Get Inspired, Be Empowered Forums Employment Opportunities Pandemic worsen struggle for working women.

9 replies, 9 voices Last updated by Aditi Sahu 2 years, 10 months ago
    Apoorva Pathak
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    This pandemic has created an environment where people especially working women are undergoing depression as they are deprived to work due to unemployment, underemployment and disgust employment. This three employment are threatening women society. We have seen that many people have lost their jobs and the majority in the ratio are women.
    Some women who are having jobs cant handle it with the house chore work or due to health issues. This pandemic is becoming a burden for working women and those who are working in unorganised sectors such as maid, child care nurses, sewage cleaner etc. these women have lost their jobs as there was no security of payment to them.

    Even after unlocking the working sectors, this is not easy to get the job to them. This has increased the unemployment gap between women and men. It was not easy to women to bring this gap closer it is going to take at least 10 years more to fill it up.
    Unemployment has hit those women are working on daily wages and belong to a rural area or are a single mother. They are not able to feed their children and even able to take care of health issues.

    80% of women who are working in the formal sector undergone excessive stress in their life after covid-19. They are not able to focus on their work due to the increase in house chore work and child care. They are under the mental, physical, emotional and social burden and not able to focus on work from homework. They are undergoing mental as well as physical breakdown due to overburden they are falling ill and able to approach hospital due to this pandemic.
    This has created a huge gap between the economic condition before and after covid and while take 3 decades to fill it.

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    Pandemic has been difficult for everyone a lot of people think it had badly impacted, to working women and even to women who stay at home, the society may think that only men are suffering but women who are been working were also going through many problems, many companies cut off women employees in pandemic working women who lost their job were very depressed and shattered, because there was zero income and they have to pay the bills and manage the household. In a pandemic, women have to do work from home they did not have that many tech devices. It became more difficult for them to do that many things that make all things. Some women have to work on no salary till everything got normal. Many women who are maids and do small household activities stop going they were devasted nobody got the help from where work condition got becoming only worst day by day. Now also working women are not getting the job easily because some companies are considering men as their first priority. Some women have to quit their jobs because of family responsibilities and household chores. because of fewer wages women, motivation also lowered towards work it becomes stressful on working daily basis. There were a lot of disturbances in between while working because children were not going to school, they were homeschooling, women also need to keep a check on that. There was hardly were working woman who got time for herself. Women have the constant pressure of work deadlines and household chores are also taking a toll on their mental health there was a change in their behaviour. Also, companies were not ready to listen to the concern of their employees. Many women remain strong and handle everything by not giving up its very true that women are born with a superpower.

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    In this society most women have been allowed to work with the stipulation of maintaining and taking care of the house and the family first. They’ve always been asked to priortize their families before anyone or anything.
    Before the pandemic everyone was doing great in their jobs but the pandemic has lead many to leave their jobs due to the increased responsibilities and household tasks. Also, work from home is not an easy task for every woman.
    During the pandemic women have been levied upon with tons of responsibilities even more than before, most of them have to solely take care of the sanitation, health, and safety of their families. Cooking food, cleaning up the house, taking care of the children, spending time with the family is a great task to do along with their careers.
    Hence, yes the pandemic has worsened the situation of women’s struggle to work along with taking care of the family.

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    This is a vital fact to avoid that how pandemic worsen women empowerment. As everyone of us know that maximum number of employees are getting Substracted amid pandemic. Economy is getting worse. In such cases, working women are facing inevitable problem too.
    Among the employees, women are mostly identified as weak and inferior. So in the name of lessen employees, companies are erasing working women.
    As a result, the women who were mostly depending on their job, getting a lot of problems in their household.
    Women who are living alone are facing money problem while women who are living with her in-laws are facing insulting behaviors.
    Pandemic brings children and their education at home. In this case Women are always expected to look after children and their education. For non-working women, it brings a lot of pressure as they are expected to look after each member of family 24×7 while working women are still expected to perform that with their own jobs. And doing work from home, with a unsupportive family is getting a big challenge.
    With all of these pressure, society don’t even consider mental health issues of women. Constant pressure is resulting in depression and anxiety.
    Global survey found that nearly 7 out of 10 women, who have faced negative shifts in their routines, believe their career progression is slowing down.
    The result of pandemic don’t only affected economically but also mentally. While remembering the social issues, we can’t forget this side too as women empowerment is a necessity for current society and can’t be subsided. Companies are requested to think and take care about their female employees too. And to all the fighters of feminism, are advised not to give up on this issues . Hope these surveys will be of great help.

    Semantee Chattopadhyay
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    Working women in India where are among the worst affected by the covid-19 pandemic, according to a report titled ‘Women @ work’, published by Aspire For Her in partnership with Sustainable Advancements. The research showed that the gender-poverty gap has widened and due to the pandemic. The research also finds that self-employed women faced the bond of the pandemic and were among the worst hit. The worst affected were self-employed women as resources were scarce. Their priorities usually came after the child’s schoolwork or the husband’s office chores. They were a little down on the list and found it very difficult to work on their business plans. It has also been found that many women had to quit their jobs to manage housework. There has been an increase in domestic violence globally. Women have been subjected to the frustration and anger of their husbands and family members. The victims also didn’t have a place to go because of the lockdown. A study from the University of Sheffield found that the proportion of mothers responsible for most of a family child care increased from 27 % to 45% during the lockdown. As the global pandemic hit hospitals across the world have been forced to suspend non-emergency surgeries like abortions. India’s position in the global gender gap index in terms of economic participation is dropping every year. In 2020, India was fourth from the bottom in the list of 153 countries. There’s been a steady decline in the workforce participation rate of women since 2005. The pandemic hit a sharp low to this metric and India is now below 20% of workforce participation at an aggregated level for Women. The pandemic had treated women differentially. There was much more housework, responsibilities of child care and elder care and having to do everything work from home dictated, which took a toll on women.

    Yash Tiwari
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    The post-crisis period has coincided with a rise in the number of women engaging in ‘informal’ economic activities. In 2009, World Bank estimated that about 30 percent of women in the Middle East and North Africa were employed in the informal sector, accounting for 80 percent of total employment growth over the past decade. Furthermore, the share of working women employed in the informal economy was higher than that recorded in other regions. The Working Women’s Forum addresses the problems of women workers in the unorganized sector. We have been working in the unorganized sector for over three decades. Now we are focusing on urban informal sector workers.

    Being a working woman is considered a really hard job as they are overworked, underpaid, and works in a stressful environment. Due to the underemployment of women, their psychological status has been weakened. Depression is a clear sign that indicates the hormonal imbalance in your body. Due to this hormonal imbalance, your immune system remains weak. According to medical science, depression is a cause of multiple narcissisms. Let’s take an example of a woman who was working with some company. She had desires and ambitions for promotion but due to unemployment, society disappointed her.

    It’s very normal for women to delay or scale back their careers to do work around the house. Perhaps this is most pronounced in states like Kerala, where the high-level female literacy seems to have a counterbalancing inverse effect on the participation of women in the labor force. The phenomenon of ‘kitchen sink’ women also seems to happen in many other parts of India. The overburdened families are having a constant struggle for housekeeping, cooking food is stressed due to this they are not able to approach a specialist doctor as they are waiting for hours at the hospital. Unable to face problems they did not speak up and remained by bearing the pandemic all alone in silence.

    A single job is enough for a man to bear his entire family but it is not enough for a woman to bear her entire family. She has to take care of household chores, child care, and doing cooking. In today’s date the society is running on fast pace so we are seeing women coming in the work front they have also given their best to maintain career and home also but the situation is becoming worst day by day due to this pandemic.

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    In this COVID-19 pandemic situation their are lots of people who lost their job and they are struggling to find some work in this tough times. But working women has to struggle more than men because of the gender inequality towards women. Men are given the priority for job opportunity than women and many companies has removed working women in this pandemic situation. Due to which working women don’t have any source of income to pay bills and to buy necessities for their daily life. Working women means managing both Office and household work which becomes so difficult for women to manage all this alone and in that if they lost their job they feel like depressed because they has responsibilities towards their family. They do overthinking like how will all things get managed due to which it might get affect their mental health. Due to work from home many women don’t have access to do online work. And if some women has access of technology they get lots of disturbance of their kids and worrying about household chores because of which they can’t available to focus on their work. In this situation maid aren’t allowed to come for work due to which working women gets difficulties to manage their office work with all the household chores and taking care of child. In Starting of pandemic situation their was lockdown and many female labour who want to go their villages because they don’t have money to live in city like mumbai, but their was no source of travelling were available according of government orders so many female labour go by walking to reach their villages. And many of female maid were of school and colleges who don’t have job because of pandemic situation all school and colleges are shutdown. Working women has struggle lots of things from family to work in this COVID-19 pandemic situation but they are managing to handle both Office and household work with being patient.

    038 deepika Singh
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    The COVID‑19 pandemic has created a profound shock worldwide, with different implications for men and women. But the most affected were women. Women’s experiences at home, their health, their work and economic wellbeing have been all negatively affected by the pandemic . Women have served on the frontlines against COVID‑19, and the impact of the crisis on women is stark. Mothers take on a greater share of tasks including their own work as well as facilitating learning for children and owning household responsibilities and with the pandemic the domestic burden significantly increased among women. Studies also suggests that there was a steep rise in the cases of domestic violence, abuse and harassment during the time of quarantine and isolation. Women played a key role in the health care response to the COVID 19 crisis. Women constitute an estimated two-thirds of the health workforce worldwide, and while globally they are under-represented among physicians, dentists and pharmacists, they make up around 85% of nurses. Hence, they are more exposed to major health problems.
    The pandemic has been tough, and especially so for women. Women lost their husbands, the responsibility of raising their children alone came on their shoulders. Most working women and young girls found themselves in the endless cycle of cooking and cleaning at their home during the lockdown.

    Aditi Sahu
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    Pandemic has worsened the struggle for working class, and the most affected group of working class would have to be working women. There are many women whose employment depends on the odd jobs offered at rich households, but the pandemic has made it difficult for them to get these types of jobs. Pandemic has mandated for the people to be physically distant and maintain extra precautions to not catch the coronavirus, and this has led to fear among the people. Consequently, a lot of rich households decided to not employ any household workers leading to the women working in household work industry to go unemployed. And sadly, women working in household work industry are not the only ones affected.

    Even the women in private sector with jobs have to do their work from home, and while might sound easier to do than in an office, but such is not the case. It becomes very difficult for women to work from home, especially in a society like ours where women doing household chores are given more priority than the ones engaging in job. So all in all, pandemic has really exacerbated the struggle of the working women.

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