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June 8, 2021 at 1:26 pm #32019
How can one promote gender equality in classroom?
What a child is taught in taught in junior classes, a child always remembers that even after growing up. That’s exactly why currently anyone who’s asked to recite the English Alphabet will do so without taking a minute to think. Same is the case with nursery rhymes. Hence, in my opinion, if gender equality is promoted in the classrooms of schools, the coming generations won’t be as cruel with women as the current one is. Children up ill grade 8 or t the maximum grade 9 are not as biased as the high school classes. Hence, this is the right age for schools to inculcate in them a sense of respect for genders and equality among all. There are quite a few things that one can do as initiatives to promote equality among genders in the classroom. Firstly, the teaching staff and the cleaning staff, etc. must treat girls and boys both equally. There should not be a rule to make girls sit in the front benches while making boys become back-benchers. Boys should not feel that they are being neglected in the field of academics. Also, there should be no such thing as strict punishments for boys and no punishment for girls. In schools, certain teachers feel no hesitance before raising their hands on boys whereas no physical punishments for girls. There should be absolutely no punishments involving physical touch either for boys or girls. This age is as delicate and fragile as glass and such incidents can scar children for children. Also, when it comes to games or sports lessons, girls should not be exempted or underestimated. Whether it is playing and running in scorching heat, or studying and writing in the classroom, girls can do it all and they must do it along with the boys. Permission for using the washroom must be given based on similar criteria to boys and girls both. Girls should not be treated with extra care or delicacy just because they are girls. Also there should not always be a male class head, monitor or prefect. Equal chance must be given to girls and boys both to lead the class. Also, school authorities should make sure that school uniforms of children should not reflect any sort of gender discrimination. If boys are to wear trousers or shorts, girls should not be made to wear salwar kurtas. That obviously does not mean both should have the same uniform, but simply that they must not feel superior or inferior to each other in any way. Debates and dramas must be organized catering to the importance of equality among genders. Also, children should be educated in such a way that they get into habit to look at their female counterparts the same way they would look at their male friends. This is one simple message, which if imparted in the correct way through correct mediums in classrooms, our society will rise in the coming future and definitely be a way more developed and better society for men and women.
A woman myself,
Shubhangini ShaktawatJune 8, 2021 at 7:19 pm #32033As we know, school and classroom is one of those places where a human establish his main pillars of attitude and character development. What he will be in future depends on what we teach him in present. So if we demand a future with gender equality, we have to make it present for the students.
First, we need an open environment classroom. Scientific research says that a child can discriminate between physical differences between a girl and a boy, at about 2-3 years and by the age of 4,they have a stable sense of their identity. And during this time they learn their primary lessons like what a girl do and what a boy do. And this is the same time, when we’re first attending our primary school or kindergarten. So it’s a very necessary for classroom to reflect gender equality. A open environment classroom, means there’ll be no different roles, different sitting zones , different remarks for boy and girls.Means, there’ll be no gender stereotypes at all.
Classroom should be such a place where you can leave all kinds of stereotypes at the door and enjoy.
Secondly, teachers and other peers should yse inclusive language to perform any task. Like there’ll be no ‘he /she’, it should be ‘you guys’.
Again, no discrimination in subjects. Yes, it’s unfortunate that we find less women towards science and technology. It is an issue, which can be treated in primary school. Girls should be encouraged to grow with science too and it shouldn’t be defined as ‘not girls things’ ever.
Whether it’s a political debate or any scientific project, there has to be equal participation allowed for both boys and girls.
Grouping children in the basis of their gender, should be avoided. While doing projects or having informative documentary, there should be always a equally distributed gender perception, even including LGBTQ community.
In primary school or kindergarten, they can arrange common playing area, common toys and books to have.
Often it’s seen that female reach out to only female, consciously or subconsciously. It can be altered with assigning a bench or a desk, thus they can get chance to meet their opposite gender and that certain gap between them should be decreased.
Whether it’s a girls physical issue or boys, we should treat our children same and share between both of them in the correct time. Everyone should be aware about the cause and precautions. Which will lead to making a better understanding family in future.
Maybe many of these were behind our social norms at some age, but it just give birth to an increasing graph of gender discrimination. So, if we update the basic, maybe we can update the future with ease.June 8, 2021 at 7:39 pm #32035Gender bias can be traced back to the historical background in culture. This would mean that it is embedded into its history, culture, and society. Hence, gender bias has deep roots. Research has shown that the differences in gender bias start very early, even from infancy. They are present in the language that children hear in their households, on television, and from family members and friends, and have a significant impact on the way that males and females are perceived and treated their whole lives. In the classroom, we must help our children think about gender bias and avoid it, but this is not always easy. Gender bias has been around so long that most of us are not even aware that we have any bias at all. It’s worth remembering there are no good reasons for gender biases in classrooms or anywhere else.
Gender identity can be influenced by peers, teachers, books, magazines, and television programs that we grow up watching. Early childhood experiences strongly influence this process. For better or worse, children develop a gender identity over their preschool years. This research paper looks at gender bias in classrooms and how it can be addressed to improve achievement among students. There are several reasons for gender bias in the classroom. Some of them include unequal allocation of facilities, different modes of instruction, avoidance of subject matter that is considered unsuitable for their gender, teachers acting out preconceived roles, etc.
In discussing gender differentiation in schools, it is important to understand that simply changing the way teachers treat different genders does not affect gender equality. Very little research has been done on the subject of how teachers treat student genders differently. Little research that has been done has shown that teachers tend to treat boys and girls differently. The focus of this paper will be on students’ interactions with their peers because peer interaction is the largest factor affecting gender differentiation.
Teachers should be aware of their own gender bias and the treatments they give to male and female students. Unconscious bias is difficult to remove but it is possible by training and self-reflection. They should evaluate themselves and review the videos of their teaching practices with students. And finally, teachers should establish an environment that allows them to accept any kind of gender expression so that any student will not be discriminated against in the classroom. These common classroom practices, demonstrated by both females and males teachers, harm student performance. If there are two groups of students in a class, females and males, for example, a science class, the groups are often given different treatment. Teachers use teaching styles they believe will appeal to either males or females. In addition, in the classroom the students assigned work that is best suited for their particular gender.
June 8, 2021 at 11:21 pm #32046Sadly, among the various factors creating inequality among the genders, schools and colleges play an important role in evolving the mindset of the people. Change is a lengthy process which is not possible overnight or over a day. To bring a change among the prevailing mindset of people, one needs to be patient and focus upon every small thing that can be helpful in bringing a change, a school plays an important role in changing a society, to bring gender equality among students schools need to work hard upon that matter, some measures they could take are;
the school uniforms of both boys and girls could play an important role in bringing gender equality, it is not fair when boys have been alloted with pants and girls with the skirts, both girls and boys could be wearing pants as a sign of equality.
Alot of schools have a boys team for a certain sport but not the one for girls, everyone should be encouraged to join sports be it a girl or a boy and it should be a school’s responsibility to equalate among sports.
Every school/college should have regular classes for sex education in order to educate children about sex. Many schools do not include boys while teaching about menstruation, only girls are taught about the menstrual cycle. Boys and girls both should be educated upon the menstrual cycle of girls, so that menstruation would not be talked as a big deal. And would be treated as a general life process.
There could be many more measures that could be taken by schools in order to bring equality among studentsJune 8, 2021 at 11:46 pm #32048Every child irrespective of their gender must have equal access to education so that they can achieve their full potential. The range of subjects and learning experiences offered in school must benefit and provide equal opportunities. The curriculum needs to be gender-sensitive and should not make either girls or boys feel superior to the other. During the school council election, both girls and boys should be represented and also allotted equal responsibilities.
The Dakar Framework for Action (2000) has set some goals such as ensuring that by 2015 all children, particularly girls, children in difficult circumstances and those belonging to ethnic minorities have access to and complete free and compulsory primary education of good quality. This initiative aims at achieving a 50% improvement in levels of adult literacy by 2015 specially for women and equitable access to basic and continuing education for all adults. It also aims at eliminating gender disparities in primary and secondary education.
For centuries women have pain relegated to domestic duties and hence have been kept away from governance and administration, so women need to have equal representation in the classroom. Equal opportunities in the classroom also bridge the gender gap and help in forming a stable society. Schools should notice the gender patterns in the faculty and give equal opportunities Tu all genders for all subjects. Teachers should avoid references to stereotypes that link subjects or interests with gender. Schools should insist upon the usage of gender-inclusive language. Schools should also observe students ensure that neither gender interrupts not takes ownership of an activity or project to the inclusion of the other gender. Students should be educated about each others problems and should be taught how to respect each other irrespective of their gender.June 9, 2021 at 2:13 pm #32055While young, the child begins to notice differences in terms of social expectations, gender stereotypes, and the way teachers interact with students, providing a significant impact on the ability to participate in education and learning.
This interaction also influences other areas of their lives for a long time, sometimes limiting their self-esteem and perception of the opportunities that are available to them. This trend is particularly clear, with the lack of women wanting to get an education and build a career at higher levels.
According to a report prepared by the American Association of University Women, girls receive less teacher attention than many boys in the classroom. This is partly due to the fact that, in general, boys are more likely to give answers to questions asked in class, even if they call teachers. This trend may also be due to the fact that boys are often perceived as being more alert to force teachers to observe and interact with them in the more active part of the classroom, which gives the perception of “opening up” to speak without permission. It is important to confront gender bias in the classroom as early as possible. A survey involving over 2,000 children, aged 4 to 16 found that from an early age, children make assumptions that solidify gender stereotypes. Children learn how to think about themselves and others from the messages they hear in society. And often, these messages include stereotypes about gender that stick with them for the rest of their lives.
Empowering students to believe in their potential and to achieve their dreams regardless of their gender identity should be the face of our education system. Their gender is a strength and not a a weakness. Use of language in class that is inclusive of transgender and non-binary students, such as using the name and pronouns that a student goes by, even if it is different from their school record should be encouraged.June 9, 2021 at 4:57 pm #32067Children learn everything fastly and after home, school is the place where children learn most of the things so if we promote gender equality in the classroom children will understand that everybody should be treated equally. it will happen only when teachers and working staff school will start giving equal treatment to both girls and boys. Teachers should give the same punishment to both girls and boys, also girls should not be forced to sit on front benches they can sit where they want, sports coach in school should not partiality with giving them easy sports activities. If children at a young age learn to respect every gender this will create a positive impact in future where there will no inequality everybody will get the same opportunity. I think school should keep the same kind of uniform for both girls and boys because girls have skirt and shirt and pinafore as their uniform, girls feel very uncomfortable while doing any sports activity. Also, we have often seen that small children have a different colour uniform for boys and girls in school, a blue one for boys and pink for girls this is also kind of comparison. School should also teach information about menstrual and sex education to both instead of teaching only to girls. Teachers need to use gender-neutral language while teaching in the classroom. It’s very common that girls have their own group and boys have a group, so teachers need to encourage them to interact with each other. Teachers need to make sure the family members of the students are continuing gender neutrality in the home also. Teachers should watch her behaviour while they are talking with another teacher, children observe and then they try to imitate we need to make women present in society women should be invited for special lecture for students who can empower students in their career. If all schools started promoting general equality then there will be no inequality in future.
June 9, 2021 at 9:19 pm #32075Teachers has the power to promote gender equality in classroom because after parents teachers are the one who teach ethics and habits to children. Teachers need to understand that every student is equal. They should not do comparison or show differences between boys and girls. Generally in classroom their are half of the students are girls and half of the students are boys all are unique and good with their work but at first day of school or college teachers used to make all sort of assumptions like girls should be at first bench, girls are better than boys, suggesting career option like boys can be policeman girls and can be teachers this clearly shows gender equality. Teachers should treat all the students equally they should give equal chance for all the students to answer the questions. They should organize classroom in such a way that students feel equality like sitting arrangement. Teachers should not show inequality between students by asking good students to sit at front and average students at back. They should maintain equality if any child has any eye problem so they should ask that students to sit at front. Teachers gesture and posture should be equal for all the students. Mostly female teachers assign responsibility or leadership to girls and male teachers also does the same thing. Why? They should not see gender of the student while assigning any responsibility. In sports competition also teachers give many opportunity to boys than girls because of physical power. But girls are equally deserve to get opportunity in sports competition . Teachers should make sure that all the students get chance or opportunity to participate in every activity. In school teachers should teach both girls and boys about menstrual and sex education. School should arrange some guest lectures for students on gender equality or career options. Both male and female teachers should treat their students equally.
June 9, 2021 at 9:42 pm #32076Equality simply mean giving equal write each and every person be it a man or woman , a girl or a boy. We all are familiar to the statements like:- Attention should be paid to the company of children from childhood ,Right things should be put in the mind of children from childhood, a child should learn good habits from the childhood only, We should not use wrong language or wrong things in front of children. Because the effect of all these on children is very much and it remains in their mind till they grow up.
From juniors classes, it is necessary to inculcate the right things in the sense of children. There should be no discrimination between a boy and a girl . Can have practice that girl should not given tough punishment . Many times boy’s were asked to do the chair pose which is very difficult to perform . And girls were asked to do sit ups only. All the steps treaty very different and unreliable thinking in the mind of boys they are being discriminated and girls are always given the preferences . But all this thing are very reliable no one should be given any kind of punishment as their children they are small it is age of their playing enjoying not getting punishment. Many times children are told that girls will play inside and boys will play outside. And if boy and girls used to sit together they ask them to make separate line and separately. Always girls were given the preference.
There they were different games for boys and girls as girls are restricted to play Kabaddi kho-kho and boys were not allowed to play badminton and use the ropes . Boys were always told that girls should always get first chance in this we are not paying respect to them but all this thing with creating a difference and inequality between boys and girls .
In school teachers should take care that boy and girl both are treated equally there should be no inequality , and injustice between them. If they are giving punishment both should give equal punishment and equality should be there in all the decision regarding the children Weather it be a girl or a boy. -
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