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According to United Nations Population Fund, about 140 million girls will become child brides between 2011 and 2020. (UNFPA). When children’s weddings are at the current level, 14.2 million girls are marrying too young each year, or 39,000 a day. In addition, of the 140 million females married by 18 years, 50 million are under 15. 50 million are married. Nothing has been achieved in the termination of child marriage, despite the physical damage and continuous discrimination against young children. Indeed, with the growing adolescent population in the developing world, the problem threatens to rise. Child marriage constitutes an abhorrent breach of human rights and takes away girls’ education, health, and their long-term potential. A girl whose potential will not be achieved who is married as a kid. We have to work together and finish child marriage because a lot of parents and communities want their children to get the best out of it as well.
The major cause of death for young women aged 15-19 is the complications of pregnancy and childbirth. Young females who married later and delay their pregnancy after adolescence have more opportunities to stay healthier, improve education and improve living conditions for themselves and their families. Unfortunately, the UN Millennium Development Goals 4 & 5, which aim for a two-thirds reduction in the mortality rate of under 5 people, and a three-fourths reduction in maternal mortality by 2015, are not fulfilled when child marriage is not addressed adequately. Child marriage is a global issue, yet both within and within nations, rates vary drastically.
Most children marry occurs in rural sub-Saharan Africa and Southern Asia in both proportions and numbers. Niger, 75%; Chad and the Central African Representation, 68%; Bangladesh, 66%; Guinea, 63%; Mozambique, 56%; Mali, 65%; Burkina Faso and Southern Sudan are 10 countries with the highest child marriage rates. For decades, child marriage is a difficult issue, firmly established in gender inequity, tradition, and poverty. Children’s marriage Practice is especially frequent in rural and poor places, with limited opportunities for girls. Parents often arrange weddings, and there is no choice between young girls. In a community, social influences can push families to young children’s marriages. Some tribes, for example, think marrying girls bring favors to families before they reach puberty. Some communities think that early marriage protects young girls against sexual assault and abuse and see it as a means of ensuring their daughter does not get pregnant.