Get Inspired, Be Empowered Forums Gender Justice Are women the only victims of gender inequality?

13 replies, 14 voices Last updated by Afshan Iqbal 2 years, 11 months ago
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    Gender Inequality Harms Not Only Women And Girls, But Also Men And Boys. What Do You Think?

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    Gender inequality, is not a social norm for girls any more. 90% of our thinking process is based on that only issue, directly or indirectly. And the most shocking part that nobody take into consideration, is it is not only in root of women exploitation, but to men harassment too. Believe me, how much women are getting violated, men too are becoming it’s pray day by day.
    If we start from childhood, gender discrimination has already been started from your mother’s womb. Then we bound both of them in their life choices. According to society, girls can’t like fights, action, intelligence and boys should never cry, never show his emotions.
    If after being a girl you dress up like a boy, then you’ll be called like ‘bro’ and for a boy, it’s girly if he is arranged, presentable. From middle school’s ragging to high school’s ‘ hizra’, ‘not manly’, ‘gay’, ‘lesbian’,’short-dick’-terms are going to be stamped over you. And we’ll be the cause, our children shall face harassment in his/her everyday life.
    After graduating, we expect a man to be muscular, handsome, tall and most necessarily earn a significant amount of money to look over his family and a woman to look sexy, skinny, fair and to serve her husband, family and house. Strange isn’t it? How we just agree with these concepts? Because of we don’t let our girls to go out and earn, indirectly we’re always suppressing our boys that he has to be an earner as his whole family depends on him. She could have a dream to run a business or even he could have a dream to follow his passion which doesn’t make huge money. But we’re not going to think about them, there’s a society who have fixed it’s rules, nearly before centuries and we’re most obedient follower of it.
    She has to cook, he has to go to the office; she has to be a good mother, his duty is to make money for children, she should be expert in all ways, he can’t dance or sing as it doesn’t make money;she shouldn’t discover the unknown and he shouldn’t rest ; she shouldn’t study much and he, how could he let a girl beat him!
    Frustrating isn’t it?
    And have you ever think who is the reason of all that? We. Yes we, who started that gender discrimination when they never knew what’s the difference between frock and shirt-pant. We never allow them to think one as human, she is girl and he is boy, given by their looks. And if he doesn’t fit in those old-aged rules, he can’t live in society. Here and there everyone is talking about anti-depression zone and culture but have you wonder how your own child is feeling? Why a child can’t share every thing to his parents? Because you didn’t allow it. You never let them feel their freedom of being a human. Yes, it’s you. And by gender equality, not only a girl should be able to raise her voice but a boy should also be able to cry. When they can make a world where everybody will live according to their own principles that will be the world full of light.

    Saurav Kumar Singha
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    We shouldn’t blame only ourselves. It has been coming since the era when the human was developing. From the beginning of the human race, this system had been implanted in our brain unconsciously. By the time though human has been developed or science technology, everything has been developed but the source of our existence still lies in our nature and it is being carried generation to generation. In the book ‘sapiens: a brief history of human kind’ I read a lot of things which we do or are occurred in our daily lives is not for our social system but those are happening since the start.
    It seems to me that how much we will aware or consciously deal with these things I mean inequalities, we could throw out this blunder from our lives.
    If we go back in earlier centuries we could find out that this type of thinking I mean which you wrote here is bizarre. But in this century a great number of people at least more than earlier are thinking about this and they are trying to throw it out. I hope people will be more sensible, and they will deal with the inequalities more consciously with time.

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    Gender inequality is a threat to the society that includes both men and women. In the presence of gender inequality the society has divided everything in two parts where some things belong to the boys or men, and some belongs to girls and women, where women are bound to stay at home doing the house chores, men are also expected to go out and earn a livelihood for their families whether they want to do this or not. Gender inequality has created a hole in the society where everyone around has to work how the society wants them to, and not by their choice. Men are always expected to act strong in every situation, they’re not expected to cry because that’s what girls do. This society has grabbed basic human emotions into their unequal norms which are totally a threat to the society. The thinking of the society related to inequality needs to change and they need to turn their mindset towards an equal world where everyone is allowed to live their life on their own terms, in which a man and a woman can choose if they want to work for earning a livelihood or they have to sit at home doing the house chores. Boys and girls need not be discriminated upon the toys they play with. When people will stop judging a person on the basis of his/her gender is when this society will actually be considered equal.

    simran arora
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    While women’s issues of gender inequality are always a talk, only a few people or no one recognizes the impact of gender biases on men. The pain of a man begins since the day society teaches him that ‘you should not cry; instead, you should be strong.’ As much as it is a sexist remark, parents are the first in society to reinforce this idea.

    Society’s standards and expectations are far ahead for men in society. The parent’s first thought of career and profession for their boy is engineer, banker, or doctor. Only a few consider the other options, and somehow, all these options land into MBA. Until the child wants to do it or rebels for his passion, the possibility of deciding what he wants to do in life is precisely less.

    Men with a short height become the target more than the ones with a tall structure. It is sad how not only women but men are also the victims of appearance. The more sadistic part is yet to come. In marriage, when men agree to support their wives during pregnancy or take the responsibilities of fatherhood, society judges them for behaving like this. The men’s choices are not his choices but what society has thought for him.

    Whether it is a career opportunity or choosing to cry to satisfy his emotional stability, he is not independent to decide for himself. So yes, I do agree that gender inequality not only harms women but also harms men.

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    Gender inequality affects everyone including men.
    Everyone is affected by inequality, discrimination, and comparison between genders. Gender stereotypes affect children, young people, teenagers, women, men, older aged people too. It can be observed inequality starts when boys and girls are compared in school, boys are said not to participate in drama or dance and girls are recommended to not participate in sports or outdoor games, so here in these case, we can say both boys and girls face gender inequality. When they reach teenage some of them again said, boys should choose a career like engineering and which relates to men types of job, girls are said to opt for home science or course which doesn’t involve much of skills, so we can say at each situation or at any age men and women, boy or girl, inequality exists.
    Inequality of women is commonly seen and practiced but there are some cases where men and boys are too facing these issues. An example of the workplace, where leave is given to women but in many cases, we don’t focus on fact that men are restricted to leaves from office.
    Transgender diverse people, in this case, some are told to hide their identity wherever they go; schools, offices, in their surroundings, people may say bad about a guy because he wore a pink shirt which according to peoples mentality is girls color. So each of these things proves that all genders are discriminated against.

    Semantee Chattopadhyay
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    The current pendulum shift towards focusing on women in the workplace is a little bit confusing. The last decade has addressed an imbalance and they’ve given more voice to women in the workplace. Gender inequality exists in the world which affects men as well. There is deeply ingrained sexism that exists knowingly and unknowingly. We also hear nowadays “I didn’t get the job because I am a man” along with “I didn’t get the job as I am a woman”. There should be an equal opportunity for however you identify. Women have biologically acquired the skill of motherhood but people do become parents. So why isn’t there a paternal leave in the workplace? It is discriminatory against men. We have made everything a “woman’s” issue but it’s every person’s issue. Why are men expected to be emotionless? Why be a proper gentleman you have to pull the chair out in a restaurant? There is a stereotypical mindset of society that men can’t be tortured. There are no specific laws for men facing domestic violence as women have. People can’t accept that sometimes it is not privileged to be a man. They are subjected to the responsibility of carrying the financial responsibility when they grow up. Women can be a homemaker but a man cannot. There are notions men are stronger can hit their wives but we can’t overlook the fact that women hire goons or send their brothers to beat a guy even if it a false case. In 2014, the Delhi Commission for Women published a report stating that 54% of rapes reported in the city in 2013 were false. The media concentrates on glorifying the cases of women but not of men being subjected to violence and humiliation.
    From selecting colours to wear, to be masculine, to be aggressive there are so many labels given to a man. Questioning why he wears clothes designed for women or put on makeup is still an issue. Isn’t the phrase “all men are the same” demeaning towards men? In movies, television show when a woman is hit it becomes a national issue but when it is practised towards men why is it not? Violating the code of idealised masculinity is a point of stress for men. Gender equality can only be achieved when we give men today the appreciation they deserve and the space to make their own choices.

    Mayuravarshini Mohana
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    Gender inequality is the unfair and unequal delegation of opportunities and benefits based on prejudiced evaluation of an individual based on gender. The prejudice in question arises from prevalent gender norms and stereotypes. They dictate the way a person from a specific gender category should behave. Given that gender is itself a social construct i.e., it has plenty to do with social behaviour than any concrete demarcation, gender inequality is founded on false grounds.

    What is instantly apparent, or given much attention, is its effect of women. These stereotypes are taken to generalise women, group them together as a collective ‘they’ with no consideration of individual identities. ‘Women are bad drivers’, ‘Women are too emotional to handle diplomacy’, ‘Women can’t understand finances’ and so on are some quotidian examples.

    The impact of gender inequality on men is often unrecognised. All men are collectively viewed as benefactors of the patriarchal institution. It is believed that they find it easier to manoeuvre through the world, for hey, isn’t the world ‘male-centric’? Truth be told, gender inequality affects people of all gender categories. The behaviour patterns expected out of each gender is set in stone and any kind of transgression is met with abject disapproval, most apparent in the social ostracising of transgender people. It even augments to the degree of verbal and physical assault.

    While women are expected to be docile and submissive, men are expected to be macho and aggressive. Male children often encounter gendered ideas such as ‘Boys don’t cry’ or ‘Pink? What are you, a girl?’ told with intense disapproval. These are instances of scripting gender, and individuals are expected to perform them flawlessly. Such role-playing is crucial to the inhibitive nature of patriarchy where individuals are not allowed to be themselves. They have to be ‘men’ and ‘women’.

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    Gender Inequality refers to the unequal treatment of people based on their genders. It is prevalent all around the world and it occurs to anyone and everyone. Gender inequality not only affects women alone but men, non binary and transgender people.
    Gender inequality is a big issue for any gender. Each gender faces discrimination.
    From the start, men face gender inequality. Boys usually aren’t given dolls to play with. Dolls are associated with girls, so people think that the boy might be girly due to this. This is what happens when you assign a gender to toys. Parents do not allow their child to play with any “girly” toy and this leaves a negative impact on them. They might feel as if they’re lesser than the other boys or that boys who play with dolls are not really boys and assign gender to toys which is a very bad mindset. How can we improve gender equality when we are still stuck in this mentality?
    In school, boys have to be brave and strong. After all, they’re young men. They shouldn’t be weak or cry. If they do, they will be insulted for it. This is a big problem because men can cry too. Men deserve to cry when they feel like it. They shouldn’t feel as if their value is less for crying. It is wrong to bottle up their emotions. If they’re not vocal with their problems, it will lead to many mental health issues like anxiety and depression. The suicide rates for men are higher than the suicide rates for women.
    And if there is any man who challenges the idea of how men are, the man is called names and isn’t considered a man. Many male characteristics are rooted in toxic masculinity, not all men are aggressive or manly and that’s okay. What is not okay is judging other people. I feel a true man is someone who doesn’t judge other men who aren’t the stereotypical example of how men should be.
    Men are considered the better gender by some, so if some men could correct the mindset of their friends and other men who have a backward attitude, we can at least see them improve. But, gender equality is impossible to achieve without dismantling harmful structures like patriarchy, homophobia and transphobia. If this was done, gender equality can be achieved.
    So yes. Gender inequality is a concern for men as well.

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    Not only women but all are the victims of gender inequality. Generally people think gender inequality mostly happen with women but that’s not true. Men, women, gay, lesbian everyone are victims of gender inequality. Society does comparison between men and women with their education, married life and many more. Gay, lesbian are also not treat equally like others. Society has to understand they all are equal their is nothing to do comparison between all of them. Everyone should treated equally like others. In education also men always get priority from family. Why? Women are equally deserve to do education. Family should keep both of them in priority for education. Firstly in family their should not be comparison between their daughter and son that is first step to stop gender inequality. Men should also treated equally like women can cry show their emotions but men does that society will say don’t cry like women. Why? Men has right to express their emotions in their own way. It is not necessary that men can’t cry. Society thinking should get change because when women cry and show their emotions and if men choose the same way to express their emotions than society should not judge them. Both should be treated equally there is nothing wrong in crying to show emotions. In school and college boys are ones who treated strictly then girls. Teachers should treat all the students equally they should not do comparison between boys and girls. You never know if any student get hurt and do something wrong with themselves. In this cases parents should also be careful about not doing comparison with their son and daughter because their are many cases of suicide of students due to not getting high score. Society should stop judging it will be the great to end gender inequality.

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