Get Inspired, Be Empowered Forums General Discussions How Social Media Is Affecting our Mental Health?

4 replies, 5 voices Last updated by Samriti Sharma 2 years, 11 months ago
  • Shreya Shukla

    It will not be incorrect to say that social media takes a toll on our mental health. We all suffer from this but only a few get out of it because of changing their minds at the right time. But those who are unable to get out of it have to undergo lots of trouble.

    Social media has proved to be one of the best ways to stay connected with our loved ones who do not stay close to us. It makes it susceptible to text them, see what they are up to etc. But every coin has its two sides similarly social media also have several negative impacts. Our youth stay engaged in their mobiles all the time. This is consuming their precious time and fresh minds which are necessary for a youngster to bring laurels not only for themselves but also would represent their country. We know the fact that every competition has only one winner, similarly today everyone is dreaming of being a celebrity but everyone cannot get succeeded. Moreover, people post their pics that look perfect, knowing that nothing and no one is perfect but still. People are faking themselves no matter how they are doing in reality. All this in turn create a negative mindset, thoughts like “I’m not good looking”, ” I’m not perfect “, ” They are attractive, I’m not” etc. This affirmation is not right for oneself but yet people think like that just because of what all they see on social media. Some people even use life-threatening steps to get popular which is unfortunate because these people think that their social media life is more important than their existence.

    Positively using social media is important and should be understood by society. Otherwise, it has been and it would be affecting people in unimaginable ways. It should not be regarded as reality.

    Afshan Iqbal
    Not Helpful

    Social media has emerged as one of the most impactful platforms to engage or raise our opinions. So why are we getting affected by social media? Why is social media affecting our mental health? Because it capitalizes on users’ biological drive for social belonging—and nudges them to keep on scrolling. It affects us by distracting us from reality, disrupting our sleep, and exposing us to things like bullying, rumor spreading, unrealistic views of other people’s lives, and peer pressure. Social media has made people believe that their life is ordinary and it has made people seek validation and attention more than before. A lack of ‘likes’ on a status update may cause negative self-reflection on a person and it may lead to mental health problems. Social media can also increase anxiety by encouraging users to compare their lives with others. The popular concept of Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) refers to a perception that others might be having experiences that you are missing out which results in jealousy and anxiety of not being able to do what others are doing. People have less life satisfaction because of social media. They question their way of living every time and also there is a constant urge to be perfect which is a myth because nobody can be perfect. Social media has made people delusional and irrelevant. The need to be better than others is taking a toll on everyone’s mental health. The evidence suggests that social media use is strongly associated with anxiety, loneliness, and depression and thus we should try to decrease our social media time or “detox” from social media which can help us focus on our mental health.

    038 deepika Singh
    Not Helpful

    Social media do more harm than good in a child’s life. And here is one of the biggest reason why.
    It is addictive.
    Anything in excess is not right and social media addiction is a real thing. Children tend to scroll and scroll and the satisfaction just never arises. It’s difficult to process so many thing by a little human brain. And once they get addicted to social media they suffer with problems of anxiety and depression once they are stopped from using it. The more we use social media the more addictive we become and the less happy we seem to be. With the continuous use of social media children tend to make more friends but the fact is that they feel more self-isolated with the lack of any physical interaction. They even fall into the trap of comparing themselves with others. Comparing their lives, their body, their relationships, their financial status in turn feeling depressed and hopeless for their own life. This leads to a feeling of jealousy and envy for others.

    Social media is a like drug and once you get addicted there is no way back. So it’s very important to not reach to that point. We should always limit children’s interactions from social media and tell them to use it in an useful and effective way, because social media can be a blessing if used in a proper way. Access to all kinds of knowledge, hearing the perspective of different people on different topics, helps a child better evolve in this fast growing world. Therefore it is important to used social media for our own benefits and use it in moderation.

    Aditi Sahu
    Not Helpful

    Social media, something that everyone is aware of nowadays, what they are not aware of is its harmful consequences. This generation has basically grown up on social media. Undoubtedly, social media is a very good place to share your opinions and raise important issues. But it also has a lot of affects on our mental health. Social media platforms like instagram and WhatsApp help us show the lives of other people, but what it fails to show is that these are their filtered lives and not the real ones. But it already impacts the mental health of people, especially the teenagers. People see other people’s filtered versions of life, and feel that they are missing something in their life or their life is not good enough. This not only lowers their self-esteem but it also makes them compare their life to almost every other person, and comparison is never good if you want to live a peaceful life.

    While the fact that we can raise important issues on social media is good, it also spreads a lot negatively in young people’s minds. It impacts their mental health and decreases their focus on their real life. Social media also forces the teenagers to procrastinate a lot and that decreases their productivity, which again leads to a lot of self-hatred. Social media is also one of the leading factors in people feeling bad about their bodies. All in all, social media can be good as long as we keep its use in check, the more we lose control of ourselves and waste our time on social media, the worse it will be for our mental health.

    Samriti Sharma
    Not Helpful

    Social media has become a part of our daily lives today in a manner that every individual from a school going kid to an old citizen in the society is connected. Social media is one such platform which has greatly influenced teenager’s in a positive and a negative aspect. Many negative practices are influencing youth in a completely destructive way.
    Social media is also greatly affecting our human health especially mental health we as young generation are enjoying it, not realising the fact that it is adversely affecting us. Many not so positive empty are triggered through social media like jealousy, hatred, anxiety, Envy etc. It is also creating a feeling of comparison, low self esteem as we end up comparing our life style with that perfect life being shown on social media. Social media is nothing more than a platform where most of people showoff their possession, power, accesories, luxuries and what not. Social media is the platform where people are sharing their private life. Social media is teaching us to live in a fake world with many expectations which create a feeling of disappointment when not fulfilled.
    Many criminal activities are a result of what children or teenager’s see on social media. There is undoubtedly a positive side too but negativity is more highlighted due to the impact it creates in the people of the society in particular and country as general.

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