Get Inspired, Be Empowered Forums Feminism Impact of feminism on society

5 replies, 5 voices Last updated by 038 deepika Singh 2 years, 12 months ago
  • Woospire
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    Feminism is one of the historic movements for getting liberty and equal rights for every human being. Feminism has a positive impact on society. feminism put a light on gender status and get the right values and they got women voting right election. They raise questions against the patriarchy and beliefs which are forced on women to follow. they upgraded the level of society and change their mindset. Many feminists came together to fight against sexism in society, a voice against the gender pay gap in the workplace. Also, male members of the society started supporting women now the scenario of feminist is very acknowledgeable in some developed nations and progress are happening in other parts of the nation at the fast pace people are open up about feminists and they proudly say they are feminists and they have equal respect for every gender. Many couples are using feminists’ ideology in their married relationship now the house responsibility burden does not fall, one person, both are equally involved in managing. Still, there are anti-feminist who are promoting a very wrong mindset that women are using feminism for the wrong reason. Some countries are proud that no more male dominance in society. feminism has shaped the women expectation and now women want to stand on their legs and be independent, behind all these feminisms has made possible. But sadly, still, there are women who are trap in the society there is being suppressed, feminists still need to work for these women ‘s rights and authorities.

    Manpreet Singh
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    Some people think we need feminism today, yet nothing may be more distant from reality. Women have been struggling for equal opportunities and oppression for hundreds of years, but certain struggles, such as the right to vote and equal access to education, have been achieved, but, in every facet of life, women still suffer disproportionately from all sorts of violence and discrimination. The concept of feminism represents a history of various conflicts and as comprehension is expanded, the term has been understood in a more complicated way. Feminism can often be regarded as a movement to eradicate sexism, sexist exploitation, and oppression. In local or world history, there have been many remarkable women, but not always all of whom have been proponents of women’s issues. The women’s movement consists of women and men who work and battle to create equality between women and women and to enhance the lives of women in society. Women have traditionally been limited to the house in most countries as children, wives, and mothers and we are sometimes only conscious of women in history because of their relationship with great men. Of course, many women have played a major part in cultural and political life throughout history, but they are unseen. The first wave of feminism included huge rallies, newspaper printing, discussions, and the foundation of women’s organizations everywhere. Women in most nations in Europe and in North America obtained the right to vote by the 1920s. The feminist movement resurged in Western Europe and the USA in the 1970s. Although the second wave of feminism was intended to attain ‘the freedom of women,’ different groups had differing thoughts on how to do it. Liberal women advocated better equality laws and the reform of schools, churches, and media. The third wave of feminism relates mostly to the Americans in the 1990s and reacted to the pushback from conservative media and politicians that announced the end of feminism. In Susan Faludi’s book Backlash, the term ‘backlash’ is popularised. Women’s rights should not be seen as special rights: they are human rights enshrined in international human rights and other documents, including the rights to freedom from discrimination, to life, to torture, to privacy, access to health, to decent living conditions, to safety, and much more. Women’s rights are not to be considered special rights.

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    Feminism has positive impact on our society where the phases of feminism are seen by raising their voice against wrong and for equal rights. Through women’s suffrage movement which was the fight for the rights of women for vote due to which women got right to vote in elections which helps them to have equal rights like men. Phases of Feminism has really helped women to get the equal rights like access to education, reproductive rights, gender neutral language, access to Contraception, access to abortion by their own choice, equal pay and more. Many social activist and feminist has raise their voice for violence against women, sexism, inequality at workplace due to which some people has changed their view towards women and focuses for their equality at workplace. Through feminism women who suffer from reproductive issues they has to got the rights to access for Contraception and abortion in case of worst scenario. There is improvement in health care and also access for women in health care which helps to maintain their hygiene. Feminism helps in promoting the equality for all the genders and the opportunities and treatment should get equal for all the genders. It also supports for equal treatment of all the races of the people without discriminating. According to today’s generation women are still facing problems and issues with their rights due to which feminist and social activist needs to focus more on it. Instead of that, feminism has positively effects the society and definitely helped women to get equal rights, opportunities and treatment.

    Afshan Iqbal
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    Feminism is a concept that was not prominent before the beginning of this century. It was a topic that remained impermissible for many years. However, the scenario changed, the importance of feminism emerged in society. Women became more empowered and fearless, now they are aware of their rights and can raise their voices. After a long battle for entitlement and equality, women found acknowledgment in society. Women are to this day playing a remarkable role in society as a politician, entrepreneurs, socialists, administrators, economists, and they are proactive in all their other duties as well. Men have started to accept women’s pivotal role in building a better environment whether in the workplace or at home. The stigma around issues like menstruation, widow remarriage, and many other illogical beliefs have been broken. While women across the world continue to break the shackles that hamper their growth, society also accepts their stand. These accomplishments occurred by the coming of feminism which granted women their rights, gave them voice and freedom to study, work and stand shoulder to shoulder with men in all aspects.
    Earlier, women did not have liberty and freedom, they have to face numerous issues like lack of education, gender discrimination, gender pay gap, dowry-related problems, domestic violence, etc. Since the arrival of Feminism, the portrayal of women has changed drastically. Society has become more pragmatic towards gender equality and is taking efforts to make a positive space for women in the community.
    Feminism to a great extent brought a substantial change in women’s life. It was able to give women their well-deserved position, removed stereotypical norms, and gave women equal importance in society. There is no denying that sexism, misogyny, and pseudo-feminism persist even in the modern world but unless there are people who believe and encourage feminism, it will continue to impact the masses and hopefully bring an essential difference in society.

    038 deepika Singh
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    While some are still unaware of the term and some do not understand it the right way, feminism has had a significant impact in our society. Feminism is purely a movement which intends to enlighten people with a goal of improving gender equality and strengthening women’s status our society. It’s main aim is to lift up women and bring them to the same level as men. It gives women the much needed voice in a patriarchal word. It ensures that women are paid equally for the same work and are not abused by men. It supports equality in education and opportunities. With the introduction of feminism women have surely become more aware of their rights and have started speaking up about the injustices done to them at home and at workplaces. Feminism has helped women to get equal opportunities in education and demand for their rights. Feminism has proved to be an eye opener for a lot of people.

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