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Gender bias means giving importance to only one gender and not giving a chance to other gender it mostly happens at workplace. Around 42% women goes through gender discrimination at workplace. Men and women should get equal opportunities at workplace, so that women will get a chance to work equally on different projects. Educating workers about gender bias is necessary it will clear them to know about gender bias happens towards women, so that they can identify the gender bias happens towards women by taking stand against it. We all know that women are paid less than men at workplace, companies should treat men and women equally by giving them equal opportunities and equal pay with equal treatment without making discrimination against women and she should raise her voice for not paying her equally like men. At workplace people should take stand whenever gender bias is happening they should support equality, so that it may influence other people to prevent gender bias. In classroom also gender bias take places to prevent it, teacher should support and encourage all the students equally. Instead of using girls and boys they should say students and give equal treatment for students, so that their mindset will remain equal towards both gender. Society need to stop making gender discrimination between men and women by being one sided it lead to gender bias. After marriage women are responsible for all the household work instead of that both gender men and women should take equal responsibility due to which it will not leads to gender bias towards women. Both men and women should get equal chance for making heir career. People should change their mindset towards women instead of supporting only one gender they should support both the gender equally because when gender inequality, gender discrimination, gender stereotypes will prevent than only gender bias will minimize.