Get Inspired, Be Empowered Forums Sexism & Patriarchy Gender Stereotypes have played a key role in the disrespect of women. Is this statement true?

9 replies, 8 voices Last updated by Manpreet Singh 3 years, 7 months ago
  • Woospire
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    Yes, the gender stereotypes created in our society have often disrespected women. These stereotypes have often restricted women in choosing their careers, deciding what they have to do and always listening to their family, men etc. Women often hear words like this job is meant for men, you’re not strong enough to do this etc etc. This is how these gender stereotypes disrespect women, girls can’t do this, girls aren’t meant to do that are some disrespectful words heard by women. These stereotypes are one reason that keeps women backwards of the world, women are often taught to stand behind a man in order to stay protected, is this a way to threaten her? Can’t she protect herself from the rage of the society against her? Ofcourse she can, women are alot more stronger than a society thinks she is, a misconception that the society has created that a woman can’t do anything without a man is hilarious because even after being threatened, even after being denied to do what they want, women are fulfilling their dreams. Hence, the disrespect that is created using the gender stereotypes is now in this era, is bound to be broken because women today are unstoppable.

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    Its true that, gender stereotypes still played role in the disrespect women because society still make comparisons and follow that old tradition thinking between men and women. Men are also gets support of their family in career guidance but women don’t get any support from family. In childhood only women are always teach to do household chores. But they don’t tell them to focus on studies but men are always supported to focus their mind on study. Why? Only women are meant to learn household chores and not to get focus on their studies. Both should learn household chores and both are equally deserve to have education. In schools also we can see that if any girl does short hair cut everyone will say her that you look like a boy. That somewhere will hurt her because of society gender stereotypes. Still their are people who think that boys should have short hairs, play sports, focus on education and expected to be strong and on other side girls should have long hairs, learn household chores and cooking, excepted to be at home. When it comes on women dreams and to job non of them will support her in household work even their husband also because of which women feel disrespect due to not giving importance to her dreams or not getting support of her family to do job. Society also stereotypes between small kids like if boys buy any toy which is pink in colour they will say it’s for girls not for boys. And if girls will buy football they will say it’s for boys not for girls. But women should not think of society who are they to judge you. The only thing matters is your family and friends if they don’t have problem with it then you should ignore such people thinking towards women.

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    Yes, it’s an explicit truth that gender stereotypes plays a key role, or you can say it’s one of those social norms which are assuring disrespect and women exploitation.
    Yes, you heard me right. If you go and talk to regular women, most of them will say, they don’t do things because they were taught, they don’t go in lone roads because they are afraid of male, of getting rape, they don’t trust men because it’s taught that they are some dangerous animals who are here to hurm women.
    So, how do you think every single women know it? Because they have experience? No, not at all. Women don’t go out or we can say we don’t let our women out to have experience about the real world.
    How women know that they are inferior? Cause we make them feel, we taught them from childhood that how inferior they’re, how they should not do most of things, a man do. We discriminate against works, about games, subjects. We teach them how they should be homely, how they should never raise her voice. How it’s a necessity for a woman to perform all household duties and ok for a man to leave all those burden.
    It’s us, who are making this mythological quotes like women are goddess, they will serve us even when we don’t bestow her, only to bind women in those greatness to fulfill society’s expectations.
    And if she tries to severe that binding, it doesn’t take a single second for us to declare our goddess as a slut.
    These gender discrimination make women believe that yes, they are inferior and not sufficient to do such work which needs physical activity or mental intelligence. Thus they should live beneath men.
    Now, it’s obviously an ongoing theory that stronger one always rules over the weaker one. And that’s what our society is doing too. Patriarchy is being established by suppressing women’s voice and to continue this, we’re teaching our children these social norms, satisfying gender discrimination.
    Hence it’s never only men’s fault or women’s fault that one is being the ruler while other is being ruled over. It’s us, who primarily imprinting these thought into them, preserving the patriarchy. That’s the main reason why men feel they have right to assault a woman in every kind of situation and women feel that how much suffering there’ll be, they should never raise voice against it.

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    Yes, gender stereotypes have played a key role in the disrespect of women. Over the years women have been disrespected alot based upon their colour, caste, gender etc.
    Women have always been forced to accept that they do not belong to a respectful caste, or they do not deserve to be respected.
    Women have always been made believe that all they belong to is household work, serve men.
    Even today, people think that women are made to serve their house, do all the household chores and live like an ordinary woman. The definition to an ordinary woman is the one who does all the household chores and manages the family well.
    Girls should play with dolls and not cars, girls should cook and clean not go out of their houses are a few quotes we often listen for our women, by our society. These are all a way to discriminate our women and disrespect them. Gender stereotypes create hate for women in the society which in turn results in disrespecting them. People today forward disrespectful comments against women in order to discriminate them.
    Every gender deserves to be respected, including females and everyone should be respected, respect should be the first right every human should get.

    Shubhangini Shaktawat
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    Gender Stereotypes have played a key role in the disrespect of women. Is this statement true?
    It is not new or shocking for us to know or realize that gender stereotypes have played a key role in the disrespect of women, for we have all grown up in a society like that. We have grown up amidst these stereotypes. No matter how hard one tries to break stereotypes and change the opinion of the society towards women, nothing changes. The society remains as stubborn as always and opens it’s mouth only when it comes to disrespecting or criticizing women. The world has evolved and so have women. We can see women leading in almost every field. They have made us all so proud with all the work they do. But have they received enough recognition and acknowledgment for the same? I do not think so. How many female actresses are worshipped the same way our male actors are across India? They are all putting in the same amount of effort, maybe even more, then why are they overlooked? How many of us actually switch on the television to know what score has the women’s cricket team actually managed to make? Not even a single one of their criticizers can ever imagine how much they have had to struggle, to reach where they are presently.
    The amount of social work women have done, is not even close to what we can ever aim to do. Why do we not acknowledge them? Last but not the least, are the homemakers of the society. What makes one think that women are born to be housewives? They will do whatever they feel like doing. If they decide to become officers, they are criticized and said to have neglected their husbands and children. If they decide to be homemakers, they are called useless and brainless. If men cook, it is called an art. On the other hand, if women cook, it is called their duty. Why? Is the society ashamed? Is the society not ready to accept that women are capable of doing wonders? Is the society not ready to accept that women can do almost everything and in fact, excel at everything? With women ruling the world, I think this is the right time to come to terms with the fact that our society needs a change, an evolution with it’s opinion and thinking. Let’s break stereotypes and give women the respect and status they deserve.
    A woman myself,
    Shubhangini Shaktawat

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    Yes, gender stereotypes have made women feel disrespected and inferior to men. Which hour or day have women not faced discrimination? She faces it daily, in every aspect and in all terms. It has become a habit of facing discrimination and inequality for the female gender.
    If a girl wants to study something apart from normal education, then she is not supported, if she wants to pursue a career in her area of interest let’s say Army or scientist or officer before she asks for something the very first advice given by family will be you can’t do that because it’s difficult and it is meant for men. So, this is not only a gender stereotype but it is judging on the basis of gender.
    There are many such examples where this is observed, like cooking if men do it, he is said cooking is not meant for them and when women work and also manages, she is told they don’t need to work and focus on family and children. At each and every stage or phase women are also suffering and listening to society’s comments and criticisms because judging and criticizing is the easiest task to do but the women facing knows what is she going through.
    Start from childhood girls and boys are divided on the basis of very basic things like clothing, games, sports, activity, education, etc., and from that phase till women is at old age still faces gender divide and we can’t imagine how much she faces and suffers. But it should not be existing more because women are the only ones who are blamed and also disrespected. So we as individuals, not practice gender stereotypes.
    In the words of Eva Mendes, “People are incapable of stereotyping you, you stereotype yourself because you’re the one who accepts roles that put you in this rut or in the stereotype” We should stop accepting what is irrelevant and disrespecting to us and if we accept then it will be never-ending.

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    Yes, gender stereotypes play a major role in disrespecting women, gender biases, and patriarchy all these things are part of society because all these women respect does not matter. No matter how women hard she works and achieves something she will never get the respect that she deserves, many women try to break these stereotypes but they have to face a lot of difficulties and criticism, women are limiting themselves by being okay with each every norm it’s now being legacy even if we go outside and ask women few questions related to gender stereotypes 90% of women will say its normal for them and it’s being everyday thing .every women deserve an equal amount of respect and value as a male member of society gets. Women are not allowed to do things that they wanted to do no family allows their daughter or wife to go alone outside at night because it’s unsafe. Female should have long hair and wear a dress like a long skirt, kurta and saree Women are always judged by society by clothes they whom they hang out with. Nobody dares to question males. If men had known how to respect and treat women there will be fewer cases of sexual harassment and catcalling on street. First, teach men how to value women. Also, entertainment and media should stop showing gender stereotypes it has a very bad influence on women’s respect. Support the communities and organization which are trying to break this, they are showing courage women should need to support them. Women should leave the place where they do not get respected and mistreated all the time. We can change this by educating people by making everything neutral for both the gender. We need to change the perspective of society and every human deserves dignity and respect.

    Yash Tiwari
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    It is true that gender stereotypes have played a key role in the disrespect of women. The words like that have made women feel discouraged about their choices and career. They have been forced to be homemakers while men were allowed to have a career. A good cause for feminist criticism (or gender criticism) is that gender stereotypes have played a key role in the disrespect of women. This limitation restricts women from taking up other professions and forcing them to work in jobs they don’t like. It is hard to believe that these stereotypes push women into jobs they are not interested in. If women work hard, they can succeed more in their careers. Many women feel that being involved with women’s activities like cooking, taking care of their children is not a crime but an asset to make them feel closer to their families and husband. Many people believe and confirm that housewives are happy because of their roles and some think hold back their dreams or goals for the sake of their family.

    Many women have shown their talent in many fields, which was not taken into consideration by many people in our society. If a woman is going to choose her dream career, she has to fight for it because of the gender stereotypes we have inside society. Today, in most parts of our life we see and experience gender discrimination where men are looked at as superior to women. Gender role is a set of expectations that a society or cultural group gives to its males and females. Gender stereotypes are generalized traits assigned to the male and female categories of a population. We often hear about this stuff like ‘Women cannot do this or ‘it’s not a job for women. If a woman proves herself in this industry then she is considered brilliant or some sort of a magician.

    In today’s society, gender stereotypes have created hate for women in society which in turn results in disrespecting them. In many societies, women are thought to be only fit for household work, like cleaning and cooking. Not all societies think this way, but it is very common for people to make assumptions about the type of personality a woman should have based on her gender. All humans deserve to be respected, it is the right of every human. Yet gender stereotypes create hate for women in particular and make them disrespectful to people. Disrespect comes in many forms; such as stereotype threat in which a person is unconsciously threatened with something that could negatively affect their performance. Stereotype threat affects particularly women in the workplace because of their gender–a specific superiority-inferiority relationship between gender and success (Spencer & Steele, manuscript submitted for publication).

    Manpreet Singh
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    A general opinion or preconception about the features or characteristics of members of a given social group, members of a particular social group, or the roles they play or should play. A gender stereotype is a conviction in its core, which can lead its possessor to assume that it is gender, female or male subject group. In contrast, the process of applying this stereotypical belief to a person is gender stereotyping. The inequalities in treatment that arise because of stereotypes of expectations, attitudes, and behavior towards women are part of discrimination against women.
    In many regions of the world, sexual violence or non-sexual violence remains an important problem. It brings with it long-term psychiatrically and socially repercussions of sexual abuse against children and women. In addition to sexual satisfaction itself, sexual violence against women is often caused by the real and perceived disparities in power between men and women and is also significantly impacted by cultural influences and beliefs. The role and depiction of gender and attitudes to sexual violence vary in socio-centered and ego-centered societies. Cultures characterized as feminist provide both men and women equal power. In cultures that encourage views about male supremacy and social and cultural inherence of women, sexual violence may be more widespread. Sexual abuse Although culture is a crucial aspect in understanding the full nature of the sexual assault, we must look at its strengths and limitations, as well as its cultural structures. Much of what an individual is nowadays is formed by the culture in which he or she is born and lives and acquires cultural values, attitudes, and conduct. Culture defines normality and psychopathology definitions and descriptions. Culture plays a major effect in the vision, perception, and processing of sexual activities and sexual violence by certain groups and societies.
    In education, the seeds of stereotypes are seeded and education lays there. Consequently, the support of governments is vital, as UNESCO points out in its Global Education Monitoring Report. In order to ensure that gender stereotypes are maintained and training courses, tutorials, networks, and scholarships, for example, should be considered to support and promote the integration of women in the STEM area. For instance, curricular curricula, textbooks, and teacher training programs.

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