Get Inspired, Be Empowered Forums Feminism How does feminism help us understand society

5 replies, 5 voices Last updated by Aditi Sahu 3 years ago
  • Woospire
    Not Helpful

    Feminism is basically aims that women should have equal rights, equal opportunities and equal treatment like men and it is political, social and economic equality and movements between both the sexes. Feminism helps us to understand that how women don’t have equal rights and equal opportunities like both men and women are not treated equally in our society. Through feminism phases and movement the issues and problems has been highlighted. The activist and leaders are introducing and making it highlight on society, towards inequality and violence against women. Because of the feminism, reproductive health rights has been given importance in our society and that’s how people are trying to raise their voice for equal rights. At workplace also girls and women who faces problems and difficulties which was not came to that much important but due to feminism it came that how women and girls are suffering from physical and sexual harassment at workplace in that also women don’t get equal pay because of their gender. In politics also women’s don’t have right to vote because of feminist movement women got right to vote like men. Women gets affect from society gender inequality, gender discrimination, gender stereotypes and what not. But because of the feminist movement it came into existence that all the genders need to be treated equally without any comparison and beliefs or norms. There were some activist who had also fight for LGBTQ community rights and how they aren’t treated equally in our society. Because of the feminism many things has came into highlight due to which it helped us to understand our society.

    Manpreet Singh
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    Social stratification occurs in sociology when disparities provide certain groups more prestige, power, or privilege over others. It is simply a mechanism by which society classifies people categories in a hierarchical position. Socially speaking, members of society are diversified, including the socio-economic status, race, class, ethnicity, religion, capacity status, and sex. Gender stratification arises when inequalities in gender offer men greater status and authority over non-conforming women, transgender and gender. Feminist theory is the spread of feminism into theory or philosophy. In order to assess the strengthening of gender roles and inequality, the feminist theory uses the conflict approach. The idea of the conflict suggests that stratification in society is malfunctioning and destructive, with continued inequality as a reward for the wealthy and powerful, at the price of the needy. The role of patriarchy in preserving male domination is assessed particularly by radical feminism. The perspectives and contributions of men in a patriarchal society are regarded as more important, resulting in women’s silence and marginalization.

    The theory of patriarchy as a power system, which organizes society into a complex of relations, is the emphasis of feminism. More recently, the feminist approach to the stratification of sex takes intersectionality into account, which was initially emphasized by feminist sociologist Kimberlé Crenshaw in the sociological theory of feminism. Intersectionality involves interacting and contributing to systemic societal disparities between diverse biological, social, and cultural categories, including genre, race, class, and ethnicity. Diverse forms of oppression, like racism or sexism, therefore don’t act separately, but rather, they interlink and constitute a system of oppression reflecting the ‘intersection’ of different forms of discrimination. Given this view, women are consequently oppressed and marginalized not only by gender but also by other variables like color and class. The feminist movement has changed western societies, including women’s votes, increased access to education, fairer pay to men, the freedom of women to start a divorce, the right of women to take individual pregnancy decisions.

    Afshan Iqbal
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    Feminism is the belief that men and women should have equal rights. Feminism is about fighting for equality and addressing issues faced by both genders. It is not necessary that feminists should be females, they can be of any gender. True feminism supports both men and women and understands that both genders have problems that need to be solved. In our society every day in some way it happens that men and women are not treated equally. when a girl is born, the first toys she gets is either a doll or a kitchen set, she is likely to behave “like a girl” and only focus on learning how to cook or clean which sets a base that when she grows up all she has to do is work in the kitchen, take care of her family and do household chores. Even if a girl is allowed to work outside it is limited to a certain parameter. She is stated to pursue teaching, nursing or to work in an environment where there is hardly any encounter with males. She is considered “too emotional and sensitive” for hard work. Certainly, times have changed and women are soaring in every field. By feminism, we understand society better because we get to know how people still perceive women in hardcore works. It helps us to understand the notion that society has for women. If a person supports feminism, we know they will give equal respect and opportunities to women. It builds a woman’s confidence to work in a place where feminism is encouraged or supported. When we see a man being a feminist, it is easier to build trust with him. If a woman is married in a family who believes in feminism, she has no fear of compromising her dreams. Feminism really helps us to understand our society either in a positive or a negative way. Feminism has changed society and we are still in the process for betterment.

    038 deepika Singh
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    Feminism is purely a movement which intends to enlighten people with a goal of improving gender equality and strengthening women’s status in our society. It’s main aim is to lift up women and bring them to the same level as men. It gives women the much needed voice in a patriarchal word. It supports equality in education and several opportunities. It ensures that women are paid equally for the same work and are not abused by men. Feminism has surely helped people to understand the society in a much better way. It has allowed women to stand against the injustices done to them and rightfully make use of the laws meant to protect them. It has allowed them to demand for equality in every field and seek independence from all kinds of things forced upon them. Being a feminists allows women to open doors for themselves and others to seek what they desire. It helps to break the various stereotypes associated with women and allow them to emerge as a powerful character and not as a secondary one in people ‘s life. We must know that the goal behind feminism to bring equality. But as long as we do not put an end to assigning responsibilities, duties and opportunities on a single gender, we won’t strive for true feminism.

    Aditi Sahu
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    Feminism is the movement that aims to fully take down patriarchy and achieve the liberation of women. Feminism has turned a lot more from a movement today, it has a become a belief, a belief for a better world, a free world for people of all genders. Feminism has become a ray of hope for people, hope for a better society, an accepting society.

    Feminist movement has not only taught us what equality means, it has also helped us in understanding society in a better way. Feminism teaches empathy and acceptance. I feel that it is due to feminism that people are now more aware of how the patriarchy is so deep rooted in our country. And awareness is the first step in tackling any issue.

    Feminism helps to understand that patriarchy is not only affecting women, but it also affects men. It is feminism that makes people aware of the fact that patriarchy needs to be taken down to build a country where people are treated equally, and are respected for being who they are.

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