Get Inspired, Be Empowered Forums Access to Healthcare Reproductive Health & Rights Is still the female foetus is main cause of abortion?

4 replies, 4 voices Last updated by DISHA SAPKALE 3 years, 6 months ago
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    Yash Tiwari
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    Statistics indicate that 90% of abortions occur in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. The most common reason given for seeking an abortion is the desire to postpone childbearing or childrearing. It is often said that this early stage accounts for almost all abortions, and a primary reason for seeking an abortion is to avoid or terminate an unwanted pregnancy. No one can speak with certainty about how many abortions are motivated by women’s perceptions of unwantedness. But it seems clear that fetal gender plays an important role in the decision-making process. For example, it is often assumed that the choice to terminate a pregnancy is usually taken by women. However, there are many instances of men also making the choice and sometimes even insisting on an abortion. In addition, abortion data shows that single women tend to terminate their pregnancies at higher rates than married women, even though unmarried women are more likely to want children in the future. These facts undoubtedly suggest that a woman’s decision to seek an abortion is about more than having or not having a child.

    Abortion is the intentional termination of pregnancy by any means other than live birth, for any reason other than to produce a live birth and preserve the life and health of the baby after delivery. Abortion has many different medical, psychological, social, and economic consequences. Worldwide, abortion accounts for 8% of women’s deaths during pregnancy and childbirth. Globally, there has been a sharp decline in recourse to abortion in the past decade, due to increased access to contraceptives and better education of people who already have children. In developing countries in 2002, 41% of pregnancies (excluding miscarriages) were unintended, compared with 22% in developed countries. Only four percent of married women with unwanted pregnancies had abortions.

    The main reason for having an abortion was that having a baby would interfere with a woman’s job, school, or ability to care for dependents. An estimated one-fourth of women reported this as a reason for their most recent abortion. One-third reported that having a baby would make it difficult for them to support their other children, while one-fifth said they did not want to be a single mother or were having problems with their husband or partner. Male partners’ attitudes toward abortion are associated with the reasons women give for having one. Women in partnerships in which the man was favorable to abortion were more likely than others to report not having enough money to raise a child and being positive towards their pregnancy.

    Maternal motivation is a complex entity, and hence there is no single, universal set of reasons why women seek termination. The most frequently cited reasons related to family planning and range from the desire to postpone or space future pregnancies to an inability or unwillingness to care for a child at a given point in time; from being in an unstable relationship with the father of the pregnancy to an unplanned or unwanted pregnancy. Ultimately these reasons are as individualistic as the circumstances in which women find themselves.

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    A mother never willingly choose abortion. Abortion is a very big step which mother take when she have no other choice available. There are many reasons for abortion. But in ancient time the foremost reason for a abortion is female foetus. The elder member of the family does not want a girl child so they a abort the baby. This is the sick mentality of those people. They don’t even realise that a women has only given birth to them and now they are opposing the birth of a girl child. If their grandparents abort there mother, then maybe they I do not have any Existence at present . But funding aware but by ignoring the fact took this criminal step .
    As the time passes the mentality of people is change and modernization is being accepted . Yes we cannot ignore the fact that still there are many people who about the girl child but the percentage is lower down comparison of the past. Now girl child it is not only reason for the abortion. Many time the couple face unplanned pregnancy even after using contraceptive method so they decide to abort the child . Now the health issues in women are increasing day by day. Many women was suffering from HIV, brain clot , blood cancer and many other dangerous disease try to avoid pregnancy . And if in case she get pregnant the doctor advice her to abort the baby since it can be harmful for the baby and can lead to uncomfortable life for baby in future . Many parents are not financially prepared for the child. Which is considered as 40% reason for the abortion. And in many cases (31%) the reason for abortion is dispute between parents which can hamper the life of child so abortion is considered is the best step.
    So these are the few and foremost reason where women abort her child either be it a girl or boy . The scenario is same but the percentage is lower down and the main cause of abortion is changed and hope one day it will be ended.

    Manpreet Singh
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    In India, abortions are still a heatedly contested and fabulistic issue, even though the MTP Act was included about 50 years ago and the right of abortion is vindicated. Probably the most liberal law in the world, the half-decade-old one is not yet free of fallacies. Unfortunately, only when women face problems of death did it turn out to serve a cold shoulder. According to the Abortion Assessment Project (one of India’s most comprehensive abortion research studies in 2000-2004), 56 percent of total abortions in India are unsafe! Of the 6.4 million abortions every year, 3.6 million were statistically risky. The initial reason women typically provide for induced abortions is that they have not been planned or unwanted for their pregnancy. But the complex variables of social, economic, and health underlying those answers are still not fully studied. Conclusions from 32 research in 27 countries have been utilized to investigate the reasons for abortion given by women, the regional pattern of abortion, and the relationship between those reasons and the socioeconomic and demographic features of women. Data originate from a variety of sources, including representative surveys by national governments, government official statistics, community studies, and hospital or clinical research.
    Summarizing the reasons for women’s abortions, the regional pattern of abortion, and the relationship between these reasons and the socioeconomic and demographic parameters of women, conclusions from 33 research studies in 27 countries were used. Data arise from a range of sources, including national government representative surveys, government official statistics, local studies, and clinical or hospital research. There is often the reason why women are trying to get an abortion considerably harder than just wanting to get a baby; it is usually more than one aspect that drives the decision to get an abortion. While greater use of contraception may help to reduce unexpected pregnancy and abortion, it is difficult to prevent certain abortions because of the limitations on females’ ability to assess and manage all life conditions.

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    Abortion is something that happens due to many reasons in that female foetus is also the reason of the abortion of girl child. There are still people who does abortion of female foetus because of the mentality and gender biased. As per the research, some years before police used to see the dead foetus on the road side this was the situation people does with female foetus which is not acceptable. We all know that abortion happens due to surrogacy, pregnancy complications, miscarriage and more. But female foetus is also the reason of getting increased number of cases about 30% to 40% pregnancies leads to abortion. In some cases, If women get pregnant before marriage that leads to abortion of child which is wrong if you don’t want the child than both should have knowledge about how to avoid pregnancy atleast unborn child will not faces from death. In villages, abortion of girl child is high because they think girl child is stigma for them. And people used to ask doctor forcefully to know the gender due to which it causes abortion of the child, in many cases women are forcefully asked to abort the child against women’s decision. Pregnant women need to take care of herself very carefully to avoid complications in their pregnancy because many of the cases of complications and not taking proper treatment also leads to abortion and death of unborn child. Their should be strict rules and regulations for abortion in case of emergency or pregnancy complications.

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