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7 replies, 6 voices Last updated by Manpreet Singh 3 years, 7 months ago
  • Manpreet Singh
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    Everyone should have the right over their body, even if a girl wants to use it as a prostitute, she should not be judged over that. Today, we live in a country where a rapist can live a dignified life but a prostitute can’t. Prostitution should be legalised and accepted by the country but only with a free will of people who want do it.
    Today, we’ve been hearing many cases where girls are forced into prostitution even if they don’t want it. Prostitution should be legalised with humans free will. A few reasons i think prostitution should be made legal is because;
    1.Legalising will protect minors.
    According to suggestions of various researches carried out globally, it can be estimated that as many as 10 million children are engaged in prostitution worldwide. Child prostitution exists in all the countries, irrespective of their level of economic development; theproblem is observed in its severity in Asia and South America. By legalising prostitution and taking strict measures to regulate it, we can ensure removal of minors from the profession, thus protecting their rights and confirming their safety.
    2. It will reduce the number of rapes and other sexual assaults.
    With a legal and easier alternative available, people who wish to satisfy their sexual urges will resort to prostitutes rather than committing heinous crimes such as rapes for the same purpose.
    3. Elimination of forced prostitution.
    Once decriminalised, the entire industry will come under the sphere of legal control which will enable law upholders to detect instances of forced prostitution and help victims of the same.
    4.Right to Use Body according to free will.
    Every person has the right to use his or her body according to their will. Portraying it as morally wrong does now depict anything but a skewed value system. If a person finds prostitution wrong, it is perfectly acceptable for them to stay away from it. Nobody has the right to force a person to adhere to somebody else’s moral standards. It can be said that prostitution is not oppressive, it is how it is practiced by some people that makes it oppressive.

    Gayatri Somvanshi
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    Well my thoughts are pretty contradicting on this topic. On one hand I feel it should be legalized with a proper age limit and free will of course. Forced prostitution should be banned. Also we need to ensure the health of prostitutes also. We all have seen how the prostitutes have been living in unhygienic conditions and also lack qualified facilities. Lets not forget the way they are treated. We also see how transgender people too are forced into prostitution forcefully . But on the other hand I feel that instead of legalizing it I feel we should eradicate this because it gives men a chance to think that money would make women available for their inhuman sexual desires. Men will cheat on women and this will go on. Also we never know how these things can affect the person and plus we all know sexual intercourse is physically draining and it can cause some problems like rupture as well so this will only make people brazen and they would not think beyond their desires. Of Course we do know that It may reduce rape cases but still we all know this kind of men will not be pleased just by prostitudes. In Fact I feel the best way is individual choices of girls. I don’t really think that the number of girls wanting to be prostitute be great. So we can never asure it. I know it has been a source of living for many girls. Have they received a salary which is equal to their worth and performance? No.
    We all have seen the life of prostitutes. They don’t have developed facilities and also the society doesn’t have respect for them. Also their children too end up in same rackets and there are also drug smuggling.
    And who knows if prostitution is legalized and evem if they set rules I don’t think people will stop forced prostitution infact it will promote forced prostitution more.

    Semantee Chattopadhyay
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    Officially it is estimated that there are over 800,000 sex workers in India. However, official figures place these numbers far higher. With the covid-19 pandemic impacting the lives of the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) HAS URGED THE GOVERNMENT TO RECOGNISE SEX WORKERS AS INFORMAL SECTOR WORKERS AND PROVIDE THEM ACCESS TO WELFARE BENEFITS. The advisory acknowledged that lockdown has led to a sudden loss of employment, particularly in the informal sector with no alternative sources of money food or shelter and it has disproportionately affected women who compromise a substantial proportion of such workers. The economic vulnerability of those involved in work that is already stigmatized, such as sex work has increased exponentially as the nature of sex work demand physical contact which is being avoided in covid-19 times. According to the IPC prostitution in its broader sense is not illegal per se but certain activities constitute a major part of prostitution and are punishable under certain provisions of the act:
    1. Soliciting services of prostitution at public places.
    2. Carrying out prostitution activities in hotels.
    3. Being an owner of a brothel.
    4. Pimping
    5. Indulging in prostitution by arranging a sex worker.
    6. Arrangement of a sexual act with a customer.
    If prostitution is legalized in India there will be access to justice and law to the victims. There will be no middlemen and brothels would be licensed. There will be health clearance and checking of the spirit of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). There will be regularisation of wages and working conditions. Moreover, brothel income can also be taxed.
    Prostitution is like approving the flesh trade. It will become beneficial for facilitators and the pimps. It will not set a good example for society. Prostitution wrecks personality and affects marriage relationships. Prostitution adversely affects family life and may bring social disorganization.

    Shubhangini Shaktawat
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    Should prostitution be made legal?
    Prostitution is the practice or act of indulging into sexual activity with people and receiving payment in return for the same. In India, prostitution as such is not illegal as no part of the constitution covers it but managing or handling a brothel is definitely illegal. Even though prostitution or ‘sex-work’ is not illegal, prostitutes in the society are treated like untouchable objects. They are looked down upon and they do not ever gain any respect in the eyes of society, the sole reason being, sex is considered taboo in our society, hence also prostitution and prostitutes.
    I think, like all other occupations, sex work also must be respected, keeping in mind, someone out there is literally working so hard in order to earn a living to raise children, to cure a sick husband, to live the life they desired, to stay at par with the rest of the world and they are still called names when they come home after work. Prostitution should definitely be legal in India but only if it is not forced. It is not only serving as a source of income for about 20 million people in India, but is also something that will prevent a lot of other mishaps.
    Out of these very 20 million, about 16 million females are working as prostitutes as a result of sexual trafficking and slavery. As long as prostitution is somebody’s will, it is fair and just and must remain to be legal. As soon as prostitution turns into sexual harassment, sexual trafficking, sexual slavery, it turns into something illegal and that should be made punishable. It should be treated like a normal occupation and source of income and to earn one’s living. Just because our society’s mindset is fixed and stereotypical, it does not mean we can declare people untouchable and characterless on the basis of their work source.
    It is a matter of one’s willingness and wish. Let us let it remain as simple as it is and not complicate the lives of those who are already struggling in such tangled ways to earn livelihood. It is a matter of kindness and humanity. Hence, just because sex is considered a taboo in our society, it does not mean prostitution can be banned. It is legally correct and it shall remain to be so.
    A woman myself,
    Shubhangini Shaktawat

    Manpreet Singh
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    There are many unavoidable societal problems and when we try to deny them it gets more serious. Prostitution is one such problem. Prostitution is a reality and there is practically little prospect of disbursement. His mode of existence may have altered, but for society, it is still a sad fact. The lifestyle could have altered but the vision and perspective can still be seen. Prostitution is usually said to as “the oldest trade,” regrettably far from exaggerated. Prostitution in India is a major social problem and has become tough to resolve, but has always become a reality. Prostitution is a gender-specific phenomenon, like other forms of violence perpetrated by males against females; the vast majority of victims are girls and women and the perpeter is always men.
    Moreover, it becomes a difficult effort to find an exact and full image, because of the large number of sneaky prostitution at all levels. It is a business that exploits, in full violation of its human rights, the vulnerability of human beings, in particular children and women, and makes them subject to financial transactions through the use of power and pressure, whether for sex, work, bondage, or slavery. In a globalized human resource world today, the world has consistently condemned and urged the government to take serious actions to counter this gross human resource infringement. This work essentially seeks to focus on the best way of examining the question of prostitution legalization in India. It would be better and safer for women to give it a legal mandate. The point is from another perspective to be grasped. The prostitutes need to be made aware of their rights and interests, education, health, freedom to choose or refrain from regular medical inspections, financial assistance, damage compensation, and other benefits. They should also have a platform to provide them with justice in the event of a major breach.
    It might be predicted that as many as 10 million minors in prostitution worldwide according to proposals from diverse research studies conducted globally. Child prostitution is present in every country, regardless of its economic growth; in Asia and South America, the problem is noticed in its gravity. We can ensure that kids are removed from their trade by legalizing prostitution and taking stringent procedures to control them, thereby safeguarding their rights and their safety. Prostitution regulation would involve frequent physician checkups and proper birth control instruments to limit and vice versa risks of transmission from worker to consumer of sexual illnesses. It promotes cleaner working conditions, hence enhancing the health and safety of the process, which benefits both parties and society.
    In 1998, research conducted in Australia showed that 63 illegal prostitutes had 80 times the prevalence of sexually transmitted bacterial diseases, as opposed to 753 legal brothels. Those who seek to satisfy their sexual urges use prostitutes instead of atrocious crimes like rapes for the same reason with a legal and easy alternative. As the brothels were shut down in 1959, the rape rate in Queensland grew by 149 per cent.
    The entire industry will be subject to legal supervision once decriminalised, enabling legal defenders to detect forced prostitution cases and to assist victims of forced prostitution.

    Not Helpful

    Prostitution should be legal would say yes but there should be some restriction on the age limit of girls the women between age group 24¬-40 should be allowed to work as a prostitute but not small or bigger than because it can harm their health. I think prostitution and sex work are not looked at as an illegal activity because it can be a source of earning for some women through that they are running the house, it should be given the same respect which other work gets. A sex worker is always treated as untouched or not acceptable to society. Some women are hiding their work from the society or community because in some society people will make more difficult their survival, that’s why making it legal is very much needed. The government needs to set some rules and assure their safety and security because some people call prostitutes to take benefit of them and do not give them a penny. And prostitutes cannot be treated as commodities or toys they are humans. And prostitution not be carried out at hotels or public places there should special area for that. Sex -workers’ health checks up after a specific term should be done compulsorily so they can get infected or transmission infection. When women are pregnant, they should be not allowed to work or even when menstruating because we need to make these rules some people force or pressurize women to serve the client which causes major health problems. There should special security and bouncers in the area of prostitution. This will give them protection from the bad and senseless people entering. Prostitution should make sure that they are not allowing their children and family at their workplace. Prostitution should not be turned into sex trafficking, sexual slavery, and sexual harassment and sex rackets, etc. and then it should be made punishable for collaborating in these illegal activities then they are punishable. Women who are prostitutes are treated as characterless which is very unkind and inhuman.

    Manpreet Singh
    Not Helpful

    Although society today pretends to be powerful, thoughtful, and non-discriminatory, affirming that it quickly recognizes certain things, but the truth is another thing. Sometimes you feel satisfied when you glance at the newspaper pages because you sense that society has changed, people and the world around you have changed. Yes, much much has changed and it’s true. But it leads to another thinking that whether the world is advancing for everyone to the better tomorrow? Clearly, the response to this is negative. The situation is nevertheless inevitable and becomes worse when we try to ignore it. Prostitution is one of these problems. Prostitution is a reality and there is virtually little hope of dispensation. Its life form may have changed, but for society, it remains a terrible truth. The way of life may have changed, but it has all changed the viewpoint and vision. Clearly, the answer to this is negative. The situation is nevertheless inevitable and grows more serious when we try to ignore it. Prostitution is one of these problems. Prostitution is a reality and there is practically no hope of dispensation. It may have changed its mode of existence, but it remains a harsh reality for society. The form of life may have changed but all the same vision and perspective. In Canada, France, Wales, Denmark, Holland, most of South America including Mexico (specific areas often), Israel, Australia, and many more countries worldwide prostitution is legal. In most Asian countries it is either legal or permitted; Australia has a sex services firm with stocks on the stock exchange. It is estimated that as many as 10 million kids are engaged in prostitution worldwide, according to proposals of numerous global study projects. In all countries, child prostitution exists regardless of their economic degree of development, and the problem is noted in the gravity of child prostitution in Asia and South America. We can assure the withdrawal of children from the business by legalizing prostitution and taking stringent measures to control it, preserving their rights and ensuring their safety.

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