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17 replies, 18 voices Last updated by Drashti Mehta 1 year, 5 months ago
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    Should women stay at home and look after children and forgo their careers?

    Darshini Suresh
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    As a woman, she has already gone through a lot of pains which includes back pain, vomiting, boils on her face, and the methods of pushing out of the baby through the vagina. They have actually already done, so much for the birth and creations of her beloved child to bring them into this world. They why do they have time actually give up their career and stay home after having a child?
    Considering the fact that men can actually do whatever they want, why can’t they take care of the baby for the initial months. I feel all fathers should support or do a part-time for taking the care of the baby unless the mother really want to stay home. Some men can really give up some part of their job, time and alcohol out of their lives which help bring wonders in a woman’s as well as his child’s life. There is no harm in letting a woman work for household today.
    The best person is the children’s parents to raise them. Having to leave the child and go off to work shouldn’t the case, but it’s not Compulsory that always women should do it. If it is possible for a father and Convenient for him to stay home and look after the child then he should surely do it instead.
    Today, we live in a generation where both a mom and dad have an active should play an active role in raising a child. When a TV star like Kapil Sharma can go on a paternal leave then why can’t normal fathers. If a father can stay home, and let the mother work, I don’t see any problems with this situation as such. It depends on whom the child is with and how the child is being nurtured.
    I don’t think mothers should give up their career every time, it depends on the entire situation. There are equal opportunity for both men and women out there and so should be the same case in this situation as well. It is the obligation of every father too to take care of his child. All that is needed is flexibility between the parents, so that, a woman actually doesn’t have to forgo her career after having a child as the traditional society states.

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    Women are always asked to sacrifice in each way. They should be treated equally as compare to men in there goals and career opportunity it is not at all good thinking that women should only be housewife they should always get support of there family and not only that society thinking has to change that women should follow there carrer, dreams, passion and anybody should not have problem with it. Because in every women there is something power to get stronger to follow there and success beacuse if they can work 24/7 as housewife without getting holiday and vacation imagine that how hard work women can do to follow there dreams. So women should not forgive there careers and look after children only they are strong enough to handle both. The only thing women want that is support and encouragement beacuse of this they get more closer towards there goals. Women should stay at home this thinking has to change because women and men are equally deserve to follow there goals. And it is not necessary that women’s are always take care of children there should be mutual understanding both should take care of there children. so that it will get easier for both of them. And women sholud also get there own time for there peace of mind. Because society always think that women should only do household work it is very wrong thinking. Because of this people gets influenced more. Family should not get influenced with such things. This thoughts are very ridiculous that women should stay home as housewife rather than at least they should support women to fulfill there dreams and make them feel motivated to focus on there goals and career opportunity. Women’s should ready for each and every situations with there own money. In case of worst scenario happens women’s are prepare with there own things to handle that situation. With this they will be independent and can fight with every situations.

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    In today’s raging world, where everyone’s independent to do what they want to do with their life, women has a native right to choose their path, though women are not safe anywhere around the country due to increasing rape and harassment cases everyday, people think women are safer in their houses but that doesn’t mean that they should stop going out, women have the right to choose what they have to do, besides whatever risk they have to take, society is no one to take decisions on her behalf, she’s independent enough to choose for herself, staying at home just because some monsters risk taking their lives is not the reason to stag their careers and sit at home, to end something bad, we often have to face that instead of hiding from them, if threats to rape and murder are the reason to stay home, then not only women even the men of the society are at the risk of getting murdered anytime anywhere, also, no one’s safe in terms of rape too, there are plenty of cases where men have also been brutally raped. Hence, if someone have to stay at home then due to their safety, them it is both men and women, why only women have to suffer through the societal norms? Everyone needs to understand that women have the right to choose for herself whether she has to stay at home or not.

    Gayatri Somvanshi
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    One of the most popular questions from the decade from when women started to work especially when women started to work in the corporate sector is should a womans stay home especially after childbirth to look after the chiThere have been countless views on it and most people were inclined to let women stay as the child needs his mother to look after him .Keeping aside the factor of breastfeeding the child in his developing phase ,woman is expected to do household chores too. Even if she is working she should learn to manage both or just stay home. Now there are also neutral views on this as according to many people it should be a mutual decision of the couple to decide this but one thing for sure is that the child’s responsibility irrespective of financial concerns or emotional concerns is of both the parents.
    Not always a woman should be obligated to sacrifice her career. If we look for the solutions , there are ample solutions for this which includes hiring a caretaker, managing your shifts though it might be hard but still a basic solution.
    Though if there are grandparents in your home this becomes a lot easier than to hand your child to a nanny or daycare.
    If we dive deeper into the opinions you will always find two types of views from women on this question and surprisingly both are valid .
    When this question was asked there were some women who preferred to be at home as they have worked for many years and just want to spend quality time with their children. They wanted to form a strong bond with their children and watch them grow and enjoy every moment with them.
    The next reason why mommies choose to stay at home is to make sure they develop good habits within the child as there have been incidents where by chance the caretaker chosen by us may lead to some wrong mannerisms in the child because every parent wants their child to become a better person.
    Next reason is trust issues with caretakers because there have been cases where a caretaker has abused the child or even to the point of kidnapping. There is also the fear emerging as what if a child gets emotionally detached from the mother.
    Some women who have careers in things like content creation or the jobs which can be done from home prefer and think it’s convenient for them to earn as well as to look after the child.
    Now let’s come to the other side of the story as there are an equal number of women who feel that a woman should not be made mandatory to sacrifice her career to look after a child which is absolutely valid as a woman has fair share of hardwork in her career and no one has the right to stop her from doing it. As a child is the fruit of both men and women, men too need to understand their duties and responsibilities towards their children. Practically speaking in today’s world both husband and wife need to earn to give their child a financially stable family and proper facilities as in today’s world quality and standard of living is improving day by day. Not only that but the way women are performing remarkably in every field is really impressive and why not just let them grow. But there are some orthodox and egoistic families who still think that a woman is obligated to keep aside her choice and look after kids. Though mother plays the most important role in a child’s life, she still has her own happiness and we shouldn’t forget the struggles like morning sickness, back pain and the deathly labour pain she has to endure during pregnancy and childbirth.So why should she not chase her dream and wet herself as role model for her child?
    In conclusion we can say that staying at home has both positive and negative but if we think rationally there are solutions and the easy part is acceptance .

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    Ok let me guess…what If we tell our boys to stay home and preserve it ? everyone will elaborate their duties after home, how they are not compatible with it, how it can lead to depression etc. But what about a female? Doesn’t she want to roam free? Doesn’t she want to be settle with her own priorities? Doesn’t she have a family to feed? Can’t she live on her own choice and dreams?
    Now if it arises like who is going to be at home? For children? For family? I guess it’s a duty shared by whole family that we understand each other, make up for another’s reason, be happy with every one’s happiness.
    Oh, pardon me, maybe that’s why we teach our girls to be at home, preserve our home and every household essential works which are deserved to be taught not in the basis of gender discrimination, but as we know in many houses it’s ok for a wife to cook and be a housewife but not for husband. If she is choosing her family then we should also help her to live on her own wish and love, not being pressurized.
    For a human being it’s a right to feel freedom. I wonder when we can think our girls a human being too.

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    Should women stay at home? I think it’s totally invalid question women should do what she wants to do but there are still some people in our society who control women like puppets they have very wrong mindset that God has created women to only do the household chores and do what their superior members say. Women should stop this patriarchal thinking and start doing what she wants to do even if it is not acceptable. Women are also equal to men she has the liberty to make her own decision. Women who go to work are more independent and vocal, in today’s world women should have to be independent. But slowly steadily women are coming forward and doing the jobs they want to do. And why every time women are asked to give up their career for children and handle families, men are also equally responsible for handling children showing up when women go somewhere out. Some there also the effects how they portray women in T.V, films, commercials, etc. Women are always judged by society and this creates fear in herself that she is doing something wrong, our society needs men who support females, values her choices, and appreciate her decision.
    Some women have the threat of going because of rape issues and sexual harassment because every day every other day we listen to the news of rapes and murder. Also having a safe environment for women is very much necessary. Most of the women don’t speak up on what she wants issue is rising also because of the age barrier some women think that they are aging they will not get the job and people will not hire so she stays at the home. If women will pursue what she wants to then it will inspire the other coming generation.

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    It’s been 73 years of Indian independence but when It comes to women , where this Independence word goes . Man has to earn for the family , so he is allowed to go out whenever he wants wherever he want . But what about women ? Wouldn’t a woman feel like going out and to meet people ? A woman is always taught to sacrifice her life for another . Isn’t it right for a woman to do some work? For how long she just stay at home and do the house chores .A women faces lot of difficulty in her life no matter it’s her maternal or in-laws house .
    Have you ever noticed that when a woman works all day and in the evening husband ask his wife that let’s go out for a while, at that moment, different smile comes on her face . There are crores of dreams in that smile and million of expectation . Women works at home 24 hours without a break . That woman should not forced to give up her dreams, she can do more work than a man, can handle that house and her office work together.
    All of you think for yourself during this time of Pandemic, we all feel so much trouble sitting in the house and cannot stay home for few months, it has started to feel absolutely strange, then the woman who stays at home for 24 hours , what she feels ?
    Our society cannot see a man sitting at home and a woman working at office, for that crores of holes come out of it. Why Women always take care of children , a man not take care of his children? While staying at home . I do not see any flaw in this, then why does this society see why they are so discriminated at this time .
    I do not think that a woman should always give up her dreams. I do not want men to give up their dreams and sit at home and both should fulfil their dreams together and it is not necessary to have children as soon as they get married. Both of them understood each other and take a decision. A woman also has the right to fulfil her dreams and go out . A man was not born with a hand to breathe in the open air. So , It is not always necessary for a woman to stay at home .

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    Why is it only the women who should stay at home?
    People often say that women say goodbye to their careers when they get married. This shouldn’t be the case. If a woman wants to continue her career, who are we to not approve of that decision?
    Women are often judged while going to work full time while having kids. We need to understand that some women won’t give up their career and that’s okay. What they choose to do in their lives is not anyone’s business but their own.
    People don’t have a problem with men going out to work, but why is it only the opposite with women?
    Women get the caretaker tag by default, she can’t do anything else.
    But, the society is changing, slowly. Men actually want to stay at home to take care of the kids while the women go to work. Hopefully, this will be normalized someday and that the parents will come to a suitable agreement.

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    When we look back from ancient times till the present scenario, women are still considered fragile or human beings who can’t take or suffer things, but that’s not reality. It is also said that women can’t perform duties and work as men do because what really suits their gender is cooking and managing family and so on.
    Why should women stay at home and why not work? The answer lies in this, they can work, or go out and explore herself in the area of her interest according to her choices. Women should go to work because it channelizes their talents and makes the best use of their education, especially for those who have diploma or equivalent qualification and experience. If she works outside, she will tend to be more socially connected and learn new things because she will be out of her comfort zone and learn new things, more about people, and many more things. In the past, women’s place seen to be in the home rather than being part of the workforce. However, in recent years, this has been undergoing rapid change as women become more educated and are more willing to step into domains traditionally occupied by men.
    According to statistics, there is no difference between the standards and quality of work done by men and women who do the same work. Growing urbanization and the environment have necessitated for women to work and explore. Here working not only means that she does that for herself but somewhere a little contribution she’s making for family too. Women should no longer be considered the inferior sex.
    Women can hold a rolling pin and also hold a pen and a sword too. So Why should she sit at home when she can do each little thing greatly.

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