Get Inspired, Be Empowered Forums Feminism Has too many meanings given to the cause of feminism ruined the basic aim of the movement?

12 replies, 12 voices Last updated by Samriti Sharma 2 years, 10 months ago
  • Woospire
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    The basic motive of feminism was to bring women to an equal place as men, feminism was supposed to be a movement with the only motive of empowering women upto the point where women and men both would be considered equal to each other.
    In the current scenario many people have interpreted it as a movement to create women domination over the world.
    Feminism is totally different than patriarchy, patriarchy describes the society where men are supposed to dominate over every other gender, patriarchy is a type of society where men are considered as the most respected and strong human upon the land and feminism tends to change the fact that men rule the world, feminism was supposed to stand out for equality of women. Feminism was supposed to explain people that both men and women are equal and both can rule the world.
    Today’s generation have interpreted feminism as the fact that it is supposed to outcaste men and keep women above all which is not the actual definition of feminism.
    Yes, too many meanings have been given to feminism and because of that the movement has lost it’s actual significance.

    Yash Tiwari
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    Feminism is a word, used to describe a political and philosophical doctrine that has been developed over the past century. This doctrine teaches that men and women are equal in value. In its original and pure meaning, feminism is the political movement working for the social, economic, cultural, and sexual equality of the sexes, with no consideration as to what sex or gender one belongs to. Yet things have changed. But today’s feminism has come to mean something different and is characterized by hostility and negativity, rather than equality. Instead of working to achieve positive goals that improve life for all, modern feminists embody the ‘angry feminist’ stereotype. Let’s not forget the good work of the past and its heroes. It was they, after all, who made it possible to have today’s feminism. They laid the foundations for our achievements and we need to build on them in our ways.

    Has too many meanings given to the cause of feminism ruined the basic aim of the movement? To answer that question I would like to look at what is meant by feminism, its definition, and where it all began. The first step toward understanding feminism is to understand that the term has many meanings. Sometimes it refers to a political, social, and philosophical movement. At other times it refers to women’s struggle for equality. To complicate things even further, sometimes the word is used in a broad sense as a synonym for female or women’s rights and at other times it is taken to mean radical feminism. The problem with this multiplicity of meaning is that whenever you talk about feminism you reveal your perspective on the subject. At first glance, modern-day feminism has some similarities to the first wave of feminism. It is achieving basic rights for women, which in today’s society tends to be thought of as obvious.

    A hundred years ago, the language of feminism was strong and unequivocal. Yet despite many gains, there were still disturbing questions being asked about what equality meant for women. Many said that even if you gave women the right to vote, even if you forswore chattel marriage, even if you offered them education, freedom, and the vote, your very next move might be to stop them from working and encourage them to have lots of children again.

    Many have argued that the word Feminism has come to mean too many things so they now use other words for what they are talking about, or avoid the topic altogether. I think it might be better to embrace the broadness and use feminism as a starting point to talk about all kinds of discrimination which women still face today. Feminism has always been driven by women from a range of backgrounds and has encompassed a variety of causes. But for too long, others – men especially – have attempted to define feminism for us and even now dare to claim that “real” feminism is whatever suits their needs best.

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    Feminism refers to a variety of ideas, beliefs, movements, etc. in which the basic aim is to achieve equal rights for women and men. It doesn’t support or favors only females but all for equal opportunities because each individual has a right to basic things.
    The basic meaning of Feminism according to the different individuals has changed and people make their own ideology of that word. Some think it’s only about women and women’s rights and some try to lower men because of the movement, some make it a big issue by saying women are more powerful or are eligible for this movement. So, people’s perception has made it ruin the movement of feminism.
    the aim is to bring equality for women but not by comparing or making other genders less than that. Also, not to create discrimination among individuals because of factors such as race, color, caste, gender, class, age, religion, etc. Feminism has not changed but people have made it different by adopting their own ways. Many men’s think of this as a movement to make women superior to men but some have been supporting and standing by them for equal opportunities and rights and so we should not consider it in a negative movement but in a positive way to bring more change because feminism has made a drastic change till now and still there’s a long way to go.
    Women should be encouraged and empowered and it should not be considered as a fight for rights but as protection and value of their rights.

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    Yes, this is where the modern problem has started. Most of us are aware about social media platforms. You do a crazy thing and it can be viral in the fraction of minutes, not giving you enough time to think about what you have already done and whether you wanted to share it or not. And most of the people are taking advantage of that. And with these, many type of thoughts are continuously being added to the real thought of feminism. Some of them are adding more motivation to it while most of them are actually the contrast of the main thing.
    Ok so, what’s the feminism movement actually is.
    It’s basically a movement with a motive of establishing a society where every gender can walk freely, can smile freely ,can fulfill their wishes and of course with their own identity. There will be no social, political, sexual discrimination.

    Now most of us, are going on with the illusion that feminism movement means insulting men or torture men. Even some female are claiming to have all the benefits, whether it’s for seat reservation in bus, metro or in a exam. Some are claiming to get free financial benefits too.
    They can’t be touched even if they are wrong it’s what they are believing and with the legal allowance of insulting or treating anyone bad. In today’s world it’s very generous of the people to help and have the side of women, whenever she is in disadvantage against a man. But it’s also seen in some cases, women are taking this advantage to make their ego satisfied.
    It’s a shame to feminism itself.
    We’re making feminism as a gender opposite of what we’re actually fighting against, patriarchy.
    It’s never an trial of condemning the men.
    So, yes more of thought added a different meaning to feminism. To stop that, we must focus to expand the thought among the society and make our media contents gender free, whether it’s appraising male or female, it should be banned. To lead a world without gender discrimination, we have to change the thinking first, we have to accept human as human first.

    Manpreet Singh
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    Since the 1970’s there has been a wave of human rights revolutions across the globe, sweeping under it a wide variety of developments, covering many discriminated groups such as black people, women, etc. Of all of them, the Feminist revolution has been a major victory for the champion of women’s rights, who have suffered at the hands of the patriarchal setup. This movement has helped women in getting greater access to education, equality in work and wages, balanced marriage life, and other freedoms that they did not have before. But with the ever-increasing reach of social media, we have seen that positive movements such as feminism have been poisoned with too many meanings springing up and being associated with the whole movement.
    These days, everyone seems to be an expert regarding social matters and we seem to be deviating from the main track of the whole movement. The result is that the feminism movement is being taken less and less seriously as the days are passing, which I having a negative effect on the whole situation. The problem with today’s feminism is that many say that it has gone too far. It is now commonly mistaken as a gender ideology that hates men. Then there are blames that the victims make up false harassment stories. The image now that is created of feminists is that they are easily offended. This has belittled feminism by calling it a fad. Another problem with the current toxic culture is that the Men who are in support of women are publicly mocked on social media platforms. Even society is not ready to accept radical change and equality. They declare feminists degenerated for talking about hush topics such as discussing bras and body hairs. Feminists are heavily stereotyped as being man-hating unhappy women. Media outlets continue to censor their fight by falsely declaring that feminism is a dead movement. The problem shave been caused due to attaching so many names and so many useless causes with a movement. Now the result is that everyone is mocking the movement and it has become so toxic.
    The real problem lies in the fact that the men in power, who are so blinded by their own privileges do not want to lose them at any cost whatsoever. They are using cheap tactics to ruin the whole movement by deviation g from the real cause. The need of the hour is that we need to be more vigilant than ever. We need to carefully choose who our leaders should be and what issues really matter.

    Semantee Chattopadhyay
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    Feminism is a conflict theory that suggests patriarchal oppression of women in society. It suggests that power in society is divided based on gender. This suggests that patriarchal oppression of women exists in all sections of society, in employment, at home in education, and in media. Communication has evolved to deal with contemporary issues surrounding gender differences and has a particular focus in contemporary society on the intersectionality of women’s experiences. These are differences based upon social class ethnicity sexuality disability age religion and geographical location which gives feminism a broad appeal into looking at gender differences in the 21st century. It looks to address gender inequality by utilising the existing systems and structures in place and pressing for legal changes to address inequality in society. It has also addressed issues such as educational underachievement breaking down barriers to education for girls particularly in male-dominated domains and influenced girls to aim higher, perceive careers that were once seen as reserved for males. This has had numerous impacts on gender equality in society addressing education, family life work and social stratification. Feminism aims to tackle inequality but global inequalities between women remain. Feminism is quite a fragmented approach as there are many disagreements within the feminist movement that detract from the progress that has been made.
    Why now is there a stigma around the word feminism? Why are people to sting this word this action into something completely different. An idea has developed that feminists believe that men are weak and should be punished and that women are superior. Elite feminists believe that feminism is just for cisgender women. They might have some sequestered idea of revenge for what happened years and generations ago. I sincerely understand feminism, but it always seems aggressively misandrist. Men are generalized in a clumsy way. There is an emergent anti mail culture amongst younger generations that will ultimately do more harm than good.

    Shubhangini Shaktawat
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    Has too many meanings given to the cause of feminism ruined the basic aim of the movement?
    Feminism is actually supposed to be a movement that would help uplifting women in the society and bringing them at par with the rest of the society, especially men. Hence, it actually means empowering women and making them equal to men. In the many events that have taken place in the past and recent past in relation with women empowerment and feminism, the movement has been misinterpreted in many different ways. Also different individuals have their own decipherments of the movement’s basic objective. Thus, too many meanings given to the cause of feminism have ruined the basic movement.
    Another huge problem is that people have mistaken pseudo-feminism as feminism. Pseudo-feminism, almost antonymous to feminism, suggests that men and women are definitely not equal. Women are rather superior to men and deserve more respect in the society. Hence, pseudo-feminism is wrong and absolutely not the correct theory as it’s objective is wrong in itself. Those who do not actually know the meaning and true motive of feminism end up becoming pseudo-feminists rather than feminists, thus smudging the image of the two. As a result, people who witness pseudo-feminism take it to be feminism with their lack of information which ruins the basic aim of the movement.
    It also results into people forming a bad impression of feminism because it declares women to be more powerful than men in place of both being equal. Mainstream feminism is also called Liberal Feminism which suggests that women shall be politically supported by changing the framework to ensure equality of men and women. Other than that, we also have Social Feminism which advocates for social rights of women. It describes the women suffrage movement that took place in the nineteenth century.
    People, without even knowing the base of feminism or the various kinds of it with their explanations, tend to support pseudo feminism, some by knowing, some unknowingly. This is the main reason behind the decay of the movement which could bring a lot of change for the better of women if it had not been molded negatively. Now, it is the time to correct pseudo-feminists and not only prevent them from mistaking pseudo-feminism for feminism, but also punish them for misguiding the population with the wrong meanings of something so serious and big. Let us all be feminists and make this world a better place, not pseudo-feminists.
    A woman myself,
    Shubhangini Shaktawat

    Gayatri Somvanshi
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    Yes of course it has affected and the main motive of feminism is left behind. People think it as a man hating concept and also unfortunately feminism this term is also used for some outrageous things by women itself. Its like women are feminist but they are also targeting another women. There are also some terms emerging as selective feminism. First we really need to make people understand what exactly feminism is and also make women understand that it’s not a publicity tool or something which can be used to blabber anything.It’s all about getting women getting equal rights , equal respect and equal opportunities and to normalise some things. It’s about the safety of women and women’s rights.
    Due to some cases where women are just using feminism for posting or commenting or even saying some illogical things and at the same time falsely accusing a man has actually made it ugly and given a chance to claim that this concept is all about women domination.
    Also women need to understand that it’s wrong to criticize other women and also not to put any man down. It’s just about giving respect and deserving the same respect. Feminism shouldn’t be used to satisfy your ego and to complete your demands. It’s a movement for empowering women and walking hand in hand together and fighting together so kindly please don’t misuse it.
    Nowadays many actresses are also falsely accusing people and we see how even people are using this movement wrongly.
    We also need to ensure that concept of feminism should be properly delivered and also we neee to know that it’s not about forcing our concept on society it’s just about not forcing society’s illogical rupes on women and help women to gain her freedom.

    038 deepika Singh
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    The real meaning of feminism is – equal rights to women as men. Men and women should have equal political, social and economical rights. Feminism= equality. This is how simple feminism is. Feminism is purely a movement which intends to enlighten people with a goal of improving gender equality and strengthening women’s status our society. It’s main aim is to lift up women and bring them to the same level as men. It gives women the much needed voice in a patriarchal word. It ensures that women are paid equally for the same work and are not abused by men. It supports equality in education and opportunities. People who are unaware of the real meaning of feminism often end up being a pseudo feminists, who want a world ruled by women. They mock innocent men and try to resolve all injustices done on women my targeting and demeaning men. Nowadays more and more men have started becoming victims of pseudo feminism. For instance, if a woman comes out about her defamation and harassment by a man, people start blinding believing the girl without any proofs without even letting the man speak in his defence. They start bashing the guy without listening to his part of the story. Just like a rotten apple spoils the whole barrel there are some people whose deceiving ideologies has destroyed the true meaning of feminism. Instead of bringing equality between genders they tend to blame men for all the injustices done to women. They believe they that in order to uplift one gender there is a need to suppress the other. People believe that feminists want to control the world and put men down. While we must know that this is not Feminism. If you believe in the equality of women as men then you are a feminists. Feminism never aims to degrade any gender.

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