Get Inspired, Be Empowered Forums Access to Healthcare Health Tips Health Tips Every Woman Should Know

8 replies, 8 voices Last updated by DISHA SAPKALE 3 years, 7 months ago
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    anshika agarwal
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    Women don’t take their health seriously and spend all of their time in taking care of others. But women should take care of herself the most. There are a lot of healthy tips that every woman should know. Woman should never skip her breakfast as it us the first meal of body and it keeps energetic for the whole day. Woman should go for regular checkups even she is feeling fine and always stay in touch with her doctor to keep herself aware about any disease that is happening in her body. She shouldn’t smoke or if she does she should quit it because it will reduce her chances of getting lung and heart diseases. Woman should sleep properly. It will help her in reducing stress and making her feel more energetic. Women should avoid going out when sunlight is at its peak or if it’s urgent to go then she must use sunscreens to protect herself from harmful sun rays. When it comes to health tips exercise is the first thing. It can be in any form either yoga, bicycling or jogging. Women should make a habit of exercising daily even she does it for 15 minutes. Exercising is quite important for our health. Women should take care of her diet. Avoid packed food and drinks and have fresh juices and food. She should notice that she is taking all the nutrients that her body needs or not. Woman should have healthy weight. Woman should try to stress less and try to reduce tensions from their mind. They can do meditation and yoga for this.
    Women’s health is quite important aspect of every woman’s life. She should start taking care of her body first. Try to follow as many health tips as she can.

    Semantee Chattopadhyay
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    “Each women’s body needs to be accepted in its terms” – Gloria Steinem
    There is a list of things down below which every woman should know about her body.
    Sexual health is an integral part of health and well-being and quality of life as a whole. Breasts come in all shapes and sizes. They are one of the erogenous zones. Women have should embrace their body hair. Vulvas also coming to all kinds of packages. The clitoris has the most nerve endings on her body. Some women have thick hymens, some thin and some are not even born with it. When a woman gets aroused the vagina gets wet. Some scientists say there’s a g-spot on the inner vaginal wall it can give her amazing orgasms. The anus is also erogenous. It is completely normal if you do not bleed after your first intercourse. You bleed because your hymen gets broken. When the hymen breaks you can have a little bleeding and your virginity has nothing to do with these few drops of blood. Virginity is a social construct. There are chances that your hymen would have got broken way before and you wouldn’t even realise it. Women should pee after having intercourse and also clean up the area with some warm water and soap. Women should wear comfortable cotton inner garments and change them twice a day. Fancy synthetic underclothes may cause skin irritation. Avoid wearing tight clothes such as jeans leggings for long period. Avoid dodging as it can cause infection. Avoid sex if your partner is having active genital or urinary infections. Women can get pregnant if they have intercourse during their period. Although the odds of conceiving a low during menstruation, still it is possible. Having intercourse during menstruation has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of having intercourse during menstruation include relief from cramps endless need for lubrication. It also has its risks as it can be messy, smelly and there is a higher chance of having endometriosis. You need to wait for at least four to six weeks after delivery regardless of the type of delivery to have intercourse. This waiting period is important for your body to heal. It’s up to you whether you want to prove your pubic hair or not. If you want to grow meat there are different methods available like a trimmer or a razor or waxing etcetera. The area needs to be cleaned with water before you start grooming. You should trim along the direction of the hair. If done against it, it can lead to follicle infections. After that, you should better the area clean and dry.

    Apoorva Pathak
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    Health is an important part of everyone’s life.” Health is wealth”. Women need to focus on their health there are many tips such as women should be physically fit as it will avoid diseases such as diabetes, heart diseases, lungs failure, depression, joints and many more. She should practise yoga and exercise on daily basis.
    One should always be hydrated so that it does not put pressure on their kidney. As when we work physically we lose lots of water and this makes our muscle dry and often lead to wear and tear. Have water-rich fruits such as watermelon, cucumber etc.
    She should not take stress at may lead to hormones breakdown which is harmful to women in the long term measures. She should make her feel relax by watch television, going out etc.
    Avoid bad habits such as drinking, smoking, drug addition these habits are rising due to stressful life and changing pattern of living.
    Women should take care of themselves during menstruation time as during that period they have many hormonal changes and they should take vitamin-enriched food also. This not only makes her menstruation healthy but also avoid cancer, kidney stone and heart diseases.
    She should take food that is rich in iron, calcium and zinc which avoid anaemia and make her bones stronger. As after menopause women’s body capability to make calcium starts decreasing and this lead to the problem related to bones especially backache and easy fracture.
    Meditation is one of the remedies which she can do so that she can relax, make her body fixable and make a stronger immune system so that she fight diseases.
    Proper sleep and proper food can help her lot it will not make them obese and diabetic. Last and most important is she should not underestimate her health issue and have a routine check-up.

    Manpreet Singh
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    Many women often take care of others’ health and wellbeing but they neglect to take care of their own. With 177,000 ladies being diagnosed to have malignancy every year and one out of two expected to be determined to have disease in the course of their life, it’s a high priority than at any other time to know about specific things about women health and things that they should know. That way, we can prevent many problems. Some of the things that they should know to be healthy are-
    1. Breast cancer awareness- It’s a given that routinely checking your bosoms can assist with the early identification of cancer. This depends on understanding what they feel like in any case to recognize anything abnormal. Because of chemicals, they may feel distinctive at different times so check them simultaneously every month. Doctors suggest checking your bosoms seven days subsequent to beginning your period, ensure you’re inspecting from the center of your chest and through to the underarm. It’s entirely expected for your bosoms to feel delicate during your period, however in the event that there’s any indication of a bump, changes in the skin surface, or presence of areolas, look for clinical counsel.
    2. Weight check- our weight can be another helpful wellbeing pointer. Because of chemicals and hormonal changes, a lady’s weight may vary by a couple of pounds consistently. Be that as it may, abrupt or unforeseen weight reduction is a noticeable indication of a change inside your body. Abrupt weight gain could be an aftereffect of hormonal awkwardness and possibly an indication of menopause, polycystic ovarian disorder, or pregnancy. An unexplained weight reduction could be a manifestation of an overactive thyroid, gastroenteritis, or something as genuine as stomach or throat malignancy.
    3. Mensural care- Changing clean napkins or tampons inside each 4-6 hours is the cardinal standard for vaginal cleanliness. Feminine blood, when delivered from the body draws in different microbes from our bodies, which increase in the blood and cause a disturbance, rashes, or urinary tract diseases. Changing your clean napkin or tampon consistently controls the development of these living beings and forestalls contaminations.

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    Health is wealth we often hear this everywhere but do we have to question ourselves how much care of our health and body we take also pandemic is taught us that nothing is more important in life than our health, if we stay healthy, we will not fall in the trap of infections. Women need to take special and healthy sweat is very necessary. The next thing is taking care of menstrual health women and girls need to change their sanitary napkins after every 6 hours because if they don’t do this there is the threat of getting a vaginal infection. Health checkup is very important at least twice in a year woman need to go for the heath check-ups or screen, it does not matter you are fit because it will help to show that if there is any problem in our body or we are good. Adopting a healthy lifestyle nowadays we can see everyone sleeps after eleven getting enough sleep is very important for women because our body needs rest and our body reacts if it is tired we complain that our back is paining or we always have headache and body ache it is a sign that something wrong with our health and body, maintaining certain weight for body is very important. Breast cancer is a very common infection in most women, it is important that women should go for breast screening and check everything is fine with the doctor. Very important women and girls need to stop asking DR google because everything on google is not applicable to your health concerns it will make you more anxious and create stress on your mind according to reports most women do this and get wrong treatment which very dangerous to their health. Health is asset women should start living healthy and fit because it has many benefits.

    Yash Tiwari
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    Being a woman is not easy. The odds are stacked up against them and they generally live longer despite all the hardship that comes their way. There are several healthy tips that every woman should know and from them; what I will be discussing here is one very important amongst them. I am referring to the time when women wake up and go to bed. It is during these two periods that they should look after themselves first before taking care of everyone else. Every day we are required to do some unhealthy things. We never care about our health. We always notice someone’s health but don’t care about ourselves. When our body is ready to respond to us then only we become concerned for our health.

    It’s not alright to skip the main meal of the day. A woman should eat a healthy breakfast for a lifetime. The woman who eats a healthy breakfast daily can maintain their energy throughout the day. Women get less sleep than men; it is because of stress, growing responsibilities, and other commitments. It has been found that women with higher BMI are not able to get proper sleep at night time. A healthy diet is necessary for improving sleeping patterns for women. Food rich in protein and calcium will provide energy and nutrition to your body in a long run.

    In addition to this women should also drink lots of water and eat healthy food. Start exercising to reduce extra fats from her body because if she does not do that then she would have to face troubles in the future like heart attacks, obesity, diabetes, and many more. But if she does these things properly then it will surely help her in having a healthy life in the future. She shouldn’t let her beauty sleep by indulging in cosmetics or go to bed with makeup. She should also keep stress at bay. Stress will ruin her immune system and may make her more vulnerable to diseases.

    Women’s most important time of the month is the period. PMS (Pre-Menstrual Syndrome) is a wide spectrum of physical, psychological, and emotional symptoms that many women experience before their menstrual period. Menstruation is a weakness in the females system. It causes her to have mood swings. To control it, she should take a good amount of vitamin B, C & E. Also she should go for meditation, yoga, and deep breathing which will help her reduce the pain and cramps.

    A woman who is healthy and fit can lead a more productive life in the long run. It’s true that on average, women are likely to live longer than men but they should not let this advantage go to waste just because they did not take care of themselves. Above mentioned health tips will help you lead a healthier life.

    Gayatri Somvanshi
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    We all know how women are expected to juggle between home and work and also she is always thought to think of others first before her. Due to this women often neglects her health which later leads to severe health issues. Many women just focus on work and home and often put others first and in this process her own health is left behind. We need to give a gentle reminder to all the women that their health is more important than anything and they should take care of it. There needs to be a requirement of spreading awareness regarding the women’s health issue as we know especially after 30s & 40s our backache and many other problems start to emerge. We need to focus on these problems. Today due to the growing medical and pharmaceutical industry there are many supplements and drinks and many eating materials , tonics available but make sure to take it as per expert’s advice. When we talk about health, the first factor which comes to mind is food. If your intake is healthy and wholesome than half of the problem is taken care of. Make sure whatever you are eating is nutritious. Try to focus on more wholesome, natural , unrefined food. Avoid skipping meals as we all must have noticed how we see women are skipping meals especially those fasts which are kept every week, full moons, new moons etc . Also avoid those diets for weight loss if they are not expert advice. Try to avoid junk food though they are tasty. Have fresh food. If you are fasting try to have fruits, milk, juices.
    When we talk about health, water is an essential element. We need to have at least 10 cups of water daily. Water is the solution for every problem. Make sure you keep your body hydrated especially during periods. Period care is must and keep your pubic area clean and dry. Make sure you change your pads after every six hours. It’s okay to have oubic hair and avoid shaving those hair because they are meant for protection. Also exercise is important. You should at least walk for 30 minutes a day. Most important is to stay happy and have a proper rest . You should at least sleep 8 hours at night.

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    In today’s generation, Women goes through many health problems due to weight gain for that they should do exercise or yoga with healthy diet plan daily which will keep them away from health problems and it will also helpful to not get suffer from pcos or pcod problems.
    Health Tips that every women should know:
    1.Exercise and yoga: Doing exercise will keep you fit and energetic and Yoga will help you to make your body flexible. It helps to have good digestion. It gives better sleep at night. By doing yoga daily will release your stress and make you feel fresh for full day.
    2.Don’t have crash diet: women should have proper diet by consulting with dietician because having crash diet will get affect on your health due to not taking proper intake of proteins, calcium, carbohydrates, vegetables and it will also harm your immunity. Women who suffer from pcos or pcod should not prefer crash diet.
    3.Menstrual hygiene: Women should take proper care of menstrual hygiene by using clean washroom and changing pads is necessary, one pad for day will get infect your vaginal area. Every women should use pad instead of cloth, because of using cloth will affect you to various infections like urinary infection, fungal infection. Therefore women should use good quality of pads for menstrual hygiene.
    4.Stop eating junk food: By eating package foods or junk foods will make you unhealthy and your body will not get proper nutrition due to which it will lead to weak immunity and health problems. Having junk food for once is fine but don’t have mostly.
    5.Doing Meditation: Many women does overthinking and giving stress to your mind due to which it lead to mental health. By doing meditation daily will relax your mind and relief your stress. For Starting meditation you should do atleast 10 minutes and after doing regularly you should do it for 40 minutes daily.
    These Health Tips will help every women in their daily life.

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