after herself, her home and it’s works. But why should she take care of everything only by herself? People say that a woman is dependent on her father, husband and child at her differing life cycle. Now, this ideology has started facing its extinction. Many women out there are capable of being independent and soon many will be. Likewise, it’s possible for the men too to share some responsibility in maintaining the house. I appreciate all those men who already got this right and live accordingly. But there are some who still hesitate to take over house chores just because assuming that it’s a women’s duty. All those people are need to be taught some gender equality so that, together ,we could build a liberal world

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    A women is always expected to work 24×7 . She is considered as a machine which is once started will stop after all the work done means in night and get rest so that she can work more efficiently from the next day .
    A woman has to cook food , wash utensils , wash cloth , clean the house , buy the necessary item for the house , get the children do their homework . And she is expected to do all this work alone no one is ready to help everyone has excuse and at last people say “ what she do ? Just do the simple house chores , everyone do that . What’s new on that? Let it be she will not understand ” …. My simple question is that …did ever you understand how much work she has to do . Yeah it seems house chores are very easy but when you start doing them you will never know when the time passes . Without taking any rest , without thinking about herself , being selfless…. she do all the work and at last she have to hear “ you will not understand you don’t have any work ” slow claps .
    Time has changed , thinking is changed , but the people remains the same still women’s are expected to do all the work alone . Why don’t a men initiate to help her wife . I don’t feel that , while doing house hold work one should feel shameful . We talk about equality – We talk about right , so where all these right has gone when it comes to house chores . Do this is quality or this right doesn’t apply here or they fluctuate according to the situation and need . If we change a look according to the time , then we can also change our thinking , a man should help a woman in the work .
    In early age, girls are asked to do to the household work since it is considered as her duty which she should know . But why don’t boys ask to help her mother he can also help in the house chores , he can also wash the utensil , can broom the house , can wash his own clothes . It’s not is sole duty of a woman the work should be divided in the house and every member should perform it . And a woman should stand for her rights as to get equality she has to fight for the equality.

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