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Should prostitution be made legal?
Prostitution is the practice or act of indulging into sexual activity with people and receiving payment in return for the same. In India, prostitution as such is not illegal as no part of the constitution covers it but managing or handling a brothel is definitely illegal. Even though prostitution or ‘sex-work’ is not illegal, prostitutes in the society are treated like untouchable objects. They are looked down upon and they do not ever gain any respect in the eyes of society, the sole reason being, sex is considered taboo in our society, hence also prostitution and prostitutes.
I think, like all other occupations, sex work also must be respected, keeping in mind, someone out there is literally working so hard in order to earn a living to raise children, to cure a sick husband, to live the life they desired, to stay at par with the rest of the world and they are still called names when they come home after work. Prostitution should definitely be legal in India but only if it is not forced. It is not only serving as a source of income for about 20 million people in India, but is also something that will prevent a lot of other mishaps.
Out of these very 20 million, about 16 million females are working as prostitutes as a result of sexual trafficking and slavery. As long as prostitution is somebody’s will, it is fair and just and must remain to be legal. As soon as prostitution turns into sexual harassment, sexual trafficking, sexual slavery, it turns into something illegal and that should be made punishable. It should be treated like a normal occupation and source of income and to earn one’s living. Just because our society’s mindset is fixed and stereotypical, it does not mean we can declare people untouchable and characterless on the basis of their work source.
It is a matter of one’s willingness and wish. Let us let it remain as simple as it is and not complicate the lives of those who are already struggling in such tangled ways to earn livelihood. It is a matter of kindness and humanity. Hence, just because sex is considered a taboo in our society, it does not mean prostitution can be banned. It is legally correct and it shall remain to be so.
A woman myself,
Shubhangini Shaktawat