Get Inspired, Be Empowered Forums Gender Justice Should women be paid for household work?

18 replies, 17 voices Last updated by Afshan Iqbal 2 years, 11 months ago
  • Woospire
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    No, I don’t acknowledge this theory. Obviously I’m not supporting our long extent custom of having women , mainly wives as a 24×7 worker.
    What I’m getting into is, doing our own household works are among the basic life-skills which everyone must know in order to have a great living without depending on someone else. But it is obviously not applying that our society should make someone to do all their jobs for all day long just because they can do it and itself get a big rack and sleep. Or this should never allow to let some gender forget all her dreams and work while for another gender we are suggesting that they never have to do any household chores and just enjoy the outside life.
    If someone is earning through doing household works, then that’s fine because that’s their earning policy. But you can’t apply this for your own house. If it’s your house then work is also yours. You are paying cause someone else is doing your jobs, working on your place .
    And if we talk about family, that house you are living are for others too. And so there should not be any rules that it’s only a wife’s duty to preserve it. Family members should divide the work and have each other’s back in problematic situations. And that’s why we call them family.

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    Women don’t work for to get something in return like money or gifts. It isn’t about money if a housewife gets love, respect, and the right to run her house with her husband mutually, if she gets love and care by her children it’s her salary. A male works day and night to feed his family and not let them deprive of money and a housewife. If women works outside too keeps everything intact, be it the house chaos, studies of children, taking care of elders. Both the male and female of the house should be given a lot of love and respect by their children and should share it mutually. women are paid for household work in form of secured home, meals and loving husband who give monthly pocket expenses and if she bears children she will get unlimited joy of rearing them up which one cannot count in terms of money. If they want salary than they have to work outside with permission of husband to find out how much they are worth. If husband income is big he will gladly give big portion to his wife to run household expenses with generous pocket money. If not she has to manage with whatever resources available. And on the otherside it is “housework” the work which needs to be done by the people living in that particular house, not just the female member. It is not just her duty, but also her husband’s duty and she wants her husband to recognise that. woman is always happy to do household chores for “free”. She doesn’t want to be paid in money. But she wants to be respected. Women are queen of their House and not servants for which they should be paid. Their work helps to build the home just like a castle is made.

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    No, absolutely not women should not be paid for her own household work. Yes, if she is working as a maid then she deserves that it’s her right. She is not a slave or a maid to whom we should pay.
    I don’t think any women want wages for working in her own house. I know we all are saying that women should not do house chores or should not do all the work alone but you know when a woman work for the house cook food and do other house chores , yea definitely she feel tired , but she do all this thing with another level of energy and happiness as she is doing this for her family . And this though should not come in mind of any of the family member. A woman should never have to be pay for her work in her own house because it becomes a very insulting for her as then there is no difference between her and a maid.
    Yes, if we really want to acknowledge her, really want to thanks her, we only need to say – thank you to her and need to pay respect to her; this is all she want from her family for all her work done .She never thinks about her happiness, she wishes for her children, she is happy at the happiness of her children, happy at the happiness of her husband.
    A woman’s world revolves around her child and family’s . Her real salary is her family’s love for her, her happiness is in their success. Yes, I know that even for small things, she has to ask for money from her husband, if she want to buy anything, then it seems strange to ask for money first for him. Isn’t that mean a woman asking for money from her husband to work on her own home. This is also a very good and easy way, whenever the husband get his salary, he can give half of his money to his wife for the expenses of the house. A woman has full rights over a man’s money, not because she is his wife, because the man goes out and earn money because the woman manages to stay at home and gives food to the man from time to time. She takes care of everything, so she is able to work in the office without any tension.
    A man gets the fruits of his hard work in monetary terms and the woman gets the fruits of her hard work in love in such a way that they both get money for their work, The earning formula of both is different but the value of both earnings is same. So, we should respect both of them. Either one of these two formula not working , there is no happiness left in the house, so to keep happiness in the house, it is necessary to follow these two formulas together.

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    I would say a big NO to what have been asked above. Because this theory indirectly says women are just the house maids. But that is not true. Women are not designed or programmed to do only the household chores. Still, they do, considering it as a part of their life, daily routine and they take it as their responsibility. A women indeed make a house, a home. They do it whole-heartedly for their own house, children, husband, father, mother, sister, brother and in-laws. Being a working woman, she does her household work by herself. Being a home-maker she does her household work by herself. Being a mother of two,three children she does her household work by herself. Women, in her life cycle, always does her household work. She manages to accomplish all her tasks in the busy schedule and still wears a smile to spark up her life and family. She solves the complexity of the house and provides a vibrant space and life to her companions. Not only maintaining the house chores, she also do a lot more for her home. And most importantly, all this is not done as a favour. But she performs all this as her duty. So, paying her an appropriate stipend is as equal as insulting her I think. And none of the women expect a reward or money for serving her housemates all long the life. What they expect is some love, encouragement and appreciation sometimes. Express your love for them often and look how beautifully they can turn their burden into their joy and pride. Thus, it’s need not required to pay a woman for the house chores she does. Just pay her by giving attention, affection, respect, care and lots of love to her. And the fact is, everyone in this world are indebted to women’s hardwork, kindness and love for life. Hence stay caring and grateful to such a woman in your home.

    anshika agarwal
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    No, women should not be paid for household work. Because they are not you servant to whom you need to paid. She is doing household work because she is considering that house of her. If you want to pay her then just help her in work it is everything she wishes from you.
    Is payment for work going to uplift the position of women? Who will pay for the ‘salary’ for women’s? Their husbands or goverment? It is not just about whether the unpaid work of women is recognised but it is also more about the basic question of why domestic work is seen as the domain of women. Why she is expected to do it will all her love? Girls are traditionally “trained” for their marriage in their childhood by being taught how to cook.The pandemic’s impact on unpaid work by women across the globe has already been well documented. A woman should be paid for housework in the form of hugs and kisses. Husband should paid her with satisfaction in bed. She should have all the respect that she deserves from family. She should be seen as a human and there must be some kindness. She can be paid by taking care of all the necessary things she wants to have. She should paid with all love by family.
    By doing above things she should be paid and it will help her in her daily works. She will be very happy by seeing such changes in her family members. She will be helpful too. Women should be cared

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    I would say NO women should not be paid for the household work, because you cannot cost a women’s love and care for her family in terms of money, yes we can reward her by helping her, giving her the respect and love that she deserves, also we can fulfill her wish, express our gratitude towards her every time she does anything special for us. Women are working all the time she hardly gets time for her enjoyment and hobbies, we should make sure she gets time for herself. Women from childhood have been taught to handle the family do the household works, but family should not treat women as servants they are also humans better not forget this, some days she does not feel like doing any work than men should come forward and do the work that will be very helpful to her or if married women go to her house for some period of time please don’t call her back just because you want to take care of house and family, it often happens with married women they can’t go to their mother’s house because of her duties towards the husband. It is important that husband should give her liberty to stay as long she wants and make her come when she wants, this also the way you pay her by your action, the husband should never ask her wife to pay for her own clothes and extra desires she has and men should fulfill her wishes. Recognition of efforts is important and makes her smile because she is the true woman of the house that would be the best reward for her.

    Manpreet Singh
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    A homemaker’s workload is defined as a labor of love by many. But should their contribution to the economy be counted as productive? Should they be paid? Also, the question arises that how do you monetize their work? These questions still are taboo in our society. Arguments have been made in the past that the homemakers be quantified and paid by their spouses. But many considered it as a flawed argument because it presumed that the spouse was the owner or some kind of employer of the wife. This argument also reduced the state’s own responsibility in the matter. Besides, depositing husbands to deposit a portion of salary in the wife’s account wouldn’t essentially increase the household income, per se.
    There is no dining the fact that the wife is meant to be a holder in a marriage, but it is often observed that she has little or no say in the decision-making of the household affairs. If she is not an earning member, she automatically gets reduced saying power. The whole social structure in our country which is infested with a patriarchal mindset gives her very little space to do her own thing or to take up a new vocation. Even helping a needy relative, or making any purchase can be a big task. Though the work she does is real, in terms of labor involved and results, sadly it is not monetized. It is labor no doubt, but it is not recognized.
    Needless to say, women or homemakers constitute more than half of the total population. But their needs and issues are not being addressed. A homemaker doesn’t need any favors, she just needs recognition for her work towards the economy. A salary or remuneration for her work at home would be a tool for her empowerment and independence. It will also give her a life of dignity. We need to make sure that her labor and the love that she put into it, are not being ignored.

    Shubhangini Shaktawat
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    Should women be paid for household work?
    In today’s date, we call women homemakers, no matter they work or not. It clearly means women are the ones taking a part of the load of the household. Although, I do not think ‘women should be paid for household work.’ Working for the household and contributing towards it is a responsibility of each and every member of the household. While women do household work at home, at the same time men work too, in order to earn for a living and make a contribution towards the household. If one thinks women should be paid for household work, men must be paid too for working and earning for the household, to be fair.
    A building stand tall only if it’s base is strong enough to hold it firm. A household works the same way. A household’s base is the strong bond between the family members and they all contribute to it equally. A man and woman both have similar intentions in context of the household and they both work equally to make it work, just like men and women work equally and stand equally in a society. The “paying principle” cannot work here, as it stands null and void. Although, if the house help is working for a household and helping it flourish, then that is a completely different case and must be treated specially. The house help must be paid on a regular basis as that is somebody’s occupation and that is their way to earn a living for themselves and make their household work.
    Of course, I am not trying to imply that a woman should work rigorously all day like slave to complete the household work. Instead, as I said, this is the responsibility of all the members of the household hence every member should play their part and help in finishing the household work. There needs to be a proper balance in the household and it must be constantly maintained and carried out in order to create a peaceful atmosphere. Also, from the equality point of view, paying the woman of the house for doing household chores can prove to be unfair hence, not justifiable. Man and woman must help each other in all household chores, especially household work that not only housewives do, but also working women. Hence, women should not be paid for household work, but men and women together, should make sure work is equally divided amongst the family members, so that it feels like an actual chore rather than a burden a single person.
    A woman myself,
    Shubhangini Shaktawat

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    Women should be paid by love, respect and care for every housework she does. Household chores are a duty to everyone in the house be it a husband or a wife. Women, often do the household chores selflessly without expecting anything in return, women should be paid with hugs, love and care in return, it’s not about the money she wants but the happiness she deserves after taking care of every member of the family.
    In 2017, miss world manushi chillar when asked the question about what profession deserves the maximum salary!?, She beautifully answered that a ‘mother’ deserves highest salary because of the uncountable efforts she puts in through while bringing up a child, a mother sacrifices all of herself to bring up the best of her child in the world without expecting anything in return, she also added that it’s not about the money but the love, care and support she should be paid after doing everything for her family.
    Henceforth, women should be paid for the household work she does in the form of respect, love, care and support.

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