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May 27, 2021 at 2:06 pm #31444
It is a common and most spoken statement that we have listened “Girls mature faster than boys”. But it’s only society’s mindful thoughts. But in reality nothing like that happens. Their brains are equally matured.
Girls puberty age can be seen before boy’s maturity but that doesn’t mean she is more matured. It’s society that tell small girls that they mature faster than boys. They indirectly want to teach girls that they are bigger person, so they are made to ignore things and forget and forgive everybody. They have to pardon boys at any cost. We have seen many incidents in the society that people expect that at the age of 13-14 girls would be helping out their mother in the kitchen. And at the same age boy’s don’t even keep their plates to the kitchen after having their food. Why is it so? Why there are differences? Boys also should be taught to cook food for themselves. And the one stigma that runs in the country is if a boy does any household chores then he is told that your wife would be the luckiest girl to have a man like you. Seriously?
By teaching children that girls mature faster than boys we are failing as a society as a country to encourage and provide the values of sensitivity and emotional maturity in boys. Due to this toxic masculinity occurs.The most common statement listened by everyone “Boys don’t cry”. Why? They also have emotions they also have right to express themselves. Please don’t take that right from them.
When girls are told they are mature now it sounds good and they it as a compliment to them but after marriage when they are told that her mother hasn’t tild her anything. She doesn’t know anything. She is immature. This brokes her. In today’s scenario we should change this statement and let boys and girls live peacefully in their life. Don’t put your stereotypes on them.May 27, 2021 at 3:36 pm #31450Girls don’t mature faster than boys, it’s just we live in a misogynistic and gender-stereotyped world. Maturity can be defined as a fully grown stage, also an ability to respond to a situation in an appropriate manner. Girls understand each situation and suffer everything, so it doesn’t mean they have matured at an early age, but it means people and society have made the mindsets and teach girls that things in their way, an example which is very commonly seen, they are taught to sacrifice or understand and let go when it comes between siblings for anything may it be a chocolate or toys or studies.
They are also said that many things like on physicality that your height has increased now it should not increase more because you are a girl and it should be less than a boy, or maybe emotional terms they are said to learn from your brother and fathers they don’t cry, so here instead of teaching it validly they make comparison and are made feel matured enough.
There’s nothing like boys less matured and girls more, because maturity is when they have the ability to make good decisions without being guided, or mature when they act in the right way according to the situation in front of them. There are different people saying maturity in their own way, someone would say who is physically reached adult is mature, others may say that whoever listens and doesn’t speak up all the time is matured. It’s people who teach and also the ones who compare. Maturity isn’t about age, some may be younger and still have bright thinking whether it is a boy or a girl, some may have it early, others later.May 27, 2021 at 4:10 pm #31452It’s аn ассeрted fасt thаt girls develор sооner thаn bоys рhysiсаlly аnd emоtiоnаlly. Frоm аn evоlutiоnаry рersрeсtive, wоmen develор fаster sо they dо nоt сhооse а mаle оf their sаme аge, whо is less аble tо рrоteсt аnd рrоvide fоr them аnd their роtentiаl сhild. This is, оf соurse, nо lоnger the nоrm in mоdern sосiety. Sсientists аt Newсаstle University in the U.K. hаve disсоvered thаt girls tend tо орtimize brаin соnneсtiоns eаrlier thаn bоys. Mаking generаlizаtiоns аbоut differenсes in brаin struсture bаsed uроn being а “bоy” оr а “girl” саn be а sliррery slорe. Thаt sаid, sсientists аre trying tо sоlve the рuzzle оf why асrоss lаrger dаtа роints there аррeаr tо be generаl differenсes between brаin develорment аmоng mаle аnd femаle соhоrts.
But nоw reseаrсhers hаve рrоved thаt girls’ brаins mаrсh thrоugh the reоrgаnizаtiоn аnd рruning tyрiсаl оf nоrmаl brаin develорment eаrlier thаn bоys’ brаins. In the study, in whiсh 121 рeорle between аges 4 tо 40 were sсаnned using MRIs, the sсientists dосumented the ebb аnd flоw оf new neurаl соnneсtiоns аnd fоund thаt sоme brаin fibers thаt bridged fаr-flung regiоns оf the brаin tended tо remаin stаble, while shоrter соnneсtiоns, mаny оf whiсh were redundаnt, were edited аwаy. Аnd the entire reоrgаnizаtiоn seemed tо оссur sооner in girls’ brаins thаn in bоys’ brаins.
Femаles аlsо tended tо hаve mоre соnneсtiоns асrоss the twо hemisрheres оf the brаin. The reseаrсhers believe thаt the eаrlier reоrgаnizаtiоn in girls mаkes the brаin wоrk mоre effiсiently, аnd therefоre reасh а mоre mаture stаte fоr рrосessing the envirоnment. Whаt drives the gender-bаsed differenсe in timing isn’t сleаr frоm the сurrent study, but the results suggest thаt mаy be а questiоn wоrth investigаting.
Fасtuаlly sрeаking tоо, it is а соmmоn belief thаt girls mаture fаster thаn bоys, they need tо be lооked аfter tоwаrds the emоtiоnаl needs thаt they might exрerienсe due tо sudden сhаnges.May 27, 2021 at 4:31 pm #31455Maturity “ is the ability to respond to the environment being aware of the correct time and location to behave and knowing when to act, according to the circumstances and the culture of the society one lives in ”
maturity came along with the age and experience . There is a specific age and time period after which a person can be considered as mature . One feels a lot of change mentally and physically in the age of teenager .The only difference is that the change that is seen in the girls is visible and the change of the boys does not appear so easily. But both come and both grow up together. How can we say a girl measure faster than boys ?
The thing is that , the responsibility of household work is put on a girl from a young age. Girls have so many responsibilities, so much work is done, so they have to learn to handle all these things from a very young age .But there is not so much pressure on the boys, neither they do home work nor any other work is done to them, girls manage to do their household chores along with studies . This is why she becomes adept at doing many things at the same time . boys don’t have any responsibility, they live their life very happily, so it takes a lot of time of them to be mature . I believe that girls do not get mature faster but maturity is being forced to her . A girl is always asked don’t sit like , behave like this , you have to do this and this ,in this particular situation this decision should be taken , try to be mature but boys were not ask to do so . girls were asked to be mature you are now 14 after few you will get married but why don’t boys is been asked .
This is developing a wrong sense in society . So , being mature is Fully depend upon human activity , situation and experience .May 27, 2021 at 5:21 pm #31460I don’t think the psychological development of maturity takes place like this. The physical growth of females overpowers the growth development of males, but it has no relation with an overstated stage of maturity.
Any individual’s maturity is a circumstance of events in life. It is an elixir that one cannot learn; it is not experienced and realized. Moreover, one can feel maturity; however, there is no physical place for knowing the structure of maturity.
The statement that ‘girls mature faster than boys’ is another gender biases. Maturity is not a phenomenon like puberty that would occur at a specific year of life. Often, society tells girls that they mature faster than boys, i.e., a silent sign of dictatorship. In the middle years of a girls’ childhood, one teaches her how she should act or what society expects her to do. When a man acts childishly, the situation does not bother any community. It all goes around, ‘he is a child. These are days when he can be free.’ You must have seen how cinema romanticizes such statements. The same scenario might not take place for a girl.
Contrarily, this statement is not only unfair to girls but also boys. It projects that girls must act responsibly in society while boys can wait. Like I said before, the circumstances are more in considering the path of maturity. Many of us still do not approve that psychological impact does not influence matureness in any’s life. However, only a few of us holds this statement as correct.
If you are one of those who hold this statement that girls mature faster than boys, then you are practicing sexism in your (child’s) life before s/he knows the intention behind this. Age and puberty is no deciding factor of matureness. A girl may become mature in adulthood, while a boy may become mature during adolescence. It depends on how one interprets the incidents in their life and how one chooses to react to them.
May 27, 2021 at 8:59 pm #31477Yes, girls mature faster than boys. This is because of mainly two reasons. The first one is obviously genetics is the cause of it. And the second reason is there surroundings. They are taught so many things by their mothers or their family members which are not at all taught to a boy in the childhood. People set the boys free to play and don’t give any responsibility on them at the childhood. Whereas girls are taught constantly that even if you are a child you have some responsibility because you are a girl. While doing household duties parents always tell there girl child to do it. Everyone around her try to teach her something new everyday like you should do this, you should not do this, you should not ask this, you should behave like this, you should learn this, etc…And always the concluding line is like “this will be useful after your marriage” or “what will you do if you don’t learn do these things?”. They keep on putting more and more responsibility on her head as she grows up. but no one says these things to boys until they completely grow up and reach a mature age. Because of this things girls mature faster than boys.
May 27, 2021 at 11:43 pm #31492Girls do mature faster than boys physically. It is scientifically proven that girls hit puberty 1-2 years earlier than boys do, but this should never be an excuse to create another gender unequal norm in the society. Generally when people use the phrase “girls mature faster than boys” they’re actually burdening with the fact that they have to be the ‘bigger person’, they want them to know that they need to be more responsible and more intelligent. This is how people actually create a society where women are forced to look after the men through their lives that would never be reciprocated. The fact that girls mature before boys should never cause a burden upon their shoulders, they needs to be supported and guided through their phase of life instead of learning to just summon upon their emotions and try to be slaves to men. Puberty needs to be flourished so that one could choose what kind of person to be instead of forcing upon the societal norms that are just creating inequality in the society.
May 29, 2021 at 9:53 pm #31598Girls physically mature faster than boys due to the quicker process of puberty. Girls undergo puberty 1-2 years early and generally finish the stages of puberty earlier too. Experts say that girls have a better capacity for judgement and impulse. Biologically every person is different and I believe maturity comes with experience. Dealing with different kinds of situations is a matter of what you have seen or what you have been taught. Giving girls the label of being “mature” because of their gender is sexist. It turns what might be an achievement into a gender characteristic. This is “benevolent sexism”. It means that assumptions are made about a gender that seems to be nice, but are still sexist. This is also derogatory towards men because they are being covertly termed as “immature”. It is because of this that men have difficulty in expressing their feelings. They are never taught to practice these skills as they are given a free pass when it comes to emotional maturity.
Should we be telling young girls that “you are more mature than boys?” By saying this we are teaching them that the responsibility of being the bigger person will always fall on them. Maturity should not be taken as an excuse to make girls shoulder more responsibilities and teach young boys nothing. Isn’t it just the prejudice that asks them to take responsibility for men’s actions? Boys also shouldn’t be excused for their behaviour. Kids should not be raised differently based on this. Girls are generally asked to make allowances for boys as they mature faster but boys never asked to look up to girls. This is often used as a barrier in relationships. It is often told that “women should settle down with men older than them”. Society defines maturity as the desire for women to settle down faster than men do and not the ability. However, people should be treated equally regardless of at what pace they mature. -
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