Get Inspired, Be Empowered Forums Access to Healthcare Reproductive Health & Rights Is menstrual education a major concern?

26 replies, 26 voices Last updated by Manpreet Singh 2 years, 9 months ago
  • shaifalikapoor03
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    Yes, menstrual education is a major concern. Everybody, be it boys or girls, they need to know the significance of menstruation and everything related to that, people need to generalize menstruation as any other kind of life process. For girls, they need to know what menstruation is, how to keep your hygiene while menstruation, and not considering it a hidden disease that will bring shame. For boys, they need to know that menstruation is a part of women human cycle unlike any other life process and is not something to make a big deal of. Today, in the twentyfirst century people still don’t talk about menstruation openly, it is needed to be discussed to create a healthy environment for women in this society, the myths related to menstruation needs to be abandoned and the truths related to menstruation needs to be taught to every gender around the world.

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    Many girls do not have an accurate and complete understanding of menstruation as a process. Educating girls before their first period builds confidence, knowledge and encourages healthy habits.Menstruation is a major concern as it includes many areas to be considered like
    -Menstruation and school absenteeism
    -Menstruation and hygiene
    -Menstruation and health and mental awareness
    -Menstruation and drop out of schools
    -Menstruation and lack of facilities
    If each concern is considered the root cause of all will be education on menstruation.If the education will be adequately provided to each one of them whether boy or girl, there can be a change in society, change in thinking of some people who treat girls as a different and a taboo when she has periods .
    Each year 23 million women drop out of school just because of they start menstruating . Also during period , girls absenteeism is also seen like they skip school for that days . There can be mnay reasons for all above concerns like lack of information ,improper facilities , sanitation problems ,peoples underlying beliefs ,etc.
    Hygiene ,Sanitation ,Access to all facilities are also the key points .If they dont have proper access to washrooms , water , pads ,etc during that times , it will affect personal hygiene and health of girls .
    Education is the key factor to every problem realet to menstruation;
    To educate , to to bring awareness , to treat equally ,to not consider a tabboo or should not be looked down when a girl is going through menstruation .
    Sometimes She cries
    Sometimes She smiles
    Sometimes She exhausts
    Sometimes She suffers
    Sometimes She survives
    But sometimes are not ordionary days and She is not orinary .

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by nehachitroda.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by nehachitroda.
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    When we’re talking about menstrual education, we first had to think about all the backgrounds of our society. If we’re talking about a middle class or higher class, they are all comparatively more concern than lower class. As poverty and illiteracy engulfed them, they are making their essentials first priority. Of course, who won’t? But does their female’s menstrual health becomes their priority? No, of course.
    Menstruation still remains a biological event shrouded in mystery and taboo, not to be spoken about openly. Even girls are not so comfortable to talk about it with their own father. If we talk about backward class, it’s even seen in India, 23 million girls drop out of school early when they start menstruating and many of them end up facing acute health problems. And they accept it so easily. As a result these taboo is running around generation by generation and making silent moves on our health.
    Now the question is, why?
    As a huge part of India still spend years in that old dark alleys of poverty and unimaginable illiteracy and their ancient concepts, most of the schools don’t possess a pure water supply or a bathroom. So, school going girls are feeling hesitated to go to school on period. With these their surroundings occurred with a breathtaking silence about it. They are filled with those practices about periods, passed down from their grandma or so on which prefer some old used clothes rather than sanitary napkin. As a result, those dangerous and most fatal disease like vaginal cancer.
    So, if we start to provide specially menstrual education to our girl children,like qhy is it so much important to take care about their menstrual health, what they should and shouldn’t do,why shouldn’t they use that old unhygienic things,whats that proper hygiene then we can restrain an entire generation from fatalities caused by only those stigma and old practice.

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    Menstrual education is very much important for every female but surprisingly it is not taught in school or people don’t vocally about it. Every girl has created their own preconceived notions about menstruation, so they have inadequate knowledge about it, many girls do not know how to maintain hygiene when they are on their periods they do not about irregular periods, periods cramps if it continues to happen it will create a big problem in the future. Most of the people in rural areas very little medical knowledge about it, we need to go to the village need to create awareness campaigns for menstruation education. It is necessary to take a proper diet and do less exerting work when you are periods. These small- small things matter the most for women. If they are facing regular difficulties during periods they should immediately concern with a gynecologist and take proper treatment before the situation become worse. Also, a school needs to add a chapter in the syllabus about the female reproductive system because a small section about this topic, not enough.

    They are very many taboos that girls can go to temples, do not touch anything in the kitchen without asking, have to wash their clothes on their own this creates the very wrong image of menstruation in the female mind, periods should not be the battle of uphill negativity, contempt, and disgust. think women should feel proud about that they are menstruating, it is a gift, not a punishment we have come together change thinking about will only happen when will stop believing in these taboos and be vocal about this. Not only women but also men need to have basic knowledge about menstruation and do not fear to talk about this with females we have to normalize it, so people will change and men should be supportive and helpful. Let’s bring this positive change and make menstruation concern an important topic to address.

    Gayatri Somvanshi
    Not Helpful

    Oh my god why did you say it so loud?😳
    Why menstruation, which is a process and not just a process but an important process and function of the human female body is taboo in this society. Why is it termed impure when it’s the reason for our whole existence.
    Menstruation cycle is a biological cycle of the human female body we all know. Its basic knowledge the blood flowing from our vagina is an extra layer shaded by uterus which is meant to be for nourishment of embryo if egg is fertilized but if egg is not fertilized this extra layer is shed that’s it.
    It’s really sad that in spite of so much awareness girls are treated like prisoners or sinners during their period when they need to already endure a lot of cramps,pain , discomfort during this phase.
    We need to give our younger generation proper knowledge on this topic as I feel they should know what their fellow classmates ,mothers, friends ,sisters, girlfriends and wives need to go through in their life and it’s not shameful but a magical process of mother nature .
    Even though periods have been mentioned in textbooks, there are still some colleges and schools, especially in rural areas, that avoid the topic of reproduction itself. But there are also schools who conduct sessions and invite doctors for knowledge and help students understand the term.
    Yet I feel we should normalise having periods rather than just making an issue of it .
    This is causing nothing but stopping girls from expressing discomfort they face during periods. Sanitary napkins are basic needs yet why we need to be ashamed to tell it to chemists in front of customers and why it should be wrapped in newspapers or black bags as if it’s something illegal? We should normalise these things and the key is giving knowledge to students.Many girls nowadays due to changing lifestyles are getting periods at early age too and they should know this to keep them prepared and also make them aware of their body and also that it’s absolutely natural and beautiful.
    Not only this but we need to provide proper menstrual care and also support the brands which are good.

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    Menstrual education is Important for girls because it is thing that every women goes through and that’s why it becomes necessary to know the facts and study of menstrual. Also it should know all the people to understand certain things. But mostly don’t talk about it they feel shame to talk about it. There should be openly discussion made there is nothing of shame to talk about menstrual aur sharing the knowledge about it. Rather that it will be good atleast through that people will understand certain things and maybe people change the way of there thinking. Still some people think Menstrual is impure but it is pure because it cleans the body impure blood comes outside through menstrual. Every Women should know in detail about menstrual because it important for them. To know all the information about menstrual. At old times people used to ask women to stay separately till the periods gets over. Still some women are ashamed of it because when we go to buy pads they hide it. It is nothing like that to hide it’s natural and everyone should be aware of it. As people highlight on unnecessary things they should highlight about menstrual education it’s a major concern.

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    Yes. Menstrual education is a must. There is a stigma surrounding periods which should stop. Many don’t have basic knowledge on periods due to this. It often leads to problems which could have been avoided if it was taught.
    I feel that if menstrual education was taught in schools that it would be a great advantage. Girls would not only know better about this but boys will also have an understanding of it and be more sympathetic.
    More often than not, people always are grossed out by periods, although it’s a natural process. When a girl gets her period, she must learn to hide it and not talk about it. She is often left alone because of this. Girls are told not to speak about this when a man is around.
    Many people (majority of them being men) contribute to this, often being disgusted by periods. This habit of men should stop. Periods are a natural process. We need to understand that if we got more educated on this, it would be a great advantage.

    Semantee Chattopadhyay
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    Menstrual education is necessary because girls are hitting puberty at a very young age. It is necessary to abolish the superstitions and stigma attached to it. A study shows that 71% of adolescent girls in India do not know what menstruation is until they get it for their first time. In some parts of India, women live in separate huts when they are menstruating. Many institutions state women “impure” during that time of the month. They aren’t allowed to enter the kitchen or visit temples. Society needs to accept menstruation is natural and normal. It is necessary so that people change the way they view menstruation entirely and we don’t need to use code words to address it. Young girls across the country require basic knowledge regarding menstrual hygiene and the various menstrual disorders. They need to know the different kinds of experience different people have. It is necessary to recognise the pain and obstacles of women due to this and make the world a better place for them. Many theories state that male-dominated societies used menstrual taboos to subjugate women which restricts them from various opportunities. In various parts of the world, there are celebrations after a girl gets her first period but it’s usually a celebration of fertility and not an acceptance of menstruation.
    Introducing menstrual education in the curriculum will not only help young women understand their bodies better but also motivate boys to understand and take care of their fellow mates who menstruate. This is needed so that we can talk about periods openly, not have any shame in asking the male members of the family to buy us pads. The students can further educate their families and spread awareness. If we start talking about this now it will build a nation that associates menstruation with strength and not shame.

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    We all talk to development, but we have forgotten that there is such a part of the society that we all have never seen till date or which we have overlooked even after seeing . Mensuration education is very important in a country like India .People in India believe that if Mensuration is a big disaster it becomes even better. Even today, two old customs are going on. Like a girl facing period time her clothes and utensils is all set aside, she does not have to come to the temple in the kitchen at all, even if someone touches that Women or girl and they have to purify oneself .
    When a girl’s period begins for the first time, her mother and family members make her silent by saying that it is not good not to tell anyone. It is settled in the mind of a girl while listening from childhood that periods is not a good thing, it is a sin that we have committed and we have to hide from other’s. Even if we ever see a red spot behind a girl, then we start making fun of her, we forget that there is no fault of that girl in this, it is a natural process which no one can Stop. People do not know what think about period , that is why, for the first time when a girl face it , she does not get proper education and supervision.
    Girl should know everything about period. Many times girls do not have the right knowledge about the periods, that’s why she use the wrong pads, many people do not even use the pads, instead of that, they set a cloth or ashes, which is absolutely wrong for their health for their hygiene. Also, it can affect their vagina in a wrong way, she can also face different types of infections. A girl should know that she has to change her pad three to four times a day at the time of her periods or more than that .Many girls face many problems during their periods, such as backache, stomach pain, legs pain, dizziness, overflow of blood. For this, one tries home remedies or eats medicines like pain killer which is not right at all, even a doctor will not allow it, people do not have any awareness about this, that is why later on during pregnancy they will face many problems .For girls who go through a regular period problem, there is also a right treatment for this , but many times the family members do not look at their words saying that this is happens in starting stage , once married it will be all right .
    So ,a girl should know how to deal with everything during this time, when it is bad, then its medicines are to be taken, what treatment is to be done, which pad to use, which should not be done when more health is bad and what to do on the problem of leakage, what to do if the stomach pain gets worse during the period or if there is some other problem due pad or other thing. A girl will have to understand that the periods is not a very big thing, it is an usual thing that happens to every girl, due to which this world continues till today. So “ Mensuration education is very necessary “

    Manpreet Singh
    Not Helpful

    Menstrual discharge is a normal biological function but sadly, even after entering modern times, it is still considered as some kind of a taboo. We continue to fail to understand that woman’s menstrual health is crucial to not only her well-being but also to the well-being of her family and community. But it is very normal, especially in the developing world, that our backward mindsets, customs, and other institutional biases are preventing women from getting the required menstrual health care they need. Menstrual hygiene is one of the most challenging development issues even today.
    Mostly we associate menstruation with the start of puberty in girls and often, it sounds like a death knell to their freedom. They are burdened with rules and restrictions, isolation and changed expectations from the girls by the society. This sudden change in the attitude towards girls affects them so much. The restrictions on their self-expression, schooling, mobility, and freedom have deep consequences on their mindset. The main problem is that culture and society have a greater influence on people’s mindset and it creates a hurdle in ensuring that adolescent girls are given proper knowledge on menstrual hygiene. The main reasons for mensuration still being taboo and still is relevant in Indian society are illiteracy and poverty, coupled with lack of awareness about menstrual health and hygiene. It is a sad reality that only 18 percent of Indian women use and get access to sanitary pads. Even at the global level, it is estimated that at least 500 million women and girls still lack basic facilities for menstrual hygiene. Lack of information on basic things like sanitation and hygiene facilities, especially in public places like schools, workplaces, or health centers pose a major obstacle and a threat to women and girls.
    It is high time that we should do something towards changing this outdated mindset about such a basic biological function. The government should play an active role in spreading information regarding menstruation hygiene.

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