Get Inspired, Be Empowered Forums Access to Healthcare Reproductive Health & Rights Should sex-education be introduced to schools in India?

4 replies, 4 voices Last updated by DISHA SAPKALE 3 years, 6 months ago
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    Semantee Chattopadhyay
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    Sex education is critical to every one of us, but still away from talking or even letting anyone think about it. For a moment let’s keep aside the path of how to use it for pleasure, although that’s important; but it’s equally important to understand consent, boundaries and things while dealing with other people. This forms a big part of sex education. Why wouldn’t you want to protect and enable the kids of our country with this fundamental education? Sex education is not just about using our bodies, minds and emotions for pleasure. Consent and boundaries are very critical components of sex education. Our personal and professional future relies on having a sound balance of sex awareness and important decision making. The news is so often filled with cases of sexual assault and harassment. 8 out of every ten women face some form of harassment before they turn twenty-five. The statistics are worse for LGBTQIA individuals. Our media and entertainment have not made these things easier, and the kids have direct exposure to all of it. Hypothetically even if they are restricted from watching TV at home, they will hear about it or learn about it online or from their social circle. Often this information will be incomplete or sometimes false. Kids are hitting puberty as early as 8 and 10 years old now. So they have naturally become curious about their bodies and what they are going through. It is a very stressful and complex time in their lives with physical and emotional changes and with hormones running all over the place. Low self-esteem, poor confidence and confusion are at an all-time high. A few years later, by 15-16, they may start dating. A lot of them even may get intimate. Parents may choose to keep their eyes shut but it’s happening whether they like it or not. Learning about consent and protection are very important to the overall safety and well being of the kids. Kids need support and guidance through these evolving stages, to be able to figure out what they need and want in life. By receiving sex education they also learn how to deal with people and have respect for them. Unfortunately, our education system to not have these provisions in place to enable the academic delivery of these life lessons. Parents also do not always have all the right facts and often shy away from informing their kids about these things. Working to eliminate the taboo around these subjects is important. It is important so that children can raise questions and report concerns safely without fear. If these concepts are introduced in the schooling system it will lead to the formation of a better society. The generation of kids will grow into understanding adults and we can hope that sexual assault and harassment will be minimized.

    Manpreet Singh
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    The Indian Minister of Health currently opposed sex education in India. Harsh Vardhan, India’s health minister, said in 2014 he wanted sex education prohibited. Vardhan stated that yoga must be obligatory in schools rather than sex education. The statement opposing sex education opposed India’s National AIDS Control Organization and its Minister for Human Resource Development (MNDR) 2007 health education program for teenagers. He opposed this education because he thought it was contrary to Indian traditional values. “Condoms offer safe sex, but the safest sex is via faithfulness to one’s spouse, he says in an interview to the New York Times. There was much outrage among opponents because all his observations on this topic fostered abstinence from education. After a lot of pain was expressed through his remarks against sex education, he tweeted, “Media was again wrong. I am against sex education, not sex education per se. I am against sex education. Crudity, out of popularity, values in.”
    ‘Sex Education’ is aimed to educate children about the procedures of their births anew. As Angela M. Salas stated, most sex education takes place outside the classroom in real life. In addition, it is with the recognition of the increasing “child sexual abuse,” that sex education is important in parts and pieces. Again the environment underlying the socialization of the students is heterosexual. Such educational ideals are typically seen to inherently lead to the creation of identity and to the influence of behavior. In India, the focus is greatly on teenage pregnancy and HIV/AIDS infection while talking about sex education. It has often been observed that not only “homosexuality” but “menstruation” are unconscious. There is also a lack of information regarding safe sex, despite debates about adolescent pregnancy. Despite the increased sensitivity towards child sexual abuse, schools still make very little effort to comprehend the distinction between non-sexual and sexual contact. Private schools in India have the freedom to decide whether or not to incorporate sexuality in their curricula. But the public schools did not seek to do this. The Central Government did not respond to state governments’ moves to ban the AEP. In 2016, Telangana became the first Indian State to comply on the graduate level with ‘gender’ education and also launched a bilingual textbook, ‘Towards an Equal World.’

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    According to me yes it is important to introduce sex education in the syllabus but there should be an age group it’s that children start seeing changes in their body at age of 11 so it is the perfect age to start including some topics related to sex education, it is because if we don’t teach them they will research online about it and everything which we read online is not true so it is important every child should get right knowledge because there is a lot more to learn about this topic. They are so many incidents that children at age 15- 16 start dating they even try to be intimate with their partners and girls at this young age gets pregnant because they have no knowledge about using protection and other things which can cause problem to their health. The kid requires guidance when their body is evolving. Also, children can clear their doubts and ask their queries, after including the parents will also open up to children’s education department has start discussion about this to include or not because they are a lot of mixed views about it from people. Kids will understand everything and maturely they will be thought about this. different countries teach this to children. school should provide this because nobody is guiding children when they are going through hormonal changes in the body, youth is fighting with the problem of STDs nowadays all this thing keeping in the mind we should bring the sex education in school.

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    Sex education should be introduced to schools in india because in today’s generation their are many young people who can’t talk about it and feel shy to share the things with parents or anybody. By introducing sex education in schools young people will may have conversation with their parents openly about sex education. We all know that their are people who have relationship in very small age and don’t have any idea to protect themselves physically due to which girls get pregnant and it leads to aborting child which is wrong. Instead they need to understand about sex education than only think of it. And it also leads to health problems which will get impact on their health in future. Their is lack of education problem of sex education and people are not aware of the importance of it. Due to which they don’t consider only to introduce sex education at schools. It can also be done in different parts and sessions according to age of the students as we have reproductive health education same thing we can introduce with sex education. Through Social media and digital platforms young people used to search about it and sometimes it gives wrong information rather than getting proper knowledge and right information in schools will surely help them. Their are many parents who think it is taboo to talk sex education this thing will get changed after introducing. Teenagers will get to know about the risks about health problems like sexually transmitted diseases or infections (STDs) which will make them to take care of their health. Society need to think practically for young generation safety and good health. By introducing sex education to schools it will benefit all the young people to have proper knowledge about it. And talking about sex education openly will become normal among people and also between parents and their children.

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