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May 20, 2021 at 4:07 pm #31129
In modern times, everyone of us know what is women empowerment and why is it so necessary to be concerned. Some of us imply that today is far better than those times when women were just a show-piece who walks on your house, providing each of your fantasies. But is it true , if it’s then how much of it?
Proposal 1: Yes, it’s true that now women can raise their voice, make their dreams, excel in job opportunity, even provide such service which stereotypes declared as only men to do.
Proposal 2: Though it seems from outside, women are still tortured even in between their household, graph of rape and sexual assault is increasing vigorously. Gender equality is still kept as a ‘not so important’ option. They are tagged as overrated. Overreacting issues etc. Our parliament or government areas still doesn’t possess many to talk about women’s rights. So are we succeeded?
Women empowerment is a universal phenomenon that refers to the creation of an environment for women where they can make the decision of their own for themselves. It can also be said that it is to have the right to choose and decide what you want.
For decades and centuries, women have been treated inferior to men. They were only working for family moreover and less for themselves in short, they lost their identity. It was during that times when women just kept silent and did what they were ordered to do, but time now has changed, women are now independent and can take decisions for themselves.
Women empowerment is a very vital issue, which is still in relevance whether any age or time, or years. We can say somewhere and, in some countries, women empowerment is in real terms and is practiced and considered but in underdeveloped and rural areas, it is still a dream. Many empowerment programs are introduced like the Swayamsidha Swa-shakti project, Support to training, and emp. Program for Women (STEP), Hostels for working women, etc.
So, we are stepping towards a change but it can be done when we are aware and take initiative to improve the situations. Women have gathered courage and are still doing their best to fight this scenario, but still, there’s a long way to go to achieve Women’s Empowerment in the true sense.May 21, 2021 at 3:33 pm #31173Women empowerment is a movement run throughout the world in order to promote women’s self-worth, their ability to determine their own-choices and the right to influence a social change for themselves. The movement of women empowerment has affected the world so far in many ways. Women in earlier times used to be treated as slaves, they used be puppets of their house, working according to their man’s needs, no-one used to treat them as they were human beings, it was believed that serving men is the ultimate duty of women, no matter what they have to face. Women were treated in the worse manner possible.
But the scenario has now changed, not completely but women are now in a better place than the earlier times, now they have earned alot of rights courtesy to stand for themselves if they face any injustice, now women are allowed to take their own decisions, they’re now allowed to choose their career paths, stand on their feet and not let men treat them as slaves, women today has proved that they’re strong enough to live their life on their own terms. Not ignoring the fact that there are still some people around their standing against women but our women are now proving to be the strongest creatures on earth by fighting them and growing in every step of their lives.
Unlike earlier, women today are a part of combat forces; proving themselves to be as strong as men in serving their country, women today are also living their lives without men around, earning sufficient money for living a life of their dreams without being dependent upon their husbands or fathers. Women today are making their families proud just by getting educated and standing upon their feet.May 24, 2021 at 1:43 pm #312958th March is also observed as international working women’s day which indicates women empowerment key to gender equality. This fight for women’s empowerment has been a tough fight for a long time. And we have also seen many winners and many defeats in this tussle. If we look back into our past, we will find that many histories are registered in the names of women such as first lady ruler in India Razia sultana, queen Elizabeth, our first lady Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, and more. And many have never got those opportunities to shine and persecuted every second.
Even after many fights in this 21st century, we are finding women reaching heights after fighting all the social demons. They are trying to establish their identity and also inspiring others. Internationally their many organizations are promoting women empowerment even on the grass-roots level. Empowerment doesn’t only mean having a job but also an individual identity. They are moulding the schemes according to ability and skills in which they are better.
If a woman is financially independent this patriarchal society opposes it in every form. Women empowerment is still a dream as a society still have the feeling of inferiority we all have seen that in our day to day life many cases of abuse in higher societies also in workplaces causes not only physical harm but also social and mental. This attitude is an evil that has made feelings of non-safety even after they are economically strong. This is some time utopian vision of the society which free from barriers against women after so many cases. But this vision can only change when society tries to lift the barrier and welcome with open hands women empowerment.May 24, 2021 at 2:18 pm #31298There is no iota of doubt that in the last 50 years or so, there has been a revolutionary change in the overall condition of women. From being treated as a private property of men to some of the powerful women like mother Teressa, princess Diana, we have seen all. But can the same be said about the ground reality that prevails in our lives?
Factually speaking, the position of the majority of women has not much changed despite witnessing many revolutions for their cause. They continue to be treated as household machines, there to do all the chores and breed children as if that is their only role in society. Outside their home to the position is not that rosy, they continue to be groped, harassed, and treated with discrimination by their male counterparts.
The root cause of the problem, I believe, lies in the fact that in our society, a lot of things regarding women which are desirable, have been normalized and we don’t seem to do anything about it or even care about it. We have to first realize to our citizens that we have to change our core beliefs which we have made regarding women. The patriarchal setup continues to breed this archaic thought that women are the property of men. This is the reason that when we ask to criminalize marital rape, a lot of clamors is raised in the society as if some kind of privilege is threatened.
Till we teach our children the right way to tret women, we cannot expect any positive change regarding the overall condition of women in society.May 24, 2021 at 5:07 pm #31314Though the revolution of women empowerment began many years ago, it is still a dream. When we talk about women empowerment, we think about gender equality in work roles and women’s acceptance of not working in domestic institutions.
Here, proposal B suggests that even today, the domestic violence against women continues in the household as the rape and sexual assault statistics show a rise. Gender equality is not a priority, especially when we consider that our parliament or government areas do not participate in women’s rights. Perhaps, the question is we have been successful in forwarding the message. I would say, no, we haven’t succeeded yet. Proposal B holds correct to various concerns. For example, the future of women in India after they pass out from school is contradictory. Parents or society often initiate women to focus on choosing teaching as a career to focus on their family later. The other corporate roles are barely considered as an option for a woman. It seems marriage is a substantial institution to follow, especially in India.
Let’s take the most recent example. The discussion of the pay gap has taken the headlines on various social networking sites for a week now. The women cricketers are paid lesser than the male cricketers. If compared, the annual income of Virat Kohli is 60 crore, and the yearly income of Mithali Raj is 30 lakh. This enormous pay gap is questionable in various ways. Despite promoting women’s empowerment as a slogan now and then, the implementation of the same is ironic.
Here, proposal B suggested that the turmoil of rape and sexual assault has increased over the years, especially in the pandemic. The ignorance of women’s rights is a usual affair in this country. Lately, Punjab and Haryana High Court denied protection to a couple in a live-in relationship hearing that the woman’s parents wanted her to marry someone of their choice. We cannot specifically blame the patriarchal nature, but not to forget, it is the society that refuses women to make choices regarding their personal or professional life.
Further, we as a society fail women to give an individual approach. There is always a comparison. For example, women perform better than women. The idea of using ‘than’ each time denies a woman their right to represent themselves in society. Even if we have progressed, the dream of women empowerment is far ahead in every field. Some communities or countries fail to recognize the existence of women themselves. In a world like this, each woman must take a step for herself because the world only promises to participate but runs away at the time of war.
May 25, 2021 at 10:28 am #31335Women empowerment is a long journey that we have to travel and still need to go far away to achieve that dream. Women empowerment is protecting and promoting self-dignity, making choices, and changing the wrong behavior of society. Women are capable of doing anything if she makes her mind, but women live in fear of society that if she goes against social norms and beliefs then society will ill-treat her, there she loses confidence. But there are some women who have come forward and they are on their way to become independent and stand on their own legs by running small businesses, doing social works to educating other people. But there is still fear in women of getting raped and assaulted, she steps back, our government needs to support women to come forward raise their voices about problems they are facing and things they want for support. Nowadays women are independent but they don’t still get equal pay and opportunities like men, there is still a problem with gender discrimination. Women do not get promoted easily no matter how she had worked for it, just because she is women this discourage the morale of women. the good thing is women is not giving up easily. women have made a positive change like the establishment of the law of triple talaq, winning Nirbhaya case, buy raising money for support small business, starting the battle of feminism, raising their voice against the violence.
The key to empowerment is education. By providing education, educated women can pursue their dreams and do the work that contributes to our economy also can give a healthy life and happiness to the children. The main problem is in rural areas their still ritual of child marriage continues it should be stopped we have to a make effort for stopping this, parents should make their daughter independent first and then ask for marriage this will help her in future .our country needs more female entrepreneur, doctor, teachers, and achievements in sports. Women can do this they just have to believe in themselves. # girl power.May 26, 2021 at 11:27 pm #31424Women empowerment is still a dream . The simple meaning of Women Empowerment – an environment where women can keep their word without any hesitation , where she is free to take her own decisions , she don’t need permission to anything . All these things have to be said, nothing like this is happening in real life . Women’s empowerment has not been able to be possible in India till date because in a country like India people do not think that a woman can rise up, a woman can be more successful than me, and if a woman becomes more successful than a man, then her character gets accused in many ways like – to achieve this height, there must be some wrong way in it. People believe a woman has no right to see anything or to speak, she is told that only listen and do the same thing.
They consider a woman as a part of the society, but they do not consider the most important part, the woman has never got the status that should be met . For the protection of the rights of women , many rules have been formed , but are those rules or laws being followed in the same way or not ? A man likes to control not be controlled . Which simply means that a man likes to control others very much, but if someone starts controlling them, then they do not tolerate it and become restless . And if a woman who controls, then it goes directly over them and will hurt their ego .
A woman is tortured a lot weather be it her home , her work place or by the society .It is the common right of every human being to live in his own way for his own happiness. But why does this not happen in the case of women, why are they trying to control their lives and not let her live their lives accordingly? It is not easy to cross the stairs of success, and if she archive that success , People try their best that a woman can never achieve success and never reach her destination , go do this, they crosses all limits .
A woman can be empowered only when she get a chance to keep her thoughts without any hesitation , she should live her life according to her wishes, there should not be any distant behaviour with her .And talking about Women Empowerment and debating and discussing this , will do nothing, we have to take the hardest step and as soon as possible.May 27, 2021 at 11:13 am #31436Emancipation of women can be traced back to the European Industrial Revolution, when for the first time with the rise of factories women could work due to the large demand of workforce and men at war. Earning a living gave women a sense of independence and allowed them to be self- sufficient. It has since then been many decades and now working women have become a known reality.
But the question now arises that under what circumstances are the women having to work? It is no secret that any woman who neglects her ‘feminine responsibilities’ and only focuses on work is seen as irresponsible, and the women who take care of their homes along with work on the other hand are said to be fulfilling their role. Hence, the weight of house- work and chores is still largely on the shoulders of women. Men who contribute in even the smallest way are celebrated as if they have done some great tasks. This is downright demeaning to the women who are not given a morsel of recognition for all their unpaid labor.
Yes, society has come a long way in recognizing and accepting women’s rights, but we are still a long way from true ideal women empowerment. This can and will only be achieved when women are fully self- aware of the fact that they are no less than men and can self- enterprise. The path to this is accessible and affordable education at all levels for women, especially those who are socially or financially underprivileged.
May 27, 2021 at 2:02 pm #31443Women empowerment is defined as the empowering of women, making them feel more confident and better about themselves. It is important to have women empowerment to not only uplift them by making them more confident but to also consult them on matters, educating them and respecting them.
The treatment of women in India has improved but hasn’t changed in a drastic way. You hear of many sexual harassment, sexual assault, rape and even murder cases every day. It is not safe for women to go out after a certain time in the night in fear of people who can harm them. It’s not only this but also the attitudes of many which enable the behavior to continue. In rape cases many might ask why the girl was out so late or make comments on her dress, and not on the person who actually committed the crime. We are asked to dress ‘decently’ when we go out but why are the men with dirty attitudes not confronted about this?
We also need to confront ourselves on this. Are we empowering the women in our life? Do we respect the women in our life or do we just say this to make a good point?
I came across this quote,
“Women are always saying, ‘We can do anything that men can do.’ But Men should be saying, “We can do anything that women can do.” – Gloria Steinem
People always say women can do things men can do, and that is true. However, the same standards aren’t seen with men. Women are considered the weaker sex and by doing typical ‘male’ things they prove that they aren’t weaker. But men don’t need to do that. If they have the same attitude towards men, we can reach gender equality. Women do the housework but nothing is stopping men from doing it. Both genders can do anything as long as they work hard.
We can improve this by educating people on women empowerment. People who are aware of this can use it and not only empower women but also help in making the world a better place for women -
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