Get Inspired, Be Empowered Forums Safety and Security Is it SAFE for Women to Travel India?

23 replies, 23 voices Last updated by Afshan Iqbal 2 years, 11 months ago
  • Ojeswini

    This issue of Women”s Safety in India has been in headlines frequently. Many women have expressed concerns about traveling to India, and many have been rejected to travel India.
    As we are aware of the various threats facing Indian Women and foreign visitors alike: staring, groping, stalking, and most seriously, RAPE. With such threats forever hanging over female travelers head, it makes sense to wonder if India is worth worry and the hassle. Why not skip it entirely in favor of less troublesome destinations? Due to this reason, many female foreigners have reduced The number of foreign tourists increased 10% in 2014 compared to 2013 but the foreign female tourists slipped to 40.8% from 41.2% in 2014.
    A series of rapes over the last months has terribly damaged India’s image, scaring away many female tourists who had planned on traveling there.
    Despite the recent measures taken by the government, the problem of violence against women in India continues to make headlines and to cause an uproar.
    India, slowly heading towards place were Women don’t feel safe in their own country? Do you think India will Change? Will there be less violence against Women?

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    Even after 70 years of independence, India hasn’t become totally free as it’s girls still fear to travel alone and move freely. There is hardly any day when there is no news about a woman being stalked,raped,kidnapped, sexually harassed or molested. Indian girls and women fear while going to school, fear travelling to work,etc. A girl thinks more than ten times to go out in the night. Even the parents feel scared to send their daughters out alone. The fear that someone will harm their daughters lead parents to pose several restrictions on them. This is also one of the main reasons that girls aren’t able to pursue higher education in India and take up careers. The government has surely made attempts to make travel safe for women by introducing women only compartments in metro, hiring female cab and auto drivers but more steps such as strict punishment to those who are caught in such crimes must be taken so that all the girls can come out of this horror. And most importantly,the parents must bring up their sons by teaching them to respect women. The day when violence against women stops and every girl feels free is the day when India will truly become independent.

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    There is a disconnect in India. Women in general are the frequent targets of men who would never dream of letting their own sisters out in the same streets. Many will not have stopped to consider whether it is their actions and the actions of their friends that mean many women are prisoners in their own homes.
    The patriarchy has exclusively put all to constraint. In this country being outspoken is regarded as a crime and vice-versa, suppressed. No, it is not the fault of men lying out there at the corner any time he wishes to rant but the etiquette and norms being taught by the society. Had it been a mistaught or a statement, it’s high time now and women’s know how to raise voice against any issue!

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    There is need to make public transport safe for women. It can be done with active and constant effort of government with participation of civil society.

    Sonamani Devi
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    It’s not about safe or unsafe destinations – anything can happen anywhere. However, it’s unlikely most women traveling in India will face aggressive or hostile behavior. Staring and unwanted attention are common.

    Piyu Radadiya
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    I think Women are not safe anywhere . In night women have that fear that if something happen with her what should she do at this time. Women are not safe to travel. Women afraid to do many of things in life.

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    Women have always been in a vulnerable position. As the inferior sex, they are constantly on the lookout for danger. Every female has a metaphorical axe hanging around her neck.

    We’ve all heard stories about women being kidnapped, tortured, raped, and so on. Women are victims of heinous crimes, and survivors are barely coping with the trauma. Some can cope with it and offer assistance to other victims. We cannot deny that reports of women-on-women violence are on the rise.

    If you ask a woman, she will tell you that she does not feel completely safe when she is out. Women must be cautious about who they associate with in public, whether someone is stalking them, and so on. It could be a stranger or someone she knows who is putting her in danger. Even at home, she may be vulnerable to a family member who wishes to harm her.

    Men may say, “Not all men,” which is true, but women do not know which men intend to harm her. Her husband could rape or murder her, a friend could stalk and kidnap her, a stranger could sexually assault her in public, etc. The possibilities are endless.

    It’s no surprise that women are afraid to travel alone. Anything, at any time, could happen to them. Even a brave, strong, and independent woman would feel a tinge of fear at the prospect of danger to herself.

    Violence against women persists, and India remains dangerous for women – a sad fact. One can only hope for the day when women will not be afraid to travel alone.

    Gayatri Somvanshi
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    It’s really sad to hear from people that our country is unsafe to travel and that’s something we can disagree with. Recently I saw a youtube video where the host was asking Korean people about the impression they had of India and along with strong points there was one negative point that hit hard when they said that it’s unsafe to travel in India.That made me really disappointed in our country’s people.
    Due to these perverted monsters our country is losing its reputation despite having miraculous and fabulous tourist attractions. We ourselves being native citizens of this country can’t live freely here let alone those foreign women who are from libral habitat.
    Delhi has already become a hub for rapes as I guess and Delhi gang-rape is a stubborn and permanent stain on India.
    Many women tourists have reported about public misbehaving like groping ,stalking and not to mention staring in public thus reducing the number of female travellers in India.
    I read an article of Canadian woman who lived in India and she did point out some experiences where she suffered eve-teasing from local people but she also mentioned about not hesitating to shout for help and some tips to be safe which included dressing well which kind of repulsive which made me think that even if we just let our one strand of hair uncovered they will stare at that one hair strand. but one thing I was happy to read was when she mentioned that people do help us dealing with them and reprimand them and we should never hesitate to shout. There are some places which are safe for women but still India has more room for improvement . Today because of these issues people often fear to send their daughters outside for education even though they have been allotted to good universities. The main thing which is responsible for all this is criminals fearlessly roaming in the country while victims stay behind closed doors. These fellas are bailed out through connection and thus dare to commit more and more crimes. Government should really take strict actions for this and still I feel there needs to be discipline in the country.

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    India is a beautiful country with miraculous destinations to travel to however, despite being a beautiful country to travel, women are mostly restricted to travel to the places alone just because of the unsafe environment for them created by some people who do not think of women as a natural human being. Women are not safe in any part of the country, wherever they go, they’ll always be unsafe in their own country because of some monsters, who’re always available to torture a woman’s being in various destructive ways, India reported more than 30K rape cases in 2019 and around 4lakh cases in 2020 when the country was suffering from a pandemic, Not even the travel destinations but they were being raped even in the hospitals where people generally go for their treatment, they were suffering from another pandemic inside them. Women are not safe anywhere around this country, some people of the country has made it so difficult for women to even survive, the reputation of the country has been spoilt so much that no one wants to travel to the places just because of a threat to their safety, that anything can happen anywhere. Women here are treated like objects just as they’re present to fulfill others pleasures. Even the weak judicial system is blamed for the unsafe women environment. other countries around the world have strict judiciaries in matter of women, in saudi arabia the rapists are either flogged or directly executed, in USA, the rapists are imprisoned for life, every country has their strictest norms for the safety of their women but in India, struggle to win a rape case is more of a punishment to the victim than the guilty.

    Manpreet Singh
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    The kind of crimes that are being perpetrated against women in Indian society, can give horrors to anyone. If a woman is planning to travel to India then she will definitely be wary about her safety before deciding whether to travel in India or not. We can’t blame their thinking because that crimes and rape culture against women is so prominent and glaring in our society that anyone would have two thought before deciding to travel to India.
    The root cause of the problem lies in the deep-rooted patriarchal setup, that historically has promoted many disturbing and alarming behavior against women. Eve teasing, sexual harassment, torture at home, etc are so common and have become so normalized that no one bats an eye to this news anymore.
    On top of that, we have a very cumbersome legal setup which can even discourage a person with a strong will to think twice before going on the journey of justice. The undertones of patriarchy are seen in the legal system also where things like victim-blaming and shaming is guaranteed. Many rapes accuse roam free even after the trial because the victim could not prove her honest intentions. These factors give wings to the criminals who think that they can not be touched even after committing the crime.
    We have also seen that a patriarchal political power can extinguish the voice for justice in order to save their faces, we have witnessed the atrocities in the Hartha rape case and how the victim”s family was made a mockery.
    It is easy to criticize foreign media that reports that India is not a safe country to travel to, but should we not even once look at our surroundings as to the level of injustice and crimes happeing? We must take this challenge boldly and start improving our home. The politicians must also develop a political will to raise the bar for women in society and make India a safer place for them.

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