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Prostitution should be legal would say yes but there should be some restriction on the age limit of girls the women between age group 24¬-40 should be allowed to work as a prostitute but not small or bigger than because it can harm their health. I think prostitution and sex work are not looked at as an illegal activity because it can be a source of earning for some women through that they are running the house, it should be given the same respect which other work gets. A sex worker is always treated as untouched or not acceptable to society. Some women are hiding their work from the society or community because in some society people will make more difficult their survival, that’s why making it legal is very much needed. The government needs to set some rules and assure their safety and security because some people call prostitutes to take benefit of them and do not give them a penny. And prostitutes cannot be treated as commodities or toys they are humans. And prostitution not be carried out at hotels or public places there should special area for that. Sex -workers’ health checks up after a specific term should be done compulsorily so they can get infected or transmission infection. When women are pregnant, they should be not allowed to work or even when menstruating because we need to make these rules some people force or pressurize women to serve the client which causes major health problems. There should special security and bouncers in the area of prostitution. This will give them protection from the bad and senseless people entering. Prostitution should make sure that they are not allowing their children and family at their workplace. Prostitution should not be turned into sex trafficking, sexual slavery, and sexual harassment and sex rackets, etc. and then it should be made punishable for collaborating in these illegal activities then they are punishable. Women who are prostitutes are treated as characterless which is very unkind and inhuman.