Get Inspired, Be Empowered Forums Employment Opportunities Is Judiciary a good career option for women?

3 replies, 3 voices Last updated by Samriti Sharma 3 years ago
  • Woospire
    Not Helpful

    Yes, the judiciary is one of the best career options which women can choose to make a career in it, for making career women have to pass the law entrance exam and study law for few years one can become a lawyer, judge, and advocate, etc. judiciary is the best option because it is not only the professional but also one gets chance to serve the society, it also provides different opportunities to young generation become the part of this and women also gets satisfaction by being able to do something for the nation. Even it is very secure job options and very literate people and the threat of partiality is also less in this option. Women can be the judge it is the higher position in the judiciary system. Because perform the role of interpreting, making, and applying laws in the country. They have many special decision-making powers in hand. To become a judge, one has to study very hard, and having detailed knowledge of the judiciary is a must need. Very few become females judges. We need to have the same number of males, females in the judiciary. Women can get benefits in this field such as house rent allowance, travel allowance and electricity bill, health allowance a lot more. Women are very sincere they by being in this field they can pass the right judgment and punishment to the culprit. There are some rules regarding eligibility for giving the exams is conducted by the public service commission. Law students have to go through many hardships in the career but in the end, it all will be worth it.

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    Yes, Women can choose judiciary as their career because it has great job opportunities with secure job options. Their are parents who feel unsafe for their daughter to choose judiciary as career option because of getting scared from criminals instead parents should support her to follow her career goals. And their are different career options in judiciary which are under legal profession, so that parents shouldn’t have to worry about that, they should only support and motivate her to choose judiciary as her career option. Their are career options in judiciary like lawyer, advocate, judge, law professor, law firms, corporate law these career option will help women to make choice of their own interested field. By choosing judiciary as profession women will get chance to do something for the society which will feel her good. Women can do specialization in corporate law it has huge range of area. It includes areas like tax law, securities and intellectual property. Corporate lawyers can also be investment bankers and they can also work with corporation and law firm. Women can also be assistant with popular advocate like helping her in cases which will help her to gain some experience. Women can also be a judge in judiciary, it has job security and it will also have financial stability. As far as, it is not esay to be judge it requires hardwork and dedication be a judge in judiciary but it will worth because you will get a opportunity to do justice. Law professor also has great job opportunities to teach in different colleges of law. Their are few females in judiciary career for that we need women to choose judiciary as career option, so that their will be equal number of men and women in judiciary system. Women should do research about judiciary as career option, so that they will get to know about the profession in deep and to choose correct option. Women can have good career in judiciary.

    Samriti Sharma
    Not Helpful

    To all those women who are pursuing their career in law judiciary is the best career option as it is regarded as one of the most prestigious jobs in the country. Judiciary has always been a branch of the government that works independently and for women in particular it’s a dream job as I would say as it’s a way of imparting justice and order to the people. Judiciary has its own importance be it at district level or central level. There are two exams conducted for judiciary in India one is for smaller judiciary for which a person becomes eligible after completing his Law course be it of 5 years or a 3 years course, and for higher judiciary one becomes eligible to be a High court justice after 7 years of practice and experience in legal field.
    Fatima Beevi was the first supreme court justice in 1989 for the first time and since then legal field has attracted many women aspiring to excel in the same field. Judiciary undoubtedly is one of the best career option for women who are dedicated to making a difference in society by their judgements and decisions.

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