Get Inspired, Be Empowered Forums Feminism Cyberfeminism and networked feminism

3 replies, 3 voices Last updated by PALAK KASHIV 3 years, 6 months ago
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    Semantee Chattopadhyay
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    Cyberfeminism is used to describe the philosophies of a contemporary feminist community whose interests are cyberspace, the internet and technology. The term was coined in early 1990 to describe the work of feminists interested in theorizing, criticising and exploiting the Internet, cyberspace and new media technologies in general. Cyberfeminism is considered a predecessor to network feminism. Cyberfeminism also has a relationship to the field of Feminist science and technology studies. The dominant cyberfeminist perspective takes a utopian view of cyberspace and the internet as a means of freedom from social constructs such as gender and sex difference. Cyberfeminism we use technology as a vehicle for that is the illusion of sex and gender as well as a means to link the body with machines. Cyberfeminism refers to the application of feminism(s) ideology to and/or perform in cyberspace. An authoritative definition of cyberfeminism is difficult to find in written works because early cyber feminists deliberately evaded the rigid elucidation. Cyber familism is also concerned with the relationship between existing systems of discrimination and computing technologies, including race and racialization. There is also cyberfeminist work exploring the relationship of new technologies to gender and sexuality. Scholars such as Jessie Daniels suggests that “cyberfeminism is neither a single theory nor a feminist movement with a clearly articulated political agent. Rather cyberfeminism refers to a range of theories debates and practices about the relationship between gender and digital culture.” In addition, “within and among cyberfeminism (s) there are several theoretical and political sciences about internet technology and gender as well as noticeable ambivalence about a unified feminist political project.” Cyberfeminism can be a critique of equality in cyberspace, examine the gender relationships in cyberspace, examine the collaboration between humans and technology, examine the relationship between women and technology and more. The innovation of the internet has had a huge impact on women’s lives. The idea of digital life has been introduced to all users of the internet, but this new technology is liberating or oppressing women is still unknown.

    Manpreet Singh
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    Just imagine in the following rooms: a 40-year-old female lorry driver faced child care issues, a teenage boy who doesn’t like him because he has acne, a bride who is thinking about how to deal with wedding calls, an insurance broker in Canada concerned about the higher amount of complaints from obstetrics than motor vehicle accidents and the director of a South African rape crisis center. It is impossible to visualize these people in one space, unlike basic logistics because of their diversity. Yet, although just digitally, this room highlights the potential online for integrating and linking feminist topics.
    When we visit e-mail online or surf our favorite websites, it’s easy to forget that we are involved in a societal change in how we spend our life. But since we value the Internet, we need to realize and take advantage of our immense potential as a way of facilitating social change — how we purchase, communicate, search for information. When Internet communications technologies were first dubbed as ‘new media,’ disguising the capacity of the Internet to access news and events in more than simply a new manner. The Internet gives some unique media, but its greatest value lies, as its name implies, in its ability to interconnect people and ideas. If we only misunderstand it as a “new medium,” we missed the ability to be a dynamic source of network and activism. It could be better to term it a new media, a new instrument to achieve the goals of feminism. An early feminist Internet goal was to get women online. Only 15% of internet users were women in 1995, but by the beginning of 2000 women formed 50% of users (a 32 percent increase since 1999). However, there was never any lack of patriarchy. The content was controlled by men and profit by males. The way women and men access the Internet has likewise formed a gender gap: males surfed, hopped on a site; women went to certain sites directly or sought for data on particular subjects. To improve the femininization of the Internet, the process of associating women and the information they were seeking had to be facilitated. Once “arrived,” they would link, as well as to each other, female organizations, ads, and resources. In a virtual sisterhood, the ties between sites via hyperlinks (more Webrings, lists of services, etc.) have become the ultimate: to better educate ourselves, we can direct each other towards similar websites and organizations. The nature of the Internet is natural for women to be online: it is an extension to our own communication trends that we express ourselves through words—as we do with e-mail, a list of services, or websites.

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    Cyberfeminism is a feminist ideology that can be seen in cyberspace or we can say internet cyberfeminism this approach started after the waves first few waves of feminism, but cyberfeminism had seen the positive impact a lot of people get connected their thoughts and views made the feminist community stronger and more liberal. Cyberfeminism targeted the younger and the tech-savvy women. Feminists study the technological advancement changes social and cultural thinking. Cyberfeminism focuses that women are trying to gain power and authority with greater use of technology. many scholars believed that technology is power through which we can change the view of billions of people and make a change in the world, feminism is a big battle which we are fighting so for its cyberfeminism and network feminism are also playing an important role in it. Bringing gender equality is the root idea of feminism but new media technologies are also trying to evolve for the better. Network feminism helps to come together feminists who share and follow the approach of feminism. Network feminism is very beneficial when many people who are researching and other people who are ready to join the community share a lot of their ideas and issues which women’s and men are facing, they can discuss the solution and demand for the rights, and they also receive the support and kind of motivation like they are not doing anything wrong by demanding for equality, network feminism helps to connect people and their ideologies, principles about feminism, conferences or online meet conducted about how to resolve the inequality, sexism and wrong beliefs from the society. so network feminism and cyberfeminism are also the pillars of feminism.

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