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June 12, 2021 at 7:55 pm #32211
A man always has opportunity and freedom to choose his career line . But a women is always a banded to choose her career line or she has given a limited choices to choose her career. Many times a girl has to kill her desires because of her husband, because of the society, because of the family and suck up such work which is against her wishes.
Many time girl want to do something big want achieve something but due to family pressure , she is forced and bounded in few job’s only. YouTube veg she is not evil to give 100%. Because it’s a human tendency that when we do something against our interest line, we are not happy with that and cannot perform that work with that much of efficiency and effectiveness. This is a kind of injustice to both that girl and her work.
It is said that whatever work we do, we must do it with full mind and full determination. But when a person is forced to work against her wishes, So she is not able to put her full strength and struggle in that work and she can never be happy. People believe that the girl should do a job from 10:00 to 5:00 because these job’s are safe and secure for a girl .
Girl never express her feeling easily to everyone. A girl is always taught from her childhood that what decision is according to the wishes of society her parents and people whatever action she is going to take, Whatever work she will do, it should be right in the eyes of society and family members. And keeping all these things in mind, a girl does the juice which is according to the wishes of her family and not according to her wish. A girl has every right to fulfill her dreams, she has the right to live her life according to her wishes, she has the right to use her career because going ahead she has to work in it, she has to take care of all that .June 13, 2021 at 3:40 am #32223No one can ever do something he/she is uncomfortable at. Be it a man or a woman, he/she would drop the work if it would be against their choice.
Everyone got their own specific interests in doing any kind of work they’re interested in. A man has the right to choose if he has to be become an engineer or a chef or anything of his choice, a woman is allowed to choose if she wants to become a teacher, an engineer or anything she likes. Our society never puts upon the terms and conditions in front of men when it comes to their choice of career but a woman is always conditioned to take care of her family first, to work efficiently inside the house even if she’s not interested or capable of doing the household chores, she’s been forced to work in their house.
Even though she never chooses household chores as her work, but she has to do that for the welfare of her family. She’s always been asked to do so yet she would never be able to give her 100% to that, she would be asked to that.
Women are superpowers who’ve survived through everything but she deserves equality like men to choose their careers.June 14, 2021 at 1:42 pm #32369Choosing one’s career line isn’t so simple as most people think, because sometimes there are no clear messages from inside. No matter how hard you try to understand it, you can’t get your hand on it. You can not even make your priority list, who needs to be first and second in job satisfaction. Thus, choosing a career is a very complicated process that can take lots of time and effort, including the personal experience of failure and disappointment. All the working girls want to be professionals and do a job of their own choice. They also want to earn lakhs and become financially stable. Some people may think that women should quit their jobs if they can’t give it their 100% of time and dedication. But some girls have no control over their circumstances since they are bound by husband/family members for several years of their productive life. They take up jobs according to the wishes of others.
Many people think that women are inherently less inclined to the career than men. Just look at the salaries and you will see that. Women don’t want to be lawyers, but they want money. Men don’t want to be childcare workers, but they like to be with kids. Just look at the choice of fields of study that men and women make, and you will see greater differences between men and women if we compare them by major areas of study than differences within majors. Sometimes after marriage, a woman is confronted by the fact that the work she was doing before, has been taken from her and given to her husband. At times this is done on purpose, at others, it happens by accident. Most often a man does not understand that in this way he takes away his wife’s freedom. He does not realize that he denies her the opportunity to live her own life, to find herself and be happy.
A woman can give 100% only if she thinks the work she is doing is the most desired. Otherwise, she’ll never be happy with what she does. She will work against herself if she has to do something that she doesn’t want to do. A young girl has to be clubbed with the responsibility of deciding all that which will happen in her life after this moment. She has to decide about the amount of education that she wishes to have, about the type of career that she should start with and there is a long list of things, which every person would like to do at least once in life. While one girl can achieve all her dreams, the other remains just a dream because of various problems.
June 14, 2021 at 3:25 pm #32377BY CHOOSING A WORK AGAINST HER CHOICE CAN SHE GIVE 100%
Choosing a career is a vital decision in everyone’s life and doing what you want to will lead to success and happiness but what you don’t like and still pursue will just lead to nothing. Women’s have to most of the times let go her interest and do what is ordered and directed to her by family or relatives, this happens because if she stands for herself then to there will no existence of her decision and she has to do what is said.
We might have heard that from childhood itself parents start teaching or putting their thoughts on children’s that you have to become teacher, doctor, etc. but they don’t ask what they want to do and this most common scenario is faced by girls in many areas of religion because some religions don’t allow to do some things or select that career.
There also happens when women are told to give up their career after marriages and just focus on family and house, or sometimes they are told to take up a career that involves less work and less time and distance, these are thoughts that still continue to occur. But men are motivated and given support to do whatever he chooses to. Gender discrimination is a wide problem and due to this, each woman faces inequality. If a woman will work against her choice, she won’t be able to give her 100% because she is not dedicated to that work nor she does that with all her heart, she will if do it then its because it is assigned to her. So work which can be done with choice has to be taken.June 14, 2021 at 4:35 pm #32378No one can give their 100 % if they didn’t get chance to work of their choice. This happens alot with women they don’t get to study more because family marriage pressure and family responsibilities.our society thinnks women should have to do basic education make basic career choices such as beautician, teacherand tailor do work from home as much as many female want to pursue career in I.T industry, entertainment industry and in fashion ,automobile this Industry is very vast and requires real talent and passionate who ready to give their time for this. But women after marriage have sacrifice their career because family responsibilities , children and women have to take permission from husband. Very few women in this country gets chance to continue their dream career, a person can give their 100 % if they are love in what they are doing and if It’s work they wanted to do. Women need to stop being puppet’s and Start doing what they want to do in career by staying strong and facing all the difficulties which are going to come between their way.society will criticise you but if every women started to choosingcareer it will bring a positive change in society.but women have face disappointment because they does not get equal pay and promotion they have to tackle the sexist behaviour everywhere.people will never understand madness of your own career choice until you make them understand. Killing your dreams and going for different career choices what people thinks is safe Even if you earn salary but one will be never be happy. Women is just expecting support from the family and husband,Nothing more that. Something are slowly evolving women who are educated they are not letting go there education in vain but becoming what they are working hard always trying to make their career as priority.
June 17, 2021 at 8:19 pm #32553In today’s generation their are many options in every field due to which men and women both has choice to choose their work according to their skills and talent. And if they don’t get their choice of work than it becomes difficult to work without their choice of interest. In many families parents used to force their children to choose the field of their parents choice but they will not ask them if they has interest or talent in that particular field. Due to which it become difficult for children to give their 100% towards particular field which is not of their choice or interest. After marriage many women sacrifice their career for taking care of family and children and if she want to do job of her own choice work for that she need to take her husband permission and due to which she didn’t get opportunity to do job of her own choice because all suggest her to be beautician, teacher, tailor, etc. Rather than giving opportunity to choice their work by her own. Due to which one can’t have focus towards particular work. In family, if daughter wants to be model and son wants to be an actor they support their son but they will not support her daughter because of society mentality due to which under being family pressure she choose against her choice work but she can’t give her 100% towards work because she want to be model and all the mind of her will always get diverted towards her choice of work. So this shows that parents don’t treat their daughter and son equally because of not supporting her daughter, she couldn’t get an opportunity to make you feel proud. Society has to change their thinking that by not supporting their daughter, wife, sister they are killing their dreams. Giving chance to choice their own work will automatically make them to work hard.
June 17, 2021 at 11:59 pm #32567Definitely she cannot. She can’t put her whole mond and interest in the work if she is not happy with her work and environment around it. Let alone let’s not forget how the workplaces give tough times to women . For men it is never a problem as they are free to choose the job they want. In case of women she has to choose according to her husband, family and children as she is responsible for handling both home and work and family should be her first priority. So many women are forced to do jobs like teaching or tutoring at home through blogging. It has really attracted a lot of housewives but still not everyone wants to stay at home.
So thus it’s really difficult for women and this is why they get stressed and mentally exhausted and unmotivated and thus ending up with leaving the jobs.
There is no excitement and as we know problems like unequal pay and lack of respect plus getting tired of work with handling of house work makes women feel burdened . Lets not forget the main reason behind it is stereotypes of this world who think women should always focus on jobs which will make it convenient to look after her family. Also not to forget how a lady is bombarded with request to have a child even when she not ready adding onto more responsibilities and thus resulting in loss of interest.June 19, 2021 at 7:53 pm #32628We often see women are considered puppet and the rope is in the hands of this male-dominated society. This society is just like jail to the women’s world.
She is not allowed to chose her profession the things she loves. If she chose there own professional she can be an inspiration to others as well as give her hundred per cent in this society. Indian women contribute to less than 17 per cent of GDP which shows that she is not allowed to work and even if she works to succeed.
I take an example of many successful women who have achieved heights in their life such as lata Mangeshkar who is a marvellous singer if she opposed to succeeding she might not know us now. There is no one perfect until we make things perfect for the exposer.We can only give our 100% when we are willing to that work. If we expose women with the work she wants to do she will excel in that. Why can they choose their desire work? Why this male-dominated society dictate women about her task?
There are many problems that women face in her day to day work. Where was she work she has to overcome many challenges and these challenges are mostly based on safety issues. Women face more threats than man. She is not only challenged physically but also mentally, socially and emotionally. We often see there are many women enterprise who has shown the world their potential. They have excel in the field where she was much interested.We should also make the free choice to opt for our desired occupation. No work is small or big we just have to give chance to women to show their talent. Many families have the trend that if they have a child she should in a profession where there is no physical and mental stress and tell her to be a good wife, daughter, mother. Why her career should be imposed on her before her birth?
We have to learn from our mistakes and look behind the uneven society where women suffer the most because of the oppressive nature of male. -
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