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August 7, 2021 at 8:26 pm #33344
In today’s world social media is separated into different section like some people support sexism & on the other side, some people teach what is sexism, many take it as a sarcasm while other take it serious. Anger, hatred, sexism….. are basically normal on social but it is serious because it is increasing day by day on social media, anybody can hate anybody on comments, stories, tweets… .There are many big meme accounts on social media who daily post bad against women & people also support them through hate aggression comments, Now we can see on YouTube by the name of roast people use to hate speech, body shaming & sexism against women. There are many cases against roasters because of promoting hate. Roasters have a habit like if a person make a roast video against women so probably every roaster will do the same. Many people used to make fake accounts just to harras women, hate comments & body shaming. There is a TV show by the name “TROLL POLICE” With was created by RANVIJAY on 2017, on that show he call the celebrities & the people who bullying them via fake accounts, the main aim of the show is to create awareness & highlight the view of cyber bullying. Girls and women should raise their voice against wrong and people should not support and encourage such things like memes which creates bad impact towards women.
August 9, 2021 at 3:05 pm #33345It’s no secret that sexism has grown so routine for many of us around the world. In employment, residences, and health care, women are treated unfairly. In particular, sexism and gender norms are intrinsic components of the strongly patriarchal institutions of Indian society. Both of these are linked because sexism is mostly based on the role of sex. The theoretical underpinning of Ambivalent Sexism is that it contains two components: ‘hostile sexism’ and ‘benevolent sexism.’ Hostile sexism reflects openly hostile assessments and gender stereotypes. Humor has the power, because of its lifelines, to entirely upset the meaning of a feeling, decent or condemnable. Humor implies to the recipient that standard principles of logic and common sense expectations do not apply. Humor has the power, because of its lifelines, to entirely upset the meaning of a feeling, decent or condemnable. Humor implies to the recipient that standard principles of logic and common sense expectations do not apply.
Sexual humor has been part of many of the patriarchal civilizations for generations as a kind of conservative comedy. Sexist attitudes about women’s inferiority are the basis of such comedy. It depicts them as silly, irrational, dumb, and reckless and tends to build upon women’s sexual objection. Recent research of common themes of online mood shows that sex and gender on major websites are the most frequent issues (Shifman, 2007). These sexist concepts, which are essential to the mind of the creator, can be transmitted as memes in many ways and influence the consumer and in particular reflect on the way the consumer thinks.
Memes are significant only if they resonate with a user-minded thought, which talks a lot about the appeal of sexist memes. These reports feature women as objects for sex, dreadful spouses, and dumb blondes, which replicates ancient patriarchal views extensively documented. The results show that the Internet is still very popular. The shortage of what can be defined as ‘feminist’ writings contrasts markedly with the ubiquity of sexist jokes. Only two writings out of 150 were discovered to criticize the prevailing conditions in sexual relations, even those dealing exclusively with the private division of labor. Men refuse to accept that these memes are sexist ideologies. In each analysis, a high majority of males appear to reduce the gravity of the problem, maybe by subscribing to such sexist views that women are to be paid less than males. The root cause of such a problem is the deep patriarchal mindset, the is difficult to shake.
January 27, 2022 at 7:46 pm #33528A man worshipping his wife to be less bossy on him: a meme we all have probably seen on family WhatsApp groups, circulated by our very own misogynistic uncles. Misogynistic memes is yet another way of the worshippers of patriarchy to downgrade women and not let them speak up on their rights. Such memes circulate widely on social media without any consideration of their consequences: memes about “helpless husbands” under the reign of their “authoritative wives”; memes about feminist movement and one of its many demands to be gender-inclusive when it comes to language and other things. And the worst part is, that is not the extent of these jokes, you will even find people “joking” about something as serious and traumatic as rape. To what level we as humans have stooped down that we are making fun of someone’s trauma? Since when did the sensitive subjects such as sexual harassment and rape became a matter of joke?
Misogynistic memes and jokes have become such a normalised thing on social media that you will find millions of people finding these “jokes” funny and liking and sharing them, and in turn encouraging such “meme” pages to create more of this utter misogynistic crap. Thankfully enough, you will find a fraction of reasonable people under the comments of such misogynistic posts who will be objecting to such content. But what do they get in return? The reasonable men will be termed as a “simp”(basically meaning a guy who’s trying impress women) and reasonable women will be called “feminazi” and given rape threats.
Whenever someone tries to call out social media sexism, this sexism turns into widespread aggression—aggression against the person who dared to stop people from promoting their filthy sexist mindset. Promoting patriarchy and misogyny in the name of freedom of speech is going to take us nowhere but a deep-ended hole that is doomed to bring destruction to the core of the country’s ideals—the country which boasts of having the ideals of equality and justice.
The only way to prevent this guaranteed destruction of values and ideals of our country, is that we collectively take a stand against such ignorance and hatred against women on social media. It is high time that we use our voices to teach people and make them aware of what according to them is a simple, harmless joke can be a traumatic trigger for someone who has taken the beating of misogynistic hunters all her life. It is time for us to speak up and correct our misogynistic uncles whenever they share something problematic in the family WhatsApp groups, and not just limit ourselves to that. It is time for us to be brave enough to even see the misogynistic beliefs that our own father or brothers might perpetuate, and correct them, and make them realize how problematic their “harmless jokes” are.
January 29, 2022 at 6:36 pm #33543Memes are humorous piece of content, often accompanied by an image, introduced to us with the idea of bringing some fun and humour in our lives. They tend to make us laugh and amuse us by particularly ‘joking about things’. But memes comes with a lot of repercussions. It becomes a matter of concern when a single meme turns into misogynistic and sexist joke that brings about hatred and aggression on social media.
It is no mystery that sexism these days have become a norm for many of us. For years, we have heard people throwing common ‘sexist jokes’ in the name of humour but with the evolution of memes and the ever increasing numbers of social media users, the memes have got an elevated platform to grow, in turn making a misogyny and gender issue a mere joke. We as normal human beings without the intention of hurting or targeting any particular gender or community laugh at it ignoring the dark humour behind it. We become naive when it comes to these dark memes and out of fun share it with others. Such memes tends to label feminists fake or even smash the entire existence of feminism and portrays them as hypocrites.
Sexist memes are hard to spot since they are so commonly shared among everyone. But it is important to a keep a check on what you share and like and also question people sharing such misogynistic memes because remaining silent about sexism and misogyny means allowing it to foster. Degrading women for the sake of humour is wrong and needs to be spotted and stopped.
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