Get Inspired, Be Empowered Forums Access to Healthcare Maternal Health Why is Maternal Health So Important?

15 replies, 15 voices Last updated by Santosh Gupta 2 years, 9 months ago
  • Woospire

    The World Health Organization estimates that 800 women die every day from preventable, pregnancy-related causes. That’s nearly 300,000 lives per year needlessly lost during what is fundamentally a life-creating event. What more is there to say?

    Darshini Suresh
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    There is a lack of medical treatment in remote places where women find it very difficult to get appointments of doctors during pregnancy. A women in a village,like any women living in a city should have access to all the medical treatments.
    Due to lack of these medical treatments women tend first, to not know what kind of medical problem they are actually going through. Not taking proper care for its treatment would surely lead to various health problems which may even lead to death.Pregnancy is the an very sensitive feeling for a woman with emotions in her entire life. The art of giving birth to another living being. But sadly due to improper treatment and lack of medical supply, many woman lose their baby inside the womb itself or sometimes right after the delivery. Sometimes women itself die during delivery due to medical conceptions.
    Government Should raise funds to build hospital in every or at least near each village for women to have access to medication when needed. Doctors who practise MBBS should do their practice training in government hospitals which are close to such locations. To a patient, a doctor is GOD.
    Safety measures and campaigns should be put up to spread awareness about all the problems during maternity and assist helpline numbers for help.

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    Maternal health is about health during pregnancy, childbirth and periods. Many women suffer through maternal health because of not getting proper treatment during pregnancy. Women’s in villages they don’t get problem treatment and medicines through which they suffer from maternal health. Due to not getting problem pregnancy treatment and occurs other health problems which may cause death. There are some women have health problems before pregnancy or during pregnancy that may lead to complications. So it is very important for women to take care of their health before and during pregnancy then there will be decrease in risk of pregnancy complications. Depression that occurs during pregnancy become hard for women to care for herself and her unborn baby. Having depression before pregnancy can be risk for pregnant women so it is important to get treatment for both. During pregnancy to aviod infections for they should wash hands having good foods by doing this it will help you to protect from infections. Most important healthy child needs healthy mother. Women should be more careful during pregnancy because many women die due to maternal health.

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    Yes, maternal health during and after pregnancy is one of those most important issues one should be worried about. But sadly not only in India, even modern countries doesn’t care about it much. As it’s still a belief that motherhood is women’s duty and they just leave it like some dying soldier in war. First of all nobody asked her about her choice, nobody felt it necessary to at least make sure if she is healthy enough to bear a child now or not. There’s a total lack of awareness. Though in urban areas, women can have doctors opinion frequently, in rural areas, nobody cares about maternal health at all. Everyone think just how their mother had given birth, their wife is gonna do same too. Lack of awareness,using unclean clothes, not having a regular health check up from an expert is leading to complications during pregnancy and result in death.
    The most common causes of maternal death is high blood pressure during pregnancy, excessive blood loss, infection, obstructed labor, including some indirect cause like anemia, heart disease.
    Though most of the diseases are preventable with help of medical experts, but lack of awareness, not having a good transportation skill, scarcity of health officials in local area can lead those disease to cause of death for not only mother but children too.
    If we talk about maternal health after pregnancy, it’s seen in not only rural but also in urban areas too, that a woman, advised strictly to be in bed, is doing or forced to do household chores as it’s a woman work and specially for the daughter-in-law, despite of being aware about her health conditions.
    So it should be requested to government to take any necessary steps to prevent those stigmas going on and on. There’s a lot of investment plans for health of women ( e. G: Amiri and Ulf G 13) to secure any maternal health. Also there should be arrangements for free health check up for those who are suffering from poverty, health officials to give advice on maternal health as WHO already tested positive about when a woman has gained access to family planning and skilled birth attendance with back up emergency obstetric care , the global maternal mortality have fallen about 44 percent.
    And to the family having their would be mothers, there’s no most critical time for a woman’s body than during pregnancy. So it’s your duty to take care about her eating, daily exercise habits, health issues, hygiene during and even after child birth. Be with her.

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    A lot of women are suffering from this problem, maternal health basically means the health and wellness of women during pregnancy, childbirth, and post natal periods. Women face many health-related issues during pregnancy because of not getting proper diet, feeling nausea all the time, low on energy and loss of appetite health issues affect the health of child and mother as well, due to this child is weak.
    According to the report and stats, 50-98 percent of maternal deaths are caused by hemorrhage, ruptured uterus disorders, hepatitis, and also illegal ways of abortion. The bad truth is the still the MMR rate is not declining instead that are growing in India. We can reduce this by planning campaign programs making people aware of maternal health’s importance. Taking proper care and giving attention during childbirth and labor. Improve health care system quality of care, to taking proper research about the reproductive system and educating young females about the health and sex and also improving the transportation facilities. Educating rural women about the health check-ups after a certain period of time. Also, we need to improve the transportation facility in our country. Communication with pregnant women and with their families would be much effective it will help to remove the unnecessary anxiety and make a nice experience while the birth of a child. Doctors should make sure that no woman is subjected to violence while delivering the baby. Every woman and baby after birth should be provided a systematic report. Being healthy while having a baby is very much important and should be taken good care.

    Apoorva Pathak
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    According to WHO maternal health is one of the important accepts of female life. It means the health of women during pregnancy, childbirth, and post-pregnancy. Many people do not understand the proper meaning of maternal health and take it lightly which leads to future ill consequences.
    If we do not take better care during pregnancy it makes leads to maternal mortality this means when women die during pregnancy, during the gestation period, or after delivery and morbidity which means injury during pregnancy.
    Maternal health includes all the things present around the women during pregnancy such as social, cultural, emotional, physical, and mental changes.
    Pregnancy is very crucial for every woman to be a mother and feel the happiness of giving birth to the life. During this precious period, one has to be strong.
    As now the government has more advanced technology and has better hospitals in the urban area and Anganwadi, mid-wives and ASHA workers who administering maternal health.
    Nutrition plays an important role in maternal health. As it not only affects the mother but also the baby. There many physiological and psychological changes. Focus on maternal health is less on developing countries than developed countries.
    Maternal mortality also varies from state to state because of its geographical factories and sociocultural diversity. In an earlier time when there were not got facilities now any regulation for maternal health many women use to die during pregnancy or they give birth to an unhealthy child. In maternal health also education plays an important role if a woman is well educated she know about her health what is necessary for her.
    There are many schemes launched by the government of India such as Indira Gandhi Matritva Sahyog Yojana and conditional maternity scheme. They are providing medicine kit and food list which have good nutritional value to women in rural as well as urban areas.

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    “Pregnancy is a very delicate time for a woman .A women need to be very careful during the pregnancy time” Maternal health refers to the health of women before and during pregnancy, at childbirth and during the postpartum period
    There where lot of women who lost their life during her pregnancy time . Health facility in your country is not that much good for the women . There is not so much health care facility in the village area due to which , during normal delivery, a woman has to suffer a lot of pain, that pain becomes so unbearable. Many women lose their lives or sometimes even the baby dies. There are not many good doctors in the area of the village, due to which if the pregnant lady ever has a problem at the time of pregnancy, like if the child stops growing in the uterus, it is not even known.
    The time of pregnancy and even in post pregnancy time if women need lot of care , support and good environment is good for her as well as her baby’s health . She should have a right amount of food, she need a regular check-up , proper medicine , rest and evening walk- these are the two necessary things which women need to care during her pregnancy but it’s not her sole responsibility the family member and the man should take care of all this thing should take the woman to the hospital for the check-up , the right amount of food vegetables and fruits and milk at night. Everyone has a dream to become a parent, but not all of them has the ability to become a parent. Ability here means whether you are able to handle the child or not. Like poor people do family planning but do not have that much of earning to feed the women during the pregnancy and take care of the child after he came to this work due to which many of the woman and the unborn child has lost their life. As government hospital does not have that much of good facilities and if women face any critical situation during her pregnancy which can be treated on a private hospital the poor family cannot afford that.
    There is not a proper health care facility on hospital , and this is not the problem of India only many country faces this problem pregnant lady with very different type of medicine and very delicate medicine . During the delivery time many women lost their baby on her womb.
    There are many way’s to improve Maternal Health:-
    1- More fund for women health care.
    2- Awareness about health care facility available.
    3- Building more and more hospital , especially in remote areas .
    4- Protect poor women from ill health and unaffordable costs and treatment .
    5- Motivate young people to delay pregnancy and achieve higher levels of education .
    At present there is 45% drop in maternal mortality since 1990. ½ of women in developing regions receive recommended health care during pregnancy.
    So, all need to take care of the women during her pregnancy time weather we know her or not . She is pregnant and she need care , facility , medicine .

    anshika agarwal
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    Maternal health is the health of women at the time of pregnancy and child birth. It revolves around the health and wellness of women, particularly when they are pregnant, at the time they give birth, and during child-raising. Motherhood has been considered as a fulfilling natural experience that is emotional to them a high percentage of women go through a lot of challenges where they have to suffer with their health and sometimes even die. 
    Pregnancy and child birth is multi-dimensional and has a number of unique features compared to other health issues.Pregnancy is not a disease but it’s a normal process and sometimes which can also have complications.There are two individuals involved whose health is linked with each other the mother and new born baby. Complications can be multiple and recurring in nature which have long-lasting effects on women’s as well as child’s health. There are risk involved in pregnancy. Some women who don’t wish to have a baby go for abortion. Durin the time of pregnancy a woman has alot of mood swings which is natural, her family members should takr care of her mood swings and make her happy as much as possible. Giving some relaxation to her in household work will make her happy. Checkups should be on time.
    Maternal health is a important issue in the society today. Family members should take care of the women and give her all the care and love that she deserves.

    Manpreet Singh
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    According to a report published by WHO, more than 303 000 women have died due to the complications caused during pregnancy or childbirth. The sad part is that most of these deaths could have been avoided. But due to lack of the necessary medical facilities and proper interventions, led to these deaths. Pregnant women’s lack of access to quality care before, during, and after childbirth has become a key obstacle. Millennium Development Goal was proposed to improve maternal health. It also set the targets in order to reduce maternal mortality by 75% and achieving universal access to reproductive health by as early as 2015. But sadly the goals of MDG were not met. In developing countries, progress has been almost nonexistent. They even failed to provide basic services like contraceptive services. Sustainable Development Goals offered a new opportunity for the improvements to happen in maternal health for all women, in all countries, under all circumstances.
    In India also, programs such as the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM), have helped to reduce the Maternal Mortality Ratio and a noticeable improvement has been made in maternal health care services. But still, India is lagging behind the millennium development goal that aims to reduce the maternal mortality ratio by 2015. A substantial inequality exists at many levels such as regional, geographic, economic, and social levels. Various socioeconomic factors have contributed to a significantly large share in inequality in the utilization of maternal health care in India. Problems like nutrition continue to have an adverse effect on the majority of women in India. An undernourished mother gives birth to a weak baby. Also owing to the economic and social distress, women have to work to earn a living for their family till the last days of their pregnancy causing anemia.
    In order to solve these problems, there is a need for the spread of awareness regarding maternal health care schemes which have been applied in the rural parts of the country. Schemes related to maternal and child care that falls under NRHM should be continued it must be focused on the lower socioeconomic groups and marginalized mothers who have a reduced maternal health services inequality.

    Yash Tiwari
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    Each year, an estimated 3.2 million women in developing countries experience a stillbirth: the death of a fetus after at least 20 weeks of pregnancy. While around a million of these are thought to be attributable to poor care during pregnancy or childbirth, many others are potentially preventable through access to care and information. `The main causes of maternal death related to pregnancy and childbirth. Worldwide, more than 130 women die every day from complications related to pregnancy or childbirth. Maternal deaths caused by indirect causes, such as malaria and HIV infection during pregnancy, make up 43 percent of total annual maternal deaths.

    Pregnancy-related conditions are the leading cause of death for adolescent girls and young women of childbearing age, accounting for nearly 23% of all deaths in this age group. In 2012, 15 million pregnant women around the world delivered their babies without assistance from a skilled birth attendant, and every day approximately 4.6 million children are born without health care coverage or support. The consequences of these preventable deaths are enormous. Research has shown that for every mother who dies, 60 more people die in the family, mostly children and older parents.

    These deaths are unnecessary and preventable. At its core, maternal health is the same as any other kind of public health: it’s about preventing unnecessary disease with basic medical care, followed by speedy diagnosis and referral to higher-quality care when needed. And the primary benefits don’t come just from keeping women alive or healthy. It’s also about keeping families intact, reducing childhood deaths, improving productivity, reducing poverty, and making life better generally for everyone. The maternal mortality ratio is attributed to a lack of access to basic health services for women. This includes a lack of access to family planning products and information, as well as a lack of skilled birth attendants.

    In 1960 maternal mortality rate was the same in all poor countries (approximately 400 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births). By the year 2000, however, over 90 percent of that gap was due to one factor: income. Three-quarters of this remaining gap between the rich and the poor is due to access to maternal health care. In other words, if every country had a similar income level as Canada or Holland, then three-quarters of the difference in maternal mortality rates would disappear. The number of maternal deaths worldwide fell from 350 000 in 1980 to a projected 287 000 in 2011, but this still amounts to 6500 deaths per day from causes related to pregnancy or childbirth. It’s a paradox that in the 21st century, maternal mortality is so high; that we have more effective ways to prevent and treat it than ever before, yet only about 20 percent of the deaths can be prevented.

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