Get Inspired, Be Empowered Forums Gender Justice Steps to minimize gender bias

8 replies, 7 voices Last updated by Afshan Iqbal 2 years, 11 months ago
  • Woospire
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    Gender bias means giving importance to only one gender and not giving a chance to other gender it mostly happens at workplace. Around 42% women goes through gender discrimination at workplace. Men and women should get equal opportunities at workplace, so that women will get a chance to work equally on different projects. Educating workers about gender bias is necessary it will clear them to know about gender bias happens towards women, so that they can identify the gender bias happens towards women by taking stand against it. We all know that women are paid less than men at workplace, companies should treat men and women equally by giving them equal opportunities and equal pay with equal treatment without making discrimination against women and she should raise her voice for not paying her equally like men. At workplace people should take stand whenever gender bias is happening they should support equality, so that it may influence other people to prevent gender bias. In classroom also gender bias take places to prevent it, teacher should support and encourage all the students equally. Instead of using girls and boys they should say students and give equal treatment for students, so that their mindset will remain equal towards both gender. Society need to stop making gender discrimination between men and women by being one sided it lead to gender bias. After marriage women are responsible for all the household work instead of that both gender men and women should take equal responsibility due to which it will not leads to gender bias towards women. Both men and women should get equal chance for making heir career. People should change their mindset towards women instead of supporting only one gender they should support both the gender equally because when gender inequality, gender discrimination, gender stereotypes will prevent than only gender bias will minimize.

    Manpreet Singh
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    Despite gender equality achievements, there are engrained preconceptions against both men and women – with serious repercussions. Stubborn early-grown ideas such as “girls are poor in arithmetic” or “girls are better at cooking” or “boys don’t cry” pave the way for sober statistics on the number of commercial and political women leaders and alarming facts about the rate of sexual abuse. Gender distortion is widely used in today’s society to refer to the preferential treatment of men – especially white, heterosexual men. It is frequently dubbed “sexism” and describes female discrimination on the basis of sex only. Gender differences in professional circumstances are most obvious.
    Companies must ensure equal opportunities for men and women are guaranteed by recruitment and promotion procedures. Although many organizations state that unbiased recruitment, performance review, and promotion procedures are in place, these policies are not always thorough or efficiently applied. In order to limit the impact of unconscious sexual interference on recruitment decisions, systematic recruitment is essential. Structured interviews ensure the evaluation of all candidates on the basis of relevant and established working performance criteria. The candidates’ comparative assessments can help to decrease gender inequality in accordance with clear criteria. Analysis of data trends and the identification of gender gaps can show unconscious distortion. The potential areas for intervention can be identified as these gaps. Stereotypes and prejudices might make it difficult to interpret and deduce the observed results objectively. It is more likely that stereotypic bias will arise when the sex mix of the workforce is imbalanced or when some persons are in token positions. Gender stratification can lead to generalizations on the role of gender in determining which persons can occupy particular employment where leadership positions of one sex and the other are held.

    Not Helpful

    Gender biases basically mean giving one gender more importance treating the other gender unfairly. Gender biases are failed by many people we need to do something to reduce these gender biases so we can take some effective steps to reduce the gender biases.
    The first thing we have to start using gender-neutral language when we are communicating with someone.
    We should start raising our voice against gender biases and don’t support unfair treatment happening with anyone.
    In-home we should start giving equal treatment to each and every member of the family. And respecting the opinions of everyone.
    Try to bring change by asking kids what they thought about gender biases or making them t.v. show which does not support gender biases. We need to educate workers on gender bias. Evaluation of standardized pay people needs to have on their work.
    The company needs to offer flexible work hours because there are a lot more things to do by just doing the office work responsibilities of home, children.
    Women need to get educated at a higher level because a lot of women do not understand the business happening with them.
    Offer mentorship programs to evaluate people against gender biases. Giving benefits in participating in diversity programs.
    SO these are some steps for reducing gender biases in society.

    Semantee Chattopadhyay
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    Gender inequality is a profound injustice. It keeps millions of women around the world in poverty. Women are one half of the world’s population yet we are often denied equal access to health, education and political and economic participation. It’s first and foremost a rights issue but gender inequality also significantly damages a country’s economic development.

    Measures to eliminate gender bias:
    1. Spreading awareness: The only way to remove any kind of social evil is to bring awareness among the common people. They need to understand the importance of women. It is high time that they change their thinking that men are capable of doing everything and a woman has her boundaries. People should understand that if the sex ratio is not settled then numerous problems can arise in a society.
    2. Focus on girls education: Lack of education is one of the main reasons for gender bias. Women who are not educated are not able to get proper knowledge about their rights and powers.
    3. Provide equal opportunity: Women must be provided equal opportunities and this task should not be left to the government. Parents need to give both their sons and their daughters the chance to live their lives free from the boundaries of gender bias. Boys and girls should be provided with equal opportunities in every field whether it is at home or their workplace. There should be no discrimination in any field regarding gender.
    4. Equality and equity: Women should have rights equal to men. Equal pay for equal work and recognition for unpaid labour is essential.
    5. Promote gender equality in schools: children get their basic education in school and it is the place where they can change their minds. It is a proven fact that because of educated girls gender discrimination is minimised. Teachers have enormous power to promote gender equality by modelling positive behaviour in the classroom.

    Samriti Sharma
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    Biasness in simple terms can be understood as the preference of one thing over the another in a unfair manner. Similarly when it comes to gender biasness it here means in an Indian society particularly male preference over women.
    Gender bias today is something that exists in every aspect of our lives.
    Women have been a victim of this practice of gender biasness not from years but centuries now. This tendency to prefer one gender over the other is a form of implicit bias. There are various examples of gender biasness around us most common of which is social institutions of families.
    In our society patriarchal norms hold a significant place as power and control are always in the hands of men. In a Joint Hindu Family the eldest male member of the family is considered as ‘karta’, the head of the family.
    The most visible aspect of gender biasness can be seen in terms of education. Here gender biasness exists not only in the mindset of families and society but indirectly the same is conveyed through textbooks as well. There are pictures showing women doing her stereotypical roles. Moreover there are still communities that do not favour women education and so deprive them of the basic and essential right to education.In 21st century too people in rural areas believe that women are best suited for household work and should be confined to them.
    Today gender bias is also seen in workplaces where male members are given various benefits and facilities and women performance is not valued equally.
    The steps that can be taken up to minimise the same is to spread awareness among people about gender equality and to motivate them to step out of the patriarchal setup. Various steps have been taken to promote girl education which is a must, as a well aware women would build a better future to live in.

    Samriti Sharma
    Not Helpful

    Biasness in simple terms can be understood as the preference of one thing over the another in an unfair manner. Similarly when it comes to gender biasness it here means in an Indian society particularly male preference over women.
    Gender bias today is something that exists in every aspect of our lives.
    Women have been a victim of this practice of gender biasness not from years but centuries now. This tendency to prefer one gender over the other is a form of implicit bias. There are various examples of gender biasness around us most common of which is social institutions of families.
    In our society patriarchal norms hold a significant place as power and control are always in the hands of men. In a Joint Hindu Family the eldest male member of the family is considered as ‘karta’, the head of the family.
    The most visible aspect of gender biasness can be seen in terms of education. Here gender biasness exists not only in the mindset of families and society but indirectly the same is conveyed through textbooks as well. There are pictures showing women doing her stereotypical roles. Moreover there are still communities that do not favour women education and so deprive them of the basic and essential right to education.In 21st century too people in rural areas believe that women are best suited for household work and should be confined to them.
    Today gender bias is also seen in workplaces where male members are given various benefits and facilities and women performance is not valued equally.
    The steps that can be taken up to minimise the same is to spread awareness among people about gender equality and to motivate them to step out of the patriarchal setup. Various steps have been taken to promote girl education which is a must, as a well aware women would build a better future to live in.

    038 deepika Singh
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    Gender bias refers to a person receiving different treatment based on the person’s real or perceived gender identity. It exists in the way we speak, the words we write and the way we behave. It impacts women differently and to a greater extend than men. Gender baisness has been around us since childhood when boys are encouraged to act manly, be active and sporty while girls are told to act in gentle and ‘ladylike’ behaviour. It is there at homes, where women’s work is still limited to the household chores and looking after their family. It is there at the workplaces where women are constantly underpaid and not given much heed. It is there when men are ridiculed for earning less than their wives. It is there when women are harassed at each and every step of their lives.

    It’s high time we make people aware of their rights and privileges and bring an end to gender bias. But how can we do so? Education. Education alone can bring a lot of change in a person’s lifestyle. Education can help a person to be aware of the rights and laws which are made to protect them. It is fact that an educated person is more likely to speak against being a victim of gender bias than an uneducated one.

    Afshan Iqbal
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    Gender bias is the prejudice displayed toward one gender over the other. Often this bias is implicit in our nature inherited by our culture, upbringing, and personal experiences. We usually feel that gender bias is mostly towards women but it’s not the truth. Men do face bias the same way a woman faces. Gender bias doesn’t leave men. While women face bias at every place, men face it less than women. The other genders like the LGBTQ face a lot of biases. When we use the term gender, we mean socially constructed expectations and roles for women and men, for girls and boys. Specifically, girls and women are expected to demonstrate feminine behaviour, and boys and men are expected to act masculine. The LGBTQ community are hardly taken into consideration. How can we minimize gender bias?
    1.Have open discussions at home about the way chores are divided up. Set expectations that both kids and adults are expected to have a turn at everything: cooking, cleaning and other household work.
    2.Encourage kids to try all types of extracurricular activities, buy them gender-neutral toys.
    3.Explain to the kids the importance of listening to and appreciating both genders as a matter of basic decency.
    4.Help boys understand that it is their responsibility to stand up for girls and counteract stereotypes and at the same time tell them to express their emotions and worries.
    5.Make it clear to girls that they are neither less nor better than anyone. Tell them to speak up for themselves.
    6.There should be gender neutrality in the workplace. Implement gender-neutral recruitment processes.
    7.It’s very important to have equality in marriages. If anytime you feel your partner is being biased, speak up.
    8.Educate each and every person about equality. Spread awareness.

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