Get Inspired, Be Empowered Forums Gender Justice It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife

3 replies, 3 voices Last updated by PALAK KASHIV 3 years, 6 months ago
  • simran arora

    ‘It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife’. Is this statement by Jane Austen relevant in the modern era?

    Manpreet Singh
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    This phrase meaning “Everyone knows wealthy, unmarried guys desire to get married” in clear, current English, Think how this feeling is going to go down today. Name renowned male fame who tries to marry someone passionately. Sounds unlikely these days and probably wasn’t likely either in her time when you’d let me play my hand at interpreting Ms. Austen. Was this society (17170-1780s) a male dominant society in which this story took place? And have females been treated as males? The women of the trophy were infamous for marrying young wives to older men. The notion of a female trophy has become regarded as the perfect and perfect reputation for the husband.
    The concern of 19th century England society is shown here. is expressed here, for the storyteller reveals that the reverse is true by claiming that a single man “must want a wife.” The woman generally has lesser options when it comes to marriage as compared to men. Austen’s Regency England’s social environment has been extremely stratified, with divides of class entrenched in familial ties and wealth. Austen is frequently critical of upper-class England’s beliefs and biases in her literature. Socially regimented concepts of proper conduct for each gender also contribute to Austen’s work. While social development for young men was in the military, church or law, it was the accumulation of wealth that was the main means for women’s self-improvement. Women could achieve this objective only through successful marriage, which in Austen’s writings explains the ubiquity of marriage in the way they write. Although Austen’s young women had more freedom than at the beginning of the eighteenth century to choose their husbands, practical concerns continue to limit choices.
    But these old parameters cannot be used to guage society today. Where more people are choosing to live alone or have a live-in relationship, the notion that a man wants a wife is slowly changing. It is time that these old social norms be dismantled.

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    The statement by Jane Austen known as “It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife” is still relevant in the modern era for some of the people in our society. The statement actually means that a rich man with good income and property who search for a want to be wife who can do household chores, taking care of family and child. Their are people who still have thinking that if a man is well educated with enough of income and having property than the man think of marriage just only for take care of child and family with doing all the household chores. And on other side, in today’s generation there are also people who want their partner with equal education. In villages, people used to give their daughter with only good fortune single man because of their things and the man also has the need with women who do household chores for maintaining his house this is wrong. Why? This thing should be consider or needed just for man are marrying women this needs to get changed. Because women may gets suffer from such kind of marriage which leads to prejudice. Due to this kind of marriage were women are getting married to such men who only want her wife to do household chores and taking care of family which is absolutely wrong with women who will faces from various problems in her future life. Society need to change their thinking according to gender because their are many working women like men giving competition to men’s. As per the statement the thinking is still there for some people and the statement is true that single man with good fortune wants the wife who can help him to maintain household work and take care of family.

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    Jane Austen has very rightly put this thought that man who possesses a good fortune that he only wanted person in his life who will support him to maintain what he had achieved and motivate him to achieve more
    goals, but that doesn’t mean the man should be very busy in his work and he does not care about what her wife wants from him, nowadays every parent wishes that they want to find a groom for their daughter who is financially settled and has everything who will keep her happy, but some man who has enough they don’t allow their wives to do a job or pursue the career they don’t positive support they say you have there is no need to do the job but what about her education it is all going in waste.
    All they wish is their wife should handle their children’s and handle responsibilities and enjoy her life rest everything their husband would take care of, but you will never feel liberty and putting your energy and your creativity which will grow you a lot of great people says that being independent is very important. Some educated girls want a partner who may not earn much money it is okay for them but who believes in them their goals in life supports them for achieving them they both are motivating each other in their career. That’s what now many women wishes. It also some times males ego is hurt when where partner achieves more and male may not show but they are jealous, which is a very wrong feeling if a woman is happy in their wins so man also needs to appreciate the women success.

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