Get Inspired, Be Empowered Forums Feminism History of feminism in USA

4 replies, 4 voices Last updated by Afshan Iqbal 2 years, 11 months ago
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    Semantee Chattopadhyay
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    Worshipping women is a kind of misogyny because it’s imagined that women are beautiful, fragile things that one can possess. It turns out that women are not things. They are people in precisely the same way that you are a person and in the progressive era, they demanded to be full citizens of the United States. In short, women don’t exist to be your Joie de Vivre. Sam historian for the photos that I will be your between 1890 and 1920 as the “women’s era” because it was in that time that women started to have great economic and political opportunities. Women were also ate hit by legal changes, like getting the right to own property, control their wages and make contracts and wills. By 1900, almost 5 million women work for wages, mainly in domestic service or light manufacturing, like the garment industry. Women in America were always the contributors to the economy as producers and consumers and they always worked together for wages are taking care of children and their homes. American women who are also active as reformers. movements brought women into state and national politics before the dawn of the progressive era. Unfortunately, their greatest achievement, Prohibition was also the greatest national shame. Women’s cricket influence indeed games to membership and leadership in the Women’s Christian Temperance Union. The WCTU was founded in 1847 and by 1890 it had 150,000 members, making it the largest female organisation in the United States. Under the leadership of Frances Willard, the WCTU embraced a broad reform agenda. It included pushing for the right for women to vote. In 1895, Willard boldly declared,” A wider freedom is coming to the women of America. Too long it has been held that women have no right to enter these movements.. politics is the place for women.” The petrol of women in politics did greatly expands during the Progressive era. As in previous decades minute of former Swayam middle and upper-class women but the growing economy and the expansion of what might be called the upper-middle class meant that there were more educational opportunities and this growth of college-educated women leaned in and became the leaders of new movements. There was a shuttle shift in gender roles as more and more women work outside the home. African American women continue to work primarily as domestic servants or in agriculture, and immigrant women most needed low paying factory labour but for native-born white women there were new opportunities especially in office work. By 1920, office workers and telephone operators meet up 25% of the female workforce, while domestic servants were only 15%. Union leader named Abraham remarked that working gives immigrant women a sense of independence: “They acquired the right to personality, something alien to the highly patriarchal family structures of the old country.” Women who needed to work wanted a way to limit the number of pregnancies. Being pregnant and having a baby can make it difficult to hold down a job. The word control advocates like Margaret Sanger and Emma Goldman also argued that women should be able to enjoy sex without having children. Another group of progressive women took up the role of addressing the problems of the poor and spearheaded the Settlement House movement. Settlement houses became the incubators of the new field of social work a field in which women played a huge part. Their increasing involvement in the social movements at the turn of the 20th century led them to electoral politics. There was the first wave of suffrage, exemplified by the women at Seneca falls and this metamorphosed into the National American Women’s Suffrage Association or NAWSA. Most of the leadership of NAWSA was made up of middle to upper-class women, often involved in other progressive causes who, unfortunately, sometimes represented the darker side of the suffrage movement. By the early 20 century and a new generation of college-educated activists had arrived on the scene. Many of these women when more radical can be early suffrage supporters. They organised the national women’s party and under the leadership of Alice Paul, pushed for the vote using aggressive tactics that many of the early generations of women’s rights advocates found unseemly. Most separate organisations believe that what time service would help women on respect and equal rights. But, other activists like many progressives post the war and regarded it as a potential threat to social reform.

    Manpreet Singh
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    Feminism has its origins in the earliest ages of human civilization and believes in the political, economic, and cultural equality of women. It is usually divided between three waves: feminism of the first wave, which deals with property and voting rights, feminism in the second wave, focused on equality and anti-discrimination, and feminism in the third wave which behaves in the 1990s the perceived privileges of white women in the second wave. The history of feminism is so long as it is fascinating, from Ancient Greece to fighting women’s elections to the women’s marches and the MeToo movement.
    Abigail Adams, President John Adams’ first lady, has seen access to education, property, and voting as vital to the equitable opportunities of women in particular. Abigail Adams warns in letters to her husband John Adams: “We are willing to encourage rebellion if we don’t provide special focus and attention to the women, and we won’t be bound by a law that has no voice” In the 19th century began the “rebellion” that Adams had threatened, calling for more liberty for women and demanding the abolition of slavery. Indeed, many of the women leaders of the abolitionist movement have recognized an irony that they themselves cannot enjoy when defending African American rights. In the United States, numerous women have shown that they deserve equal representation during the First World War. In 1920, the 19th amendment was adopted mainly because of the labor of suffragists such as Susan B. Anthony and Carrie Chapman Catt. U.S. women eventually won the right to vote. Feminists took up what certain historians call the “second wave” of feminism with these rights guaranteed.
    Critics said that the advantages of the feminist movement, especially the second wave, were mostly limited to white, high-school women and that feminism failed to address colored women, Lesbians, immigrants, and religious minorities’ issues. In its revolting statement before the Ohio Women’s Rights Convention in 1851, Sojourner Truth also complained about the racial distinctions in the status of women.

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    Feminism in U.S. mention the group of the movement to focus on equal rights and legal rights for women whereas in 2017, as per the gender gap index U.S. was ranked 47th for gender inequality. Feminism has made huge impact on the American Politics. On July 19 and 20 1848 in the United States, first wave feminism was started with Seneca Falls Convention it was the first women’s right convention. Elizabeth Cady Stanton and M’Clintock family written the declaration of sentiments which was signed by 68 women and 32 men. In 1848, women’s suffrage movement was started with Seneca Falls Convention many activist are been politically aware about the abolitionist movement. The first wave feminism generally focuses on women’s right to vote and women’s equality. Because of the success of women’s suffrage movement it improves in women’s equal opportunities. In the U.S., second wave was started in early 1960s and the american feminist writer and activist Betty Friedan’s who led the second wave feminism. It focuses on equal rights, reproductive rights and women’s equality. The movement has given legal winning like Equal Pay Act of 1963 and Title Vll of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. It was the successful movement that has change many lives of women. Third Wave Feminism was started in the U.S. in 1990s which focuses on legal and reproductive rights for women. This wave has the strong voice against women’s problems and issues like sexual assault, rape, domestic violence and reproductive rights. It also supports the working mothers that people need to change their mindset and start supporting working mothers. Third wave really help women to have their legal rights. Fourth wave feminism which was started around 2012 and it is related to use of social media, gender equality and women empowerment. Fourth wave feminism has the main focus on the justice for women against harassment and violence. The waves of feminism mostly focuses on the women’s equal rights and equal opportunities.

    Afshan Iqbal
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    Feminism is the belief that men and women should have equal rights. It’s about acknowledging both the genders equally, none more or less than the other. It’s about assuring that girls and women get the same opportunities that boys and men get in their lives. It’s about learning, unlearning, and relearning the basic concept associated with women’s equality. It’s not about hating men. It’s not about women’s superiority. It’s about accepting women as equals whether in a political, economic, or social context. Feminism is about fighting for equality and addressing issues faced by both genders. It is not necessary that feminists should be females, they can be of any gender. feminism in the US came out of those movements in the 1830s and continued in the movement for women to get the right to vote. Though that movement had many roots, its founding moment is seen by many as having taken place in Seneca Falls New York in 1848 where convention delegates composed and ratified a “Declaration of Sentiments” that some have called “A Declaration of the Rights of Woman”. Modelled on the 1776 “Declaration of Independence” and the 1789 “Declaration of the Rights of Man”, it argued that women were equal to men in the eyes of God and that, therefore, they were entitled to the rights to education, property, divorce, custody of their children, protection from violence at the hands of husbands, and – finally – the right to vote. It would take 72 years before they won that vote across the U.S. Feminism was present in the Civil War, where women served as nurses and volunteers in the field. When they came home, they wanted access to higher education and to various professions. After the Civil War women fought hard for the right to control their own property since by law they couldn’t control their wages or savings. The Married Women’s Property Act of 1884 gave women greater financial independence from their husbands.
    Now in the 21st century, feminism has emerged as an important movement and the awareness towards it is at an all-time high.

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