Get Inspired, Be Empowered Forums Access to Education Obstacles to Girls’ Education and How to Overcome Them

23 replies, 21 voices Last updated by Afshan Iqbal 2 years, 1 month ago
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    Right to education is fundamental right of every human beings Whether it’s a man or a woman . And Elementary education should be available to every child, it is the law of our country.But there are still many children in our country who do not have access to education . Many children are unable to study even due to their poverty, parents put them into earning money at work right from childhood. And many the children are forced to beg .
    In India, the practice of educating girls was not there, people used to think that girls should do house chores . In ancient time girls do not have access to educate . Girls are not permitted to go to school. As the time passes the thinking and mentality is changed and according to the time the girl that the SS to get educate but still there are many girls who are not allowed how to get educated who are not allowed to attend the school college and get the basic education that is the elementary education which is compulsory for every children of India.
    Literacy rate of India is very low . The literacy rate of India is 74.04 % where as the male literacy rate is 82.1 4% and female literacy rate is 65.46 percent . You can see there is use different between the male and female literacy rate . Still there are many women’s who are not assessed to get educated . Due to the family pressure or in early age.
    Yes , the literacy rate of women is low but we cannot say that the men are getting a proper kind of education, or all men have the access to education . Many various barriers in way of education maybe it can be a cultural barrier , physical barrier , communication barrier . There are still many such villages in India in which school is not available, people have to go far to study, only the thought of getting educated . Still there is not a proper education system in India . There are many people either boy or girl who want to get educated but due to the poor family condition they are not able to continue their studies .
    Each and every person has right to get educated , but only if he or she won . We are no one to stop them from getting educated .

    Manpreet Singh
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    On the one hand, we have Kalpana Chawla, Arti Shah, Indira Gandhi, etc, who have excelled in the field of studies and reached new heights. On the other hand, we have a gaped female literacy rate at 53%, almost 25% less than their male counterparts. We have been an independent nation for almost 70 years now, then where have we lagged behind all these years? Why we are still looming large over illiteracy despite having made education a fundamental right? With the advancement that we have made, we should have achieved a good literacy rate in India. But the story is still the same.
    The female literacy rate is at a very low level, the main factor is the patriarchal setup of our society. It is our old thinking and bad social customs that have demarcated the roles between two genders. We as a society still expect that girls should look after the home and only men are made to do work in order to earn money. This old thinking is the biggest factor why our girls are not even able to clear primary education. To begin with, they are not given much choice about their life and their whole life is controlled by their parents. After they have completed their teen years, they are mostly married. They are regarded as some kind of burden on their parents. Even if they are allowed to pursue education, then also they will have very few choices before them. They either land in Home Science or teaching jobs. Due to this very thinking and social setup, much of our talent in female children are lost forever.
    Even if they are able to step of their home, that is the only one just one hurdle crossed, they still have to face many difficulties in order to state their claim on higher education. Right from the lack of sanitation facilities at school colleges to the harassment faced by them by their male counterparts, the girls are always at the receiving end. The question that remains is how can we improve their position and make them more educated. We need to understand that for that to happen we have to shackle all the roots of patriarchal society and give our girls the equal rights that they deserve. The government plays an important role in this and they have to rise above their vote bank politics. We had to make our parents understand that the girls are not a burden but an asset for them.

    Apoorva Pathak
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    Being a girl is a change today. We are fighting every day to get our rights. When women are educated they are less likely to face any challenge which can obstruct their freedom and rights. Their many obstacles usually faced by every woman.
    1- Financial issue- poverty is one such cause due to which many women are illiterate. As they are dependent on their family for education.
    2- Inequality- often girls are treated like slaves they are pushed away. they are dominated by male members.
    3- Menstruation- their many women who are not able to go for higher studies as there is a lack of separate toilets. There is no hygiene concept.
    4- Child marriage- usually girl child is considered a burden on their parents and they are wed at an early age which often leads to domestic violence.
    5- Trafficking- girls generally trap into the track of trafficking they are lured in different ways. Sometimes due to poverty parents sell their girl to get money.
    There are many more causes. About in this 21st century, there are lots of changes and has uplifted women society. Government and international groups are focusing on women based problems. sustainable development goal number 4 is based on quality education which works with illusive growth. Providing for health system so that every woman can study well which any health issues. Building female toilets and taking proper care of sanitation. Their financial schemes for girls so that they can have the education. After the 82nd amendment act 2002 has made it compulsory for parents to give education for free. There are many constitutional rights which give reservation to women in jobs and educational institution which has made easy for girls to have good education as well as jobs.

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    Unable to study or have proper education is among one of those scenarios where loopholes, made in our Constitution are shown explicitly. Though we have the right to education act of 21 A as a compulsory right, still more than half of the children don’t attend school and if we look over women specially, among 9 to 14 years old, approximately 53% girls don’t attend any education.
    Yes, we have some primary causes for it.
    As, India has its large portion of people suffering from poverty, this one reason lead to most of those moves taken by people to prevent women education.
    Poor people can’t arrange for proper education for their children.
    And among them who can afford atleast minimum, most of them choose their male children to have the facilities, whether it’s guided by major patriarchal norms or their own satisfaction. A girl is always ignored.
    Again when it comes to severe the financial expenses of a family, child marriage is considered as one of the best routes as women are always considered as a burden to increase expense.
    As we know, for the vastly increase in population, people from rural areas are suffering most and are moving to cities to find a shelter and some work. In these cases, both male and female child get harms. While male child are sent for most of the construction sites, women are preferred for doing household chores in someone else’s house in return of monthly wages.
    And we should never forget the dark sides of our society, promoting women illiteracy.
    Child trafficking, specially female, are among those dark world business and approx impossible to get out of it.
    Maybe it sounds crazy but our rural communities or people from underdeveloped areas, still don’t want to educate or send their girls to school. Why if you ask, you’ll get answers like, some of them are afraid of women exploitation, thus want their children at home, some says there’s no importance of education for women, as how much they will grow, cooking and handling household chores is the ultimate destination for girls, while others really want their children to be uneducated as education make their thoughts grow and raise their voice. And whether you admit or not, this is not only an explicit truth for rural areas, it’s same as the other side of society as well. People there can acknowledge female education and development until they are not raising their voice for truth.

    Now the question is what we can do.
    As a voter we can advice our government to take serious measures and continuously examine the effects on people while identifying where the fault lies.Though our government are doing and declaring many rules and regulations but This is not just a problem, demanding amendments and rules. Government has to be strict.
    Schools can be made free for children below poverty line, and amendment should not be written only in Constitution. Some schools are still demanding high amount of money in name of government. They have to be restricted or banned totally.
    And as for the local people, we can build campaign, try to make the people understand why women education is such an important and how should we arrange it. We should at least notice the poor or suffering family in our neighborhood and try to help them by sending their information to government or some NGO or to someone who can provide support.

    Yash Tiwari
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    Girls growing up in poverty often have to work to help provide for their family or are expected to marry young. Parents of girls living in poverty may want their children to marry wealthy men and help the family escape its poverty. Those girls who are lucky enough to be educated often stop studying after marriage and start taking care of the household and kids. This often means that girls from low-income families drop out at a much higher rate than boys. But it doesn’t have to be this way. The world is positively teeming with ways to keep girls from getting an education. A girl’s most basic challenge is just being born female, which increases her likelihood of dropping out of school by one-third, compared with boys. The odds also worsen if she is born into poverty: only half of the 144 million children of primary school age who are poor enroll in primary school, and only three in ten complete it.

    Several factors push girls out of school. In some countries, the problem is a lack of funding. Other countries, like Pakistan, have no laws against child labor. Some parents believe that their daughters should not be educated because it reduces the amount of time they can spend doing household chores or earning money. This is just an introduction to the topic: you do not need to tell how to overcome obstacles to girls’ education and how to make it work in any particular country. Child marriage has detrimental effects on girls’ health, education, and income-generating capacity. It can also increase the likelihood of domestic violence and sexual abuse.

    Girls are more likely to be pulled out of school and into domestic work. They miss classes, fall behind in their studies, and lose confidence in their abilities. Most girls around the world grow up with a sense of responsibility to their families, not only because this is expected of them but also because their survival often depends on it. Sometimes the obstacles to girls going to school are obvious, such as war or terrorism, or a lack of roads in the area she lives. Other times, it’s more subtle, such as a lack of female teachers and female role models at school, or gender-biased curriculums and textbooks.

    Girls are struggling in school because of a lack of awareness in their communities and a lack of access to education. Alternatively, because of fear that girls will be abused or married off, many families keep their girls home from school, perpetuating the problem. Other issues include the lack of sanitary latrines and places to wash. All these issues have solutions that can help girls get the education they need to overcome obstacles and succeed in life.

    simran arora
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    Globally, women’s access to education is highly less than men’s. This obstacle is not only prevalent in rural but also urban areas. One of the reasons for to lack of education among women is trafficking. In today’s time, it is not only a business, but some women are forced to be trafficked by their family members. The violence does not restrict outside the home, but one may find its presence inside the household, too. In rural areas, a girl is often raped by a paternal figure or any man in the family.

    The obstacles in a woman’s education are her gender and this preconception of ‘she belongs to someone else.’ Other reasons are menstruation, household chores, the cost of education, and child marriage.

    If we look at these aspects closely, we will find gender-based violence in each reason. Even if men are forced into child marriage, they still hold a right to education while women don’t. Even in towns and countries, women are often married after their legal age and are asked to be more proactive in their household and motherly lives. The cost of education is equal for both a boy and a girl. Yet, when it comes to a girl’s education, the bar suddenly raises high. Also, there is the responsibility of doing household chores. In some cultures, it is still stereotypical to ask men to do household work. So, it leaves the idea to women to do all the jobs. Menstruation is the most common reason why girls are not allowed to study. As soon as a girl reaches her puberty age, society tells her she is no longer pure. She sheds blood which is not good.

    There are many more obstacles one would find in girls’ education. UNICEF has launched a campaign and made a girl’s education an utmost priority. Various activists have been working over empowering girls to educate themselves. However, at a ground level, we need to spread awareness about the obstacles mentioned above. We need to spread the word that learning or educating oneself is not a crime and a basic fundamental right.

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    Access to education is the basic and universal right for everyone. But still the literacy rate of female is very low as compare to male, there are school for girls but Some traditional society people believe that there is no point in making girl educated because of end of we have to do marriage and handle the responsibility of the family and also some girls because of less resources, financial burden and family restrictions does not get the chance. Government has launch Many policies for making girl educated but the ground reality is very different even if girl register her name in school she is not regularly keep going to school. Everyone how much impact of education have in one’s life and career. Nobody gets easily if he is not learn basic education and now a days digital knowledge is also very essential. When a girl learns the whole generation get education but some people from society still appreciate our give permission to access to education. Some girls really strong they balance education and house responsibility but they never leave or hamper the study. Also there is no state in India where literacy rate of female is 100% . We are in 21st century but then also some girls do not get the access to education. Education also comes in basic needs for survival, if girl is educated she doesn’t have to depend on male member she can handle all finance and paper work on their, when somebody tries to mislead them they can save them. Girl can also learn for free there are organisation which provides the free education to girls. Girls need to make understand there parents why education is important to her. And there is no age for education anybody can learn at any age. Girls and women are base of life teach them and enable them.

    anshika agarwal
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    There are alot of obstacles to girls education. According to a research, globally there are 130 million girls who are not currently enrolled in school. There is a need to uplift the condition of girls in the field of Education. Enrolling girls in school supports economic growth and promotes peace. Poverty is one of the most important factor that determines whether a girl can have education or not. In regions where parents don’t have to pay school fees but it is difficult to cope up with the costs of transportation and textbooks. Parent’s don’t let their girls go to school and even forcefully do child marriage of girls. Due to which they experience early pregnancies, malnourishment and domestic violence. Menstruation in girls is also an obstacle to their education. Girls start skipping schools due to their menstruating days. Some girls don’t have enough sanitary products. Girls are forced to do household chores which results in lack of education. Gender based violence including physical and sexual abuse. It results in lowering their participation and increases absenteeism and dropout rates in education field. One problem is human trafficking and girls are the major victim of this. Traffickers exploit girls for forced labor and marriage. This can overcome by maximizing the impact. Government and organizations should focus on regularly checking that girls are in the schools or not. They have to increase enrollment and make sure they stay their on long term basis. By educating the communities about education in girl’s life it can help in overcoming the obstacles. Girl’s education must be taken as an important factor in the society.

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    Education is very important part of each and every person life especially in today era. In ancient time only boys are allowed to get educated very few parents allowed their girls to get proper education. After so much of struggle women are not freely get access to educated . But this journey is very difficult for them.
    The difficulties they have face are :-
    The major educational problem faced by girls, especially girls from rural areas, is that although they may be enrolled at the beginning of the year, they do not always remain in school. It is estimated that 45 percent of girls dropout of school between grades 1 and 5 . Girls are often taken out of school to share the family respon­sibilities such as caring for younger siblings, etc.
    In respective of Daughter education, parents always differ is son education . If a family has to choose between educating a son or a daughter because of financial restric­tions, typically the son will be chosen. Negative parental attitudes towards educating daughters can also be a barrier to a girl’s education.
    Child marriage, the marriage of a child under the age of 18, happens all over the world but occurs disproportionately in developing countries. Some parents believe they are protecting their children from harm or stigma associated with having a relationship outside of marriage, but child brides who miss out on education are also more likely to experience early pregnancy, malnourishment, domestic violence, and pregnancy complications. For families experiencing financial hardship, child marriage reduces their economic burden, but it ends up being more difficult for girls to gain financial independence without education. These are the few obstacles every girl always face during her education Duration.
    Remedies overcome these Obstacles –UNICEF is prioritizing girls secondary education initiatives that tackle discriminatory gender norms, and address menstrual hygiene management in schools. Education Cannot Wait, the world’s first fund dedicated to education in crisis and conflict, is promoting safe learning environments, improving teachers’ skills, and supporting gender-responsive education programs. The Malala Fund, founded by Pakistani activist and Nobel Prize winner Malala Yousafzai, is investing in local education activists, advocating to hold leaders accountable, and amplifying girls’ voices. Creating awareness among girls parents and changing the mind-set for girl education, through various roadside play’s .

    Semantee Chattopadhyay
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    Women are half of the world. For example, in a business, if you trained half of the employees your business won’t succeed. They’ll be a burden on your business and will be resented by other employees for not pulling away. How is it that a community or a country can expect to thrive when it only educates half its citizens? When women and never given the chance to develop skills and their potential will always be seen of lesser value than men photo have access to education. This becomes a vicious cycle that keeps going on until the time when women as role model in the community can show what they can do and help move and improve society. Women play a very important role in the socio-economic development of a country.
    A national comment meant to provide free and compulsory education to all in the 6
    6 to 14 years of age group is now a fundamental right of every child in India after the passing of the Constitution (86th Amendment Act) in December 2002. Ensuring girls education requires change not only in the education system but also in societal norms and attitudes. Gender inequality in education is also extreme. Girls are less likely to access school, to remain in school or to achieve education. The educational backwardness of the girls has been both the cause and result of their low status in society. The prevalence of segregation of women folk, child marriage, absence of a divorce system is obstructing the educational development of women. More than 75% of illiterate girls belong to the poorest section of society. They live in old traditions of the society in which inequality of genders is embedded into the minds of boys and girls. In most middle-class families the girls get an education but their lifestyle confines them to domestic work resulting in the deterioration of their state in the family.

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