Get Inspired, Be Empowered Forums Access to Healthcare Empowering Women through Health Insurance

6 replies, 6 voices Last updated by DISHA SAPKALE 3 years, 7 months ago
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    Yash Tiwari
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    Health insurance for women is a basic human right. For yet another World’s Women Report under the UN Forum on Women, we examine the linkages between women’s health and gender equality with the overarching goal of promoting social inclusion and gender equality. We identify the goals of health insurance for women, discuss the different types of programs, and recommend key components of each to ensure their sustainability. The right to health has been interpreted by the World Health Organization as the right of all people, not just the wealthy, to have a life that is not just free from disease but one that is also productive and well supported. To achieve this goal, there should be paid special attention to women’s needs.

    In pursuit of gender equality, health insurance is a prerequisite for women to enjoy a full range of civil, political, economic, social, and cultural rights – both now and in the future. Health insurance is a basic human right for all individuals to have access to affordable quality health care services. Women’s access to healthcare is critical to enabling them to make decisions about their bodies, lives, and families including having children; controlling their fertility; preventing and treating reproductive tract infections affecting them severely. The physical, mental, and social well-being of women is of particular concern particularly in less developed countries where women are disproportionately affected by poverty and have limited access to health education, health services, and basic infrastructure which affects not only their fertility but also the health of their families.

    When thinking about gender-related development issues, it is essential to understand the underlying structures that create inequalities between men and women. The empowerment of women is the ability of women to make decisions and take actions to improve their lives. It is closely linked to health issues, as women are more likely than men to suffer from gender-related health problems such as poor mental health, sexually transmitted infections, reproductive cancers, or nutritional deficiency diseases in all parts of the world. Women’s empowerment covers a wide range of issues including security, rights, health, education, and employment. Increasing women’s empowerment is critical for realizing many of the U.N. Millennium Development Goals. Women (and girls) are more vulnerable to poor health outcomes including those from HIV/AIDS, malaria, and maternal mortality.

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    Health insurance is taken so that it’s a backup at the time of medical emergencies and sudden situations. There are many companies providing a variety of health insurances according to needs and situations arising, and so people are also availing insurances so that they can be used for themselves and their family members.
    Coming to women, I think they should also step forward and take their individual health insurance, there can be medical situations when they need help but have no one, during those times these insurances can be used. Women face many issues and challenges in their day-to-day life, and for some single mothers these are beneficial because in today’s time, the disease is increased and the cost of curing them is very high which is not bearable and alone person can’t manage so much.
    Health insurance benefits in pre and post-hospital expenses, there are also additional things which are included in the policies, many companies provide free check-ups, ambulance charges, etc. If a woman is taking a health insurance plan, she will be empowering other women too. Lifestyle has changed of many, due to these they hardly get time due to hectic schedules, working hours, poor health, etc.
    Health insurance is also one of the basic rights like food, cloth, and shelter and it should be also considered. Like a family has family insurance, women too should take up health insurance, this not only motivates her economically but mentally and socially.
    There’s a need that woman take up health insurance and empower herself and others by inspiring them because women are important for each one and everyone’s life and her protection is everyone’s protection.

    Manpreet Singh
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    It is a fundamental right to the standard of health included in article 21 of the constitution. It includes all basic requirements such as physical, mental and social well-being. It has also been recognized in many global and national declarations and charters. It has been now proved that a healthy population is a stepping stone for the sustainable development and growth of a country. Also for peace and security, and vice versa. But the ground reality is that despite many advances over the previous decades, large numbers of disadvantaged people, especially women who are heavily dependent on the patriarchal set up, still suffer poor health.
    As a result, thousands die every day from preventable causes such as basic hygiene and nutrition. Women and children from each part of the social status continue to suffer a very high burden of preventable disease and death. A comprehensive study has noted improvements in population health will require a huge investment in the social and economic determinants that have slowed the progress. Developing a proper health insurance program to cater to the women and children of our society can help them hugely in improving their overall conditions.
    Even though women are honored in almost all Indian cultures as the life-giver, but their low status of women continues and our policy makers are not making women’s survival and well-being a priority. The low status of women has prevented many women from expecting and demanding better treatment. Despite advances, made in the country in the last 70 years or so, women’s health care needs a complete revamping. Health insurance can be a powerful tool in improving the basic health conditions for women. It will make them independent in that front and they will not be dependent on the patriarchal families for their basic health facilities. It will also empower them to work and earn more freely as the main burden of health and hygiene will be removed from their problems.

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    There exists a million women who are still dependent upon their families for their survival. Even the working women of the community are today relied upon their families. Families tend to fear sending their daughters away from them for their further studies too. Mostly, the reason a family chooses to not to send their daughters away is that there would be no one to take care of her health. Parents tend to get scared with the fact that their daughter would not be able to take care of herself alone.
    Providing health insurance to women, would change the face of the mindsets of the families. With providing health insurance to women, women could be assured of their health and wellness even when alone in some other city. Health insurance should be a basic amenity provided to each and every human being living in the country. Everyone deserves to be assured that their health would not be sacrificed in anyway.
    Women who’ve been trying hard to bring themselves up in this society, health insurance would strengthen each and every women struggling through her life.

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    To take health insurance is very important for everyone especially for women of the country. By taking a health insurance plan gives protection from hefty expenses during medical emergencies it will release the tension of health expenses. Also, there are many health benefits given under the insurance plan and we have to very minimal amount every month. Women body becomes by giving birth to a child also there are many female diseases are very common which happens to most women if women have already taken the health insurance plan it will really beneficial for them. It also helps to provide financial stability, now some companies have also started to provide company employees the health insurance Benefits also to their families. Most of the women are busy with family responsibilities because of it they do not give their own health the priority by taking health insurance plan it can give you financial protection. There are many cases where women have to sell their jewelry and property during the time of medical emergency. Health ministry provides free health insurance to fewer income rural regions, we need to make them aware and empower them to take health insurance plans. The government also gives tax benefits on insurance. there are some women who consider health insurance as an unnecessary expense, it may look like an expense now but one day it is going to help a lot. Women who can afford they need to stop ignoring the insurance also it is very important to check a company’s reviews before taking any planning some insurance companies are fraud. Also, we need carefully keep the document and details of the company. Pandemic is being the lesson for everyone so many people lost their lives because of financial problems they aren’t able to start treatment on time. So women should treat insurance as a lifeline and take it.

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    Women should take health insurance for betterment of their health in future. By having health insurance they can take proper care of their health and it will also not affect their financial stability. There are many Working women who don’t get time to look after their health and fitness. Women used to busy with their office work and household chores, taking care of family due to which they don’t get time to maintain healthy lifestyle. Than it becomes unhealthy lifestyle affects women health issues like breast cancer, cardiovascular diseases, polycystic ovary syndrome or disease called as pcos or pcod, urinary tract infection and many more. Women need to more focus to adapt healthy lifestyle. So that they will not get affect form such diseases and infections. Health insurance will help to have financial stability while giving birth to child because while giving birth to child their will be many charges like regular check-ups, medicines, etc. at a time, than health insurance will benefit for women to have normal delivery. There are many companies who provide health insurance for women like Tata AIG, Care Health Insurance, HDFC Ergo General Insurance, Aditya Birla Health Insurance, ICICI Lombard General Insurance, Reliance General Insurance these companies provide various kinds of health policies for women. Through which women can make a choice according their benefit and financial stability. Their should awareness about health insurance because their are women who are not aware about various kinds of health policies. Their should be lack awareness about health care policy for women. In rural areas women are suffering more through diseases like reproductive health problems, in villages also their should arrangement of organizations to make awareness about health insurance for women. Women should take health insurance policy for their future, so that during emergency they will have their health insurance. And companies should empower women through different kinds of health insurance policies.

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