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Manpreet Singh
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The word “male view” was popularised as inert, often blatantly sexualized, objects of masculine desire, in regard to the representation of female characters in movies. The influence of the male gaze, however, is not restricted to how the films feature women and girls. Rather, the experience of being viewed this way extends to all girls and women in general, both in the case of female figures on the screen and via extension. Naturally, female self-perception and self-esteem are affected by the male gaze. This is all about how women are conditioned to fulfill these supportive roles, and the impact of seeing other women limited to these supportive duties. The urge to comply to (or to embrace or humorize) this patriarchal vision and persist in this way impacts the way women believe their own bodies, capacities, and positions in the world—and those of other women.
This topic covers all the mediums in which women are depicted and their experiences in real life in general. Think, for example, of how women often appear in advertising, magazine coverage, and social media compared to men, as well as of how their bodies usually have camera frames. Take into account the emphasis on how women, even their terms, seem, dress, and behavior as contrasted to men. These women’s bodies are utilized to market and attract attention (mostly heterosexual). On the cover of magazines, female celebrities pose provocatively, male stars (typically fully dressed) stand alongside or on their own less dressed models. The idea is that without displaying a lot of skin, males are provocative enough. There are certainly numerous perspectives about the influence and relevance of the men’s gaze and how this could have been or could not have been in the nearly half a century when the term was first introduced to the public. Many believe, however, that the foundations of the male look are profoundly sexist, patriarchal, misogynist and its impact is still entrenched. In addition, the male gaze is an additional burden for persons in traditionally oppressed groups. For example, the male gaze, which adds yet another facet of a stereotype to the systemic racism they endure, has historically represented black women as hypersexual.
Awareness of the influence of the men’s gaze is essential to free themselves from their power. It can only compensate a considerable bit of its impact if you consider its prevalence and influence so that you view yourself and function simply as you are in the world without being relieved of your supportive role. Focusing and searching for images of women and girls who go against male gaze tropes can also help fracture our collective psyches. Ultimately, you can be the one you want to be by putting out the weight of worrying that you see, who watches or fits in with the prescribed “woman” role.