Get Inspired, Be Empowered Forums Employment Opportunities How vocational training can be helpful for women?

6 replies, 6 voices Last updated by PALAK KASHIV 3 years, 6 months ago
  • Manpreet Singh
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    Vocational training is the training refers to the training that prepares learners for jobs based upon practical activities that are basically, non academic and totally related to a specific occupation.
    Vocational courses prepare people to enter the working world, it provides people with better working skills and learning a vocational course helps people enhance their greatest interests and learn more skills which eventually help them build a better career.
    Women learning vocational courses could really help them in attaining their own career, the skills they’ll learn would help them in building a career on their own. Many of the vocational courses help people in building their own business without having a job.
    Since, in today’s era the number of jobs available are a lot less than the number of people seeking them, learning some vocational courses would help people, specially women in starting their career without waiting for a job. Also, vocational studies develop social competence among the people. Moreover, having a vocational skill that helps women motivate, help build self-confidence and self-esteem.

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    Vocational training will help women to sharp their skills and educate herself because their are many girls and women are not educated due to society mentality towards women. From childhood onwards they are taught household chores and cooking. But if vocational training will get available for women than it will really help for such women to learn and they can also get job opportunities due to which they don’t have to depend on someone. Their are different types of vocational training like beauty, I.T., office administration, dressmaking, designing. By learning any of these in training and afterwards it will also provide you internship or placement based on work. In villages their are many girls who are interested and want to learn and do job but because of society thinking towards women they don’t support girls for education for that government should make arrangement of vocational training institute for such women so that they can atleast get chance to learn and earn money of their own hardwork due to which the cases of violence against women and they keep silent because they are depended on them. After this they will not get suffer more of violence against women. Because they will get more aware about their rights so that they can fight back with such situations. It will also improve their communication skills, technical skills, business skills which will help them in their future career opportunities. Women can contribute their time in this training which will make them to do hardwork. In this training they may also provide you self-defense sessions which will really help women to protect herself with every situation. Their should be campaign and organisation to arrange vocational training institute for women so they can also has support and belief in herself and start learning to be an independent and confident person.

    Manpreet Singh
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    Labor force advancement and work systems development are basic to assisting young women in lifting themselves and their families out of poverty. Albeit young adult women entering the labor force to help their families monetarily, and more noteworthy independence that may accompany work. Subsequently, protected and proper work openings can fortify their financial status while improving social assistance and future occupation possibilities. Despite the huge benefits of investing in vocational opportunities for girls, the global pandemic crisis has created serious challenges in the employment department. According to an ILO 2012 report, global women unemployment has risen dramatically since 2007 and mid-term projections indicate little or no improvement in the next few years. The macroeconomic conditions have created a create particular challenges for young girls, who experience greater rates of unemployment in nearly every region of the world.
    The solution for this can be by creating employment opportunities in the vocational sector for women. The good thing about vocational training is that it does not demand much skill from the participant and one can gain a huge amount of skills in no time. The time is very ripe for vocational training as we have a largely unorganized sector of the labor force, and with proper governmental policies, we can organize it and it will explode opportunities for women in the job sector, making them more independent. We will be solving two problems at once by making vocational training more accessible for women. One they will get skills and a matching job, second, they will be detached from the patriarchal setup, which is the root cause of most of the problems for a woman.
    So it is very very important that the government should do something about opening more vocational training opportunities for women so that they can utilize the booming opportunity in that sector.

    anshika agarwal
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    How vocational training can be helpful for women
    Skills and knowledge are the major tools of economic growth and social development of any country. The economy becomes more productive, innovative and competitive when it has more skilled human potential. Women are the most valuable human resource. Vocational training is quite helpful for women. It includes a development of technical, entrepreneurship and business skills. This training is demand-oriented and helps in building the specific skills which the employers wants in their employees. Many Vocational training programmes help women in building an extensive set of soft skills such as team-building and communication which can help them in getting variety of jobs. There are many sessions available online in which women can improve their skills and they don’t need to go any where. By having knowledge of vocational training they can financially help their family. They don’t have to be dependent on anybody. They can use their skills and generate good results. This training is very useful for underprivileged and marginalized women. As it can be taken as a powerful weapon against poverty and hunger and also for women’s empowerment. By learning vocational training it can make a big difference for many of the rural and poor women by improving household productivity, employability and income-earning opportunities. They can become economically empowered. They can start their business at home and earn. Therefore vocational training is helpful for them. Every Women must be aware of this training and also gain knowledge of this.

    Yash Tiwari
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    Vocational and career training has been a major factor in some countries that have successful women’s empowerment programs in developing economies, including Brazil, Colombia, Pakistan, and South Africa. For example, in Cameroon’s “Gender Equality through pieces of training for Employment” project (GET Training), the government selected young women for training in sustainable economic activities such as carpentry and tailoring. Twenty-seven percent of these female participants reported higher household incomes after taking the training.

    Women living outside the rural areas (which are where most of the jobs are in the formal sector) face enormous challenges in getting access to formal employment. Even if they have graduated from school, their grandparents and parents often compel them to get married on reaching puberty. Thus what little access women may have had to education is lost as early as at 10-12 years age group. It is a tremendous shame that we don’t give our girls an opportunity to choose the future they wish for themselves. Training and employment opportunities are key to poverty alleviation. Vocational training helps women to acquire skills, which in turn enables them to access decent jobs. When women have jobs, they improve their incomes, with additional earnings from the second job helping to raise their standard of living.

    There are various reasons for women to consider training as a career. The main purpose of this article is to discuss an alternative perspective which states that vocational training for women can contribute to their well-being and sense of empowerment more than any other type of training. This alternative perspective emphasizes the fact that women will be able to adjust the training they receive even if it differs from their usual career path. Many argue that vocational training is unnecessary for women. Women have proven themselves capable in fields traditionally dominated by men. Vocation is not a dead-end for women; indeed, it is one of the most fruitful avenues for advancement in our modern age. Women can attain positions of influence, power, and influence simply by showing up and applying themselves. The flip side of this coin is that the motivation and determination needed to pursue vocations may be harder for some women than others.

    An empowered woman can choose an education, work outside the home and develop her femininity through activities that promote peace, passion, happiness, and authenticity. This is achieved by encouraging appreciation for creative work of all kinds as well as a considerate understanding of how every aspect of life impacts others. Through this exploration, women are empowered to make choices that will shape their future in a very productive way.

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    Vocational training is the basic instructional program where they try to teach you about basic knowledge about the things which will help us to get a job and develop the personality things small things will help us to achieve big things and get us employment so it is very useful and also matter a lot in today’s world, benefits of vocational training are high paid jobs, longtime learnings help to create a positive influence in the also has many mental, societal, and health benefits. Improved flexibility and mobility. Even these skills are not only going to help women to improve but also they will newer version of themselves in the society, people may feel they do not require all these things but it is not true they are going to see positive perk of doing this training. It is just skilled this training is the package which contains everything that will benefit you in future you may not require to take tuition to develop them because you have already experienced it.
    It also teaches you the strategies which would help you to survive in the market makes you unique from the people.
    They prepare you for everything right from handling the projects to get the internships and cracked the interviews. Helps in building the network. so women must try to take this training.

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