Get Inspired, Be Empowered Forums Gender Justice Do you think justice in society is gender-biased?

10 replies, 9 voices Last updated by ARYAN RAJESH SHAH 1 year, 6 months ago
  • Woospire
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    Justice is a fair and equal treatment to all according to law. It is an important part of basic human rights, and each human should have equality over things. But it happens that justice in some cases is given because of gender for e.g., males are having availability to everything compared to women.
    But it’s not same, there are also examples where women being considered a victim or act as a victim in some areas of discussions and in those, men are not justified, i.e., due to women gender, people tend to support her and believe her if something happens and then women benefit from being female gender.
    The point here is not against a single-gender but the system and society in which we live is very biased or partial many a time according to situations and act very biased when it comes to giving justice to anyone. Some cases take so long and justice in that take more than required time like rapes happen each day and all that is not justified till date and these issues keep on happening because justice is not given and who committed crimes are able to do it again and again because they know that they will be not in guilt because they have powers and such things. We also have seen that there are few who being female gender try to exploit males by some act that will favor women.
    Yes, Justice is gender-biased and many times the one who is liable to get justice doesn’t get it because of gender and partiality of systems.

    Yash Tiwari
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    Gender bias is one of the major social problems in developing countries like India. It is as old as a society and existed in the present modern democratic world also. It led to paralyzed society because one sex of the society discriminated against by the other sex. Until 1875 women were not legally defined as persons in The United State (U.S.) and they are denied by visiting until the early 20th century In the modern context, women’s issues been highlighted globally several times with the rise of feminism – a movement which works on the promotion of equal rights of women and also to abolish discrimination against them. However, this positive development came up with its challenge in form of Gender Bias against women existing in law, politics, education, etc.

    Religion has always played a vital role in our life. A strong base of religion can influence a person in many spheres of life. If we look at history, then it is found that women faced gender discrimination from an early age. Religion being one of the most important aspects of our life, it also played a vital role in restricting women from going out for things they want to do and even going out of the home without any restrictions. Numerous problems were faced by women in society during the ancient ages. They were denied taking part in any kind of religious activities. The oppression of women was at its peak in the medieval period and even after that due to the orthodox attitude of people towards gender discrimination. Even advocates of women’s rights took undue time to bring changes in society.

    Justice in society is a basic need for every citizen to be secured from any injustice of any form. A rational society is one of the major goals of any civil government. The implementation of rationalism in the present society is known as gender bias or discrimination. This means that the same law will not apply equally to members of both sexes and the appeal which is existing for women under the law will not exist for men. Whatever we see to some extent the world, it is very clear that one sex of the society discriminated by other sex. This social issue was largely ignored or neglected at the time of kingship. Kings never considered such things important or they treat them as women’s work. The awareness is so low because discrimination of one sex by other sex is spread in the whole society and there are different types of social examples, which should concern with government and civil society.

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    Justice is what should make everyone equal among the world. Everyone around the world fighting for themselves, seek justice with equality. It would not be called justice if it would not be equal and unbiased. But in today’s world of gender inequality people are struggling for justice because of their genders. Not just women but men too are facing injustice because of their gender. When a women is at fault, the punishment she gets is less than the man at same fault.
    The consequences of gender biasness is faced by all, including the courtrooms.
    Today, men are also a subject to rape practices in our country, men are also being raped by women but there exists a lot many cases where the accused women have not been victimised and punished worthy of her crime.
    Though, rape cases are experienced more by women than men but the justice should be made against rape and not with the gender that has performed it. Justice is the one thing that should not be gender biased, it needs to be one for all.

    Manpreet Singh
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    There is no denying the fact that Women now have a vital and decisive role in all fields. Women’s status in all aspects of life has been enhanced, thus enacting radical changes in the perception of women and their role in various and diverse fields. In particular leadership areas. In the last decades, women were able to chart a new path through their contribution and success. However, many contexts are still endangering these achievements. The empowerment of women still needs to be supported in order to capitalize on their capabilities and great potentials. Gender equality is a matter of social justice. It allowing equal access to rights and opportunities. It makes our societies richer and more secure. Gender equality is a condition of development, peace, and security. So it is first a matter of principles that women should be empowered. The benefits will be perceived by the entire community.

    Women in India have faced many challenges. Increasing violence and intolerance have impacted and threatened previous achievements. Crime against women still continues to weaken the concept of gender equality and the enjoyment of women’s rights. The role of the judicial system is also under scanner. Sometimes the ideology and life experiences might influence the court decisions and women have to be at their receiving end. Many judges mix their personal beliefs while they are considering court cases, even when they have the best possible intentions.
    Gender equality also does not mean that males and females must always be treated the same. Given the existence of biological sex differences, it is reasonable for males and females to have different legal rights in some instances. For example, only females can ever require maternity leave specifically for pregnancy and birth. Equity means recognizing that differences in ability mean that fairness often requires treating people differently so that they can achieve the same outcome. At times equity is necessary to achieve gender equality, but there are many instances where this is not the case. Gender equality is seeing males and females as being of equal status and value. It is judging a person based on their merit, and not viewing them as inferior or superior purely based on their gender. Unfortunately, the evidence reviewed above suggests this prejudice is still widespread, and we often aren’t aware of our own biases. We cannot say that we have gender equality until this prejudice is overcome and we have eliminated the irrational bias that people have against somebody just because they are female. Equal rights are not enough. Inequality exists in our minds, in our biases and prejudices, and that remains to be fixed.

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    Indian Constitution contains a clause which guarantees the right of equality and freedom from sexual discrimination. Though is it a strict truth?
    How it can be, when our jurisdiction system is amount themselves who he ongoing general discrimination, as you can see, there’s no female chief justice of super court of independent India among all these years? Even one of these most important pillars , our parliament, lack women . There’s nobody to talk alongside of female society.
    In our daily newspaper, atleast a news signifies how our police and jurisdiction system ignores a common people. Or police doesn’t want to write a FIR (first information report) about the local sexual harassment or eve teasing on women as they are quite normal for our society now and women have to go through it or she has to endure it silently.
    Another report says how wife Interreges to put her husband and his family behind the bars, by reporting a FIR of sexual harassment or exploitation due to dowry.
    As you can see, maybe Indian Constitution is the largest but trickiest too. Again, there’s a lot of loopholes and with the help of these loopholes , some serious crimes are getting overlooked while one can recriminate someone with false crime easily.
    And while we’re talking about gender discriminations in our jurisdiction system, thankfully our Constitution doesn’t have any, though due to the loopholes, it’s a clear truth to us.
    For women exploitation, most of the times, even wisest lawyer blames the women while if the rapist is from any political party or have some political or financial support, he can be easily bailed. Just like the Nirbhaya case, it took our Constitution approx 8 years to declare the actual criminal while it was a clear cut decision.
    Again, when we talk about that women, reporting against a man, with a crime like sexual assault or another kind of discrimination, that men is believed to be criminal for society until it’s proved in court.
    Both of them are the saddest truth of reality we face.
    If we go through the rural region, in some village, we can see a strong misogyny. Women have to face difficulties to take every step. Their primary governing body, means Panchayat, also consists the one men from the village. So, women from those area are suffering from strong patriarchy and gender discrimination.
    The consequences of those gender biased jurisdiction affect both of men and women in our society. Whether it’s for women liberation or equal rights for men, women and even LGBTQ community, it’s the biggest mischief to grant gender discrimination among jurisdiction. We have to look forward to reduce and eliminate these gender biased norms to establish a better constitutional in future.

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    Justice means serving fair treatment to everyone. society have their own notions they treat as gender biases, people need to understand that gender biases is not right, women do not receive the fair treatment from the society, it is the issue faced by all developing country, justice in our country does not get easier it does not matter how much our side is true. For instance, how many years it took to serve justice to the Nirbhaya case. Women are always told if they want to do work, they need to also take responsibility for the household chores and children but men are not forced to do the same this is an example of biasness. Social beliefs and religion are also the factors which influence the society, women have struggled for higher education, patriarchy still followed in some family, women have to dress in certain way behave in certain and comparatively, men do not have to do all these restrictions then this is not the same treatment given. if society has been fair there will be not that many cases of rape and violence on the female part of society, women who are victims of these have to fight for years to get justice. Gender inequality is also seen in the workplace where women do not receive equal pay and promotions. Women’s opinions and demands don’t get value, these things need to change even these are problems with the LGBTQ community a lot of people are not ready to accept their community this is not how we are doing justice to them. if someone wants to change this society will be criticized and hardly people want to go against society. We don’t have to carry forward these gender biases to the coming generation but we have to take a place where justice meaning will be the same for everyone and all people need to treated equally without any biases.

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    Justice is something that to trust on truth and give them fair treatment. In our society gender biased is major problems that create partiality between gender. This happen because of gender discrimination that they make comparisons between men and women and not treating them equally due to which it has become mindset of our society, especially men thinking is that they are meant to work and women are meant to be housewife. Society has created their own norms and tradition towards men and women like they had made such kind of image that lead to gender inequality due to which people start judging in their own way and put the justice with their point of view by keeping in mind of society created norms. And somewhere society mentality still not changed towards women like women should do household chores and take care of family and they are not allowed to do job, where has men are allowed to do job and don’t help their wife in household chores and looking after child. Due to which many women don’t get justice to do job after marriage and follow her goals. And if some women does the job they don’t get equal pay at workplace. Their are many cases of rape, sexual harassment and violence against women it all because society is supporting women they don’t even get justice for long period of time because of society mentality to not educate girls and what if women will educate, she will get to learn about her rights and can also learn self defense. But due to gender bias in our society women don’t even get support of their family. Society will make justice by knowing truth and supporting right things by not being gender bais towards women. And it will happen when society start seeing both men and women equally by treating them equally with their responsibility and opportunities.

    Samriti Sharma
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    The answer here would be a NO, Justice a word that we all have heard million time but do we really understand the real intention behind these letters.
    The term in literal sense means just behaviour or treatment. When it comes to Justice there lies no scope for gender biasness in my personal opinion. As we all are aware in our constitution too it has been explicitly mentioned that Judiciary will be that branch of the government which shall function independently. The Justice system of any country is the basic foundation which undoubtedly is fair and free from any kinds of prejudices.
    We always in common conversations associated judiciary with equality with fairness. This is because justice always works in the principles of Equity. How on earth can be judiciary gender biased when it’s prime function is to eliminate the same from society?
    Judiciary makes no distinction between offenders, the one who violates the provisions of law is punished on the same grounds be it men or women the law is applicable to everyone citizen of the nation equally. Any particular Law protects and punishes the people of the nation equally. Here it is important to understand that yes there are some different provisions for fixing the quantum of punishment in certain exceptional circumstances but that can’t be considered gender biasness. For example women can’t be arrested at night, pregnant women in Jail are given preferential treatment during pregnancy. The same is done to protect and respect the very dignity of women and not to create a gender divide.
    For example:- The trial for murder in a competent court of law is tried legally with the set procedure irrespective of the fact that the accused is a women or men. There is no provision in Law which states that the punishment for any particular offence shall be reduced keeping in mind the gender. Everybody is equal before Law.

    Samriti Sharma
    Not Helpful

    The answer here would be a NO, Justice a word that we all have heard million time but do we really understand the real intention behind these letters.
    The term in literal sense means just behaviour or treatment. When it comes to Justice there lies no scope for gender biasness in my personal opinion. As we all are aware in our constitution too it has been explicitly mentioned that Judiciary will be that branch of the government which shall function independently. The Justice system of any country is the basic foundation which undoubtedly is fair and free from any kinds of prejudices.
    We always in common conversations associate judiciary with equality and fairness. This is because justice always works on the principles of Equity. How on earth can be judiciary be gender biased when it’s prime function is to eliminate the same from society?
    Let’s not forget here various judgements passed by the honourable Supreme Court of India favouring various rights of women be it related to property, education, protection against harassment etc. A judge always always decides on the facts of the case, the laws that have been laid down and not the gender of the person.
    Judiciary makes no distinction between offenders, the one who violates the provisions of law is punished on the same grounds be it men or women the law is applicable to every citizen of the nation equally. Every particular Law protects and punishes the people of the nation equally. Here it is important to understand that yes there are some different provisions for fixing the quantum of punishment in certain exceptional circumstances but that can’t be considered gender biasness. For example women can’t be arrested at night, pregnant women in Jail are given preferential treatment during pregnancy. The same is done to protect and respect the very dignity of women and not to create a gender divide. There have been instances where law has been misused by not only men but women too, but for that act we cannot blame the institution as a whole. The trial for murder in a competent court of law is tried legally with the set procedure irrespective of the fact that the accused is a women or men. There is no provision in Law which states that the punishment for any particular offence shall be reduced keeping in mind the gender. Gender biasness has no place in judiciary.

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