Get Inspired, Be Empowered Forums Gender Barriers and Solutions to Leadership Even in top positions, women face challenges…

11 replies, 11 voices Last updated by Samriti Sharma 2 years, 10 months ago
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    “Even in top positions, women face challenges within institutional structures, systems and mind-sets that require transformative change” – M. Cristina Alcalde and Mangala Subramaniam.

    Yash Tiwari
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    And as the economy becomes increasingly globalized, it is only natural that businesses look beyond their borders for talent. However, women are still significantly absent from top leadership roles in the business world. According to data present on the internet, only 3 of 25 executives running the “World’s Largest Companies” come from the female population. Today, the tech industry is filled with women excelling as engineers, entrepreneurs, and even business owners. This comes on the heels of last month’s report that noted that women hold 27% of all the jobs in tech. But despite this seeming success, women are still lagging men when it comes to leadership roles.

    Statistics reveal that just 5.4 percent of the women serving as CEOs of Fortune 1000 companies have been appointed in the last decade (from 2010 to 2020), an increase from 4.2 percent in the decade before that (1996-2010). In other words, as those numbers have hardly budged, it does not reflect a lack of qualified women available for top jobs. While there are some challenges to being a woman CEO, there are many misconceptions about the life of women leaders. The first misconception is that the highest-ranking women now have made it: the glass ceiling has been broken. This may be true in some sectors and for some people, but most of the women running Fortune 1000 companies have inherited their jobs from men who are no longer in those positions, or they are CEOs of divisions that used to be part of larger businesses. These circumstances do not guarantee equality among fellow companions.

    Part of the problem is the glass ceiling that women are hit with at the point that they reach senior levels in their careers. These are the kind of positions where you can make a difference to other women who are aspiring to be leaders and encourage others to take up more senior positions. Women’s challenges also depend on their situations. It may be more difficult for a woman to have children, and if she does, to have them while rising through the executive ranks. In some companies, taking maternity leave can be fatal to a career. Many women are reluctant to adopt male-style leadership styles that seem better suited to reaching the C-suite. Still, more may run into obstacles in trying to overcome the kind of resistance that men often encounter in challenging established practices as they move up their success ladder. Women have the chance to be at the top, but they still face challenges related to a level of discrimination that most men could not even imagine.

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    Women and the challenges faced by them are many in varied areas like home, workplace, surroundings, etc. Each day and at each work and field women are constantly targeted and neglected. Women are capable of managing the whole office and also their house. In present times women are holding great positions as CEOs, Managers, Founder, and much more.
    But are they still facing the challenges? Yes, they are dealing with each issue. Being in a top position, they are still considered as less than men and there are many instances like unequal pay, gender discrimination, their work is considered as not as efficient as men.
    They are managing personal life and career simultaneously but the praise and respect they deserve are not given because after all the society thinks of women as being inferior to men. If she is a strict boss at her workplace, she is not liked and if she is lenient and friendly towards her colleagues then she is treated less capable of being boss, so in some of the other things, people have their suggestions ready to give.
    Women have reached far, they are working for a good cause and because of many women Entrepreneurs& Businesses they carry, many young generations are inspired too. Whether at the top or working at the labor level, women are still facing challenges. But women are Unstoppable and they can go through each thing wisely

    Apoorva Pathak
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    To be a woman and lead her life is very difficult. It has many ups and downs she is always discriminate against starting from birth till the death. She is always having the fear of men. She considers herself always alone even if she is surrounded by many. This the life of a woman. She works till the end and sometimes these jobs are even unpaid still she does her job with a happy face.
    If we that women who are doing jobs are even harassed because people, consider her character is not good as she comes late at night or works with the male. This mentality is very common.
    Even women who are at higher post are considered characterless. She must have a relationship with rich people or she much has slept with someone these are some cheap wording of small mind people.
    Even when we see our first lady prime minister Indira Gandhi was considering a dumb doll and many people tried to remove her from her post but she was strong will person she proved herself and lived her dreams.
    When if women are working in a high position she has performed her all duties being a mother, a wife, a daughter and she do them well. She has to balance both home and work. In India 10 per cent of working women are facing sexual harassment at the workplaces. If we see many top actresses are facing physical torcher by their co-star and directors they lure her to give her better opportunities and if she denies they threaten her.
    To stop this unethical practice everyone even if it a male has to come together to stop it. We all are human and in our constitution, it is written that there should no discrimination and also acts have been passed that ban and made a law against harassment at workplaces against women.

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    Women have to go through difficulties and have to prove themselves at times, because that how society look women, women do not get the respect they deserve even at the top-level position, some males have the mindset that if much importance is given to them, they will dominate them it will hurt their male ego. Even women do not get equal pay or promotion easily as compared to men this becomes challenging, also if women family members get upset because they think she only cares about her work and her growth in professional life. If women earn more than a husband, his behavior changes and it creates complications in their personal relationship and this happens with 80 % percent with many women’s who are at the top position. Also, people spread rumors like she has affairs, she has a strong family background, and has a good relationship with bosses these are challenges she has to go through. There are many ways through which women can decide overcome her fear, she has to take speak for herself and put her opinion. There are very few women’s in the top position we need to see more women, but will only happen when people will stop discrimination among men and women give them equal chance for opportunities. This will inspire other women. Some women feel nervous about speaking of their accomplishments. They should have confidence they should be fearless while putting their opinions and giving the presentation. Women have to compromise some time for their children to take to break this also a challenge for her. Women entrepreneurs who have overcome this challenge are at a very good place now. Society should appreciate and value women’s success as they do with men. We are living in the modern world and still struggling for equality, let’s create better opportunities for women. Women have to just stay strong and overcome challenges by facing them.

    Gayatri Somvanshi
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    Though the world has been evolving rapidly and step by step women are also developing themselves and achieving heights.we all have been witnessing that there is nothing, no field and sector that women have not been able to conquer. Yet still when it comes to leadership women have been always questioned and doubted and opposed. People still are unable to accept the guidance of the women. There are a total of only 26 women at CEO’s positions according to Pew Research. There are various challenges women have been facing and the most and foremost thing is gaining respect. Women have always been disrespected no doubt. We see many times she is not taken seriously and not obeyed as well because this has always hurted man’s ego. The orders are taken lightly and women are not taken seriously by employees . Also according to these people women don’t have ability and talent to reach higher positions and they can only achieve it through unscrupulous means.This is nothing but an unreasonable consolation for their lack of ability. Women’s ability has always been doubted by this world. People think they can’t handle professional and personal life yet it’s ironic they expect women to balance it. Then comes another shitty belief that women are emotional thinkers and are unable to think practically and rationally and are indecisive. In Fact I believe that women are more rational than men.
    Now the next thing is not really surprising as according to most of the lady bosses the most difficult thing is to build a healthy relationship with the employees and especially male employees. We always know that there are women who like women tearing apart and sadly we don’t support women progressing actively. Not to forget that we as women have always disapproved of ambitious women.
    Now when we talk about male employees then as mentioned earlier that this is male dominated world and a progressive, strong woman is always not welcomed here as they feel threatened by their power. So in conclusion there is still a need for more support and empowerment for women and a need to break a lot of myths created by people toward female bosses.

    anshika agarwal
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    Even in top positions, women face challenges within institutional structures, systems and mindsets that require transformative change
    Yes! Still even in top positions, women face challenges within institutional structures, systems and mindsets that require transformative change.
    Women are as brilliant as men in their education and also they are learning more degrees than men. But still they are facung a lot of issues. It is equally important to know the challenges that they face. Women hold the least senior administrative positions and are also the lowest paid. In reality they are not paid that they deserve. From research as well our own experience we know that supply of qualified and ambitious women are not less. And even when women attain leadership or higher positions they face challenges within institutional structures and systems and also in the mind-sets that must requires a transformative change. There is increasing numbers of women professionals who are coming back for their career advancement or self-development and they have to balance the responsibilities of life with their education. It is very rare that women whi are in top positions get a chance to sit down and share their experiences and incident with each other.
    It’s high time we should do more to support women as strategic, intelligent, aiming a goal, focused and ambitious. We would still have a long way to go ahead to transform their mind but that would at least be a good start in our part.

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    Women are still facing challenges in top positions because of mindset of people which is made by the society that women are meant to do household chores and men are meant to do job and earn money. Due to which some men can’t see women who achieving high level position than him. By seeing that men try to make obstacles between her work or sometimes they don’t respect women. At workplace men who can’t take women achievement because of male ego they trouble women or do misbehave with her. Because of which many cases of sexual harassment we see in news channel that mostly happen at workplace. Many women don’t get equal pay or promotion compare to men instead of having same skills and education because of which women faces financial problems. In family also there are some husband who can’t see their wife in top positions due to which it will create arguments in their relationship. There are some families who still have old tradition thinking because of which they never appreciate women for her achievement in top positions and when if any men will have any small achievement they start appreciating him and discriminate against women. Society also start making judgments or discriminate women for her work and family responsibilities. In time of pregnancy women need to take a break from job and after having child coming back to office with same energy is bit of challenging for herself. Working Women by being in top positions because of their talent and hardwork non of them will support or encourage for her achievement because of society mindset and inequality towards women. Society and men need to stop their discrimination towards women. Atleast appreciate for her hardwork and treat them equally like men at workplace. People should support both men and women equally rather than making obstacles for women in top positions they should focus on their hardwork than automatically good things will come to them.

    Manpreet Singh
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    Despite the specific hurdles faced by women leaders, women continue to push obstacles to fulfill their mission and achieve their full potential. However, while the leaders of government, administration, and industry are underrepresented by women, we all lose. This honest evaluation should not discourage us but should encourage us to identify the obstacles faced by female leaders and to better understand them. Women have made significant improvements in higher education and currently earn more than males. In the academic year 2016 to 2017, 57% of the bachelor’s degrees were given to women and women currently make up half of the college’s employment, according to the Research Foundation.
    Although there has been progressing in the number of women, addressing the problems that women continue to face is equally important: women have the lowest administrative positions and are the least compensated among higher education administrators. For women of color, the image is stronger: just 14 percent of the higher education administrators, men, and women were ethnic and racial minorities in 2016. Women, particularly of color, are also underrepresented in full and tenure teaching programs, which limit opportunities to formally become leaders in institutions and colleges. However, we know this through our study and academic experience. In businesses, the restrictions for women’s development could be defined frequently as a glass ceiling – a symbolic roadblock struck by women in mid-management. Women are not merely denied leading positions at the end of a long career; instead, they seem to disappear at different stages throughout their path. Even when women reach leadership positions, we face problems that require radical change that is integrated into institutional structures and procedures – and perhaps most crucial mentalities.
    A shift in perspective or mentality may be the most critical thing which has to alter in our society to respond to these imperatives. At several stages in our trajectories, in our own careers, and those of people we are familiar with, we have experienced tremendous support. However, we have also observed how women of color leadership interpret in a certain moment in the Upper administration and colleagues at every level: as ironic, emotional, hysterical, reactive, confident, and ambitious – usually more broadly with regard to particular proposals and ideas relating to gender and diversity.

    Afshan Iqbal
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    Even in top positions, women face challenges. Which is indeed true. Being a woman is strenuous, they get opinionated at every point and this society always finds reasons to judge a woman on the basis of her looks, speech, or personality. Women are considered “too emotional and sensitive” for hard work. As we see, the times have changed and it’s not just a man’s world anymore. Women are making an impact in every field and they are leading in every way. There is no place where we find women any less than men. So, it’s very important to give them the well-deserved positions that society has always ignored just because of their gender. Women were always supposed to work at home and the fact that women are working outside homes is still not digested by society. When a woman is seen doing a job, the one question that pops up in everyone’s mind is “How will she manage?”. People start assuming that a working woman won’t be able to manage her personal and professional life and will be bad in either of them. People start judging her and make a prior conception that she is a bad wife/mother/daughter-in-law/employee etc. Women face career problems because of stereotypes that they are more family-oriented and less committed to their careers. Women are born leaders. They may not always realize their potential but once unleashed, there’s no way to stop them to climb the ladder of success. Even in a top position, women face challenges every day. Sometimes there are traces of women falling prey to misogyny. When men witness women doing better than them, they hardly accept a woman’s leadership and as a result, she is required to work in a tactful environment where her opinions do not matter as much. At the end of the day we know that women have the ability to wear many hats while balancing careers, households, and other jobs so just like all the hurdles, a woman can overcome all the challenges in her workplace too.

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