Get Inspired, Be Empowered Forums Safety and Security Is it SAFE for Women to Travel India?

23 replies, 23 voices Last updated by Afshan Iqbal 2 years, 11 months ago
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    Women are not safe to travel alone mostly in night time it’s not like that women are scared of something it’s about how people behave with them if women are not interested then why should forcefully talk to them or follow them and also they misbehave with them because of that women are not safe to travel alone for there safety if the place is safe with security than it has no problem to travel alone because of such people women’s are not allowed to go anywhere at anytime or come anytime they has restrictions and time limit at night time because parents gets worried about their child. if something happens wrong with my child because of such people who try to discomfort women. People should understand that they should not harm or misbehave with women. Because of such reason there is day to day increase in rape cases. Women are strong enough to fight alone but if people gang up and come then how should she defend herself. She will try her best to save herself but single women against gang up people how can she will be safe atlast she will get harm. Because of such things happening with women they are not safe to travel alone. It is more uncomfortable for women when they pass comments and watch there body language like Staring it makes women very uncomfortable they should understand to behave properly it’s not women can’t travel alone but there should be ethics that they should always gives respect to women. If society thinking gets change then there should be chances that women can safely travel. There should be security for women at stations and bus stands atleast because of that women will atleast safely travel for there work with no worries. Lastly women should have security without security they are not safe to travel.

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    I am very sorry to say it is not safe for women to travel alone in India and especially during the night time because there are more cases of rape when women are alone outside. It always and this is the reality and happen with every another girl some men constantly stare and makes her feel uncomfortable and we are expected to ignore them because it does not change. People touch girls in buses and trains knowingly and they say it happened unknowingly. I have experienced it. Every woman feels a sense of discomfort when traveling .she has behaved in a certain way. There are also cases when girls are being kidnapped and raped. Many parents fear sending their daughters alone on public transport. This also questions their freedom. Government should do something regarding this issue, I think there should be a sense of fear for men before doing anything wrong with women. Also there one police can be in public transport so if some women facing any difficulty so she can open up.
    We have to create a safe environment for women to travel in India this will only happen when man will respect women and know their boundaries. If something wrong happens with she should immediately go to the police station to register the complaint also it is the duty of the police to take quick action. There. Also should be strict punishment who misbehaves with women. It’s very awful to hear when people from outside the country comment that our country is the most unsafe place for women to live in .we need to change this.

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    We all want to travel here and there . As we all have experience that Indian family doesn’t allow women to travel alone all or mile with friends too .The simplest reason behind this is travelling in India is very unsafe here we are not going to discuss about the capabilities of women a woman is very capable in herself but when it Tiger face group of Tigers he may also feel afraid .We are still talking about women .
    A state like Rajasthan famous for it’s tourism .Rajasthan is very famous for its historical palace, people come from very far to visit it, but some people misuse these forts . according to the data of NCRB, Rajasthan is the worst state for women with a staggering 295 per cent rise in the reported rape cases in the last 10 years. While the state reported 1,519 rape cases in 2009, it went up to 5,997 cases in 2019 – a four-time increase . Kerala is the second poor performer on this list. The state has reported 1,455 more cases in the last 10 years. The third most hostile state for women in India is its capital – Delhi – with a three-fold increase in the cases over the 10-year period. This is the metropolis where people go to visit with the mind of traveling or for some work, Delhi and Mumbai which people go for work.
    Parents in India prevent their daughters from traveling at night, because there are many accidents with girls at night . We all must have heard about the Delhi rape case, that day the girl was going out with her friend at night and climbed into a public bus and we all know what happened to her in that public bus. Cab services like nowadays are available in many other ways and there is a lot of danger in this too many times people take the wrong advantage by misbehaving a girl to be alone by telling them that this is a shortcut.
    These are the few cases, due to which people not allow women to travel alone in India because it is very unsafe for them.

    anshika agarwal
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    The issue of women’s safety in India is constantly on top in media. Many women tells to have concerns about traveling there and many more have decided not to do it at all.
    India can be a safe destination for you because when wrong time comes anything can happen to you at any place and that could also happen in your hometown or in a safe destination. By taking some precautions women can travel to india. These can also be considered as rules to travel india. Don’t drunk anywhere with anyone because that couldn’t be safe for a woman in India. Women should have police helpline numbers if any emergency occurs. They should avoid travelling late at night. While travelling to anywhere if they feel something irrelevant or some bad gut feelings then women should avoid going to that place. They should always try to travel in group. They should be extra aware of scams. They should try to wear full and loose clothes so that nobody passes any irrelevant comment on them. They should have done some research before going to any place. They should be more bold and morw confident.With the bit of some preparation India can also be a safer travel like other countries.
    India has also ranked as words most dangerous place for women. So it is not fully safe. Here newspapers and medias are flooded with rape cases. So travel accordingly at your own risk.

    preety agarwal
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    As correctly mentioned by Anshika agarwal, it is not safw for women to travel india. Because India is considered one of the most dangerous country. In every 20 minutes a new rape case occura here. Women who wish to travel to india must come here at their own risk with taking all precautions.

    Shubhangini Shaktawat
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    Is it SAFE for Women to Travel India?
    In my opinion, no, it is not safe for women to travel India. From Kashmir to Kaniyakumari, from Kutch to Arunachal, we cannot even count the number of crimes that have taken place against women. In, fact the point of concern here is, that gender discrimination is not the only reason behind the mistreating and misbehavior that has occurred with women all over India, no matter local or foreign tourist. People have treated women all over the Indian map in absolutely unimaginable and shattering ways on grounds of racial discrimination, regional disparity, riots and clan clashes, ‘women trying to refuse submission to men,’ robbery, loot, sexual intentions and various other reasons. It is nothing new to hear about rapes of girls and women belonging to minority groups in India in various offices, institutions, colleges or even just during their field trips. ‘Dalits,’ north-eastern women, Muslim women, etc. are mostly attacked all over the country on grounds of racial disparity or regional hatred. During the time span when riots took place in Delhi and a number of college students took part in protests against the governmental policies of CAA, NRC, many Hindu and Muslim girls were raped and abducted on various grounds.
    Also, a number of local and foreign female tourists have been reportedly raped, molested, abducted, looted and robbed on their trips all around India by drivers, auto-rickshaw drivers, guides, travel agents and many other people who they asked for guidance or help during their tours. Many women have reportedly been kidnapped and went missing on their trips to India and still have not been found, many of which are believed to be killed after being raped or robbed. This is one main reason why India is supposedly the 9th most unsafe ad dangerous country for women as declared and ranked by Forbes. This is not only the matter of safety for women but also the gender gap and gender divide along with India’s reputation in front of the world. Despite having the most beautiful of tourist spots in the world, India is still one of the most dangerous countries for women as well as tourists, hence India is losing out on reputation, profits and a large number of other advantages. We must now take strict actions against these defaulters who have made India so unsafe which is why woman cannot travel safely and freely in India.
    A woman myself,
    Shubhangini Shaktawat

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    No doubt India is one of the countries which has attractive and interesting destinations to travel but travelling is still risky for many and most of its only women travelling. Not all places or states are unsafe but most are unsafe to travel because of some of the other reasons from bag snatching to pickpocketers and rapes also.
    Travelling to unknown places alone is obviously not safe for women because it involves many risks, there’s no single day where we don’t have news of rapes or violence. Each day there’s a rise in the number of crimes and assault done on women. Because of our patriarchal society, their untold rules made by them for women like, you don’t have to wear these clothes or don’t talk to them or you can’t travel a long distance or you should be at home by this time and the list continues.
    Every woman wants to free from all these issues but each day its opposite and there is no place where women are free to travel or work and do whatever she wants to. In fact, women have to think twice if she has to travel within the state, not because its unsafe but the behaviour of people towards women when they travel alone like starring, eve-teasing or hostile behaviour because she is women.
    Not every place and people are the same, there are also places where women can travel solo and still, she will save her whole journey because the people in that region are not with narrow mind and some places can also be unsafe for them to travel. So moreover, it’s about how you deal with that people and situations while travelling rather than questioning women to travel or not.
    Women should be ready for their own safety like knowing self-defence techniques because crimes are not going to reduce easily and if want to travel alone then we should be researching each thing about that place before travelling there.

    Apoorva Pathak
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    In today’s world, it is very hard for a woman to live. She can’t go outside alone as this society is full of evil who are waiting outside to snatch away women’s respect. There are various incidents we see when girls are rape when she is travelling alone such as Delhi rape case, Hyderabad rape case and many more. Some of the rape cases do not even reach to headlines as their family subduct them so that their reputation is not harmed.
    The proceeding in the courts is not that fast when a girl is raped. This takes years and sometimes it is politicized. Many evil practices are stalking, staring, groping other than rape. These torchers create fear inside the women. She has looked at her dresses which are not revealing, she has to take someone elder with her, she has to put the mask on her face so that nobody sees her. Why this much torcher? In the Indian constitution, everyone is free to live to roam and to do anything they want but this freedom makes men dominating and women introverted. We all are equal and we should be treated equally.
    Why can’t girls go out alone? Why there are so many objections in our society? Why so much freedom to only boys? This has to teach in the family itself that all are equal. If any boy sees other girls with an evil eye or touches her without her consent it will be punishable and have to make them believe that what if their family female member suffer the same. There should be a feeling of awareness if anyone committing any crime against women there should strict action against them.
    India ranks 133 out of 167 countries in the women, peace and security index. Which a poor rating for a developing country like India. There should be a society where there is no boundaries no objection no fear all are free to roam in this society.

    Manpreet Singh
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    Are women safe while TRAVEL IN INDIA? Is it appropriate that women visitors should be concerned about travel security? What are the most crucial tips for women traveling to India? These are some of the major issues and concerns for women when they plan a vacation to India. Indian travel is distinct from a number of other destinations. This isn’t for all. You must be ready, confident, and careful, and well senseful. You must be ready. However, if you feel that you are calling India.
    The horror of the attack and the valiant fight of the young woman for life attacked the nation and the world and for several weeks dominated the media. In India, during this time it was dreadful and exciting. The horrific case broke open in India – and all of a sudden everybody talked about “eve-teasing,” the sexual assault, and the safety of women. This dreadful tragedy was the subject. Massive protests took place, particularly in Delhi, and strong pressure was placed on the administration to make reforms. A young woman’s horrific death was a terrible price to pay for bringing out all of this. India is frequently selected for women’s treatment. I believe it is crucial to recognize the distinction between growing up to be a woman and visiting a females tourist in India, although India surely has a role in societal problems and gender discrimination. I also believe a certain level of media bias, stereotyping and sensationalization is vital to realize. Since 2012, India’s unfavorable media focus has developed a perception that is neither statistically nor reality-based completely. The truth is that for women everywhere, the world is not secure. And absolutely you should NOT go anywhere that makes you feel uncomfortable. There is no doubt that India is a hard location for travel. I constantly advise people to join a group or to go to an expert friend. There is no doubt that there is a learning curve in India. I am always the first person to admit that some handling, prudence, and common sense, goes a long way. That’s why I began Indian personalized touring for beginners.

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    In most of the places ‘Yes’. But there are many ‘dark corners’ where we need to place security measures.

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