Get Inspired, Be Empowered Forums Feminism How Is Feminism Political?

4 replies, 4 voices Last updated by Yash Tiwari 3 years, 7 months ago
  • Woospire
    Manpreet Singh
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    History has shown us that when any Revolutionary movement starts in any society, it is inevitable that at some point in time it will take a political course. the same can be said about the feminist revolution or cause.
    I would like to clarify that I am not living the whole families I’m Revolution for cause as political, what I am trying to highlight is that some person tries to monetize or use any regulation for their benefit and in turn making it political. The same problem is also present in the feminist cause, And as a result, the main cause for which a revolution was started gets sidelined.
    The problem with feminism right now is that too many people have tried to give too many meanings to it. feminism as a course was started to bring equality among Gender and to shed the discriminations and crimes that were being ok done against women. but right now the families I’m has taken a search confusing path that everyone is trying to give a personal meaning to feminism. While there’s nothing wrong in interpreting a particular cause according to their own will but it becomes a problem when the whole group gets polarized and divided into two parts. with divisions come politicization and with that hatred start to spread. I would like to say that the core cause should never be forgotten to be it any revolution and we must choose our leader very carefully.

    Apoorva Pathak
    Not Helpful

    Feminism is the concept that is related to the liberation of women. It enhances the area for women development where women can have rights and freedom also aspire to grow more in society.
    It meant to clear the social role of women in the society as if women are not able to participate and create their identity in the society will lead not lead to enrichment of women in the society. until and unless we create a society where there is no concept of gender equality this lead to imbalance.
    The approach of feminism in politics started from half of the twentieth century albeit was started in the 18th century. there was a fight for rights and freedom in many countries. Women were contributing their time in political discussion to bring resurrection in society. They working in the printing press to create a sense of adult franchise and contest election in a male-dominated society. They write their thoughts, ideas and stories in novels and inspiring others to unit all-female and work towards their upliftment.
    There were different rallies, meetings and shows where showing the role of women in society and what are the disadvantages she was suffering from. Feminism is pictured as the fight against patriarchal society and sexism.
    When there will social inclusion in the society it will lead to harmony and strength their role. We need to look back and learn things about how we can enhance women role in politics and create a new identity out of them.
    To enhance their role we need to bring reservation in politics by reserving seats in the election, creating awareness about the right to vote and chose their leaders. Creating provision for women in the constitution and also establishing an institution that can educate women about their real identity and their strength.

    Semantee Chattopadhyay
    Not Helpful

    Are you a feminist? Are you tired of hearing people saying that feminism is just about women’s issues and that feminist should only talk about things like periods and harassment and sexism? Feminists are tired of hearing that feminism isn’t political and shouldn’t be political because it is. How is feminism political? Why should feminism not be seen as something that’s divorced from politics?
    The most common arguments that we end up here in as feminist is that we should stick to talking about women’s issues like sexual harassment, dowry death, acid attack etcetera. Why do people think that this is what feminism revolves around? Do people believe that things like and annihilation of caste, LGBTQ IA+, economic repression, climatic justice play no role in our lives? Our laws and policies affect our everyday life so in that sense all issues need to be spoken of from the ambit of feminism. Throughout history, feminism has always been political. The fight for equal rights and gender justice cannot be divorced from its social and political context. Feminism is not just about women’s rights but a struggle for equal political, social and economic rights for marginalised persons. From the food we eat to the clothes we wear: everything we do is political no part of our lives is apolitical. Our laws and policies that have a direct impact on the lives we lead are equally political. Not everybody experiences operation in the same way and feminism, particularly intersectional feminism recognises that. Our multiple live realities intersect with each other and that’s how multiple layers of oppression can be playing out in one person’s life. We must examine, why it is that some people are hell-bent on separating feminism and politics. Feminism that doesn’t address equality for all, social justice for all and politics for all cannot be called feminism.

    Yash Tiwari
    Not Helpful

    Feminism is not just for the women who want to protect their rights but also for the women who want to find beauty in their lives as free females. They must not be restricted by the limited roles or by the struggles in their daily life. Feminism is a motivating power that is behind many things that are happening to let women empower themselves and change the way they can be in society. Feminism speaks of the struggles of women and the solutions, to the distress of women. Women need to have the same opportunity for development. It is a matter of social justice because when there is more to society everything is shared according to one’s merit in the society.

    Feminism is the advocacy of women’s rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men. It also aims at creating an objective analysis of women’s conditions that can be used for change. It is not a homogeneous movement with a single aim, strategy, or tactic. In the early twenty-first century, feminist perspectives began to make an impact in a long-standing field of political philosophy, known as ‘political obligation’. The basic idea of ‘political obligation’ is that most people, if they do not like certain policies being implemented by their government, have the right to change their government. Many feminists argue that this basic theory of political obligation needs to be expanded upon or revised.

    Feminism is focused on equality in all terms. Equality and liberty feminism asks that women be given full civil rights and be treated as if they were men; Social movements are a hierarchical society, a move away from liberal feminism, which beliefs in egalitarianism or equal outcome. Postmodernist feminism focuses on power relations more than ideas of femininity, often addressing sex as it relates to male power. It is a range of political movements, ideologies, and social movements that share a common goal: to define, establish, and achieve equal political, economic, personal, and social rights for women. Feminism is no longer just about equality for one sex or the other, it is about civil rights for all. Nowadays the feminist movement is like a battle between the sexes.

    Women should be respected for their own identity and treated equally as men, in seeing the influence of a feminist on her way of thinking and culture she has to face harshness and opposition but the strongest impact is that change on society is when she respects herself and come forward towards financial independence. These are just some of the things that feminism is doing. Women’s participation in politics is necessary so that they can raise their issues to the political parties and make sure that their concerns are taken up by them also. A strong identity and a sense of accomplishment are vital in liberating women psychologically. She may have achieved an educational degree but it is just a piece of paper until the moment she places her hand on the ballot to cast her vote, and this is her moment of triumph.

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