Get Inspired, Be Empowered Forums Rights & Laws Marital rape isn’t legal, and that’s okay? Reply To: Marital rape isn’t legal, and that’s okay?

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Marital rape is a serious violation of human right. I strongly feel that without the wive’s consent, the husband cannot force her to have sexual intercourse with him. Men in society have for long felt that they can force and dictate women for whatever they want, be it by not allowing them to pursue their career after marriage, by limiting them to the walls of household, by making excessive demands on them to forcing sex against their will. The men must understand that a ‘No’is a no, be it in a situation outside marriage or within it. The issue of marital rape must be correctly addressed by the judiciary.It is a part of domestic violence against women. In a time when we talk about women’s rights and women empowerment, it is very important to come up to a solution to this heinous crime.