Get Inspired, Be Empowered Forums General Discussions Does fat shaming help people lose weight?

7 replies, 7 voices Last updated by Samriti Sharma 2 years, 12 months ago
  • Woospire
    Manpreet Singh
    Not Helpful

    Fat shaming is damaging to health and can ultimately lead to weight gain. Fat-shaming makes people feel worse, instead of inspiring them, and they eat more and gain more weight. Fat-shaming means that overweight people are criticized and harassed for their weight and eating habits in order to make them feel disgraced. The truth is, this can lead to less exercise or weight loss. In most situations, the people who are perfect and never had a weight problem had to deal with fat shaming. The more people are exposed to weight bias and discrimination, the more likely they are, even if they are slim, to acquire weight and become obese. They will also die from any cause irrespective of their body mass index (BMI). Fat shaming is also associated with sadness, anxiety, low self-esteem, eating disorders, and avoidance of exercise. There is evidence that when people internalize weight distortion and turn it on themselves, the seriousness of harm increases. In one study, subjects with high internalization rates of BMI and other risk variables had a three-fold higher chance of metabolism than participants with low levels.

    Many observational studies examined weight discrimination and the likelihood of weight gain and obesity in the future. In one study of 6,157 participants, the probability that non-obese persons with weight discrimination will become even more obese in recent years was 2.5 times higher. Furthermore, weight discrimination among obese people had a 3.2-fold increase in the risk of obesity. This suggests that fat-shaming is unlikely to lead to weight loss. Some more damaging impacts supported by studies are presented here. People at greater risk for depression and other mental problems are discriminated against by weight. The increased risk of eating disorders, like binge eating, is connected to fat-shaming. Fat shaming is associated with decreased self-esteem. Weight discrimination can increase the risk of several chronic diseases by producing stress, weight gain, elevated cortisol levels, and mental issues. This type of bullying can not only increase weight, but it is also associated with depression, eating disorders, reduced self-esteem, and a high risk of several other mental and physical problems.

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    I totally disagree with the thought that fat-shaming helps people to lose weight. Fat shaming is very harmful to health. It is very thought who think they have lose weight from fat-shaming they are doing torturing their body, losing fat is healthy for the body but you have to decide what is the reason behind losing fat you don’t have because same people always fat shames you. Instead of motivation, it’s harmful to their health and they end up eating more and gain much weight. It is also proved by the researchers. And most of the people who are fat shame are very slim and are in better shape. You literally help with your ideas that how you lost weight. This discrimination is causing stress on people who are fat which will drive them in eating more. It is also linked with depression anxiety attacks. Fat shaming, they are very wrong, maybe they will not feel bad today, they are saying they have to place themselves in your position. Fat-shaming triggers behavioral changes, through which eat more and put on weight and they don’t care about their body. So before saying anything to a person yon need to think at least what effect it had on a person you will never so people need to take care of this. even people who are don’t believe what society says and think because your body is not their property.

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    Fat shaming means people judge, discriminate and harass overweight person. Fat shaming is something that the person will get depressed due to Fat shaming one cannot help people to lose their weight. In today’s generation, there are many people who does fat shaming which is very wrong they need to understand that one may suffer from stress, depression and anxiety. Fat person who are happy with their body shape but because of the people who does fat shaming on them, they gets into stress and start doing unhealthy diets and what not. Due to which it leads to health problems. Being fit is good thing but if the person wants to lose weight by their own choice than only the diet and workout will happen properly as per the professional instructions but if the person is getting fat shaming and in that pressure they are losing weight than it will surely gets affect their mental and physical health. People need to understand that they should motivate and encourage fat people to lose their weight instead of doing fat shaming it will not help them. They need to share experience and tips with fat people that will help them to lose weight. And it is nothing wrong, if the person wants to remain in the same body shape it is okay because all body shapes and sizes are beautiful in their own way. The only thing is society needs to stop judging it.

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    It’s a bad practice. It doesn’t stand on ethical ground as well. Having fat is not shameful!

    Aditi Sahu
    Not Helpful

    Fat shaming means judging, humiliating, or mocking someone because of their overweight. Nowadays a lot of people on social media under the safety net of anonymity, don’t even think twice before leaving hate comments intended to downgrade someone’s appearance. And when these people get called out, their only excuse is that they are looking out for the fat people. So that raises the question, does fat shaming people help them lose weight? The simple answer is a hard NO!

    Fat shaming only leads to the feeling of insecurity and inferiority, which in turn leads to poor self-esteem. So instead of inspiring or helping someone to lose weight, the only thing fat shaming is doing is the degradation of someone’s mental health. And not only this, fat shaming has also been known to lead an overweight person to gain weight instead of losing it! As fat shaming affects the mental health of an individual, they are led into the never-ending spiral of anxiety which in turn makes them adopt unhealthy coping mechanisms like binge eating; and that leads to even more weight gain and even lesser self-esteem!

    Hence, it is obvious that fat shaming is not helpful in any way, it’s just a form of bullying aimed to make an individual feel bad about themselves.

    038 deepika Singh
    Not Helpful

    A quick and genuine question. What exactly is a perfect body? – a hunk with six pack abs? or a zero sized stick figure? On being asked, different people tend to give different and wide range of description of a perfect body. Some define it with what they personally lack in their own body and some would go a step ahead by saying that ‘if you had a slimmer waist and a more slender body, you would have been perfect’. To be honest, a perfect body is a MYTH. It is a myth imposed on us by the society. Quoting the words of our society – ‘People with thin bodies are supposed to eat more and gain some weight, people who are fit are supposed to achieve that zero size figure that is not even real and people who are fat are obviously supposed to starve’.

    Why is body shaming so normalized in our society? Does it help the person who is being shamed about it?
    Does fat shaming help people loose weight?

    A big NO.
    Fat shaming is not only harmful for a person’s mental health but also leads to self-destructive activities and make them feel worse about themselves. It lowers a person self esteem and make them hate themselves to an extent that they forget who they really are as a person and starts defining and criticising themselves for the way they look.

    Body shaming doesn’t just exist, it is flourishing in our society. It is a dangerous weapon that we use on people’s emotions in order to make them feel ashamed of their body. Fat shaming is dangerous and needs to be stopped. We need to learn that their is no perfect body. We come in different shapes and sizes and we are imperfect. Perfection is about health, positivity, happiness being confident and stress free. Instead of trying to achieve a perfect body, loving yourself the way you are and loving others for who they are as a person irrespective of the size of their body is what we should seek to achieve.

    Samriti Sharma
    Not Helpful

    Absolutely not! Fat shaming is downright unethical. Fat shaming as the name itself tells us is the act of critizing someone in particular for being fat or making them feel ashamed or embarrassed about the same.
    How can we help someone by adding on to their insecurity publically?
    It would be wrong to completely criticize the statement mentioned above as there are various people in present day society who believe in this mindset of making people feel embarassed about their body just to get them motivated to stay fit and healthy.
    But on the contrary there also exists a group of people who believe that fat shaming does nothing good to a person rather makes them feel more terrible about themselves.
    Fat shaming shatters the confidence of a person completely, I fail to understand here that how a negative outlook for something can yield a positive result. By fat shaming a person we are making that particular individual more fragile as they are not able to accept themselves and be comfortable in their own body, fat shaming is no motivation but a way of making a person feel worst about him or herself.
    It becomes utmost important here to understand the position of the person being fat shamed here and the need to accept him/her as they are. Acceptance and self love is the key to motivation .

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